New articles on Quantum Physics

[1] 2410.14779

Tighter Lower Bounds on Quantum Annealing Times

We derive lower bounds on the time needed for a quantum annealer to prepare the ground state of a target Hamiltonian. These bounds do not depend on the annealing schedule and can take the local structure of the Hamiltonian into account. Consequently, the bounds are computable without knowledge of the annealer's dynamics and, in certain cases, scale with the size of the system. We discuss spin systems where the bounds are polynomially tighter than existing bounds, qualitatively capturing the scaling of the exact annealing times as a function of the number of spins.

[2] 2410.14784

Noise resilience in adaptive and symmetric monitored quantum circuits

Monitored quantum circuits offer great perspectives for exploring the interplay of quantum information and complex quantum dynamics. These systems could realize the extensively studied entanglement and purification phase transitions, as well as a rich variety of symmetry-protected and ordered non-equilibrium phases. The central question regarding such phases is whether they survive in real-world devices exhibiting unavoidable symmetry-breaking noise. We study the fate of the symmetry-protected absorbing state and charge-sharpening transitions in the presence of symmetry-breaking noise, and establish that the net effect of noise results in coherent and incoherent symmetry-breaking effects. The coherent contribution removes a sharp distinction between different phases and renders phase transitions to crossovers. Nevertheless, states far away from the original phase boundaries retain their essential character. In fact, corrective feedback in adaptive quantum circuits and postselected measurements in symmetric charge-conserving quantum circuits can suppress the effects of noise, thereby stabilizing the absorbing and charge-sharp phases, respectively. Despite the unavoidable noise in current quantum hardwares, our findings offer an optimistic outlook for observing symmetry-protected phases in currently available Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Moreover, our work suggests a symmetry-based benchmarking method as an alternative for characterizing noise and evaluating average local gate fidelity.

[3] 2410.14792

CountCrypt: Quantum Cryptography between QCMA and PP

We construct a quantum oracle relative to which BQP = QCMA but quantum-computation-classical-communication (QCCC) key exchange, QCCC commitments, and two-round quantum key distribution exist. We also construct an oracle relative to which BQP = QMA, but quantum lightning (a stronger variant of quantum money) exists. This extends previous work by Kretschmer [Kretschmer, TQC22], which showed that there is a quantum oracle relative to which BQP = QMA but pseudorandom state generators (a quantum variant of pseudorandom generators) exist. We also show that QCCC key exchange, QCCC commitments, and two-round quantum key distribution can all be used to build one-way puzzles. One-way puzzles are a version of "quantum samplable" one-wayness and are an intermediate primitive between pseudorandom state generators and EFI pairs, the minimal quantum primitive. In particular, one-way puzzles cannot exist if BQP = PP. Our results together imply that aside from pseudorandom state generators, there is a large class of quantum cryptographic primitives which can exist even if BQP = QCMA, but are broken if BQP = PP. Furthermore, one-way puzzles are a minimal primitive for this class. We denote this class "CountCrypt".

[4] 2410.14828

A Liquid-Core Fiber Platform for Classical and Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Measurements

We introduce a toluene-filled fiber platform for two-photon absorption measurements. By confining both the light and molecular sample inside the 5 $\mu$m hollow core of the fiber, we increase the distance over which the nonlinear light-matter interaction occurs. With only a 7.3 nL excitation volume, we measure classical two-photon absorption (C2PA) at an average laser power as low as 1.75 nW, which is a 45-fold improvement over a conventional free-space technique. We use this platform to attempt to measure entangled two-photon absorption (E2PA), a process with a limited operating regime due to a crossover in dominating processes from E2PA to C2PA as photon flux is increased. Recently, several teams of researchers have reported that E2PA cross sections are much smaller than previously claimed. As a result, the process dominates at photon fluxes so low that it is extremely difficult or impossible to measure using conventional free-space techniques. In this report, we implement the first E2PA measurement using a waveguide. We see no evidence of E2PA, and we set an upper bound on the cross section consistent with these recent reports.

[5] 2410.14850

Cooperative non-reciprocal emission and quantum sensing of symmetry breaking

Non-reciprocal propagation of energy and information is fundamental to a wide range of quantum technology applications. In this work, we explore the quantum many-body dynamics of a qubit ensemble coupled to a shared bath that mediates coherent and dissipative inter-qubit interactions with both symmetric and anti-symmetric components. We find that the interplay between anti-symmetric (symmetric) coherent and symmetric (anti-symmetric) dissipative interactions results in non-reciprocal couplings, which, in turn, generate a spatially asymmetric emission pattern. We demonstrate that this pattern arises from non-reciprocal interactions coupling different quantum many-body states within a specific excitation manifold. Focusing on solid-state baths, we show that their lack of time-reversal and inversion symmetry is a key ingredient for generating non-reciprocal dynamics in the qubit ensemble. With the plethora of quantum materials that exhibit this symmetry breaking at equilibrium, our approach paves the way for realizing cooperative non-reciprocal transport in qubit ensembles without requiring time-modulated external drives or complex engineering. Using an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers coupled to a generic non-centrosymmetric ferromagnetic bath as a concrete example, we demonstrate that our predictions can be tested in near-future experiments. As the spatial asymmetry in the relaxation dynamics of the qubit ensemble is a direct probe of symmetry breaking in the solid-state bath, our work also opens the door to developing model-agnostic quantum sensing schemes capable of detecting bath properties invisible to current state-of-the-art protocols, which operate solid-state defects as single-qubit sensors.

[6] 2410.14860

Universal quantum computation using Ising anyons from a non-semisimple Topological Quantum Field Theory

We propose a framework for topological quantum computation using newly discovered non-semisimple analogs of topological quantum field theories in 2+1 dimensions. These enhanced theories offer more powerful models for quantum computation. The conventional theory of Ising anyons, which is believed to describe excitations in the $\nu = 5/2$ fractional quantum Hall state, is not universal for quantum computation via braiding of quasiparticles. However, we show that the non-semisimple theory introduces new anyon types that extend the Ising framework. By adding just one new anyon type, universal quantum computation can be achieved through braiding alone. This result opens new avenues for realizing fault-tolerant quantum computing in topologically ordered systems.

[7] 2410.14891

LUCI in the Surface Code with Dropouts

Recently, usage of detecting regions facilitated the discovery of new circuits for fault-tolerantly implementing the surface code. Building on these ideas, we present LUCI, a framework for constructing fault-tolerant circuits flexible enough to construct aperiodic and anisotropic circuits, making it a clear step towards quantum error correction beyond static codes. We show that LUCI can be used to adapt surface code circuits to lattices with imperfect qubit and coupler yield, a key challenge for fault-tolerant quantum computers using solid-state architectures. These circuits preserve spacelike distance for isolated broken couplers or isolated broken measure qubits in exchange for halving timelike distance, substantially reducing the penalty for dropout compared to the state of the art and creating opportunities in device architecture design. For qubit and coupler dropout rates of 1% and a patch diameter of 15, LUCI achieves an average spacelike distance of 13.1, compared to 9.1 for the best method in the literature. For a SI1000(0.001) circuit noise model, this translates to a 36x improvement in median logical error rate per round, a factor which increases with device performance. At these dropout and error rates, LUCI requires roughly 25% fewer physical qubits to reach algorithmically relevant one-in-a-trillion logical codeblock error rates.

[8] 2410.14914

Recovering dark states by non-Hermiticity

Dark states, which are incapable of absorbing and emitting light, have been widely applied in multiple disciplines of physics. However, the existence of dark states relies on certain strict constraints on the system. For instance, in the fundamental {\Lambda} system, a perturbation breaking the degeneracy between two energy levels may destroy the destructive interference and demolish the dark state. Here, we show that non-Hermiticity can be exploited as a constructive means to restore a dark state. By compensating for the undesired perturbations, non-Hermiticity produces unidirectional couplings such that the dark state remains decoupled from the rest of the system. Implementing this scheme in many-body systems, flat bands and edge states can be recovered by losses and gains. Further taking into account interactions, a range of novel quantum phases could arise in such non-Hermitian systems.

[9] 2410.14955

Quantum imaginary time evolution and UD-MIS problem

In this work we apply a procedure based on the quantum imaginary time evolution method to solve the unit-disk maximum independent set problem. Numerical simulations were performed for instances of 6, 8 and 10-qubits graphs. We have found that the failure probability of the procedure is relatively small and rapidly decreases with the number of shots. In addition, a theoretical upper bound for the failure probability of the procedure was obtained.

[10] 2410.14976

Multi-channel, tunable quantum photonic devices on fiber-integrated platforms

Scalable, reliable quantum light sources are essential for increasing quantum channel capacity and advancing quantum protocols based on photonic qubits. Although recent developments in solid-state quantum emitters have enabled the generation of single photons with high performance, the scalable integration of quantum devices onto practical optical platforms remains a challenging task. Here, we present a breakthrough in achieving a multiple, tunable array of quantum photonic devices. The selective integration of multiple quantum dot devices onto a V-groove fiber platform features scalability, tunability, high yield, and high single-photon coupling efficiency. Therefore, our fiber-integrated quantum platform realizes a scalable and reliable single-photon array within a compact fiber chip at telecom wavelengths.

[11] 2410.15032

Sequential information theoretic protocols in continuous variable systems

In order to enable the sequential implementation of quantum information theoretic protocols in the continuous variable framework, we propose two schemes for resource reusability, resource-splitting protocol and unsharp homodyne measurements. We demonstrate the advantage offered by the first scheme in implementing sequential attempts at continuous variable teleportation when the protocol fails in the previous round. On the other hand, unsharp quadrature measurements are employed to implement the detection of entanglement between several pairs of parties. We exhibit that, under specific conditions, it is possible to witness the entanglement of a state an arbitrary number of times via a scheme that differs significantly from any protocol proposed for finite dimensional systems.

[12] 2410.15041

High-precision pulse calibration of tunable couplers for high-fidelity two-qubit gates in superconducting quantum processors

For superconducting quantum processors, stable high-fidelity two-qubit operations depend on precise flux control of the tunable coupler. However, the pulse distortion poses a significant challenge to the control precision. Current calibration methods, which often rely on microwave crosstalk or additional readout resonators for coupler excitation and readout, tend to be cumbersome and inefficient, especially when couplers only have flux control. Here, we introduce and experimentally validate a novel pulse calibration scheme that exploits the strong coupling between qubits and couplers, eliminating the need for extra coupler readout and excitation. Our method directly measures the short-time and long-time step responses of the coupler flux pulse transient, enabling us to apply predistortion to subsequent signals using fast Fourier transformation and deconvolution. This approach not only simplifies the calibration process but also significantly improves the precision and stability of the flux control. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through the implementation of diabatic CZ and iSWAP gates with fidelities of $99.61\pm0.04\%$ and $99.82\pm0.02\%$, respectively, as well as a series of diabatic CPhase gates with high fidelities characterized by cross-entropy benchmarking. The consistency and robustness of our technique are further validated by the reduction in pulse distortion and phase error observed across multilayer CZ gates. These results underscore the potential of our calibration and predistortion method to enhance the performance of two-qubit gates in superconducting quantum processors.

[13] 2410.15080

Quantum-Classical Computing via Tensor Networks

Circuit knitting offers a promising path to the scalable execution of large quantum circuits by breaking them into smaller sub-circuits whose output is recombined through classical postprocessing. However, current techniques face excessive overhead due to a naive postprocessing method that neglects potential optimizations in the circuit structure. To overcome this, we introduce qTPU, a framework for scalable hybrid quantum-classical processing using tensor networks. By leveraging our hybrid quantum circuit contraction method, we represent circuit execution as the contraction of a hybrid tensor network (h-TN). The qTPU compiler automates efficient h-TN generation, optimizing the balance between estimated error and postprocessing overhead, while the qTPU runtime supports large-scale h-TN contraction using quantum and classical accelerators. Our evaluation shows orders-of-magnitude reductions in postprocessing overhead, a $10^4\times$ speedup in postprocessing, and a 20.7$\times$ reduction in overall runtime compared to the state-of-the-art Qiskit-Addon-Cutting (QAC).

[14] 2410.15121

Simulating and investigating various dynamic aspects of $\rm{H}_2\rm{O}$-related hydrogen bond model

A simple $\rm{H}_2\rm{O}$-related hydrogen bond model, modified from the Jaynes-Cummings model, is proposed and its various dynamic aspects are investigated theoretically. In this model, the formation and breaking processes of hydrogen bond are accompanied by the creation and annihilation of the thermal phonon of the medium. A number of simplifying assumptions about the dynamics of the molecules involved are used. Rotating wave approximation is applied under consideration of the strong-coupling condition. Dissipative dynamics under the Markovian approximation is obtained through solving the quantum master equation - Lindbladian. The probabilities of reaction channels involving hydrogen bond depending on the parameters of the external environment, are obtained. Differences between unitary and dissipative evolutions are disciussed. Consideration is given to the effect of all kinds of potential interactions and dissipations on evolution. Consideration is also given to the reverse processes (inflows) of dissipations. The results show that the magnitude changes of the interactions and dissipations have slight effect on the formation of hydrogen bond, but the variation of the reverse processes of dissipations significantly affect the formation of hydrogen bond. According to the findings, the dynamics of $\rm{H}_2\rm{O}$-related hydrogen bond model can be controlled by selectively choosing system parameters. The results will be used as a basis to extend the research to more complex chemical and biological model in the future.

[15] 2410.15129

Optimizing Unitary Coupled Cluster Wave Functions on Quantum Hardware: Error Bound and Resource-Efficient Optimizer

In this work, we study the projective quantum eigensolver (PQE) approach to optimizing unitary coupled cluster wave functions on quantum hardware, as introduced in arXiv:2102.00345. The projective quantum eigensolver is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm which, by optimizing a unitary coupled cluster wave function, aims at computing the ground state of many-body systems. Instead of trying to minimize the energy of the system like in the variational quantum eigensolver, PQE uses projections of the Schr\"odinger equation to efficiently bring the trial state closer to an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian. In this work, we provide a mathematical study of the algorithm, which allows us to obtain a number of interesting results. We first show that one can derive a bound relating off-diagonal coefficients (residues) of the Hamiltonian to the error of the algorithm. This bound not only gives a formal motivation to the projective approach to optimizing unitary coupled cluster wavefunctions, but it also allows us to formulate a well-informed convergence criterion for residue-based optimizers. We then introduce a mathematical study of the classical optimization itself, and show that, using our results, one can derive a residue-based optimizer for which we present numerical evidence of superiority over both the optimization introduced in arXiv:2102.00345 and VQE optimized using the Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno (BFGS) method.

[16] 2410.15131

Network Nonlocality Without Entanglement Of All Sources

Entanglement and nonlocality are two important nonclassical features of quantum correlations. Recently the study of quantum correlations in networks has undergone remarkable progress owing to technological development towards scalable quantum networks. However, compared to standard Bell scenario, manifestation of the interplay between these two aspects has received less attention in network scenarios featuring independent sources. In this work we have analyzed the relation between entanglement content of the sources and detectable non n-locality in two distinct network topologies(linear and star). We have studied the extremal violations of n-local inequalities(compatible with linear and star network) for any fixed amount of entanglement(in terms of concurrence) of the independent sources. It is observed that each of the sources must be entangled for detecting non n-locality in linear network. However, the same is not true for star n-local network. Present analysis is revealing that entanglement of all the independent sources is not a necessity for generation of non n-local correlations in star topology. Characterization of sources in terms of minimum entanglement requirement for any fixed violation amount of the n-local inequalities is also provided. Interestingly, detection of non n-locality is ensured in the network if product of concurrence of all the sources involved exceeds 1/2. .

[17] 2410.15210

Robust Noise Suppression and Quantum Sensing by Continuous Phased Dynamical Decoupling

We propose and demonstrate experimentally continuous phased dynamical decoupling (CPDD), where we apply a continuous field with discrete phase changes for quantum sensing and robust compensation of environmental and amplitude noise. CPDD does not use short pulses, making it particularly suitable for experiments with limited driving power or nuclear magnetic resonance at high magnetic fields. It requires control of the timing of the phase changes, offering much greater precision than the Rabi frequency control needed in standard continuous sensing schemes. We successfully apply our method to nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance and combine it with quantum heterodyne detection, achieving $\mu$Hz uncertainty in the estimated signal frequency for a 120 s measurement. Our work expands significantly the applicability of dynamical decoupling and opens the door for a wide range of experiments, e.g., in Nitrogen-Vacancy centers, trapped ions or trapped atoms.

[18] 2410.15220

Elastic scattering of electron by a Yukawa potential in non-commutative spacetime

In this paper, we investigate the elastic scattering of an electron by a Yukawa potential within the framework of non-commutative (NC) geometry. We first derive the NC correction to the Yukawa potential at leading order in the NC parameter, resulting in a modified potential resembling a screened Kratzer potential. This potential reduces to the standard Kratzer form when considering the NC correction to the Coulomb potential. Subsequently, we calculate the NC correction to the electron scattering amplitude using the first-order Born approximation. We then analyze the effects of NC geometry on both the differential and total cross sections for elastic scattering. Our results indicate that non-commutativity enhances the differential cross section at small scattering angles and naturally gives rise to a Kratzer-like potential, reflecting the quantum nature of spacetime. Additionally, we establish a direct relationship between the system's energy level and the bound on the NC parameter. Specifically, for an ultra-relativistic incident electron scattering by a heavy molecule, we derive a new lower bound on $\Theta$ of the order of $10^{-28}\,\text{m}$.

[19] 2410.15253

Multipartite entangling power by von Neumann entropy

Quantifying the entanglement generation of a multipartite unitary operation is a key problem in quantum information processing. We introduce the definition of multipartite entangling, assisted entangling, and disentangling power, which is a natural generalization of the bipartite ones. We show that they are assumed at a specified quantum state. We analytically derive the entangling power of Schmidt-rank-two multi-qubit unitary operations by the minimal convex sum of modulo-one complex numbers. Besides we show the necessary and sufficient condition that the assisted entangling power of Schmidt-rank-two unitary operations reaches the maximum. We further investigate the widely-used multi-qubit gates, for example, the entangling and assisted entangling power of the $n$-qubit Toffoli gate is one ebit. The entangling power of the three-qubit Fredkin gate is two ebits, and that of the four-qubit Fredkin gate is in two to $\log_25$ ebits.

[20] 2410.15256

Improved Time-independent Hamiltonian Simulation

We describe a simple method for simulating time-independent Hamiltonian $H$ that could be decomposed as $H = \sum_{i=1}^m H_i$ where each $H_i$ can be efficiently simulated. Approaches relying on product formula generally work by splitting the evolution time into segments, and approximate the evolution in each segment by the evolution of composing Hamiltonian $H_i$. This key step incur a constraint, that prohibits a (poly)logarithmic scaling on approximation error. We employ the recently introduced quantum singular value transformation framework to utilize the ability to simulate $H_i$ in an alternative way, which then allows us to construct and simulate the main Hamiltonian $H$ with polylogarithmical scaling on the inverse of desired error, which is a major improvement with respect to product formula approaches.

[21] 2410.15345

Enhancing entanglement in nano-mechanical oscillators via hybrid optomechanical systems

In this paper, we explore and compare four criteria for continuous-variable entanglement, which serve as sufficient conditions for determining the separability of Gaussian two-mode states. Our system comprises two nano-mechanical resonators coupled to a hybrid doubly resonant optomechanical cavity system integrated with a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier. The entanglement between the mechanical oscillators is primarily driven by non-classical state transitions of injected photons from the squeezed vacuum reservoir and intracavity squeezed radiation induced by radiation pressure in which the system operates in the weak coupling regime within good cavity limit. Our findings indicate that while the applied inseparability criteria show similar entanglement patterns within specific parameter ranges, the degree of entanglement varies depending on the chosen criteria. Additionally, the combined effects of injected squeezing and the parametric amplifier significantly enhance the entanglement when optimal parameters are selected. We also observe that the strength of the entanglement is mainly influenced by optomechanical cooperativity and thermal noise from the mechanical baths. The entanglement levels can be controlled by carefully adjusting these parameters, suggesting potential applications in quantum metrology and quantum information processing.

[22] 2410.15375

Preparing Spin Squeezed States via Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

We introduce a novel strategy employing an adaptive genetic algorithm (GA) for iterative optimization of control sequences to generate quantum nonclassical states. Its efficacy is demonstrated by preparing spin-squeezed states in an open collective spin model governed by a linear control field. Inspired by Darwinian evolution, the algorithm iteratively refines control sequences using crossover, mutation, and elimination strategies, starting from a coherent spin state within a dissipative and dephasing environment. An adaptive parameter adjustment mechanism further enhances optimization. Our approach, compared to constant control schemes, yields a variety of control sequences capable of maintaining squeezing for the collective spin model. Furthermore, the proposed strategy exhibits increased effectiveness in diverse systems, while reservoir thermal excitations are shown to negatively impact control outcomes. We discuss feasible experimental implementations and potential extensions to alternative quantum systems, and the adaptability of the GA module. This research establishes the foundation for utilizing GA-like strategies in controlling quantum systems and achieving desired nonclassical states.

[23] 2410.15377

Engineering the Environment of a Superconducting Qubit with an Artificial Giant Atom

In quantum computing, precise control of system-environment coupling is essential for high-fidelity gates, measurements, and networking. We present an architecture that employs an artificial giant atom from waveguide quantum electrodynamics to tailor the interaction between a superconducting qubit and its environment. This frequency-tunable giant atom exhibits both frequency and power selectivity for photons: when resonant with the qubit, it reflects single photons emitted from the qubit while remaining transparent to strong microwave signals for readout and control. This approach surpasses the Purcell limit and significantly extends the qubit's lifetime by ten times while maintaining the readout speed, thereby improving both gate operations and readout. Our architecture holds promise for bridging circuit and waveguide quantum electrodynamics systems in quantum technology applications.

[24] 2410.15388

Bound entangled states are useful in prepare-and-measure scenarios

We show that bipartite bound entangled states make possible violations of correlation inequalities in the prepare-and-measure scenario. These inequalities are satisfied by all classical models as well as by all quantum models that do not feature entanglement. In contrast to the known Bell inequality violations from bound entangled states, we find that the violations in the prepare-and-measure scenario are sizeable and significantly noise-tolerant. Furthermore, we evidence that significantly stronger quantum correlations are made possible by considering bound entanglement with a larger dimension.

[25] 2410.15389

Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped ion quantum simulator

Topological defects are discontinuities of a system protected by global properties, with wide applications in mathematics and physics. While previous experimental studies mostly focused on their classical properties, it has been predicted that topological defects can exhibit quantum superposition. Despite the fundamental interest and potential applications in understanding symmetry-breaking dynamics of quantum phase transitions, its experimental realization still remains a challenge. Here, we report the observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. By engineering long-range spin-spin interactions, we observe a spin kink splitting into a superposition of kinks at different positions, creating a ``Schrodinger kink'' that manifests non-locality and quantum interference. Furthermore, by preparing superposition states of neighboring kinks with different phases, we observe the propagation of the wave packet in different directions, thus unambiguously verifying the quantum coherence in the superposition states. Our work provides useful tools for non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum Kibble-Zurek physics.

[26] 2410.15401

Determining Quantum Correlation through Nash Equilibria in Constant-Sum Games

Quantum game theory has emerged as a promising candidate to further the understanding of quantum correlations. Motivated by this, it is demonstrated that pure strategy Nash equilibria can be utilised as a mechanism to witness and determine quantum correlation. By combining quantum theory with Bayesian game theory, a constant-sum game is designed in which the players are competing against each other, and crucially gain at the other player's expense. Subsequently, it is found that mixed strategy Nash equilibria are only necessary when considering quantum correlation for the designed game. This reveals that a Bayesian game-theoretic framework yields a sufficient condition in which to detect quantum effects.

[27] 2410.15417

A hybrid quantum solver for the Lorenz system

We develop a hybrid classical-quantum method for solving the Lorenz system. We use the forward Euler method to discretize the system in time, transforming it into a system of equations. This set of equations is solved using the Variational Quantum Linear Solver (VQLS) algorithm. We present numerical results comparing the hybrid method with the classical approach for solving the Lorenz system. The simulation results demonstrate that the VQLS method can effectively compute solutions comparable to classical methods. The method is easily extended to solving similar nonlinear differential equations.

[28] 2410.15435

Kerr enhanced optomechanical cooling in the unresolved sideband regime

Dynamical backaction cooling has been demonstrated to be a successful method for achieving the motional quantum ground state of a mechanical oscillator in the resolved sideband regime, where the mechanical frequency is significantly larger than the cavity decay rate. Nevertheless, as mechanical systems increase in size, their frequencies naturally decrease, thus bringing them into the unresolved sideband regime, where the effectiveness of the sideband cooling approach decreases. Here, we will demonstrate, however, that this cooling technique in the unresolved sideband regime can be significantly enhanced by utilizing a nonlinear cavity as shown in the experimental work of Zoepfl et. al. (PRL, 2023). The above arises due to the increased asymmetry between the cooling and heating processes, thereby improving the cooling efficiency.

[29] 2410.15455

Observation of quantum information collapse-and-revival in a strongly-interacting Rydberg atom array

Interactions of isolated quantum many-body systems typically scramble local information into the entire system and make it unrecoverable. Ergodicity-breaking systems possess the potential to exhibit fundamentally different information scrambling dynamics beyond this paradigm. For many-body localized systems with strong ergodicity breaking, local transport vanishes and information scrambles logarithmically slowly. Whereas in Rydberg atom arrays, local qubit flips induce dynamical retardation on surrounding qubits through the Rydberg blockade effect, giving rise to quantum many-body scars that weakly break ergodicity, and resulting in the predicted unconventional quantum information spreading behaviours. Here, we present the first measurements of out-of-time-ordered correlators and Holevo information in a Rydberg atom array, enabling us to precisely track quantum information scrambling and transport dynamics. By leveraging these tools, we observe a novel spatio-temporal collapse-and-revival behaviour of quantum information, which differs from both typical chaotic and many-body localized systems. Our experiment sheds light on the unique information dynamics in many-body systems with kinetic constraints, and demonstrates an effective digital-analogue approach to coherently reverse time evolution and steer information propagation in near-term quantum devices.

[30] 2410.15456

On the exact solutions of a one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a rational potential

We analyse the exact solutions of a conditionally-solvable Schr\"odinger equation with a rational potential. From the nodes of the exact eigenfunctions we derive a connection between the otherwise isolated exact eigenvalues and the actual eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian operator.

[31] 2410.15481

A Lieb-Robinson bound for open quantum systems with memory

We consider a general class of spatially local non-Markovian open quantum lattice models, with a bosonic environment that is approximated as Gaussian. Under the assumption of a finite environment memory time, formalized as a finite total variation of the memory kernel, we show that these models satisfy a Lieb-Robinson bound. Our work generalizes Lieb Robinson bounds for open quantum systems, which have previously only been established in the Markovian limit. Using these bounds, we then show that these non-Markovian models can be well approximated by a larger Markovian model, which contains the system spins together with only a finite number of environment modes. In particular, we establish that as a consequence of our Lieb-Robinson bounds, the number of environment modes per system site needed to accurately capture local observables is independent of the size of the system.

[32] 2410.15482

Geometric phase for mixed squeezed-coherent states

In this paper, we investigate the geometric phase (GP) acquired by two-mode mixed squeezed-coherent states (SCSs) during unitary cyclic evolution, focusing on the influence of squeezing parameters and classical weight. We analyze the GP for three distinct mixed states characterized by different configurations of the SCSs. Our results reveal that increasing the squeezing parameters of individual modes compresses the GP contours in different patterns: linearly, hyperbolically, and elliptically, depending on the mixed-state configuration. This behavior highlights the precision enhancement in squeezed states through uncertainty adjustment, aligning with theoretical predictions.

[33] 2410.15501

Predicting adaptively chosen observables in quantum systems

Recent advances have demonstrated that $\mathcal{O}(\log M)$ measurements suffice to predict $M$ properties of arbitrarily large quantum many-body systems. However, these remarkable findings assume that the properties to be predicted are chosen independently of the data. This assumption can be violated in practice, where scientists adaptively select properties after looking at previous predictions. This work investigates the adaptive setting for three classes of observables: local, Pauli, and bounded-Frobenius-norm observables. We prove that $\Omega(\sqrt{M})$ samples of an arbitrarily large unknown quantum state are necessary to predict expectation values of $M$ adaptively chosen local and Pauli observables. We also present computationally-efficient algorithms that achieve this information-theoretic lower bound. In contrast, for bounded-Frobenius-norm observables, we devise an algorithm requiring only $\mathcal{O}(\log M)$ samples, independent of system size. Our results highlight the potential pitfalls of adaptivity in analyzing data from quantum experiments and provide new algorithmic tools to safeguard against erroneous predictions in quantum experiments.

[34] 2410.15503

Energy conservation in quantum optical high harmonic generation

The use of energy conservation arguments is ubiquitous in understanding the process of high harmonic generation, yet a complete quantum optical description of photon exchange remained elusive. Here, we solve this gap in description by introducing the energy conserving subspace in high harmonic generation in which many photons of the driving field are absorbed to generate a single photon of higher energy. The presented solution to energy conservation in quantum optical high harmonic generation naturally results in highly entangled states of light with non-classical properties in their marginals. This further allows to explain recent experimental results for quantum state engineering, for which we provide analytical bounds on the fidelity with a high photon number optical cat state.

[35] 2410.15544

Algorithms and Sum-of-Squares Certificates for Qudit Hamiltonians Over Maximally Entangles States

We introduce the Maximal Entanglement problem, a 2-local qudit Hamiltonian that we view as a quantum generalization of Unique Games and which naturally encodes the frustration present in entanglement over multiple systems. We prove monogamy of entanglement bounds by certifying the ground state energy of the Maximal Entanglement problem in terms of the maximum matching of the underlying interaction graph via low-degree sum-of-squares proofs. Algorithmically, while a random assignment achieves energy of at least $1/d^2$ times the ground state energy, we show that a simple matching-based algorithm outputs a state with energy at least $1/d$ of the ground state energy for general graphs and at least $1/d + \Theta(1/D)$ for graphs with bounded degree, $D$. Moreover, we show that this state has energy at least $1/2$ of the ground state energy on $D$-regular graphs with degree, $D \leq 5$, for any local dimension, $d$.

[36] 2410.15565

Does quantum lattice sieving require quantum RAM?

In this paper, we study the requirement for quantum random access memory (QRAM) in quantum lattice sieving, a fundamental algorithm for lattice-based cryptanalysis. First, we obtain a lower bound on the cost of quantum lattice sieving with a bounded size QRAM. We do so in a new query model encompassing a wide range of lattice sieving algorithms similar to those in the classical sieving lower bound by Kirshanova and Laarhoven [CRYPTO 21]. This implies that, under reasonable assumptions, quantum speedups in lattice sieving require the use of QRAM. In particular, no quantum speedup is possible without QRAM. Second, we investigate the trade-off between the size of QRAM and the quantum speedup. We obtain a new interpolation between classical and quantum lattice sieving. Moreover, we show that further improvements require a novel way to use the QRAM by proving the optimality of some subroutines. An important caveat is that this trade-off requires a strong assumption on the efficient replacement of QRAM data, indicating that even speedups with a small QRAM are already challenging. Finally, we provide a circuit for quantum lattice sieving without using QRAM. Our circuit has a better depth complexity than the best classical algorithms but requires an exponential amount of qubits. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantum speedup for lattice sieving without QRAM in the standard quantum circuit model. We explain why this circuit does not contradict our lower bound, which considers the query complexity.

[37] 2410.15588

Reservoir-engineered spin squeezing in quantum hybrid solid-state platforms

Spin squeezing, a form of many-body entanglement, is a crucial resource in quantum metrology and information processing. While experimentally viable protocols for generating stable spin squeezing have been proposed in quantum-optical platforms using atomic ensembles, there is growing interest in quantum hybrid solid-state systems as alternative platforms for exploring many-body quantum phenomena. In this work, we propose a scheme to generate long-lived spin squeezing in an ensemble of solid-state qubits interacting with electromagnetic noise emitted by a squeezed solid-state bath. We identify the conditions under which quantum correlations within the bath can be transferred to the qubit array, effectively driving the qubits into an entangled state, regardless of their initial configuration. To assess the experimental feasibility of our approach, we investigate the dynamics of an array of solid-state spin defects coupled to a common ferromagnetic bath, which is driven into a non-equilibrium squeezed state through its interaction with a surface acoustic wave mode. Our results demonstrate that the ensemble can exhibit steady-state spin squeezing under suitable conditions, paving the way for the generation of steady-state many-body entanglement in ensembles of solid-state spin defects.

[38] 2410.15603

Trace-Distance based End-to-End Entanglement Fidelity with Information Preservation in Quantum Networks

Quantum networks hold the potential to revolutionize a variety of fields by surpassing the capabilities of their classical counterparts. Many of these applications necessitate the sharing of high-fidelity entangled pairs among communicating parties. However, the inherent nature of entanglement leads to an exponential decrease in fidelity as the distance between quantum nodes increases. This phenomenon makes it challenging to generate high-fidelity entangled pairs and preserve information in quantum networks. To tackle this problem, we utilized two strategies to ensure high-fidelity entangled pairs and information preservation within a quantum network. First, we use closeness centrality as a metric to identify the closest nodes in the network. Second, we introduced the trace-distance based path purification (TDPP) algorithm, specifically designed to enable information preservation and path purification entanglement routing. This algorithm identifies the shortest path within quantum networks using closeness centrality and integrates trace-distance computations for distinguishing quantum states and maintaining end-to-end (E2E) entanglement fidelity. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves network throughput and E2E fidelity while preserving information compared to existing methods.

[39] 2410.15626

Hybrid Quantum-HPC Solutions for Max-Cut: Bridging Classical and Quantum Algorithms

This research explores the integration of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) into Hybrid Quantum-HPC systems for solving the Max-Cut problem, comparing its performance with classical algorithms like brute-force search and greedy heuristics. We develop a theoretical model to analyze the time complexity, scalability, and communication overhead in hybrid systems. Using simulations, we evaluate QAOA's performance on small-scale Max-Cut instances, benchmarking its runtime, solution accuracy, and resource utilization. The study also investigates the scalability of QAOA with increasing problem size, offering insights into its potential advantages over classical methods for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems, with implications for future Quantum computing applications in HPC environments.

[40] 2410.15697

Programmable entangled qubit states on a linear-optical platform

We present an experimental platform for linear-optical quantum information processing. Our setup utilizes multiphoton generation using a high-quality single-photon source, which is demultiplexed across multiple spatial channels, a custom-designed, programmable, low-loss photonic chip, and paired with high-efficiency single-photon detectors. We demonstrate the platform's capability in producing heralded arbitrary two-qubit dual-rail encoded states, a crucial building block for large-scale photonic quantum computers. The programmable chip was fully characterized through a calibration process that allowed us to create a numerical model accounting for fabrication imperfections and measurement errors. As a result, using on-chip quantum state tomography (QST), we achieved high-fidelity quantum state preparation, with a fidelity of 98.5\% specifically for the Bell state.

[41] 2410.15709

Augmenting Finite Temperature Tensor Network with Clifford Circuits

Recent studies have highlighted the combination of tensor network methods and the stabilizer formalism as a very effective framework for simulating quantum many-body systems, encompassing areas from ground state to time evolution simulations. In these approaches, the entanglement associated with stabilizers is transferred to Clifford circuits, which can be efficiently managed due to the Gottesman-Knill theorem. Consequently, only the non-stabilizerness entanglement needs to be handled, thereby reducing the computational resources required for accurate simulations of quantum many-body systems in tensor network related methods. In this work, we adapt this paradigm for finite temperature simulations in the framework of Time-Dependent Variational Principle, in which imaginary time evolution is performed using the purification scheme. Our numerical results on the one-dimensional Heisenberg model and the two-dimensional $J_1-J_2$ Heisenberg model demonstrate that Clifford circuits can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of finite temperature simulations for quantum many-body systems. This improvement not only provides a useful tool for calculating finite temperature properties of quantum many-body systems, but also paves the way for further advancements in boosting the finite temperature tensor network calculations with Clifford circuits and other quantum circuits.

[42] 2410.15755

Search for New Particles with Flying Quantum Sensors in Space

Recent advancements in space science and technologies offer exciting prospects for investigating novel research that is unattainable within terrestrial laboratories. Here we propose the implementation of space-based quantum sensing to explore ultralight new particles beyond the standard model. The central idea involves probing long-range interactions between spin ensembles of space quantum sensors and the particles residing within Earth, mediated by ultralight particles. We show that such interactions can be substantially enhanced in space platforms and thus increase the search sensitivity. In contrast to their terrestrial counterparts, space-based quantum searches exhibit remarkable velocity enhancements, approaching the first cosmic speed, and thus enables the exploration of unexplored parameter space concerning ultralight new particles. Furthermore, the substantial abundance of electrons and nucleons within Earth plays a crucial role in extending the scope of our mission. Our projected search sensitivity can surpass the sensitivities of both terrestrial experiments and proposals by up to approximately 7 orders of magnitude. We also briefly discuss other space mission, including ``space-ground integrated" network of quantum sensors for dark matter searches.

[43] 2410.15790

Event-based contextuality theory

Fully revealing the mathmatical structure of quantum contextuality is a significant task, while some known contextuality theories are only applicable for rank-1 projectors. That is because they adopt the observable-based definitions. This paper analyses the challenges faced by some known contextuality theories, and establishes an event-based contextuality theory with partial Boolean algebra to overcome them. The theory can handle the scenarios composed of general projectors and observables, and provides a unified mathematical structure to investigate the hierarchy of quantum contextuality. It also introduces a tool to extend some known results from rank-1 cases to general cases. For example, we get a Kochen-Specker set with 12 projectors from the Cabello-Estebaranz-Garcia set with 18 vectors.

[44] 2410.15793

A memory and gate efficient algorithm for unitary mixed Schur sampling

We formalize the task of unitary Schur sampling -- an extension of weak Schur sampling -- which is the process of measuring the Young label and the unitary group register of an input $m$ qudit state. Intuitively, this task is equivalent to applying the Schur transform, projecting onto the isotypic subspaces of the unitary and symmetric groups indexed by the Young labels, and discarding of the permutation register. As such unitary Schur sampling is the natural task in processes such as quantum state tomography or spectrum estimation. We generalize this task to unitary mixed Schur sampling to account for the recently introduced mixed Schur-Weyl transform. We provide a streaming algorithm which achieves an exponential reduction in the memory complexity and a polynomial reduction in the gate complexity over na\"ive algorithms for the task of unitary (mixed) Schur sampling. Further, we show that if the input state has limited rank, the gate and memory complexities of our streaming algorithm as well as the algorithms for the full Schur and mixed Schur transforms are further reduced. Our work generalizes and improves on the results in arXiv2309.11947.

[45] 2410.15822

Learning junta distributions and quantum junta states, and QAC$^0$ circuits

In this work we consider the problems of learning junta distributions, their quantum counter-part, quantum junta states, and QAC$^0$ circuits, which we show to be juntas. $\mathbf{Junta\ distributions.\ }$A probability distribution $p:\{-1,1\}^n\to \mathbb [0,1]$ is a $k$-junta if it only depends on $k$ variables. We show that they can be learned with to error $\varepsilon$ in total variation distance from $O(2^k\log(n)/\varepsilon^2)$ samples, which quadratically improves the upper bound of Aliakbarpour et al. (COLT'16) and matches their lower bound in every parameter. $\mathbf{Junta\ states.\ }$We initiate the study of $n$-qubit states that are $k$-juntas, those that are the tensor product of a $k$-qubit state and an $(n-k)$-qubit maximally mixed state. We show that these states can be learned with error $\varepsilon$ in trace distance with $O(12^{k}\log(n)/\varepsilon^2)$ single copies. We also prove a lower bound of $\Omega((4^k+\log (n))/\varepsilon^2)$ copies. Along the way, we give a new proof of the optimal performance of Classical Shadows based on Pauli analysis. $\mathbf{QAC^0\ circuits.\ }$Nadimpalli et al. (STOC'24) recently showed that the Pauli spectrum of QAC$^0$ circuits (with not too many auxiliary qubits) is concentrated on low-degree. We remark that they showed something stronger, namely that the Choi states of those circuits are close to be juntas. As a consequence, we show that $n$-qubit QAC$^0$ circuits with size $s$, depth $d$ and $a$ auxiliary qubits can be learned from $2^{O(\log(s^22^a)^d)}\log (n)$ copies of the Choi state, improving the $n^{O(\log(s^22^a)^d)}$ by Nadimpalli et al. In addition, we use this remark to improve on the lower bounds against QAC$^0$ circuits to compute the address function.

[46] 2410.15864

Multipartite Entanglement Measure : Genuine to Absolutely Maximally Entangled

Multipartite entanglement is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, crucial to advancements in quantum information processing and quantum computation. Within this field, Genuinely Multipartite Entanglement (GME), being entangled in all bipartitions, and Absolutely Maximally Entanglement (AME), maximally entangled in all bipartitions, represent two significant types of entanglement with diverse applications. In this work, we introduce a new measure called the GME-AME multipartite entanglement measure, with a non-zero value representing the GME states and the maximum value is reached only by the AME states. The measure is applied to study the multipartite entanglement of four partite systems using the operator to state mapping, and the four partite permutation qutrit states are classified according to the measure. With various examples, we show that our measure is robust in classifying the four partite entangled states.

[47] 2410.15870

A new general quantum state verification protocol by the classical shadow method

The task of verifying if a quantum device produces a specific state is ubiquitous in many applications of modern quantum technologies. In the conventional framework of quantum state verification, we need to design an optimal or efficient protocol for each type of state elaborately. In a recent paper arXiv:2404.07281v1 [quant-ph], Hsin-Yuan Huang et al. propose a new distinct protocol utilizing the classical shadow, called the shadow overlap protocol, which has the potential for efficiently verifying many types of state in one time. In this paper, we reformulate this new protocol by the terminologies of hypothesis testing, on which the conventional framework is also based, to explore the similarities and differences between them. Then, we propose a new protocol which combines the ideas of the conventional framework and the shadow overlap protocol. Our protocol strengthens the ability of the shadow overlap protocol and overcomes some shortages of the latter, like having a better sample complexity and dealing with the states with special structures more naturally. Finally, we apply our new protocol to the GHZ state and the stabilizer state to illustrate its capacities.

[48] 2410.15871

Simultaneous cooling of qubits via a quantum absorption refrigerator and beyond

We design a quantum thermal device that can simultaneously and dynamically cool multiple target qubits. Using a setup with three bosonic heat baths, we propose an engineering of interaction Hamiltonian using operators on different subspaces of the full Hilbert space of the system labelled by different magnetizations. We demonstrate, using the local as well as global quantum master equations, that a set of target qubits can be cooled simultaneously using these interaction Hamiltonians, while equal cooling of all target qubits is possible only when the local quantum master equation is used. However, the amount of cooling obtained from different magnetization subspaces, as quantified by a distance-based measure of qubit-local steady-state temperatures, may vary. We also investigate cooling of a set of target qubits when the interaction Hamiltonian has different magnetization components, and when the design of the quantum thermal device involves two heat baths instead of three. Further, we demonstrate, using local quantum master equation, that during providing cooling to the target qubits, the designed device operates only as a quantum absorption refrigerator. In contrast, use of the global quantum master equation indicates cooling of the target qubits even when the device works outside the operation regime of a quantum absorption refrigerator. We also extend the design to a star network of qubits interacting via Heisenberg interaction among each other, kept in contact with either three, or two heat baths, and discuss cooling of a set of target qubits using this device.

[49] 2410.15883

Experimental observation of counter-intuitive features of photonic bunching

Bosonic bunching is a term used to describe the well-known tendency of bosons to bunch together, and which differentiates their behaviour from that of fermions or classical particles. However, in some situations perfectly indistinguishable bosons may counter-intuitively bunch less than classical, distinguishable particles. Here we report two such counter-intuitive multiphoton bunching effects observed with three photons in a three-mode balanced photonic Fourier interferometer. In this setting, we show indistinguishable photons actually minimize the probability of bunching. We also show that any non-trivial value of the three-photon collective photonic phase leads to a decreased probability of all photons ending up in the same mode, even as we increase pairwise indistinguishability. Our experiments feature engineering of partial indistinguishability scenarios using both the time and the polarization photonic degrees of freedom, and a polarization-transparent 8-mode tunable interferometer with a quantum-dot source of single photons. Besides the foundational understanding, the observation of these counter-intuitive phenomena open news perspective in devising more efficient ways of routing photons for advantage in metrology and quantum computation.

[50] 2410.15892

Deterministic entanglement concentration assisted by generalized XZ basis

We propose a protocol for concentrating bipartite entanglement over a qubit-qudit system from arbitrary number of qubit-qudit states via a truncation of the Hilbert space corresponding to the subsystem containing the qubits to a space that hosts a single qubit. We achieve this truncation via a multi-qubit measurement in the generalized XZ basis, and show that the protocol is effectively deterministic. We also design a repetitive two-qubit measurement protocol, where the measurements on the qubit-parts is performed taking two qubit-qudit system at a time, and establish its equivalence with the protocol involving the multi-qubit measurement. We show that a concentration of entanglement is possible in each round of two-qubit measurements in the latter scheme, and derive lower and upper bounds of the entanglement concentrated after a given number of rounds of measurements, where the entanglement of the initial qubit-qudit systems are not-necessarily equal. We apply the repetitive two-qubit measurement protocol to concentrate entanglement using arbitrary two-qubit states with unequal entanglement, and discuss the entanglement properties of the multi-qubit state created in this process. We also show that the protocol can be used to create generalized GHZ states on arbitrary number of qubits, which highlights the possibility of creating maximally entangled qubit pairs via qubit-local projection measurements.

[51] 2410.15895

Cryogenic Control and Readout Integrated Circuits for Solid-State Quantum Computing

In the pursuit of quantum computing, solid-state quantum systems, particularly superconducting ones, have made remarkable advancements over the past two decades. However, achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing for next-generation applications necessitates the integration of several million qubits, which presents significant challenges in terms of interconnection complexity and latency that are currently unsolvable with state-of-the-art room-temperature control and readout electronics. Recently, cryogenic integrated circuits (ICs), including CMOS radio-frequency ICs and rapid-single-flux-quantum-logic ICs, have emerged as potential alternatives to room-temperature electronics. Unlike their room-temperature counterparts, these ICs are deployed within cryostats to enhance scalability by reducing the number and length of transmission lines. Additionally, operating at cryogenic temperatures can suppress electronic noise and improve qubit control fidelity. However, for CMOS ICs specifically, circuit design uncertainties arise due to a lack of reliable models for cryogenic field effect transistors as well as issues related to severe fickle noises and power dissipation at cryogenic temperatures. This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent research on both types of cryogenic control and readout ICs but primarily focuses on the more mature CMOS technology. The discussion encompasses principles underlying control and readout techniques employed in cryogenic CMOS ICs along with their architectural designs; characterization and modeling approaches for field effect transistors under cryogenic conditions; as well as fundamental concepts pertaining to rapid single flux quantum circuits.

[52] 2410.15967

Hidden exceptional point, localization-delocalization phase transition in Hermitian bosonic Kitaev model

Exceptional points (EPs), a unique feature of non-Hermitian systems, represent degeneracies in non-Hermitian operators that likely do not occur in Hermitian systems. Nevertheless, unlike its fermionic counterpart, a Hermitian bosonic Kitaev model supports a non-Hermitian core matrix, involving a quantum phase transition (QPT) when an exceptional point appears. In this study, we examine QPTs by mapping the Hamiltonian onto a set of equivalent single-particle systems using a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)-like pairing basis. We demonstrate the connection between the hidden EP and the localization-delocalization transition in the equivalent systems. The result is applicable to a Dicke model, which allows the experimental detection of the transition based on the measurement of the average number of photons for the quench dynamics stating from the empty state. Numerical simulations of the time evolution reveal a clear transition point at the EP.

[53] 2410.15976

Signed Rényi Entropy and Quantum Second Laws

We modify the R\'enyi (1961) axioms for entropy to apply to negative (``signed") measures as arise, for example, in phase-space representations of quantum mechanics. We obtain two new measures of (lack of) information about a system -- which we propose as signed analogs to classical Shannon entropy and classical R\'enyi entropy, respectively. We show that signed R\'enyi entropy witnesses non-classicality of a system. Specifically, a measure has at least one negative component if and only if signed R\'enyi $\alpha$-entropy is negative for some $\alpha > 1$. The corresponding non-classicality test does not work with signed Shannon entropy. We next show that signed R\'enyi $2k$-entropy, when $k$ is a positive integer, is Schur-concave. (An example shows that signed Shannon entropy is not Schur-concave.) We then establish an abstract quantum H-theorem for signed measures. We prove that signed R\'enyi $2k$-entropy is non-decreasing under classical (``decohering") evolution of a signed measure, where the latter could be a Wigner function or other phase-space representation of a quantum system. (An example shows that signed Shannon entropy may be non-monotonic.) We also provide a characterization of the Second Law for signed R\'enyi $2$-entropy in terms of what we call eventual classicalization of evolution of a system. We conclude with an argument that signed R\'enyi $2$-entropy of the Wigner function is constant under Moyal bracket evolution.

[54] 2410.16041

GFlowNets for Hamiltonian decomposition in groups of compatible operators

Quantum computing presents a promising alternative for the direct simulation of quantum systems with the potential to explore chemical problems beyond the capabilities of classical methods. However, current quantum algorithms are constrained by hardware limitations and the increased number of measurements required to achieve chemical accuracy. To address the measurement challenge, techniques for grouping commuting and anti-commuting terms, driven by heuristics, have been developed to reduce the number of measurements needed in quantum algorithms on near-term quantum devices. In this work, we propose a probabilistic framework using GFlowNets to group fully (FC) or qubit-wise commuting (QWC) terms within a given Hamiltonian. The significance of this approach is demonstrated by the reduced number of measurements for the found groupings; 51% and 67% reduction factors respectively for FC and QWC partitionings with respect to greedy coloring algorithms, highlighting the potential of GFlowNets for future applications in the measurement problem. Furthermore, the flexibility of our algorithm extends its applicability to other resource optimization problems in Hamiltonian simulation, such as circuit design.

[55] 2410.16091

Neural Quantum Propagators for Driven-Dissipative Quantum Dynamics

Describing the dynamics of strong-laser driven open quantum systems is a very challenging task that requires the solution of highly involved equations of motion. While machine learning techniques are being applied with some success to simulate the time evolution of individual quantum states, their use to approximate time-dependent operators (that can evolve various states) remains largely unexplored. In this work, we develop driven neural quantum propagators (NQP), a universal neural network framework that solves driven-dissipative quantum dynamics by approximating propagators rather than wavefunctions or density matrices. NQP can handle arbitrary initial quantum states, adapt to various external fields, and simulate long-time dynamics, even when trained on far shorter time windows. Furthermore, by appropriately configuring the external fields, our trained NQP can be transferred to systems governed by different Hamiltonians. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by studying the spin-boson and the three-state transition Gamma models.

[56] 2410.16111

Projective Quantum Eigensolver with Generalized Operators

Determination of molecular energetics and properties is one of the core challenges in the near-term quantum computing. To this end, hybrid quantum-classical algorithms are preferred for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) architectures. The Projective Quantum Eigensolver (PQE) is one such algorithms that optimizes the parameters of the chemistry-inspired unitary coupled cluster (UCC) ansatz using a conventional coupled cluster-like residual minimization. Such a strategy involves the projection of the Schrodinger equation on to linearly independent basis towards the parameter optimization, restricting the ansatz is solely defined in terms of the excitation operators. This warrants the inclusion of high-rank operators for strongly correlated systems, leading to increased utilization of quantum resources. In this manuscript, we develop a methodology for determining the generalized operators in terms of a closed form residual equations in the PQE framework that can be efficiently implemented in a quantum computer with manageable quantum resources. Such a strategy requires the removal of the underlying redundancy in high-rank excited determinants, generated due to the presence of the generalized operators in the ansatz, by projecting them on to an internally contracted lower dimensional manifold. With the application on several molecular systems, we have demonstrated our ansatz achieves similar accuracy to the (disentangled) UCC with singles, doubles and triples (SDT) ansatz, while utilizing an order of magnitude fewer quantum gates. Furthermore, when simulated under stochastic Gaussian noise or depolarizing hardware noise, our method shows significantly improved noise resilience compared to the other members of PQE family and the state-of-the-art variational quantum eigensolver.

[57] 2410.16118

Simulating quantum emitters in arbitrary photonic environments using FDTD: beyond the semi-classical regime

We propose a numerical algorithm that integrates quantum two-level systems (TLSs) into the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) framework for simulating quantum emitters in arbitrary 3D photonic environments. Conventional methods struggle with these systems due to their semi-classical nature and spurious self-interactions that arise when a TLS is driven by its own radiation field. We address these issues by determining the correct electric field for driving the TLS, as well as the current source used in FDTD for modeling photon emission. Our method, focusing on single-excitation states, employs a total field-incident field (TF-IF) technique to eliminate self-interactions, enabling precise simulations of photon emission and scattering. The algorithm also successfully models complex phenomena such as resonant energy transfer, superradiance, and vacuum Rabi splitting. This powerful computational tool is expected to substantially advance research in nanophotonics, quantum physics, and beyond.

[58] 2410.16174

Observation of anomalous information scrambling in a Rydberg atom array

Quantum information scrambling, which describes the propagation and effective loss of local information, is crucial for understanding the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. In general, a typical interacting system would thermalize under time evolution, leading to the emergence of ergodicity and linear lightcones of information scrambling. Whereas, for a many-body localized system, strong disorders give rise to an extensive number of conserved quantities that prevent the system from thermalization, resulting in full ergodicity breaking and a logarithmic lightcone for information spreading. Here, we report the experimental observation of anomalous information scrambling in an atomic tweezer array. Working in the Rydberg blockade regime, where van der Waals interaction dominates, we observe a suppressed linear lightcone of information spreading characterized by out-of-time-order correlators for the initial N\'eel state, accompanied by persistent oscillations within the lightcone. Such an anomalous dynamics differs from both generic thermal and many-body localized scenarios. It originates from weak ergodicity breaking and is the characteristic feature for quantum many-body scars. The high-quality single-atom manipulations and coherent constraint dynamics, augmented by the effective protocol for time-reversed evolution we demonstrate, establish a versatile hybrid analog-digital simulation approach to explore diverse exotic non-equilibrium dynamics with atomic tweezer arrays.

[59] 2410.16182

Thermalization and hydrodynamic long-time tails in a Floquet system

We systematically investigate whether classical hydrodynamic field theories can predict the long-time dynamics of many-particle quantum systems. As an example, we investigate numerically and analytically the time evolution of a chain of spins (or qubits) subject to a stroboscopic dynamics. The time evolution is implemented by a sequence of local and nearest-neighbor gates which conserve the total magnetization. The long-time dynamics of such a system is believed to be describable by a hydrodynamics field theory, which, importantly, includes the effect of noise. Based on a field theoretical analysis and symmetry arguments, we map each operator in the spin model to corresponding fields in hydrodynamics. This allows us to predict which expectation values decay exponentially, and which of them decay with a hydrodynamics long-time tail, $t^{-\alpha}$, with $\alpha=\frac{1}{2}, 1, \frac{3}{2}, \text{or } \frac{9}{4}$ for different operators. We illustrate these findings by studying the time evolution of all 255 Hermitian operators which can be defined on four neighboring sites. The numerical results are fully consistent with the emergence of hydrodynamics at long times.

[60] 2410.16189

Quantum Algorithms for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization

This paper considers the problem for finding the $(\delta,\epsilon)$-Goldstein stationary point of Lipschitz continuous objective, which is a rich function class to cover a great number of important applications. We construct a zeroth-order quantum estimator for the gradient of the smoothed surrogate. Based on such estimator, we propose a novel quantum algorithm that achieves a query complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$ on the stochastic function value oracle, where $d$ is the dimension of the problem. We also enhance the query complexity to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-7/3})$ by introducing a variance reduction variant. Our findings demonstrate the clear advantages of utilizing quantum techniques for non-convex non-smooth optimization, as they outperform the optimal classical methods on the dependency of $\epsilon$ by a factor of $\epsilon^{-2/3}$.

[61] 2410.16220

Sample Optimal and Memory Efficient Quantum State Tomography

Quantum state tomography is the fundamental physical task of learning a complete classical description of an unknown state of a quantum system given coherent access to many identical samples of it. The complexity of this task is commonly characterised by its sample-complexity: the minimal number of samples needed to reach a certain target precision of the description. While the sample complexity of quantum state tomography has been well studied, the memory complexity has not been investigated in depth. Indeed, the bottleneck in the implementation of na\"ive sample-optimal quantum state tomography is its massive quantum memory requirements. In this work, we propose and analyse a quantum state tomography algorithm which retains sample-optimality but is also memory-efficient. Our work is built on a form of unitary Schur sampling and only requires streaming access to the samples.

[62] 2410.16230

Using a quantum SWAP engine to experimentally validate thermodynamic uncertainty relations

Thermodynamic uncertainty relations (TURs) arise from the bounds on fluctuations of thermodynamics quantities during a non-equilibrium process and they impose constraints on the corresponding process. We experimentally implement a quantum SWAP engine on a nuclear magnetic resonance setup and demonstrate that a Gibbs thermal state can be prepared in two different ways, either directly from a thermal equilibrium state, or by first initializing the system in a pseudopure state. We show that the quantum SWAP engine can work both as a heat engine and as a refrigerator. Starting from a pseudopure state, we construct the SWAP engine, and investigate the violation of two different TURs, namely a generalized TUR and a tighter, more specific TUR. Our results validate that the generalized TUR is obeyed in all the working regimes of the SWAP engine, while the tighter TUR is violated in certain regimes. ~

[63] 2410.16231

A Quantum Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement for Intercity Trips

Electric vehicles (EVs) play a significant role in enhancing the sustainability of transportation systems. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by inadequate public charging infrastructure, particularly to support long-distance travel. Identifying optimal charging station locations in large transportation networks presents a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, as the search space grows exponentially with the number of potential charging station locations. This paper introduces a quantum search-based optimization algorithm designed to enhance the efficiency of solving this NP-hard problem for transportation networks. By leveraging quantum parallelism, amplitude amplification, and quantum phase estimation as a subroutine, the optimal solution is identified with a quadratic improvement in complexity compared to classical exact methods, such as branch and bound. The detailed design and complexity of a resource-efficient quantum circuit are discussed.

[64] 2410.16245

Separations in query complexity for total search problems

We study the query complexity analogue of the class TFNP of total search problems. We give a way to convert partial functions to total search problems under certain settings; we also give a way to convert search problems back into partial functions. As an application, we give new separations for degree-like measures. We give an exponential separation between quantum query complexity and approximate degree for a total search problem. We also give an exponential separation between approximate degree and the positive quantum adversary for a total search problem. We then strengthen the former separation to upper bound a larger measure: the two-sided approximate non-negative degree, also called the conical junta degree. This measure is often larger than quantum query complexity and even a separation from randomized query complexity was not known. We extend our results to communication complexity, and obtain an exponential separation between quantum information complexity and the relaxed partition bound for a total search problem. Even a weaker separation between randomized communication complexity and the relaxed partition bound was not known for total search problems (or even for partial functions). Most of our separations for total search problems can be converted to separations for partial functions. Using this, we reprove the recent exponential separation between quantum query complexity and approximate degree for a partial function by Ambainis and Belovs (2023), among other new results.

[65] 2410.16250

Cups and Gates I: Cohomology invariants and logical quantum operations

We take initial steps towards a general framework for constructing logical gates in general quantum CSS codes. Viewing CSS codes as cochain complexes, we observe that cohomology invariants naturally give rise to diagonal logical gates. We show that such invariants exist if the quantum code has a structure that relaxes certain properties of a differential graded algebra. We show how to equip quantum codes with such a structure by defining cup products on CSS codes. The logical gates obtained from this approach can be implemented by a constant-depth unitary circuit. In particular, we construct a $\Lambda$-fold cup product that can produce a logical operator in the $\Lambda$-th level of the Clifford hierarchy on $\Lambda$ copies of the same quantum code, which we call the copy-cup gate. For any desired $\Lambda$, we can construct several families of quantum codes that support gates in the $\Lambda$-th level with various asymptotic code parameters.

[66] 2410.16265

Quantifying the advantages of applying quantum approximate algorithms to portfolio optimisation

We present a quantum algorithm for portfolio optimisation. Specifically, We present an end-to-end quantum approximate optimisation algorithm (QAOA) to solve the discrete global minimum variance portfolio (DGMVP) model. This model finds a portfolio of risky assets with the lowest possible risk contingent on the number of traded assets being discrete. We provide a complete pipeline for this model and analyses its viability for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. We design initial states, a cost operator, and ans\"atze with hard mixing operators within a binary encoding. Further, we perform numerical simulations to analyse several optimisation routines, including layerwise optimisation, utilising COYBLA and dual annealing. Finally, we consider the impacts of thermal relaxation and stochastic measurement noise. We find dual annealing with a layerwise optimisation routine provides the most robust performance. We observe that realistic thermal relaxation noise levels preclude quantum advantage. However, stochastic measurement noise will dominate when hardware sufficiently improves. Within this regime, we numerically demonstrate a favourable scaling in the number of shots required to obtain the global minimum -- an indication of quantum advantage in portfolio optimisation.

[67] 2410.14711

A problem with the conservation law observed in macroscopic quantum phenomena is a consequence of violation of the correspondence principle

This article draws attention that the puzzle of the change of the angular momentum without any force is a consequence of the contradiction of macroscopic quantum phenomena with the correspondence principle, which reveals a fundamental difference between microscopic quantum phenomena, described by the Schrodinger wave mechanics, and macroscopic quantum phenomena, described by the theory of superconductivity and the theory of superfluidity. To explain why macroscopic quantum phenomena are observed despite the correspondence principle, Lev Landau postulated in 1941 that microscopic particles in superfluid helium and superconductor cannot move separately. The angular momentum can change without any force only due to quantization in both microscopic and macroscopic quantum phenomena. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle eliminates the contradiction with the conservation law in the first case, since according to the correspondence principle, the change in angular momentum cannot exceed the Planck constant. But this principle cannot eliminate the contradiction with the conservation law the macroscopic change of angular momentum due to quantization observed in superconductors contrary to the correspondence principle. Quantization can change not only the angular momentum, but also the kinetic energy of a superconducting condensate on a macroscopic amount. For this reason, the Meissner effect and other macroscopic quantum phenomena contradict the second law of thermodynamics. The reluctance of physicists to admit the violation of the second law of thermodynamics provoked a false understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity and obvious contradictions in books on superconductivity.

[68] 2410.14780

Strong photon coupling to high-frequency antiferromagnetic magnons via topological surface states

We show strong coupling between antiferromagnetic magnons and microwave cavity photons at both high and externally controllable magnon frequencies. Using the fully quantum mechanical path-integral method, we study an antiferromagnetic insulator (AFM) interfaced with a topological insulator (TI), taking Bi$_2$Se$_3$--MnSe as a representative example. We show that the mutual coupling of the spin-polarized surface states of the TI to both the squeezed magnons and the circularly polarized cavity photons results in a Chern-Simons term that activates the stronger electric, rather than magnetic, dipole coupling. Moreover, a squeezing-mediated enhancement of the coupling is achieved due to the unequal interfacial exchange coupling to the AFM sublattices, resulting in a coupling strength up to several orders stronger than for direct magnon-photon coupling. While direct cavity-AFM coupling has so far been limited in its applicability due to weak or low frequency coupling, this result may advance the utilization of high-frequency cavity magnonics and enable its incorporation into quantum information technology.

[69] 2410.14887

Transport properties and quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures

We theoretically propose a one-dimensional electronic nanodevice inspired in recently fabricated semiconductor-superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator (SE-SC-FMI) hybrid heterostructures, and investigate its zero-temperature transport properties. While previous related studies have primarily focused on the potential for generating topological superconductors hosting Majorana fermions, we propose an alternative application: using these hybrids to explore controllable quantum phase transitions (QPTs) detectable through transport measurements. Our study highlights two key differences from existing devices: first, the length of the FMI layer is shorter than that of the SE-SC heterostructure, introducing an inhomogeneous Zeeman interaction with significant effects on the induced Andreev bound states (ABS). Second, we focus on semiconductor nanowires with minimal or no Rashba spin-orbit interaction, allowing for the induction of spin-polarized ABS and high-spin quantum ground states. We show that the device can be tuned across spin- and fermion parity-changing QPTs by adjusting the FMI layer length orange and/or by applying a global backgate voltage, with zero-energy crossings of subgap ABS as signatures of these transitions. Our findings suggest that these effects are experimentally accessible and offer a robust platform for studying quantum phase transitions in hybrid nanowires.

[70] 2410.15061

Classifying extended, localized and critical states in quasiperiodic lattices via unsupervised learning

Classification of quantum phases is one of the most important areas of research in condensed matter physics. In this work, we obtain the phase diagram of one-dimensional quasiperiodic models via unsupervised learning. Firstly, we choose two advanced unsupervised learning algorithms, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS), to explore the distinct phases of Aubry-Andr\'{e}-Harper model and quasiperiodic p-wave model. The unsupervised learning results match well with traditional numerical diagonalization. Finally, we compare the similarity of different algorithms and find that the highest similarity between the results of unsupervised learning algorithms and those of traditional algorithms has exceeded 98\%. Our work sheds light on applications of unsupervised learning for phase classification.

[71] 2410.15223

Moment method and continued fraction expansion in Floquet Operator Krylov Space

Recursion methods such as Krylov techniques map complex dynamics to an effective non-interacting problem in one dimension. For example, the operator Krylov space for Floquet dynamics can be mapped to the dynamics of an edge operator of the one-dimensional Floquet inhomogeneous transverse field Ising model (ITFIM), where the latter, after a Jordan-Wigner transformation, is a Floquet model of non-interacting Majorana fermions, and the couplings correspond to Krylov angles. We present an application of this showing that a moment method exists where given an autocorrelation function, one can construct the corresponding Krylov angles, and from that the corresponding Floquet-ITFIM. Consequently, when no solutions for the Krylov angles are obtained, it indicates that the autocorrelation is not generated by unitary dynamics. We highlight this by studying certain special cases: stable $m$-periodic dynamics derived using the method of continued fractions, exponentially decaying and power-law decaying stroboscopic dynamics. Remarkably, our examples of stable $m$-periodic dynamics correspond to $m$-period edge modes for the Floquet-ITFIM where deep in the chain, the couplings correspond to a critical phase. Our results pave the way to engineer Floquet systems with desired properties of edge modes and also provide examples of persistent edge modes in gapless Floquet systems.

[72] 2410.15395

Floquet-Enriched Nontrivial Topology at Quantum Criticality

Periodically driven (Floquet) systems have attracted growing attention due to the emergence of intriguing phenomena that are absent in equilibrium physics. In this letter, we identify a new class of Floquet criticality characterized by nontrivial topology. For generic driven Majorana fermion chains with chiral symmetry, we analytically demonstrate that Floquet driving can enrich the transition point, resulting in topologically distinct quantum critical lines that are absent in undriven systems. Furthermore, we provide an intuitive physical explanation for the underlying mechanism of the nontrivial topology at Floquet criticality and generalize our results to higher dimensions. This work not only extends the scope of topological physics in Floquet systems but also deepens our understanding of gapless topological phases of matter.

[73] 2410.15465

Quenched large deviations of Birkhoff sums along random quantum measurements

We prove a quenched version of the large deviation principle for Birkhoff-like sums along a sequence of random quantum measurements driven by an ergodic process. We apply the result to the study of entropy production in the two-time measurement framework.

[74] 2410.15590

A 300 mm foundry silicon spin qubit unit cell exceeding 99% fidelity in all operations

Fabrication of quantum processors in advanced 300 mm wafer-scale complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) foundries provides a unique scaling pathway towards commercially viable quantum computing with potentially millions of qubits on a single chip. Here, we show precise qubit operation of a silicon two-qubit device made in a 300 mm semiconductor processing line. The key metrics including single- and two-qubit control fidelities exceed 99% and state preparation and measurement fidelity exceeds 99.9%, as evidenced by gate set tomography (GST). We report coherence and lifetimes up to $T_\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{*}} = 30.4$ $\mu$s, $T_\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{Hahn}} = 803$ $\mu$s, and $T_1 = 6.3$ s. Crucially, the dominant operational errors originate from residual nuclear spin carrying isotopes, solvable with further isotopic purification, rather than charge noise arising from the dielectric environment. Our results answer the longstanding question whether the favourable properties including high-fidelity operation and long coherence times can be preserved when transitioning from a tailored academic to an industrial semiconductor fabrication technology.

[75] 2410.15862

Integration of Cobalt Ferromagnetic Control Gates for Electrical and Magnetic Manipulation of Semiconductor Quantum Dots

The rise of electron spin qubit architectures for quantum computing processors has led to a strong interest in designing and integrating ferromagnets to induce stray magnetic fields for electron dipole spin resonance (EDSR). The integration of nanomagnets imposes however strict layout and processing constraints, challenging the arrangement of different gating layers and the control of neighboring qubit frequencies. This work reports a successful integration of nano-sized cobalt control gates into a multi-gate FD-SOI nanowire with nanometer-scale dot-to-magnet pitch, simultaneously exploiting electrical and ferromagnetic properties of the gate stack at nanoscale. The electrical characterization of the multi-gate nanowire exhibits full field effect functionality of all ferromagnetic gates from room temperature to 10 mK, proving quantum dot formation when ferromagnets are operated as barrier gates. The front-end-of-line (FEOL) compatible gate-first integration of cobalt is examined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and high/low frequency capacitance characterization, confirming the quality of interfaces and control over material diffusion. Insights into the magnetic properties of thin films and patterned control-gates are provided by vibrating sample magnetometry and electron holography measurements. Micromagnetic simulations anticipate that this structure fulfills the requirements for EDSR driving for magnetic fields higher than 1 T, where a homogeneous magnetization along the hard magnetic axis of the Co gates is expected. The FDSOI architecture showcased in this study provides a scalable alternative to micromagnets deposited in the back-end-of-line (BEOL) and middle-of-line (MOL) processes, while bringing technological insights for the FEOL-compatible integration of Co nanostructures in spin qubit devices.

[76] 2410.15872

Hierarchical analytical approach to universal spectral correlations in Brownian Quantum Chaos

We develop an analytical approach to the spectral form factor and out-of-time ordered correlators in zero-dimensional Brownian models of quantum chaos. The approach expresses these spectral correlations as part of a closed hierarchy of differential equations that can be formulated for all system sizes and in each of the three standard symmetry classes (unitary, orthogonal, and symplectic, as determined by the presence and nature of time reversal symmetry). The hierarchy applies exactly, and in the same form, to Dyson's Brownian motion and all systems with stochastically emerging basis invariance, where the model-dependent information is subsumed in a single dynamical timescale whose explicit form we also establish. We further verify this universality numerically for the Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, for which we find perfect agreement with the analytical predictions of the symmetry class determined by the number of fermions. This results in a complete analytical description of the spectral correlations and allows us to identify which correlations are universal in a large class of models.

[77] 2410.16036

Magnetic transport due to a translationally invariant potential obstacle

We consider a two-dimensional system in which a charged particle is exposed to a homogeneous magnetic field perpendicular to the plane and a potential that is translationally invariant in one dimension. We derive several conditions on such a perturbation under which the Landau levels change into an absolutely continuous spectrum.

[78] 2410.16054

Non-local detection of coherent Yu-Shiba-Rusinov quantum projections

Probing spatially confined quantum states from afar - a long-sought goal to minimize external interference - has been proposed to be achievable in condensed matter systems via coherent projection. The latter can be tailored by sculpturing the eigenstates of the electron sea that surrounds the quantum state using atom-by-atom built cages, so-called quantum corrals. However, assuring the coherent nature of the projection, and manipulating its quantum composition, has remained an elusive goal. Here, we experimentally realize the coherent projection of a magnetic impurity-induced, Yu-Shiba-Rusinov quantum state using the eigenmodes of corrals on the surface of a superconductor, which enables us to manipulate the particle-hole composition of the projected state by tuning corral eigenmodes through the Fermi energy. Our results demonstrate a controlled non-local method for the detection of magnet superconductor hybrid quantum states.

[79] 2410.16060

Supersonic shear waves in dipolar supersolids

Dipolar supersolids--quantum states which are simultaneously superfluid and solid--have had their superfluid nature rigorously tested, while its solid nature remains uncharted. Arguably, the defining characteristic of a solid is the existence of elastic shear waves. In this work, we investigate transverse wave packet propagation in dipolar supersolids with triangular and honeycomb structure. Remarkably, the honeycomb supersolid displays anomalous dispersion, supporting waves traveling faster than the transverse speed of sound: a supersonic shear wave. For both supersolid phases, we calculate the shear modulus, a key parameter that quantifies the material's rigidity. Our findings are pertinent to current experimental efforts scrutinizing the fundamental properties of supersolids.

[80] 2410.16082

Maximally entangled gluons for any $x$

Individual quarks and gluons at small-$x$ inside an unpolarized hadron can be regarded as Bell states in which qubits in the spin and orbital angular momentum spaces are maximally entangled. Using the machinery of quantum information science, we generalize this observation to all values $0

[81] 2410.16157

On-demand acoustic shaping of Mossbauer gamma-ray photons

We propose a technique that makes it possible to transform the intensity of a quasi-monochromatic single-photon wave packet, emitted by a radioactive M\"ossbauer gamma-ray source, into a sequence of short bursts with an arbitrary number of bursts, including a single burst. In addition, the technique allows one to individually and independently control, on demand, the moments of the burst appearance, as well as the peak intensity, duration and shape of each burst in the sequence. The technique is based on the transmission of M\"ossbauer (recoilless) photons through a resonantly absorbing medium, which is rapidly displaced at some moments of time relative to the source (or vice versa) along the photon propagation direction at a distance less than the photon wavelength, and returned to its original position. The burst durations can be comparable to the duration of the single-photon pulses produced by synchrotrons but have the controlled spectral-temporal characteristics. We show that the proposed technique can be implemented on the basis of currently available equipment with use of 14.4-keV recoilless photons, emitted by Co-57 source, and Fe-57 absorber, which opens up prospects for its applications in M\"ossbauer spectroscopy and x-ray quantum optics.

[82] 2410.16244

Semiconductor Circuits for Quantum Computing with Electronic Wave Packets

Standard approaches to quantum computing require significant overhead to correct for errors. The hardware size for conventional quantum processors in solids often increases linearly with the number of physical qubits, such as for transmon qubits in superconducting circuits or electron spin qubits in quantum dot arrays. While photonic circuits based on flying qubits do not suffer from decoherence or lack of potential scalability, they have encountered significant challenges to overcome photon loss in long delay circuits. Here, we propose an alternative approach that utilizes flying electronic wave packets propagating in solid-state quantum semiconductor circuits. Using a novel time-bin architecture for the electronic wave packets, hardware requirements are drastically reduced because qubits can be created on-demand and manipulated with a common hardware element, unlike the localized approach of wiring each qubit individually. The electronic Coulomb interaction enables reliable coupling and readout of qubits. Improving upon previous devices, we realize electronic interference at the level of a single quantized mode that can be used for manipulation of electronic wavepackets. This important landmark lays the foundation for fault-tolerant quantum computing with a compact and scalable architecture based on electron interferometry in semiconductors.

[83] 2410.16260

Multi-product Zeno effect with higher order convergence rates

To implement the dynamics of a projected Hamiltonian or Lindbladian, the quantum Zeno effect is a fundamental quantum phenomenon that approximates the effective dynamic by intersecting the Hamiltonian or Lindblad evolution by any quantum operation that converges to the desired projected subspace. Unlike the related Trotter product formula, the best-known convergence rate of the quantum Zeno effect is limited to the order $1/n$. In this work, we improve the convergence rate using a multi-product formula to achieve any power of $1/n^{K+1}$, employing a modified Chernoff Lemma, a modified Dunford-Segal approximation, and the holomorphic functional calculus. We then briefly illustrate this scheme using the bosonic cat code, as well as a broad class of examples governed by the `Bang-Bang' method used to decouple systems from their environment.