New articles on Mathematical Physics

[1] 2502.01791

On the fluxes induced by interacting fields in multiple scattering

Multiple scattering problems involving point-source excitation of lossy media are considered. The sound fluxes induced by the interactions between the scattered fields are analyzed. Theorems connecting interaction intensities (active and reactive) with the Lagrangian densities and the scattering cross sections are established. Physical bounds regarding cross sections ratios are derived, highlighting the contribution of the interaction-induced intensities to the overall intensity. Explicit results for lossless clusters are given. The case of a cluster composed by point-like scatterers is also analyzed.

[2] 2502.01831

Localization phenomena in the random XXZ spin chain

It is shown that the infinite random Heisenberg XXZ spin-$\frac12$ chain exhibits, with probability one, spectral, eigenstate, and weak dynamical localization in an arbitrary (but fixed) energy interval in a non-trivial parameters range. The crucial step in the argument is a proof that if the Green functions for the associated finite systems Hamiltonians exhibit certain (volume-dependent) decay properties in a fixed energy interval, then the infinite volume Green function decays in the same interval as well. The pertinent finite systems decay properties for the random XXZ model had been previously verified by the authors.

[3] 2502.01983

Diagrammatics of information

We introduce a diagrammatic perspective for Shannon entropy created by the first author and Mikhail Khovanov and connect it to information theory and mutual information. We also give two complete proofs that the $5$-term dilogarithm deforms to the $4$-term infinitesimal dilogarithm.

[4] 2502.02344

Sub-Power Law Decay of the Wave Packet Maximum in Disordered Anharmonic Chains

We show that the peak of an initially localized wave packet in one-dimensional nonlinear disordered chains decays more slowly than any power law of time. The systems under investigation are Klein-Gordon and nonlinear disordered Schr\"odinger-type chains, characterized by a harmonic onsite disordered potential and quartic nearest-neighbor coupling. Our results apply in the long-time limit, hold almost surely, and are valid for arbitrary finite energy values.

[5] 2502.02355

Stochastic quantization of $λφ_2^4$- theory in 2-d Moyal space

There is strong evidence for the conjecture that the $\lambda \phi^4$ QFT- model on 4-dimensional non-commutative Moyal space can be non-perturbatively constructed. As preparation, in this paper we construct the 2-dimensional case with the method of stochastic quantization. We show the local well-posedness and global well-posedness of the stochastic quantization equation, leading to a construction of the Moyal $\lambda \phi^4_2$ measure for any non-negative coupling constant $\lambda$.

[6] 2502.02566

Tail bounds for the Dyson series of random Schrödinger equations

We study Schr\"odinger equations on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ and $\mathbb{R}^d$, $d\geq 2$ with random potentials of strength $\lambda$. Our main result gives tail bounds for the terms of the Dyson series that are effective at time scales on the order of $\lambda^{-2+\varepsilon}$. As corollaries, we obtain estimates on the frequency localization and spatial delocalization of approximate eigenfunctions in the spirit of works by Schlag-Shubin-Wolff and T. Chen. These estimates also apply to Floquet states associated to time-periodic potentials. Our proof is elementary in that we use neither sophisticated harmonic analysis nor diagrammatic arguments. Instead, we use only the noncommutative Khintchine inequality from random matrix theory combined with pointwise dispersive estimates for the free Schr\"odinger equation.

[7] 2502.00773

Instabilities in visco-thermodiffusive swirling flows

A geometrical optics approach has been used to derive instability criteria for various swirling flows observed in nature and industrial processes. By applying a short-wavelength local analysis to the Navier-Stokes equations, coupled with the energy equation when necessary, we account for viscosity and thermal diffusivity effects. The derived criteria are validated for swirling flows modeled by a cylindrical differentially rotating annulus with axial flow induced by either a sliding inner cylinder, an axial pressure gradient, or a radial temperature gradient combined with vertical gravity. These criteria successfully reproduce known results from numerical linear stability analysis and agree with experimental and simulation data. Moreover, they unify and extend several classical instability criteria: the Rayleigh criterion for centrifugally-driven instabilities, the Ludwieg-Eckhoff-Leibovich-Stewartson criterion for isothermal swirling flows, and the Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke criterion for non-isothermal azimuthal flows. Additionally, they predict oscillatory modes in swirling flows, thereby generalizing the McIntyre instability criterion to these systems.

[8] 2502.01788

Time-dependent quantum geometric tensor and some applications

We define a time-dependent extension of the quantum geometric tensor to describe the geometry of the time-parameter space for a quantum state, by considering small variations in both time and wave function parameters. Compared to the standard quantum geometric tensor, this tensor introduces new temporal components, enabling the analysis of systems with non-time-separable or explicitly time-dependent quantum states and encoding new information about these systems. In particular, the time-time component of this tensor is related to the energy dispersion of the system. We applied this framework to a harmonic/inverted oscillator, a time-dependent harmonic oscillator, and a chain of generalized harmonic/inverted oscillators. We show some results on the scalar curvature associated with the time-dependent quantum geometric tensor and the generalized Berry curvature behavior on the transition from harmonic oscillators to inverted ones. Furthermore, we analyze the entanglement for the chain through purity analysis, obtaining that the purity for any excited state is zero in the mentioned transitions.

[9] 2502.01974

Quantum expanders and property (T) discrete quantum groups

Families of expander graphs were first constructed by Margulis from discrete groups with property (T). Within the framework of quantum information theory, several authors have generalised the notion of an expander graph to the setting of quantum channels. In this work, we use discrete quantum groups with property (T) to construct quantum expanders in two ways. The first approach obtains a quantum expander family by constructing the requisite quantum channels directly from finite-dimensional irreducible unitary representations, extending earlier work of Harrow using groups. The second approach directly generalises Margulis' original construction and is based on a quantum analogue of a Schreier graph using the theory of coideals. To obtain examples of quantum expanders, we apply our machinery to discrete quantum groups with property (T) coming from compact bicrossed products.

[10] 2502.02031

Renormalon-like factorial enhancements to power expansion/OPE expansion in super-renormalizable QFTs

In this work, we address the issue regarding the high-power behavior of power-expansion/OPE-expansion in supper-renormalizable theory. Using an $O(N)$-model with $N$-components scalars coupled through quartic interaction at the next-to-leading $\frac{1}{N}$ order in the large-$N$ expansion, we show that the IR subtractions cause addition factorial enhancements for high-power terms in the coefficient functions. Moreover, there are also factorial enhancements for the operator condensates, and the factorial enhancements cancel between coefficient functions and operators only {\it off-diagonally} across different powers. The factorial enhancements can be both alternating and non-alternating. The former are similar to ``UV renormalon'' of coefficient functions and cancel with factorial enhancements of operators at lower powers in diagrams with negative degrees of UV divergences. The later are similar to ``IR renormalon'' and cancel with factorial enhancements of renormalized operators at higher powers in diagrams with positive degrees of UV divergences. The factorial enhancement itself will render the momentum-space power expansion divergent.

[11] 2502.02111

Explicit solution for the hyperbolic homogeneous scalar one-dimensional conservation law

A complex integral formula provides an explicit solution of the initial value problem for the nonlinear scala 1D equation $u\_t+[f(u)]\_x=0$, for any flux $f(u)$ and initial condition $u\_0(x)$ that are analytic. This formula is valid at least as long as $u$ remains analytic.

[12] 2502.02136

Numerical simulation of Lugiato-Lefever equation for Kerr combs generation in Fabry-Perot resonators

Lugiato-Lefever equation (LLE) is a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with damping, detuning and driving terms, introduced as a model for Kerr combs generation in ring-shape resonators and more recently, in the form of a variant, in Fabry-Perot (FP) resonators. The aim of this paper is to present some numerical methods that complement each other to solve the LLE in its general form both in the dynamic and in the steady state regimes. We also provide some mathematical properties of the LLE likely to help the understanding and interpretation of the numerical simulation results.

[13] 2502.02261

Rigorous analysis of large-space and long-time asymptotics for the short-pulse soliton gases

We rigorously analyze the asymptotics of soliton gases to the short-pulse (SP) equation. The soliton gas is formulated in terms of a RH problem, which is derived from the RH problems of the $N$-soliton solutions with $N \to \infty$. Building on prior work in the study of the KdV soliton gas and orthogonal polynomials with Jacobi-type weights, we extend the reflection coefficient to two generalized forms on the interval $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$: $r_0(\lambda) = \left(\lambda - \eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2 - \lambda\right)^{\beta_2}|\lambda - \eta_0|^{\beta_0}\gamma(\lambda)$, $r_c(\lambda) = \left(\lambda - \eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2 - \lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\chi_c(\lambda)\gamma(\lambda)$, where $0 < \eta_1 < \eta_0 < \eta_2$ and $\beta_j > -1$ ($j = 0, 1, 2$), $\gamma(\lambda)$ is continuous and positive on $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$, with an analytic extension to a neighborhood of this interval, $\chi_c(\lambda) = 1$ for $\lambda \in \left[\eta_1, \eta_0\right)$ and $\chi_c(\lambda) = c^2$ for $\lambda \in \left(\eta_0, \eta_2\right]$, where $c>0$ with $c \neq 1$. The asymptotic analysis is performed using the steepest descent method. A key aspect of the analysis is the construction of the $g$-function. To address the singularity at the origin, we introduce an innovative piecewise definition of $g$-function. To establish the order of the error term, we construct local parametrices near $\eta_j$ for $j = 1, 2$, and singularity $\eta_0$. At the endpoints, we employ the Airy parametrix and the first type of modified Bessel parametrix. At the singularity $\eta_0$, we use the second type of modified Bessel parametrix for $r_0$ and confluent hypergeometric parametrix for $r_c(\lambda)$.

[14] 2502.02273

Long-time asymptotics for the $N_{\infty}$-soliton solution to the KdV equation with two types of generalized reflection coefficients

We systematically investigate the long-time asymptotics for the $N_{\infty}$-soliton solution to the KdV equation in the different regions with the aid of the Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problems with two types of generalized reflection coefficients on the interval $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]\in \mathbb{R}^+$: $r_0(\lambda,\eta_0; \beta_0, \beta_1,\beta_2)=\left(\lambda-\eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2-\lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\left|\lambda-\eta_0\right|^{\beta_0}\gamma\left(\lambda\right)$, $r_c(\lambda,\eta_0; \beta_1,\beta_2)=\left(\lambda-\eta_1\right)^{\beta_1}\left(\eta_2-\lambda\right)^{\beta_2}\chi_c\left(\lambda, \eta_0\right)\gamma \left(\lambda\right)$, where the singularity $\eta_0\in (\eta_1, \eta_2)$ and $\beta_j>-1$ ($j=0, 1, 2$), $\gamma: \left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right] \to\mathbb{R}^+$ is continuous and positive on $\left[\eta_1, \eta_2\right]$, with an analytic extension to a neighborhood of this interval, and the step-like function $\chi_c$ is defined as $\chi_c\left(\lambda,\eta_0\right)=1$ for $\lambda\in\left[\eta_1, \eta_0\right)$ and $\chi_c\left(\lambda,\eta_0\right)=c^2$ for $\lambda\in\left(\eta_0, \eta_2\right]$ with $c>0, \, c\ne1$. A critical step in the analysis of RH problems via the Deift-Zhou steepest descent technique is how to construct local parametrices around the endpoints $\eta_j$'s and the singularity $\eta_0$. Specifically, the modified Bessel functions of indexes $\beta_j$'s are utilized for the endpoints $\eta_j$'s, and the modified Bessel functions of index $\left(\beta_0\pm 1\right)\left/\right.2$ and confluent hypergeometric functions are employed around the singularity $\eta_0$ if the reflection coefficients are $r_0$ and $r_c$, respectively. This comprehensive study extends the understanding of generalized reflection coefficients and provides valuable insights into the asymptotics of soliton gases.

[15] 2502.02318

Courant Algebroid Relations, T-Dualities and Generalised Ricci Flow

The notion of Courant algebroid relation is used to introduce a definition of relation between divergence operators on Courant algebroids. By introducing invariant divergence operators, a notion of generalised T-duality between divergences is presented through an existence and uniqueness result for related divergence operators on T-dual pairs of exact Courant algebroids, which naturally incorporates the dilaton shift. When combined with the notion of generalised isometry, this establishes circumstances under which generalised Ricci tensors are related, proving that T-duality is compatible with generalised string background equations. This enables an analysis of the compatibility between T-duality and generalised Ricci flow, showing that the T-dual of a solution of generalised Ricci flow is also a solution of generalised Ricci flow. Our constructions are illustrated through many explicit examples.

[16] 2502.02378

Excited States of the Uniform Electron Gas

The uniform electron gas (UEG) is a cornerstone of density-functional theory (DFT) and the foundation of the local-density approximation (LDA), one of the most successful approximations in DFT. In this work, we extend the concept of UEG by introducing excited-state UEGs, systems characterized by a gap at the Fermi surface created by the excitation of electrons near the Fermi level. We report closed-form expressions of the reduced kinetic and exchange energies of these excited-state UEGs as functions of the density and the gap. Additionally, we derive the leading term of the correlation energy in the high-density limit. By incorporating an additional variable representing the degree of excitation into the UEG paradigm, the present work introduces a new framework for constructing local and semi-local state-specific functionals for excited states.

[17] 2502.02388

Improved semiclassical eigenvalue estimates for the Laplacian and the Landau Hamiltonian

The Berezin--Li--Yau and the Kr\"oger inequalities show that Riesz means of order $\geq 1$ of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on a domain $\Omega$ of finite measure are bounded in terms of their semiclassical limit expressions. We show that these inequalities can be improved by a multiplicative factor that depends only on the dimension and the product $\sqrt\Lambda |\Omega|^{1/d}$, where $\Lambda$ is the eigenvalue cut-off parameter in the definition of the Riesz mean. The same holds when $|\Omega|^{1/d}$ is replaced by a generalized inradius of $\Omega$. Finally, we show similar inequalities in two dimensions in the presence of a constant magnetic field.

[18] 2502.02491

Generalized quantum Zernike Hamiltonians: Polynomial Higgs-type algebras and algebraic derivation of the spectrum

We consider the quantum analog of the generalized Zernike systems given by the Hamiltonian: $$ \hat{\mathcal{H}} _N =\hat{p}_1^2+\hat{p}_2^2+\sum_{k=1}^N \gamma_k (\hat{q}_1 \hat{p}_1+\hat{q}_2 \hat{p}_2)^k , $$ with canonical operators $\hat{q}_i,\, \hat{p}_i$ and arbitrary coefficients $\gamma_k$. This two-dimensional quantum model, besides the conservation of the angular momentum, exhibits higher-order integrals of motion within the enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg algebra $\mathfrak h_2$. By constructing suitable combinations of these integrals, we uncover a polynomial Higgs-type symmetry algebra that, through an appropriate change of basis, gives rise to a deformed oscillator algebra. The associated structure function $\Phi$ is shown to factorize into two commuting components $\Phi=\Phi_1 \Phi_2$. This framework enables an algebraic determination of the possible energy spectra of the model for the cases $N=2,3,4$, the case $N=1$ being canonically equivalent to the harmonic oscillator. Based on these findings, we propose two conjectures which generalize the results for all $N\ge 2$ and any value of the coefficients $\gamma_k$, that they are explicitly proven for $N=5$. In addition, all of these results can be interpreted as superintegrable perturbations of the original quantum Zernike system corresponding to $N=2$ which are also analyzed and applied to the isotropic oscillator on the sphere, hyperbolic and Euclidean spaces.

[19] 2502.02509

Fluctuations of stochastic charged cellular automata

We obtain the exact full counting statistics of a cellular automaton with freely propagating vacancies and charged particles that are stochastically scattered or transmitted upon collision by identifying the problem as a colored stochastic six-vertex model with one inert color. Typical charge current fluctuation at vanishing net charge follow a one-parameter distribution that interpolated between the distribution of the charged single-file class in the limit of pure reflection and a Gaussian distribution in the limit of pure transmission.

[20] 2502.02553

Contextuality of Quantum Error-Correcting Codes

Quantum error correction is vital for fault-tolerant quantum computation, with deep connections to entanglement, magic, and uncertainty relations. Entanglement, for instance, has driven key advances like surface codes and has deepened our understanding of quantum gravity through holographic quantum codes. While these connections are well-explored, the role of contextuality, a fundamental non-classical feature of quantum theory, remains unexplored. Notably, Bell nonlocality is a special case of contextuality, and prior works have established contextuality as a key resource for quantum computational advantage. In this work, we establish the first direct link between contextuality and quantum error-correcting codes. Using a sheaf-theoretic framework, we define contextuality for such codes and prove key results on its manifestation. Specifically, we prove the equivalence of contextuality definitions from Abramsky--Brandenburger's sheaf-theoretic framework and Kirby--Love's tree-based approach for the partial closure of Pauli measurement sets. We present several findings, including the proof of a conjecture by Kim and Abramsky [1]. We further show that subsystem stabilizer codes with two or more gauge qubits are strongly contextual, while others are noncontextual. Our findings reveal a direct connection between contextuality and quantum error correction, offering new insights into the non-classical resources enabling fault-tolerant quantum computation.

[21] 2502.02554

Energy field of critical Ising model and examples of singular fields in QFT

The goal of this paper is to prove singularity of three natural fields in QFT with respect to their natural base measure. The fields we consider are the following ones: (1) The near-critical limit of the $2d$ Ising model (in the $\beta$-direction) is locally singular w.r.t the critical scaling limit of $2d$ Ising. (N.B. In the $h$-direction it is not locally singular). (2) The $2d$ Hierarchical Sine-Gordon field is singular w.r.t the $2d$ hierarchical Gaussian Free Field for all $\beta\in[\beta_{L^2}, \beta_{BKT})$. (3) The Hierarchical $\Phi^4_3$ field is singular w.r.t the $3d$ hierarchical GFF. Item (1) gives the first strong indication that the energy field of critical $2d$ Ising model does not exist as a random Schwarz distribution on the plane. Item (2) has been proved to be singular for the non-hierarchical $2d$ Sine-Gordon sufficiently far from the BKT point in [GM24] while item (3) is proved to be singular for the non-hierarchical $3d$ $\Phi^4_3$ field in [BG21, OOT21, HKN24]. We believe our way to detect a singular behaviour at all scales is very much down to earth and may be applicable in all settings where one has a good enough control on the so-called effective potentials.