New articles on Quantitative Biology

[1] 2407.17505

Survey on biomarkers in human vocalizations

Recent years has witnessed an increase in technologies that use speech for the sensing of the health of the talker. This survey paper proposes a general taxonomy of the technologies and a broad overview of current progress and challenges. Vocal biomarkers are often secondary measures that are approximating a signal of another sensor or identifying an underlying mental, cognitive, or physiological state. Their measurement involve disturbances and uncertainties that may be considered as noise sources and the biomarkers are coarsely qualified in terms of the various sources of noise involved in their determination. While in some proposed biomarkers the error levels seem high, there are vocal biomarkers where the errors are expected to be low and thus are more likely to qualify as candidates for adoption in healthcare applications.

[2] 2407.17601

When Life Gives You Lemons, Squeeze Your Way Through: Understanding Citrus Avoidance Behaviour by Free-Ranging Dogs in India

Palatability of food is driven by multiple factors like taste, smell, texture, freshness, etc. and can be very variable across species. There are classic examples of local adaptations leading to speciation, driven by food availability. Urbanization across the world is causing rapid decline of biodiversity, while also driving local adaptations in some species. Free-ranging dogs are an interesting example of adaptation to a human-dominated environment across varied habitats. They have co-existed with humans for centuries and are a perfect model system for studying local adaptations. We attempted to understand a specific aspect of their scavenging behaviour in India: citrus aversion. Pet dogs are known to avoid citrus fruits and food contaminated by them. In India, lemons are used widely in the cuisine, and discarded in the garbage. Hence, free-ranging dogs, that typically are scavengers of human leftovers, are likely to encounter lemons and lemon-contaminated food on a regular basis. We carried out a population level experiment to test response of free-ranging dogs to chicken contaminated with various parts of lemon. The dogs avoided chicken contaminated with lemon juice the most. Further, when provided with chicken dipped in three different concentrations of lemon juice, the lowest concentration was most preferred. A survey confirmed that the local people use lemon in their diet extensively and also discard these with the leftovers. People avoided giving citrus contaminated food to their pets but did not follow the same caution for free-ranging dogs. This study revealed that free-ranging dogs in West Bengal, India, are well adapted to scavenging among citrus-contaminated garbage and have their own strategies to avoid the contamination as far as possible, while maximizing their preferred food intake.

[3] 2407.17793

Use-dependent Biases as Optimal Action under Information Bottleneck

Use-dependent bias is a phenomenon in human sensorimotor behavior whereby movements become biased towards previously repeated actions. Despite being well-documented, the reason why this phenomenon occurs is not year clearly understood. Here, we propose that use-dependent biases can be understood as a rational strategy for movement under limitations on the capacity to process sensory information to guide motor output. We adopt an information-theoretic approach to characterize sensorimotor information processing and determine how behavior should be optimized given limitations to this capacity. We show that this theory naturally predicts the existence of use-dependent biases. Our framework also generates two further predictions. The first prediction relates to handedness. The dominant hand is associated with enhanced dexterity and reduced movement variability compared to the non-dominant hand, which we propose relates to a greater capacity for information processing in regions that control movement of the dominant hand. Consequently, the dominant hand should exhibit smaller use-dependent biases compared to the non-dominant hand. The second prediction relates to how use-dependent biases are affected by movement speed. When moving faster, it is more challenging to correct for initial movement errors online during the movement. This should exacerbate costs associated with initial directional error and, according to our theory, reduce the extent of use-dependent biases compared to slower movements, and vice versa. We show that these two empirical predictions, the handedness effect and the speed-dependent effect, are confirmed by experimental data.

[4] 2407.17938

Analyzing Brain Tumor Connectomics using Graphs and Persistent Homology

Recent advances in molecular and genetic research have identified a diverse range of brain tumor sub-types, shedding light on differences in their molecular mechanisms, heterogeneity, and origins. The present study performs whole-brain connectome analysis using diffusionweighted images. To achieve this, both graph theory and persistent homology - a prominent approach in topological data analysis are employed in order to quantify changes in the structural connectivity of the wholebrain connectome in subjects with brain tumors. Probabilistic tractography is used to map the number of streamlines connecting 84 distinct brain regions, as delineated by the Desikan-Killiany atlas from FreeSurfer. These streamline mappings form the connectome matrix, on which persistent homology based analysis and graph theoretical analysis are executed to evaluate the discriminatory power between tumor sub-types that include meningioma and glioma. A detailed statistical analysis is conducted on persistent homology-derived topological features and graphical features to identify the brain regions where differences between study groups are statistically significant (p < 0.05). For classification purpose, graph-based local features are utilized, achieving a highest accuracy of 88%. In classifying tumor sub-types, an accuracy of 80% is attained. The findings obtained from this study underscore the potential of persistent homology and graph theoretical analysis of the whole-brain connectome in detecting alterations in structural connectivity patterns specific to different types of brain tumors.

[5] 2407.18237

Heterogeneous model for superdiffusive movement of dense-core vesicles in C. elegans

Transport of dense core vesicles (DCVs) in neurons is crucial for distributing molecules like neuropeptides and growth factors. We studied the experimental trajectories of dynein-driven directed movement of DCVs in the ALA neuron C. elegans over a duration of up to 6 seconds. We analysed the DCV movement in three strains of C. elegans: 1) with normal kinesin-1 function, 2) with reduced function in kinesin light chain 2 (KLC-2), and 3) a null mutation in kinesin light chain 1 (KLC-1). We find that DCVs move superdiffusively with displacement variance $var(x) \sim t^2$ in all three strains with low reversal rates and frequent immobilization of DCVs. The distribution of DCV displacements fits a beta-binomial distribution with the mean and the variance following linear and quadratic growth patterns, respectively. We propose a simple heterogeneous random walk model to explain the observed superdiffusive retrograde transport behaviour of DCV movement. This model involves a random probability with the beta density for a DCV to resume its movement or remain in the same position.

[6] 2407.17639

A minimal model for multigroup adaptive SIS epidemics

We propose a generalization of the adaptive N-Intertwined Mean-Field Approximation (aNIMFA) model studied in \emph{Achterberg and Sensi} \cite{achterbergsensi2022adaptive} to a heterogeneous network of communities. In particular, the multigroup aNIMFA model describes the impact of both local and global disease awareness on the spread of a disease in a network. We obtain results on existence and stability of the equilibria of the system, in terms of the basic reproduction number~$R_0$. Under light constraints, we show that the basic reproduction number~$R_0$ is equivalent to the basic reproduction number of the NIMFA model on static networks. Based on numerical simulations, we demonstrate that with just two communities periodic behaviour can occur, which contrasts the case with only a single community, in which periodicity was ruled out analytically. We also find that breaking connections between communities is more fruitful compared to breaking connections within communities to reduce the disease outbreak on dense networks, but both strategies are viable to networks with fewer links. Finally, we emphasise that our method of modelling adaptivity is not limited to SIS models, but has huge potential to be applied in other compartmental models in epidemiology.

[7] 2407.17674

Synthetic High-resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps with Generative Adversarial Networks

Generating synthetic cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) 3D density maps from molecular structures has potential important applications in structural biology. Yet existing simulation-based methods cannot mimic all the complex features present in experimental maps, such as secondary structure elements. As an alternative, we propose struc2mapGAN, a novel data-driven method that employs a generative adversarial network (GAN) to produce high-resolution experimental-like density maps from molecular structures. More specifically, struc2mapGAN uses a U-Net++ architecture as the generator, with an additional L1 loss term and further processing of raw experimental maps to enhance learning efficiency. While struc2mapGAN can promptly generate maps after training, we demonstrate that it outperforms existing simulation-based methods for a wide array of tested maps and across various evaluation metrics. Our code is available at

[8] 2407.17756

Preliminary Results of Neuromorphic Controller Design and a Parkinson's Disease Dataset Building for Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation

Parkinson's Disease afflicts millions of individuals globally. Emerging as a promising brain rehabilitation therapy for Parkinson's Disease, Closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation (CL-DBS) aims to alleviate motor symptoms. The CL-DBS system comprises an implanted battery-powered medical device in the chest that sends stimulation signals to the brains of patients. These electrical stimulation signals are delivered to targeted brain regions via electrodes, with the magnitude of stimuli adjustable. However, current CL-DBS systems utilize energy-inefficient approaches, including reinforcement learning, fuzzy interface, and field-programmable gate array (FPGA), among others. These approaches make the traditional CL-DBS system impractical for implanted and wearable medical devices. This research proposes a novel neuromorphic approach that builds upon Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron (LIF) controllers to adjust the magnitude of DBS electric signals according to the various severities of PD patients. Our neuromorphic controllers, on-off LIF controller, and dual LIF controller, successfully reduced the power consumption of CL-DBS systems by 19% and 56%, respectively. Meanwhile, the suppression efficiency increased by 4.7% and 6.77%. Additionally, to address the data scarcity of Parkinson's Disease symptoms, we built Parkinson's Disease datasets that include the raw neural activities from the subthalamic nucleus at beta oscillations, which are typical physiological biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease.

[9] 2407.17982

Experimental Data Confirm Carrier-Cascade Model for Solid-State Conductance across Proteins

The finding that electronic conductance across ultra-thin protein films between metallic electrodes remains nearly constant from room temperature to just a few degrees Kelvin has posed a challenge. We show that a model based on a generalized Landauer formula explains the nearly constant conductance and predicts an Arrhenius-like dependence for low temperatures. A critical aspect of the model is that the relevant activation energy for conductance is either the difference between the HOMO and HOMO-1 or the LUMO+1 and LUMO energies instead of the HOMO-LUMO gap of the proteins. Analysis of experimental data confirm the Arrhenius-like law and allows us to extract the activation energies. We then calculate the energy differences with advanced DFT methods for proteins used in the experiments. Our main result is that the experimental and theoretical activation energies for these three different proteins and three differently prepared solid-state junctions match nearly perfectly, implying the mechanism's validity.

[10] 2407.18067

HVM-1: Large-scale video models pretrained with nearly 5000 hours of human-like video data

We introduce Human-like Video Models (HVM-1), large-scale video models pretrained with nearly 5000 hours of curated human-like video data (mostly egocentric, temporally extended, continuous video recordings), using the spatiotemporal masked autoencoder (ST-MAE) algorithm. We release two 633M parameter models trained at spatial resolutions of 224x224 and 448x448 pixels. We evaluate the performance of these models in downstream few-shot video and image recognition tasks and compare them against a model pretrained with 1330 hours of short action-oriented video clips from YouTube (Kinetics-700). HVM-1 models perform competitively against the Kinetics-700 pretrained model in downstream evaluations despite substantial qualitative differences between the spatiotemporal characteristics of the corresponding pretraining datasets. HVM-1 models also learn more accurate and more robust object representations compared to models pretrained with the image-based MAE algorithm on the same data, demonstrating the potential benefits of learning to predict temporal regularities in natural videos for learning better object representations.

[11] 2407.18154

Identification of a time-varying SIR Model for Covid-19

Throughout human history, epidemics have been a constant presence. Understanding their dynamics is essential to predict scenarios and make substantiated decisions. Mathematical models are powerful tools to describe an epidemic behavior. Among the most used, the compartmental ones stand out, dividing population into classes with well-defined characteristics. One of the most known is the $SIR$ model, based on a set of differential equations describing the rates of change of three categories over time. These equations take into account parameters such as the disease transmission rate and the recovery rate, which both change over time. However, classical models use constant parameters and can not describe the behavior of a disease over long periods. In this work, it is proposed a $SIR$ model with time-varying transmission rate parameter with a method to estimate this parameter based on an optimization problem, which minimizes the sum of the squares of the errors between the model and historical data. Additionally, based on the infection rates determined by the algorithm, the model's ability to predict disease activity in future scenarios was also investigated. Epidemic data released by the government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil was used to evaluate the models, where the models shown a very good forecasting ability, resulting in errors for predicting the total number of accumulated infected persons of 0.13% for 7 days ahead and 0.6% for 14 days ahead.

[12] 2407.18204

Minimal motifs for habituating systems

Habituation - a phenomenon in which a dynamical system exhibits a diminishing response to repeated stimulations that eventually recovers when the stimulus is withheld - is universally observed in living systems from animals to unicellular organisms. Despite its prevalence, generic mechanisms for this fundamental form of learning remain poorly defined. Drawing inspiration from prior work on systems that respond adaptively to step inputs, we study habituation from a nonlinear dynamics perspective. This approach enables us to formalize classical hallmarks of habituation that have been experimentally identified in diverse organisms and stimulus scenarios. We use this framework to investigate distinct dynamical circuits capable of habituation. In particular, we show that driven linear dynamics of a memory variable with static nonlinearities acting at the input and output can implement numerous hallmarks in a mathematically interpretable manner. This work establishes a foundation for understanding the dynamical substrates of this primitive learning behavior and offers a blueprint for the identification of habituating circuits in biological systems.