New articles on Nonlinear Sciences

[1] 2409.08348

Synchronization cluster bursting in adaptive oscillators networks

Adaptive dynamical networks are ubiquitous in real-world systems. This paper aims to explore the synchronization dynamics in networks of adaptive oscillators based on a paradigmatic system of adaptively coupled phase oscillators. Our numerical observations reveal the emergence of synchronization cluster bursting, characterized by periodic transitions between cluster synchronization and global synchronization. By investigating a reduced model, the mechanisms underlying synchronization cluster bursting are clarified. We show that a minimal model exhibiting this phenomenon can be reduced to a phase oscillator with complex-valued adaptation. Furthermore, the adaptivity of the system leads to the appearance of additional symmetries and thus to the coexistence of stable bursting solutions with very different Kuramoto order parameters.

[2] 2409.08398

Challenges and perspectives in recurrence analyses of event time series

The analysis of event time series is in general challenging. Most time series analysis tools are limited for the analysis of this kind of data. Recurrence analysis, a powerful concept from nonlinear time series analysis, provides several opportunities to work with event data and even for the most challenging task of comparing event time series with continuous time series. Here, the basic concept is introduced, the challenges are discussed, and the future perspectives are summarised.

[3] 2409.08496

Computing Lyapunov Exponents using Weighted Birkhoff Averages

The Lyapunov exponents of a dynamical system measure the average rate of exponential stretching along an orbit. Positive exponents are often taken as a defining characteristic of chaotic dynamics. However, the standard orthogonalization-based method for computing Lyapunov exponents converges slowly -- if at all. Many alternatively techniques have been developed to distinguish between regular and chaotic orbits, though most do not compute the exponents. We compute the Lyapunov spectrum in three ways: the standard method, the weighted Birkhoff average (WBA), and the ``mean exponential growth rate for nearby orbits'' (MEGNO). The latter two improve convergence for nonchaotic orbits, but the WBA is fastest. However, for chaotic orbits the three methods convergence at similar, slow rates. Though the original MEGNO method does not compute Lyapunov exponents, we show how to reformulate it as a weighted average that does.

[4] 2409.08736

Bifurcations in the Kuramoto model with external forcing and higher-order interactions

Synchronization is an important phenomenon in a wide variety of systems comprising interacting oscillatory units, whether natural (like neurons, biochemical reactions, cardiac cells) or artificial (like metronomes, power grids, Josephson junctions). The Kuramoto model provides a simple description of these systems and has been useful in their mathematical exploration. Here we investigate this model in the presence of two characteristics that may be important in applications: an external periodic influence and higher-order interactions among the units. The combination of these ingredients leads to a very rich bifurcation scenario in the dynamics of the order parameter that describes phase transitions. Our theoretical calculations are validated by numerical simulations.

[5] 2409.08791

Quantum spin van der Pol oscillator -- a spin-based limit-cycle oscillator exhibiting quantum synchronization

We introduce a quantum spin van der Pol (vdP) oscillator as a prototypical model of quantum spin-based limit-cycle oscillators, which coincides with the quantum optical vdP oscillator in the high-spin limit. The system is described as a noisy limit-cycle oscillator in the semiclassical regime at large spin numbers, exhibiting frequency entrainment to a periodic drive. Even in the smallest spin-1 case, mutual synchronization, Arnold tongues, and entanglement tongues in two dissipatively coupled oscillators, and collective synchronization in all-to-all coupled oscillators are clearly observed. The proposed quantum spin vdP oscillator will provide a useful platform for analyzing quantum spin synchronization.

[6] 2409.08870

A laminar chaotic saddle within a turbulent attractor

Intermittent switchings between weakly chaotic (laminar) and strongly chaotic (bursty) states are often observed in systems with high-dimensional chaotic attractors, such as fluid turbulence. They differ from the intermittency of a low-dimensional system accompanied by the stability change of a fixed point or a periodic orbit in that the intermittency of a high-dimensional system tends to appear in a wide range of parameters. This paper considers a case where the skeleton of a laminar state $L$ exists as a proper chaotic subset $S$ of a chaotic attractor $X$, that is, $S\ \subsetneq\ X$. We characterize such a laminar state $L$ by a chaotic saddle $S$, which is densely filled with periodic orbits of different numbers of unstable directions. This study demonstrates the presence of chaotic saddles underlying intermittency in fluid turbulence and phase synchronization. Furthermore, we confirm that chaotic saddles persist for a wide range of parameters. Also, a kind of phase synchronization turns out to occur in the turbulent model.

[7] 2409.08293

Control, bi-stability and preference for chaos in time-dependent vaccination campaign

In this work, effects of constant and time-dependent vaccination rates on the Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SEIRS) seasonal model are studied. Computing the Lyapunov exponent, we show that typical complex structures, such as shrimps, emerge for given combinations of constant vaccination rate and another model parameter. In some specific cases, the constant vaccination does not act as a chaotic suppressor and chaotic bands can exist for high levels of vaccination (e.g., $> 0.95$). Moreover, we obtain linear and non-linear relationships between one control parameter and constant vaccination to establish a disease-free solution. We also verify that the total infected number does not change whether the dynamics is chaotic or periodic. The introduction of a time-dependent vaccine is made by the inclusion of a periodic function with a defined amplitude and frequency. For this case, we investigate the effects of different amplitudes and frequencies on chaotic attractors, yielding low, medium, and high seasonality degrees of contacts. Depending on the parameters of the time-dependent vaccination function, chaotic structures can be controlled and become periodic structures. For a given set of parameters, these structures are accessed mostly via crisis and in some cases via period-doubling. After that, we investigate how the time-dependent vaccine acts in bi-stable dynamics when chaotic and periodic attractors coexist. We identify that this kind of vaccination acts as a control by destroying almost all the periodic basins. We explain this by the fact that chaotic attractors exhibit more desirable characteristics for epidemics than periodic ones in a bi-stable state.

[8] 2409.08310

(In)stability of symbiotic vortex-bright soliton in holographic immiscible binary superfluids

Symbiotic vortex-bright soliton structures with non-trivial topological charge in one component are found to be robust in immiscibel two-component superfluids, due to the effective potential created by a stable vortex in the other component. We explore the properties of symbiotic vortex-bright soliton in strongly coupled binary superfluids by holography, which naturally incorporates finite temperature effect and dissipation. We show the dependence of the configuration on various parameters, including the winding number, temperature and inter-component coupling. We then study the (in)stability of symbiotic vortex-bright soliton by both the linear approach via quasi-normal modes and the full non-linear numerical simulation. Rich dynamics are found for the splitting patterns and dynamical transitions. Moreover, for giant symbiotic vortex-bright soliton structures with large winding numbers, the vortex splitting instability might be rooted in the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. We also show that the second component in the vortex core could act as a stabilizer so as to suppress or even prevent vortex splitting instability. Such stabilization mechanism opens possibility for vortices with smaller winding number to merge into vortices with larger winding number, which is confirmed for the first time in our simulation.

[9] 2409.08567

Study of quantum phase transition and entanglement in coupled top systems with standard and nonstandard symmetries under Floquet formalism

We study an effective time-independent Hamiltonian of a coupled kicked-top (CKT) system derived using the Van Vleck-based perturbation theory at the high-frequency driving limit under Floquet formalism. The effective Hamiltonian is a non-integrable system due to the presence of nonlinear torsional terms in the individual top and also due to the coupling between two tops. Here, we study classical and quantum versions of this coupled top system for torsion-free and nonzero torsion cases. The former model is well-known in the literature as the Feingold-Peres (FP) model. At the quantum limit, depending on the system parameters, both systems satisfy BDI, or chiral orthogonal symmetry class, which is one of the recently proposed nonstandard symmetry classes. We study the role of underlying symmetry on the entanglement between the two tops. Moreover, we also investigate the interrelations among quantum phase transitions, entanglement between the tops, and the stability of the underlying classical dynamics for the system with torsion-free and nonzero torsion cases.