New articles on Nonlinear Sciences

[1] 2502.01782

Topological variability modes of the wind-driven ocean circulation

The wind-driven ocean circulation comprises the oceanic currents that are visible at the surface. In this paper, we use algebraic topology concepts and methods to study a highly simplified model of the evolution of this circulation subject to periodic winds. The low-order spectral model corresponds to a midlatitude ocean basin. For steady forcing, the model's intrinsic oscillations undergo a bifurcation from small-amplitude harmonic ones to relaxation oscillations (ROs) of high amplitude as the forcing increases. The ROs, in turn, give rise to chaotic behavior under periodic forcing. Topological invariants help identify distinct flow regimes that ensemble simulations visit under the action of the underlying deterministic rule in such a nonautonomous framework. We introduce topological variability modes of this idealized ocean circulation, based on the previously defined invariants.

[2] 2502.02261

Rigorous analysis of large-space and long-time asymptotics for the short-pulse soliton gases

We rigorously analyze the asymptotics of soliton gases to the short-pulse (SP) equation. The soliton gas is formulated in terms of a RH problem, which is derived from the RH problems of the $N$-soliton solutions with $N \to \infty$. Building on prior work in the study of the KdV soliton gas and orthogonal polynomials with Jacobi-type weights, we extend the reflection coefficient to two generalized forms on the interval $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$: $r_0(\lambda) = \left(\lambda - \eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2 - \lambda\right)^{\beta_2}|\lambda - \eta_0|^{\beta_0}\gamma(\lambda)$, $r_c(\lambda) = \left(\lambda - \eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2 - \lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\chi_c(\lambda)\gamma(\lambda)$, where $0 < \eta_1 < \eta_0 < \eta_2$ and $\beta_j > -1$ ($j = 0, 1, 2$), $\gamma(\lambda)$ is continuous and positive on $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$, with an analytic extension to a neighborhood of this interval, $\chi_c(\lambda) = 1$ for $\lambda \in \left[\eta_1, \eta_0\right)$ and $\chi_c(\lambda) = c^2$ for $\lambda \in \left(\eta_0, \eta_2\right]$, where $c>0$ with $c \neq 1$. The asymptotic analysis is performed using the steepest descent method. A key aspect of the analysis is the construction of the $g$-function. To address the singularity at the origin, we introduce an innovative piecewise definition of $g$-function. To establish the order of the error term, we construct local parametrices near $\eta_j$ for $j = 1, 2$, and singularity $\eta_0$. At the endpoints, we employ the Airy parametrix and the first type of modified Bessel parametrix. At the singularity $\eta_0$, we use the second type of modified Bessel parametrix for $r_0$ and confluent hypergeometric parametrix for $r_c(\lambda)$.

[3] 2502.02273

Long-time asymptotics for the $N_{\infty}$-soliton solution to the KdV equation with two types of generalized reflection coefficients

We systematically investigate the long-time asymptotics for the $N_{\infty}$-soliton solution to the KdV equation in the different regions with the aid of the Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problems with two types of generalized reflection coefficients on the interval $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]\in \mathbb{R}^+$: $r_0(\lambda,\eta_0; \beta_0, \beta_1,\beta_2)=\left(\lambda-\eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2-\lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\left|\lambda-\eta_0\right|^{\beta_0}\gamma\left(\lambda\right)$, $r_c(\lambda,\eta_0; \beta_1,\beta_2)=\left(\lambda-\eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2-\lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\chi_c\left(\lambda, \eta_0\right)\gamma \left(\lambda\right)$, where the singularity $\eta_0\in (\eta_1, \eta_2)$ and $\beta_j>-1$ ($j=0, 1, 2$), $\gamma: \left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right] \to\mathbb{R}^+$ is continuous and positive on $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$, with an analytic extension to a neighborhood of this interval, and the step-like function $\chi_c$ is defined as $\chi_c\left(\lambda,\eta_0\right)=1$ for $\lambda\in\left[\eta_1, \eta_0\right)$ and $\chi_c\left(\lambda,\eta_0\right)=c^2$ for $\lambda\in\left(\eta_0, \eta_2\right]$ with $c>0, \, c\ne1$. A critical step in the analysis of RH problems via the Deift-Zhou steepest descent technique is how to construct local parametrices around the endpoints $\eta_j$'s and the singularity $\eta_0$. Specifically, the modified Bessel functions of indexes $\beta_j$'s are utilized for the endpoints $\eta_j$'s, and the modified Bessel functions of index $\left(\beta_0\pm 1\right)\left/\right.2$ and confluent hypergeometric functions are employed around the singularity $\eta_0$ if the reflection coefficients are $r_0$ and $r_c$, respectively. This comprehensive study extends the understanding of generalized reflection coefficients and provides valuable insights into the asymptotics of soliton gases.

[4] 2502.01693

Graph Neural Networks for Identifying Steady-State Behavior in Complex Networks

In complex systems, information propagation can be defined as diffused or delocalized, weakly localized, and strongly localized. Can a machine learning model learn the behavior of a linear dynamical system on networks? In this work, we develop a graph neural network framework for identifying the steady-state behavior of the linear dynamical system. We reveal that our model learns the different states with high accuracy. To understand the explainability of our model, we provide an analytical derivation for the forward and backward propagation of our framework. Finally, we use the real-world graphs in our model for validation.

[5] 2502.01750

Integrable deformations of dimensionally reduced gravity

Dimensional reduction of gravity theories to $D=2$ along commuting Killing isometries is well-known to be classically integrable. The resulting system typically features a coset $\sigma$-model coupled to a dilaton and a scale factor of the dimensional reduction. In this article, we construct two families of deformations of dimensionally reduced gravity that preserve the Lax integrable structure. The first family is an extension of the Auxiliary Field Deformation recently introduced by Ferko and Smith, while the second family consists in the embedding of the Yang-Baxter $\sigma$-model into $D=2$ dimensionally reduced gravity. For both deformations we construct flat Lax representations. The Auxiliary Field Deformation, in particular, preserves the rich algebraic structure underlying the undeformed model and, leaving the canonical structure of the Lax connection's spatial components essentially unchanged, allows us to prove its integrability also in the Hamiltonian sense.

[6] 2502.02111

Explicit solution for the hyperbolic homogeneous scalar one-dimensional conservation law

A complex integral formula provides an explicit solution of the initial value problem for the nonlinear scala 1D equation $u\_t+[f(u)]\_x=0$, for any flux $f(u)$ and initial condition $u\_0(x)$ that are analytic. This formula is valid at least as long as $u$ remains analytic.

[7] 2502.02217

Data-driven prediction of reversal of large-scale circulation in turbulent convection

Large-scale circulation (LSC) quasi-stably emerges in the turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection, and intermittently reverses its rotational direction in two-dimensional turbulent convection. In this paper, direct numerical simulations of the intermittent reversals of the LSC in a two-dimensional square domain are performed, and the time series of the total angular momentum indicating the rotational direction of the LSC is predicted by reservoir computing whose input consists of the shear rates and temperatures at six locations on the sidewalls. The total angular momentum in the simulation after times shorter than half the typical duration of the quasi-stable states is successfully reproduced by the locally-measurable quantities on the sidewalls because the secondary rolls accompanied by the boundary flow characterize the reversal of the LSC. The successful prediction by such sparse input derived from local measurements on the sidewalls demonstrates that the reservoir computing prediction of the reversal is feasible in laboratory experiments and industrial applications. On the other hand, long-term prediction often provides the total angular momentum opposite in sign to the one in the simulations in the late parts of long quasi-stable states. The statistical independence of each reversal implies that the prediction after the reversal is difficult or even impossible, and the training data in the late part in the long quasi-stable state, which rarely appears, is contaminated by the statistically-independent angular momentum in the subsequent quasi-stable state.

[8] 2502.02386

Hypergraph Link Prediction via Hyperedge Copying

We propose a generative model of temporally-evolving hypergraphs in which hyperedges form via noisy copying of previous hyperedges. Our proposed model reproduces several stylized facts from many empirical hypergraphs, is learnable from data, and defines a likelihood over a complete hypergraph rather than ego-based or other sub-hypergraphs. Analyzing our model, we derive descriptions of node degree, edge size, and edge intersection size distributions in terms of the model parameters. We also show several features of empirical hypergraphs which are and are not successfully captured by our model. We provide a scalable stochastic expectation maximization algorithm with which we can fit our model to hypergraph data sets with millions of nodes and edges. Finally, we assess our model on a hypergraph link prediction task, finding that an instantiation of our model with just 11 parameters can achieve competitive predictive performance with large neural networks.

[9] 2502.02491

Generalized quantum Zernike Hamiltonians: Polynomial Higgs-type algebras and algebraic derivation of the spectrum

We consider the quantum analog of the generalized Zernike systems given by the Hamiltonian: $$ \hat{\mathcal{H}} _N =\hat{p}_1^2+\hat{p}_2^2+\sum_{k=1}^N \gamma_k (\hat{q}_1 \hat{p}_1+\hat{q}_2 \hat{p}_2)^k , $$ with canonical operators $\hat{q}_i,\, \hat{p}_i$ and arbitrary coefficients $\gamma_k$. This two-dimensional quantum model, besides the conservation of the angular momentum, exhibits higher-order integrals of motion within the enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg algebra $\mathfrak h_2$. By constructing suitable combinations of these integrals, we uncover a polynomial Higgs-type symmetry algebra that, through an appropriate change of basis, gives rise to a deformed oscillator algebra. The associated structure function $\Phi$ is shown to factorize into two commuting components $\Phi=\Phi_1 \Phi_2$. This framework enables an algebraic determination of the possible energy spectra of the model for the cases $N=2,3,4$, the case $N=1$ being canonically equivalent to the harmonic oscillator. Based on these findings, we propose two conjectures which generalize the results for all $N\ge 2$ and any value of the coefficients $\gamma_k$, that they are explicitly proven for $N=5$. In addition, all of these results can be interpreted as superintegrable perturbations of the original quantum Zernike system corresponding to $N=2$ which are also analyzed and applied to the isotropic oscillator on the sphere, hyperbolic and Euclidean spaces.