New articles on Mathematical Physics

[1] 2407.17918

Vector tomography for reconstructing electric fields with non-zero divergence in bounded domains

In vector tomography (VT), the aim is to reconstruct an unknown multi-dimensional vector field using line integral data. In the case of a 2-dimensional VT, two types of line integral data are usually required. These data correspond to integration of the parallel and perpendicular projection of the vector field along integration lines. VT methods are non-invasive, non-intrusive and offer more information on the field than classical point measurements; they are typically used to reconstruct divergence-free (or source-free) velocity and flow fields. In this paper, we show that VT can also be used for the reconstruction of fields with non-zero divergence. In particular, we study electric fields generated by dipole sources in bounded domains which arise, for example, in electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging. To the best of our knowledge, VT has not previously been used to reconstruct such fields. We explain in detail the theoretical background, the derivation of the electric field inverse problem and the numerical approximation of the line integrals. We show that fields with non-zero divergence can be reconstructed from the longitudinal measurements with the help of two sparsity constraints that are constructed from the transverse measurements and the vector Laplace operator. As a comparison to EEG source imaging, we note that VT does not require mathematical modelling of the sources. By numerical simulations, we show that the pattern of the electric field can be correctly estimated using VT and the location of the source activity can be determined accurately from the reconstructed magnitudes of the field.

[2] 2407.17919

Bounds and Phase Transitions for Phonons in Complex Network Structures

We study a model of networked atoms or molecules oscillating around their equilibrium positions. The model assumes the harmonic approximation of the interactions. We provide bounds for the total number of phonons, and for the specific heat, in terms of the average Wiener capacity, or resistance, of the network. Thanks to such bounds, we can distinguish qualitatively different behaviours in terms of the network structure alone.

[3] 2407.17935

Pfaffian structure of the eigenvector overlap for the symplectic Ginibre ensemble

We study the integrable structure and scaling limits of the conditioned eigenvector overlap of the symplectic Ginibre ensemble of Gaussian non-Hermitian random matrices with independent quaternion elements. The average of the overlap matrix elements constructed from left and right eigenvectors, conditioned to $x$, are derived in terms of a Pfaffian determinant. Regarded as a two-dimensional Coulomb gas with the Neumann boundary condition along the real axis, it contains a kernel of skew-orthogonal polynomials with respect to the weight function $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)=|z-\overline{x}|^2(1+|z-x|^2)e^{-2|z|^2}$, including a non-trivial insertion of a point charge. The mean off-diagonal overlap is related to the diagonal (self-)overlap by a transposition, in analogy to the complex Ginibre ensemble. For $x$ conditioned to the real line, extending previous results at $x=0$, we determine the skew-orthogonal polynomials and their skew-kernel with respect to $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)$. This is done in two steps and involves a Christoffel perturbation of the weight $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)=|z-\overline{x}|^2\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$, by computing first the corresponding quantities for the unperturbed weight $\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$. Its kernel is shown to satisfy a differential equation at finite matrix size $N$. This allows us to take different large-$N$ limits, where we distinguish bulk and edge regime along the real axis. The limiting mean diagonal overlaps and corresponding eigenvalue correlation functions of the point processes with respect to $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)$ are determined. We also examine the effect on the planar orthogonal polynomials when changing the variance in $\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$, as this appears in the eigenvector statistics of the complex Ginibre ensemble.

[4] 2407.18222

Osterwalder-Schrader axioms for unitary full vertex operator algebras

Full Vertex Operator Algebras (full VOA) are extensions of two commuting Vertex Operator Algebras, introduced to formulate compact two-dimensional conformal field theory. We define unitarity, polynomial energy bounds and polynomial spectral density for full VOA. Under these conditions and local $C_1$-cofiniteness of the simple full VOA, we show that the correlation functions of quasi-primary fields define tempered distributions and satisfy a conformal version of the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms, including the linear growth condition. As an example, we show that a family of full extensions of the Heisenberg VOA satisfies all these assumptions.

[5] 2407.17189

Bi-Hamiltonian structures of WDVV-type

We study a class of nonlinear PDEs that admit the same bi-Hamiltonian structure as WDVV equations: a Ferapontov-type first-order Hamiltonian operator and a homogeneous third-order Hamiltonian operator in a canonical Doyle--Potemin form, which are compatible. Using various equivalence groups, we classify such equations in two-component and three-component cases. In a four-component case, we add further evidence to the conjecture that there exists only one integrable system of the above type. Finally, we give an example of the six-component system with required bi-Hamiltonian structure. To streamline the symbolic computation we develop an algorithm to find the aforementioned Hamiltonian operators, which includes putting forward a conjecture on the structure of the metric parameterising the first-order Hamiltonian operator.

[6] 2407.17506

Free Energy Difference Fluctuations in Short-Range Spin Glasses

It is generally believed (but not yet proved) that Ising spin glasses with nearest-neighbor interactions have a phase transition in three and higher dimensions to a low-temperature spin glass phase, but the nature of this phase remains controversial, especially whether it is characterized by multiple incongruent Gibbs states. Of particular relevance to this question is the behavior of the typical free energy difference restricted to a finite volume between two such putative Gibbs states, as well as the nature of the fluctuations of their free energy difference as the couplings within the volume vary. In this paper we investigate these free energy difference fluctuations by introducing a new kind of metastate which classifies Gibbs states through their edge overlap values with a reference Gibbs state randomly chosen from the support of the periodic boundary condition (PBC) metastate. We find that the free energy difference between any two incongruent pure states, regardless of the details of how they're organized into mixed states within the PBC metastate, converges to a Gaussian (or Gaussian-like) distribution whose variance scales with the volume, proving a decades-old conjecture of Fisher and Huse. The same conclusion applies, though with some additional restrictions, to both mixed Gibbs states and ground states. We discuss some implications of these results.

[7] 2407.17553

Heterotic Strings and Quantum Entanglement

We construct $\mathbb{Z}_N$ orbifolds of the ten-dimensional heterotic string theories appropriate for implementing the stringy replica method for the calculation of quantum entanglement entropy. A novel feature for the heterotic string is that the gauge symmetry must be broken by a Wilson line to ensure modular invariance. We completely classify the patterns of symmetry breaking. We show that the tachyonic contributions in all cases can be analytically continued, with a finite answer in the domain $0<N \leq 1$, relevant for calculating entanglement entropy across the Rindler horizon. We discuss the physical implications of our results.

[8] 2407.17568

Spatial curvature in coincident gauge $f(Q)$ cosmology

In this work we study the Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with arbitrary spatial curvature for the symmetric teleparallel theories of gravity, giving the first presentation of their coincident gauge form. Our approach explicitly starts with the cosmological Killing vectors and constructs the coincident gauge coordinates adapted to these Killing vectors. We then obtain three distinct spatially flat branches and a single spatially curved branch. Contrary to some previous claims, we show that all branches of connection in the covariant approach can be studied in this gauge-fixed formalism, which offers certain conceptual advantages. Interestingly, we find that the flat and negative spatially curved solutions in $f(Q)$ gravity can be seen as equivalent to the metric teleparallel $f(T)$ theories, demonstrating a deeper connection between these theories. This is accomplished by studying the connection equation of motion, which can be interpreted as a consistency condition in the gauge-fixed approach. Finally, we discuss the role of diffeomorphism invariance and local Lorentz invariance in these geometric modifications of gravity.

[9] 2407.17580

Direct resonance problem for Rayleigh seismic surface waves

In this paper we study the direct resonance problem for Rayleigh seismic surface waves and obtain a constraint on the location of resonances and establish a forbidden domain as the main result. In order to obtain the main result we make a Pekeris-Markushevich transformation of the Rayleigh system with free surface boundary condition such that we get a matrix Schr\"odinger-type form of it. We obtain parity and analytical properties of its fundamental solutions, which are needed to prove the main theorem. We construct a function made up by Rayleigh determinants factors, which is proven to be entire, of exponential type and in the Cartwright class and leads to the constraint on the location of resonances.

[10] 2407.17851

Bad local minima exist in the stochastic block model

We study the disassortative stochastic block model with three communities, a well-studied model of graph partitioning and Bayesian inference for which detailed predictions based on the cavity method exist [Decelle et al. (2011)]. We provide strong evidence that for a part of the phase where efficient algorithms exist that approximately reconstruct the communities, inference based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) fails. In other words, we show that there exist modes of the posterior distribution that have a vanishing agreement with the ground truth. The proof is based on the analysis of a graph colouring algorithm from [Achlioptas and Moore (2003)].

[11] 2407.17890

Differential Forms vs Geometric Algebra: The quest for the best geometric language

Differential forms is a highly geometric formalism for physics used from field theories to General Relativity (GR) which has been a great upgrade over vector calculus with the advantages of being coordinate-free and carrying a high degree of geometrical content. In recent years, Geometric Algebra appeared claiming to be a unifying language for physics and mathematics with a high level of geometrical content. Its strength is based on the unification of the inner and outer product into a single geometric operation, and its easy interpretation. Given their similarities, in this article we compare both formalisms side-by-side to narrow the gap between them in literature. We present a direct translation including differential identities, integration theorems and various algebraic identities. As an illustrative example, we present the case of classical electrodynamics in both formalism and finish with their description of GR.

[12] 2407.17897

A general thermodynamically consistent phase-field-micromechanics model of sintering with coupled diffusion and grain motion

Sintering is a pivotal technology for processing ceramic and metallic powders into solid objects. A profound understanding of microstructure evolution during sintering is essential for manufacturing products with tailored properties. While various phase-field models have been proposed to simulate microstructure evolution in solid-state sintering, correctly incorporating the crucial densification mechanism, particularly grain motion, remains a challenge. The fundamental obstacle lies in the ad hoc treatment of the micromechanics of grain motion, where the thermodynamical driving force cannot be derived from the system's free energy. This work presents a novel phase-field-micromechanics model for sintering (PFMMS) that addresses this challenge. We define a unified energy law, under which the governing equations for microstructure evolution in sintering are derived using variational principles. Our approach ensures thermodynamic consistency, with the driving force for grain motion derived from the system's free energy. Consequently, the proposed PFMMS guarantees the evolution of microstructure in a direction that reduces the system's energy and eliminates non-densifying phenomena. We rigorously validate PFMMS against recent benchmarks of theoretical and numerical analysis. It is found that PFMMS captures intrinsic stress distribution along and beyond grain boundaries, exhibits system-size-independent shrinkage strain, and maintains thermodynamic equilibrium states. These features are fundamental requirements for a physically consistent sintering model.

[13] 2407.17943

Some Lower Dimensional Quantum Field Theories Reduced from Chern-Simons Gauge Theories

We study symmetry reductions in the context of Euclidean Chern-Simons gauge theories to obtain lower dimensional field theories. Symmetry reduction in certain gauge theories is a common tool for obtaining explicit soliton solutions. Although pure Chern-Simons theories do not admit solitonic solutions, symmetry reduction still leads to interesting results. We establish relations at the semiclassical regime between pure Chern-Simons theories on $S^3$ and the reduced Quantum Field Theories, based on actions obtained by the symmetry reduction of the Chern-Simons action, spherical symmetry being the prominent one. We also discuss symmetry reductions of Chern-Simons theories on the disk, yielding $BF$-theory in two dimensions, which signals a curious relationship between symmetry reductions and the boundary conformal field theories. Finally, we study the Chern-Simons-Higgs instantons and show that under certain circumstances, the reduced action can formally be viewed as the action of a supersymmetric quantum mechanical model. We discuss the extent to which the reduced actions have a fermionic nature at the level of the partition function.

[14] 2407.18019

Irreducible decompositions of tensors via the Brauer algebra and applications to metric-affine gravity

In the first part of this thesis, we make use of representation theory of groups and algebras to perform an irreducible decomposition of tensors in the context of metric-affine gravity. In particular, we consider the action of the orthogonal group O(1, d$-1$) on the Riemann tensor associated with an affine connection defined on a d-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold. This connection, with torsion and non-metricity, is the characteristic ingredient of metric-affine theories of gravity. In the second part of this thesis, we construct the projection operators used for the aforementioned decomposition. They are realized in terms of the symmetric group algebra $\mathbb{C}\mathfrak{S}_n$ and of the Brauer algebra B$_n$(d) which are related respectively to the action of GL(d,$\mathbb{C}$) (and its real form GL(d,$\mathbb{R}$)) and to the action of O(d,$\mathbb{C}$) (and its real form O(1 , d$-1$)) on tensors via the Schur-Weyl duality. First of all, we give an alternative approach to the known formulas for the central idempotents of $\mathbb{C}\mathfrak{S}_n$. These elements provide a unique reducible decomposition, known as the isotypic decomposition. For our purposes, this decomposition is remarkably handy to arrive at the sought after irreducible decomposition with respect to GL(d,$\mathbb{R}$). Then, we construct the elements in B$_n$(d) which realize the isotypic decomposition of a tensor under the action of O(d,$\mathbb{C}$). This decomposition is irreducible under O(d,$\mathbb{C}$) when applied to an irreducible GL(d,$\mathbb{C}$) tensor of order $5$ or less. As a by product of the construction, we give a solution to the problem of decomposing an arbitrary tensor into its traceless part, doubly traceless part and so on. These results led to the development of several Mathematica packages linked to the \textit{xAct} bundle for tensor calculus in field theory.

[15] 2407.18050

Travel time and energy dissipation minima in heterogeneous subsurface flows

We establish a number of results concerning conditions for minimum energy dissipation and advective travel time in porous and fractured media. First, we establish a pair of converse results concerning fluid motion along a streamline between two points of fixed head: the minimal advective time is achieved under conditions of constant energy dissipation, and minimal energy dissipation is achieved under conditions of constant velocity along the streamline (implying homogeneous conductivity in the vicinity of the streamline). We also show directly by means of variational methods that minimum advection time along a streamline with a given average conductivity is achieved when the conductivity is constant. Finally, we turn our attention to minimum advection time and energy dissipation in parallel and sequential fracture systems governed by the cubic law: for which fracture cross-section and conductivity are intimately linked. We show that, as in porous domains, flow partitioning between different pathways always acts to minimize system energy dissipation. Finally, we consider minimum advection time as a function of aperture distribution in a sequence of fracture segments. We show that, for a fixed average aperture, a uniform-aperture system displays the shortest advection time. However, we also show that any sufficiently small small perturbations in aperture away from uniformity always act to reduce advection time.

[16] 2407.18177

Conformal quantum mechanics of causal diamonds: Time evolution and thermality via path integral functionals

An observer with a finite lifetime $\mathcal{T}$ perceives the Minkowski vacuum as a thermal state at temperature $T_D = 2 \hbar/(\pi \mathcal{T})$, as a result of being constrained to a double-coned-shaped region known as a causal diamond. In this paper, we explore the emergence of thermality in causal diamonds due to the role played by the symmetries of conformal quantum mechanics (CQM) as a (0+1)-dimensional conformal field theory, within the de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan model and generalizations. In this context, the hyperbolic operator $S$ of the SO(2,1) symmetry of CQM is the generator of the time evolution of a diamond observer, and its dynamical behavior leads to the predicted thermal nature. Our approach is based on a comprehensive framework of path-integral representations of the CQM generators in canonical and microcanonical forms, supplemented by semiclassical arguments. The properties of the operator $S$ are studied with emphasis on an operator duality with the corresponding elliptic operator $R$, using a representation in terms of an effective scale-invariant inverse square potential combined with inverted and ordinary harmonic oscillator potentials.

[17] 2407.18191

Conformal quantum mechanics of causal diamonds: Quantum instability and semiclassical approximation

Causal diamonds are known to have thermal behavior that can be probed by finite-lifetime observers equipped with energy-scaled detectors. This thermality can be attributed to the time evolution of observers within the causal diamond, governed by one of the conformal quantum mechanics (CQM) symmetry generators: the noncompact hyperbolic operator $S$. In this paper, we show that the unbounded nature of $S$ endows it with a quantum instability, which is a generalization of a similar property exhibited by the inverted harmonic oscillator potential. Our analysis is semiclassical, including a detailed phase-space study of the classical dynamics of $S$ and its dual operator $R$, and a general semiclassical framework yielding basic instability and thermality properties that play a crucial role in the quantum behavior of the theory. For an observer with a finite lifetime $\mathcal{T}$, the detected temperature $T_D = 2 \hbar/(\pi \mathcal{T})$ is associated with a Lyapunov exponent $\lambda_L = \pi T_D/\hbar$, which is half the upper saturation bound of the information scrambling rate.

[18] 2407.18192

Algebras over not too little discs

By the introduction of locally constant prefactorization algebras at a fixed scale, we show a mathematical incarnation of the fact that observables at a given scale of a topological field theory propagate to every scale over euclidean spaces. The key is that these prefactorization algebras over $\mathbb{R}^n$ are equivalent to algebras over the little $n$-disc operad. For topological field theories with defects, we get analogous results by replacing $\mathbb{R}^n$ with the spaces modelling corners $\mathbb{R}^p\times\mathbb{R}^{q}_{\geq 0}$. As a toy example in $1d$, we quantize, once more, constant Poisson structures.

[19] 2407.18210

Statistical mechanics of frustrated assemblies and incompatible graphs

Geometrically frustrated assemblies where building blocks misfit have been shown to generate intriguing phenomena from self-limited growth, fiber formation, to structural complexity. We introduce a graph theory formulation of geometrically frustrated assemblies, capturing frustrated interactions through the concept of incompatible flows, providing a direct link between structural connectivity and frustration. This theory offers a minimal yet comprehensive framework for the fundamental statistical mechanics of frustrated assemblies. Through numerical simulations, the theory reveals new characteristics of frustrated assemblies, including two distinct percolation transitions for structure and stress, a crossover between cumulative and non-cumulative frustration controlled by disorder, and a divergent length scale in their response.

[20] 2407.18212

$A+A \to A$, $\; \; B+A \to A$

This paper considers the decay in particle intensities for a translation invariant two species system of diffusing and reacting particles on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ for $d \geq 3$. The intensities are shown to approximately solve modified rate equations, from which their polynomial decay can be deduced. The system illustrates that the underlying diffusion and reaction rates can influence the exact polynomial decay rates, despite the system evolving in a supercritical dimension.