New articles on Nonlinear Sciences

[1] 2407.17849

Vibrational resonance in vibro-impact oscillator through fast harmonic excitation

This study focuses on extending the concept of weak signal enhancement from dynamical systems based on vibrational resonance of nonlinear systems, to non-smooth systems. A Van der Pol- Duffing oscillator with a one-sided barrier, subjected to harmonic excitations, has been considered an archetypical low-order model, whose response is weak. It is shown that the system response can be significantly enhanced by applying an additional harmonic excitation but with much higher frequencies. The reasons for the underlying physics are investigated analytically using multiple-scale analysis and the Blekham perturbation approach (direct partition motion). The analytical predictions are qualitatively validated using numerical simulations. This approach yields valuable insights into the intricate interplay between fast and slow excitations in non-smooth systems.

[2] 2407.18017

A Sensitivity Analysis of Cellular Automata and Heterogeneous Topology Networks: Partially-Local Cellular Automata and Homogeneous Homogeneous Random Boolean Networks

Elementary Cellular Automata (ECA) are a well-studied computational universe that is, despite its simple configurations, capable of impressive computational variety. Harvesting this computation in a useful way has historically shown itself to be difficult, but if combined with reservoir computing (RC), this becomes much more feasible. Furthermore, RC and ECA enable energy-efficient AI, making the combination a promising concept for Edge AI. In this work, we contrast ECA to substrates of Partially-Local CA (PLCA) and Homogeneous Homogeneous Random Boolean Networks (HHRBN). They are, in comparison, the topological heterogeneous counterparts of ECA. This represents a step from ECA towards more biological-plausible substrates. We analyse these substrates by testing on an RC benchmark (5-bit memory), using Temporal Derrida plots to estimate the sensitivity and assess the defect collapse rate. We find that, counterintuitively, disordered topology does not necessarily mean disordered computation. There are countering computational "forces" of topology imperfections leading to a higher collapse rate (order) and yet, if accounted for, an increased sensitivity to the initial condition. These observations together suggest a shrinking critical range.

[3] 2407.18204

Minimal motifs for habituating systems

Habituation - a phenomenon in which a dynamical system exhibits a diminishing response to repeated stimulations that eventually recovers when the stimulus is withheld - is universally observed in living systems from animals to unicellular organisms. Despite its prevalence, generic mechanisms for this fundamental form of learning remain poorly defined. Drawing inspiration from prior work on systems that respond adaptively to step inputs, we study habituation from a nonlinear dynamics perspective. This approach enables us to formalize classical hallmarks of habituation that have been experimentally identified in diverse organisms and stimulus scenarios. We use this framework to investigate distinct dynamical circuits capable of habituation. In particular, we show that driven linear dynamics of a memory variable with static nonlinearities acting at the input and output can implement numerous hallmarks in a mathematically interpretable manner. This work establishes a foundation for understanding the dynamical substrates of this primitive learning behavior and offers a blueprint for the identification of habituating circuits in biological systems.

[4] 2407.17978

Hybrid patterns and solitonic frequency combs in non-Hermitian Kerr Cavities

We unveil a new scenario for the formation of dissipative localised structures in nonlinear systems. Commonly, the formation of such structures arises from the connection of a homogeneous steady state with either another homogeneous solution or a pattern. Both scenarios, typically found in cavities with normal and anomalous dispersion, respectively, exhibit unique fingerprints and particular features that characterise their behaviour. However, we show that the introduction of a periodic non-Hermitian modulation in Kerr cavities hybridises the two established soliton formation mechanisms, embodying the particular fingerprints of both. In the resulting novel scenario, the stationary states acquire a dual behaviour, playing the role that was unambiguously attributed to either homogeneous states or patterns. These fundamental findings have profound practical implications for frequency comb generation, introducing unprecedented reversible mechanisms for real-time manipulation.