The dynamics of cosmic reheating, that is, on how the energy stored in the inflaton is transferred to the standard model (SM) thermal bath, is largely unknown. In this work, we show that the phenomenology of the nonbaryonic dark matter (DM) ultraviolet freeze-in production strongly depends on the dynamics of the cosmic-reheating era. Using a general parametrization for the Hubble expansion rate and SM temperature, we thoroughly investigate DM production during reheating, not only recovering earlier findings that focused on specific cases, but also exploring alternative scenarios. Additionally, we derive a generalized framework for DM production via inflaton decays and identify the viable parameter space, while simultaneously addressing constraints from CMB observations. As illustrative examples, we explore gravitational DM production through scatterings of SM particles or inflatons, deriving well-defined parameter regions for these scenarios.
Quantum entanglement and Bell nonlocality are two phenomena that occur only in quantum systems. In both cases, these are correlations between two subsystems that are classically absent. Traditionally, these phenomena have been measured in low-energy photon and electron experiments, but more recently they have also been measured in high-energy particle collider environments. In this work, we propose measuring the entanglement and Bell nonlocality in the $\tau^+\tau^-$ state near and above its kinematic threshold at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC). We find that in the existing dataset, entanglement is observable if systematic uncertainties are kept to 1%. In the upcoming run between 4.0 and 5.6 GeV, the entanglement is predicted to be measurable with a precision better than 4% and Bell nonlocality can be established at $5\sigma$ as long as systematic uncertainty can be controlled at level of 0.5% - 2.0%, depending on the center-of-mass energy.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) offers a unique opportunity to investigate $\cal{CP}$ violation in the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and the top quark by studying Higgs production in association with top quarks; this is of fundamental importance, seeing that the $\cal{CP}$ properties of the Higgs boson are yet to measure with high precision. To address this, the focus of this work has been an extension of the simplified template cross-section (STXS) framework, devised to be sensitive to $\cal{CP}$ effects. Our study focused on $\cal{CP}$-sensitive observables across multiple Higgs decay channels, comparing their performances. The result indicates that the most efficient extension of the current binning used in the STXS framework, which currently uses the Higgs boson's transverse momentum $p_{T,H}$, requires adding one further split using $\cal{CP}$-sensitive observables. Between these observables, one of the best is the Collins-Soper angle $|\cos\theta^*|$, a variable derived from momenta information of the top quarks. We have investigated the improvement brought by our two-dimensional STXS setup and compared it to the currently employed methodologies, finding an increase in performances at an integrated luminosity of $300$ fb$^{-1}$. Moreover, our results highlight that this advantage seems to be present also at $3000$ fb$^{-1}$.
We calculate the time-like $\rho$ electromagnetic (EM) form factor in the $k_T$ factorization formalism by including the next-to-leading-order (NLO) corrections of the leading-twist and sub-leading twist contributions. It's observed that the NLO correction to the magnitude of the LO leading-twist form factor is lower than $30\%$ at large invariant mass squared $Q^2 > 30 \text{GeV}^2$. It is found that the $\rho$ meson EM form factor is dominated by twist-3 contribution instead of by twist-2 one because of the end-point enhancement. The theoretical predictions of the moduli of three helicity amplitudes and total cross section are analyzed at $\sqrt{s}=10.58$ GeV, which are consistent with measurements from BABAR Collaboration.
The spin-orbit correlation in spin-0 hadrons can be investigated through the kinetic energy-momentum tensor form factor $\tilde F^q(t)$. We observe that the latter is also related to a torque about the radial direction, which we interpret as a chiral stress. If we neglect the quark mass contribution, then $\tilde F^q(t)$ is simply proportional to the electromagnetic form factor for spin-0 hadrons, and the spin-orbit correlation is equal to minus half of the valence quark number. Given the extensive studies on the electromagnetic form factor for spin-0 hadrons such as pions, kaons, and the $\alpha$ particle, we present the spatial distributions of chiral stress and kinetic spin-orbit correlation based on current parametrizations of the pion electromagnetic form factor.
The nearest-neighbour or local mass terms in theory space among quantum fields, with their generic disordered values, are known to lead to the localisation of mass eigenstates, analogous to Anderson localisation in a one-dimensional lattice. This mechanism can be used to create an exponential hierarchy in the coupling between two fields by placing them at opposite ends of the lattice chain. Extending this mechanism, we show that when copies of such fields are appropriately attached to the lattice chain, it leads to the emergence of multiple massless modes. These vanishing masses are a direct consequence of the locality of interactions in theory space. The latter may break down in an ordered and deterministic manner through quantum effects if additional interactions exist among the chain fields. Such non-locality can induce small masses for the otherwise massless modes without necessarily delocalising the mass eigenstates. We provide examples of interactions that preserve or even enhance localisation. Applications to flavour hierarchies, neutrino mass, and the $\mu$-problem in supersymmetric theories are discussed.
In this study, the intermittency behavior of emitted particles produced in heavy ion collisions has been studied using both modes (default $\&$ string melting) of A Multi Phase Transport (AMPT) model-generated data. We adopted one of the most conventional and successful techniques, the Scaled Factorial Moment (SFM) method, using Monte Carlo (MC) data for 10 AGeV Au+Au collisions in search of intermittency in the model-generated data. Our interest is to search for intermittency behavior of particles that leads to multiplicity fluctuations and that would reveal a phase transition from hadronic matter to QGP. In this article, the intermittency values for both modes of AMPT data are presented. The results obtain some insight into the dynamics of heavy ion collisions and the formation of QGP.
Accurate determination of higher-order pressure derivatives with respect to temperature $T$ and chemical potential $\mu$ is essential for analyzing critical phenomena, transport properties, and phase transitions in strongly interacting matter. However, standard numerical differentiation methods often suffer from large numerical instabilities, especially in more complex mean-field thermal field theories. In this work, we present an approach that systematically derives symbolic expressions for these higher-order derivatives, bypassing the numerical instabilities commonly encountered in conventional methods. Our formalism is based on a Jacobian technique, which ensures that the dependence of internal mean-field parameters is fully incorporated into the final symbolic expressions. We illustrate the effectiveness of this method using the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model as an example and show that it is particularly advantageous near phase transitions and at low temperatures, where numerical differentiation becomes highly sensitive.
This dissertation addresses a topic that I have worked on over the past decade: the automation of next-to-leading order electroweak corrections in the Standard Model of particle physics. After introducing the basic concepts and techniques of next-to-leading order QCD calculations that underpin the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework, I present a few key features relevant to the automated next-to-leading order electroweak contributions to short-distance cross sections, with an emphasis on the mixed QCD and electroweak coupling expansions. These include the FKS subtraction, the renormalization and electroweak input parameter schemes, and the complex mass scheme for dealing with unstable particles. Issues related to the initial or final photons and leptons are also discussed. Two remaining challenges are highlighted if one wishes to go beyond next-to-leading order computations. Some phenomenological applications at the LHC are given to demonstrate the relevance of electroweak corrections at colliders. Finally, an outlook on future studies concludes the dissertation.
This study presents new insights into gluon transverse momentum distributions through nonextensive statistical mechanics, addressing their implications for QCD phenomenology. The saturation physics and scaling laws present in high energy collision data are investigated as a consequence of gluon distribution modification at high density regime. The analysis explores how these modifications influence observables across different collision systems, such as proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Both high and low $p_T$ regions are successfully described in hadron production.
Several key observables of the high-precision physics program at future lepton colliders will critically depend on the knowledge of the absolute machine luminosity. The determination of the luminosity relies on the precise knowledge of some reference process, which is in principle not affected by unknown physics, so that its cross section can be computed within a well-established theory, like the Standard Model. Quantifying the uncertainties induced by possible New Physics effects on such processes is therefore crucial. We present an exploratory investigation of light and heavy New Physics contributions to the small-angle Bhabha process at future $e^+e^-$ colliders and we discuss possible strategies to remove potential uncertainties originating from such contaminations by relying on observables that are independent of the absolute luminosity.
We investigate (3+1)d topological orders in fermionic systems with an anomalous $\mathbb{Z}_{2N}^{\mathrm{F}}$ symmetry, where its $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\mathrm{F}}$ subgroup is the fermion parity. Such an anomalous symmetry arises as the discrete subgroup of the chiral U(1) symmetry of $\nu$ copies of Weyl fermions of the same chirality. Guided by the crystalline correspondence principle, we construct (3+1)d symmetry-preserving gapped states on the boundary of a closely related (4+1)d $C_N\times \mathbb{Z}_2^{\mathrm{F}}$ symmetry-protected topological (SPT) state (with $C_N$ being the $N$-fold rotation), whenever it is possible. In particular, for $\nu=N$, we show that the (3+1)d symmetric gapped state admits a topological $\mathbb{Z}_4$ gauge theory description at low energy, and propose that a similar theory saturates the corresponding $\mathbb{Z}_{2N}^\mathrm{F}$ anomaly. For $N\nmid \nu$, our construction cannot produce any topological quantum field theory (TQFT) symmetric gapped state; but for $\nu=N/2$, we find a non-TQFT symmetric gapped state via stacking lower-dimensional (2+1)d non-discrete-gauge-theory topological orders inhomogeneously. For other values of $\nu$, no symmetric gapped state is possible within our construction, which is consistent with the theorem by Cordova-Ohmori.
In Refs.[1-4] Dirac and Schwinger showed the existence of a magnetic monopole required a charge quantization condition which we write following Dirac as $\frac{eg}{4\pi\hbar}=\frac{n}{2},\; n=0,\pm 1,\; \pm 2, \ldots$. Here, $g$ is the magnetic monopole charge and $e$ is the electric charge of the positron. Recently, in Refs. [5,6], it has been shown experimentally that frustrated spin-ice systems exhibit 'emergent' magnetic monopoles. We show that, within the experimental errors, the respective magnetic charges obey the Dirac-Schwinger quantization condition. Possible implications are discussed.
We provide a perturbative effective field theory (EFT) description for anisotropic (redshift-space) correlations between the Lyman alpha forest and a generic biased tracer of matter, which could be represented by quasars, high-redshift galaxies, or dark matter halos. We compute one-loop EFT power spectrum predictions for the combined analysis of the Lyman alpha and biased tracers' data and test them on the publicly available high fidelity Sherwood simulations. We use massive and light dark matter halos at redshift $z=2.8$ as proxies for quasars and high-redshift galaxies, respectively. In both cases, we demonstrate that our EFT model can consistently describe the complete data vector consisting of the Lyman alpha forest auto spectrum, the halo auto spectrum, and the Lyman alpha -- halo cross spectrum. We show that the addition of cross-correlations significantly sharpens constraints on EFT parameters of the Lyman alpha forest and halos. In the combined analysis, our EFT model fits the simulated cross-spectra with a percent level accuracy at $k_{\rm max}= 1~h$Mpc$^{-1}$, which represents a significant improvement over previous analytical models. Thus, our work provides precision theoretical tools for full-shape analyses of Lyman alpha - quasar cross-correlations with ongoing and upcoming spectroscopic surveys.
Many body gravity (MBG) is an alternate theory of gravity, which has been able to explain the galaxy rotation curves, the radial acceleration relation (RAR) and the wide binary stars (WBS). The genesis of MBG is a novel theory, which models systems with thermal gradients, by recasting the variation in the temperature as a variation in the metric. Merging the above concept with Einstein's gravity, leads to the theory of thermal gravity in 5-D space-time-temperature. Thermal gravity when generalized for partially thermalized systems, results in the theory of many body gravity. The bullet cluster is supposed to be a smoking gun evidence for the presence of dark matter. However, this work demonstrates that the MBG theory can explain the weak gravitational lensing effect of the bullet cluster, without the need for yet undiscovered baryonic matter or dark matter.
This paper explores ideas and provides a potential roadmap for the development and evaluation of physics-specific large-scale AI models, which we call Large Physics Models (LPMs). These models, based on foundation models such as Large Language Models (LLMs) - trained on broad data - are tailored to address the demands of physics research. LPMs can function independently or as part of an integrated framework. This framework can incorporate specialized tools, including symbolic reasoning modules for mathematical manipulations, frameworks to analyse specific experimental and simulated data, and mechanisms for synthesizing theories and scientific literature. We begin by examining whether the physics community should actively develop and refine dedicated models, rather than relying solely on commercial LLMs. We then outline how LPMs can be realized through interdisciplinary collaboration among experts in physics, computer science, and philosophy of science. To integrate these models effectively, we identify three key pillars: Development, Evaluation, and Philosophical Reflection. Development focuses on constructing models capable of processing physics texts, mathematical formulations, and diverse physical data. Evaluation assesses accuracy and reliability by testing and benchmarking. Finally, Philosophical Reflection encompasses the analysis of broader implications of LLMs in physics, including their potential to generate new scientific understanding and what novel collaboration dynamics might arise in research. Inspired by the organizational structure of experimental collaborations in particle physics, we propose a similarly interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to building and refining Large Physics Models. This roadmap provides specific objectives, defines pathways to achieve them, and identifies challenges that must be addressed to realise physics-specific large scale AI models.