New articles on High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

[1] 2407.17525

Crescendo Beyond the Horizon: More Gravitational Waves from Domain Walls Bounded by Inflated Cosmic Strings

Gravitational-wave (GW) signals offer a unique window into the dynamics of the early universe. GWs may be generated by the topological defects produced in the early universe, which contain information on the symmetry of UV physics. We consider the case in which a two-step phase transition produces a network of domain walls bounded by cosmic strings. Specifically, we focus on the case in which there is a hierarchy in the symmetry-breaking scales, and a period of inflation pushes the cosmic string generated in the first phase transition outside the horizon before the second phase transition. We show that the GW signal from the evolution and collapse of this string-wall network has a unique spectrum, and the resulting signal strength can be sizeable. In particular, depending on the model parameters, the resulting signal can show up in a broad range of frequencies and can be discovered by a multitude of future probes, including the pulsar timing arrays and space- and ground-based GW observatories. As an example that naturally gives rise to this scenario, we present a model with the first phase transition followed by a brief period of thermal inflation driven by the field responsible for the second stage of symmetry breaking. The model can be embedded into a supersymmetric setup, which provides a natural realization of this scenario. In this case, the successful detection of the peak of the GW spectrum probes the soft supersymmetry breaking scale and the wall tension.

[2] 2407.17526

On the sensitivity of nuclear clocks to new physics

The recent demonstration of laser excitation of the $\approx 8$ eV isomeric state of thorium-229 is a significant step towards a nuclear clock. The low excitation energy likely results from a cancellation between the contributions of the electromagnetic and strong forces. Physics beyond the Standard Model could disrupt this cancellation, highlighting nuclear clocks' sensitivity to new physics. Accurate predictions of the different contributions to nuclear transition energies, and therefore of the quantitative sensitivity of a nuclear clock, are challenging. We improve upon previous sensitivity estimates and assess a ''nightmare scenario'', where all binding energy differences are small and the new physics sensitivity is poor. A classical geometric model of thorium-229 suggests that fine-tuning is needed for such a scenario. We also propose a $d$-wave halo model, inspired by effective field theory. We show that it reproduces observations and suggests the ''nightmare scenario'' is unlikely. We find that the nuclear clock's sensitivity to variations in the effective fine structure constant is enhanced by a factor of order $10^4$. We finally propose auxiliary nuclear measurements to reduce uncertainties and further test the validity of the halo model.

[3] 2407.17549

Baryogenesis and first-order QCD transition with gravitational waves from a large lepton asymmetry

A large primordial lepton asymmetry can lead to successful baryogenesis by preventing the restoration of electroweak symmetry at high temperatures, thereby suppressing the sphaleron rate. This asymmetry can also lead to a first-order cosmic QCD transition, accompanied by detectable gravitational wave (GW) signals. By employing next-to-leading order dimensional reduction we determine that the necessary lepton asymmetry is approximately one order of magnitude smaller than previously estimated. Incorporating an updated QCD equation of state that harmonizes lattice and functional QCD outcomes, we pinpoint the range of lepton flavor asymmetries capable of inducing a first-order cosmic QCD transition. To maintain consistency with observational constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, achieving the correct baryon asymmetry requires entropy dilution by approximately a factor of ten. However, the first-order QCD transition itself can occur independently of entropy dilution. We propose that the sphaleron freeze-in mechanism can be investigated through forthcoming GW experiments such as $\mu$Ares.

[4] 2407.17557

A QCD R-Axion

R-parity can be extended to a continuous global U(1)${}_R$ symmetry. We investigate whether an anomalous U(1)${}_R$ can be identified as the PQ symmetry suitable for solving the strong CP problem within supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. In this case, U(1)${}_R$ is broken at some intermediate scale and the QCD axion is the R-axion. Moreover, the R-symmetry can be naturally gauged via the Green-Schwartz mechanism within completions to supergravity, thus evading the axion quality problem. Obstacles to realizing this scenario are highlighted and phenomenologically viable approaches are identified.

[5] 2407.17665

Incoherent diffractive production of jets in electron DIS off nuclei at high energy

We study incoherent diffractive production of two and three jets in electron-nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at small $x_{\scriptscriptstyle \rm Bj}$ using the color dipole picture and the effective theory of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC). We consider color fluctuations in the CGC weight-function as the source of the nuclear break-up and the associated momentum transfer $\sqrt{|t|}$. We focus on the regime in which the two jets are almost back-to-back in transverse space and have transverse momenta $P_{\perp}$ much larger than both the momentum transfer and the saturation scale $Q_s$. The cross section for producing such a hard dijet is parametrically dominated by large size fluctuations in the projectile wave-function that scatter strongly and for which a third, semi-hard, jet appears in the final state. The 2 + 1 jets cross section can be written in a factorized form in terms of incoherent quark and gluon diffractive transverse momentum distributions (DTMDs) when the third jet is explicit, or incoherent diffractive parton distribution functions (DPDFs) when the third jet is integrated over. We find that the DPDFs and the corresponding cross section saturate logarithmically when $|t| \ll Q_s^2$, while they fall like $1/|t|^2$ in the regime $Q_s^2 \ll |t| \ll P_{\perp}^2$. We further show that there is no angular correlation between the hard jet momentum and the momentum transfer. For typical EIC kinematics the 2 jets and 2 + 1 jets cross sections are of the same order.

[6] 2407.17670

Net-proton fluctuations influenced by baryon stopping and quark deconfinement

Preliminary data from the Beam-Energy Scan II measurements by the STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider suggest a dip in the fourth-to-second-order cumulant ratio when plotted vs. beam energy. At the same energy range where the structure appears, a transition from hadrons to quarks is expected, the deconfinement transition. In this paper, the role of quark deconfinement in establishing fluctuaitions in the early stages of the collision is considered. Two models are compared: one with stopping occurring on a baryon-by-baryon basis, and a second where stopping proceeds through quark degrees of freedom. In the latter model, the fluctuation of baryon number is significantly reduced and this signal is found to survive recombination into hadrons and the subsequent diffusion. The transformation from baryon to quark stopping thus produces a dip in the fourth-to-second-order cumulant ratio when plotted vs. beam energy, consistent with observations.

[7] 2407.17748

Walking-dilaton hybrid inflation with $B-L$ Higgs embedded in dynamical scalegenesis

We propose a hybrid inflationary scenario based on eight-flavor hidden QCD with the hidden colored fermions being in part gauged under $U(1)_{B-L}$. This hidden QCD is almost scale-invariant, so-called walking, and predicts the light scalar meson (the walking dilaton) associated with the spontaneous scale breaking, which develops the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) type potential as the consequence of the nonperturbative scale anomaly, hence plays the role of an inflaton of the small-field inflation. The $U(1)_{B-L}$ Higgs is coupled to the walking dilaton inflaton, which is dynamically induced from the so-called bosonic seesaw mechanism. We explore the hybrid inflation system involving the walking dilaton inflaton and the $U(1)_{B-L}$ Higgs as a waterfall field. We find that observed inflation parameters tightly constrain the $U(1)_{B-L}$ breaking scale as well as the walking dynamical scale to be $\sim 10^9$ GeV and $\sim 10^{14}$ GeV, respectively, so as to make the waterfall mechanism worked. The lightest walking pion mass is then predicted to be around 500 GeV. Phenomenological perspectives including embedding of the dynamical electroweak scalegenesis and possible impacts on the thermal leptogenesis are also addressed.

[8] 2407.17818

Production of $ψ(4040)$, $ψ(4160)$, and $ψ(4415)$ mesons in strong interactions

Using inelastic scattering of charmed strange mesons by open-charm mesons in Pb-Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, we study the production of $\psi (4040)$, $\psi (4160)$, and $\psi (4415)$ mesons. Master rate equations with the inelastic scattering are established. The scattering is caused by quark interchange in association with color interactions between all constituent pairs in different mesons. We consider fifty-one reactions between charmed strange mesons and open-charm mesons. Unpolarized cross sections for the reactions are obtained from a temperature-dependent interquark potential. Temperature dependence of the cross sections leads to that contributions of the reactions to the production of $\psi (4040)$, $\psi (4160)$, and $\psi (4415)$ change with decreasing temperature during evolution of hadronic matter. For central Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV it turned out from the master rate equations that the $\psi(4040)$ number density is larger than the $\psi(4160)$ number density which is larger than the $\psi(4415)$ number density.

[9] 2407.17969

Effects of Final State Interactions on Landau Singularities

In certain kinematic and particle mass configurations, triangle singularities may lead to line-shapes which mimic the effects of resonances. This well-known effect is scrutinized here in the presence of final-state rescattering. The goal is achieved first by utilizing general arguments provided by Landau equations, and second by applying a modern scattering formalism with explicit two- and three-body unitarity.

[10] 2407.18051

$N_f$-contribution to the virtual correction for electroweak vector boson production at NNLO

Multi-loop scattering amplitudes are difficult to evaluate due to singularities of the integrals involved, especially with increasing number of loops, external legs, and mass scales. For the first time at two loops, we enable their direct numerical integration by tackling infrared, ultraviolet and threshold singularities simultaneously using local subtractions. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by calculating previously unknown perturbative corrections for processes of interest to the Large Hadron Collider.

[11] 2407.18091

On-shell effective field theory and quantum transport for hard photons

We develop an effective field theory for the description of high energetic or hard photons, the on-shell effective theory (OSEFT). The OSEFT describes the so called eikonal or semi-classical optical limit, allowing for corrections organized in a systematic expansion on inverse powers of the photon energy. We derive the OSEFT from the Maxwell Lagrangian, and study its different properties, such as the gauge symmetry and reparametrization invariance. The theory can be finally formulated in terms of a gauge invariant vector gauge field, without the need to introduce gauge-fixing. We then use the OSEFT to compute corrections to the Wigner photon function, and derive its associated side jump effect from reparametrization invariance. Finally, we discuss how to properly define the Stokes parameters from transport theory once quantum effects are considered, so as to preserve their well-defined properties under Lorentz transformations.

[12] 2407.18115

Exclusive factorization beyond leading twist meets saturation physics

We develop a framework combining the higher-twist formalism of exclusive processes in the $s$ channel with the semi-classical effective description of small-$x$ physics in the $t$ channel. We apply it to transversely polarized light vector meson production, $\gamma^{*} p \rightarrow V (\rho, \varphi ,\omega) \; p$, which starts at the next-to-leading power and for which a purely collinear treatment leads to end-point singularities. The result is obtained in the most general kinematics, including both forward and non-forward cases by preserving the full impact parameter dependence in the non-perturbative correlators, in both momentum and coordinate space representations. A systematic expansion of the Wilson lines in terms of Reggeized gluon fields is performed in order to obtain the results in the weak-field BFKL approximation. These new results will allow for investigating the dilute-to-dense regime transition of QCD for a wide class of observables.

[13] 2407.18161

Axionless strong CP problem solution: the spontaneous CP violation case

We propose an alternative to the axion mechanism for addressing the charge parity (CP) problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Our approach involves imposing CP as an inherent symmetry of the Lagrangian, which is then spontaneously broken. To generate the correct texture for the Yukawa matrices, we introduce a discrete $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry that is softly broken by the scalar potential. By identifying a benchmark point for the Yukawa couplings that aligns with the measured quark masses, the CKM matrix, and low-energy flavor-changing constraints, our findings suggest that this model offers a viable solution to the CP problem.

[14] 2407.18185

On the two-loop BSM corrections to $h\longrightarrow γγ$ in a triplet extension of the SM

We compute the two-loop BSM contributions to the $h\longrightarrow \gamma\gamma$ decay width in the SM extended with a real triplet of $SU(2)$. We consider scenarios in which the neutral components of doublet and triplet do not mix, so that the lighter neutral scalar $h$ has (at least approximately) SM-like couplings to fermions and gauge bosons. We focus on the two-loop corrections controlled by the quartic scalar couplings, and obtain explicit and compact formulas for the $h \gamma \gamma$ amplitude by means of a low-energy theorem that connects it to the derivative of the photon self-energy w.r.t. the Higgs field. We briefly discuss the numerical impact of the newly-computed contributions, showing that they may be required for a precise determination of $\Gamma[h\rightarrow \gamma \gamma]$ in scenarios where the quartic scalar couplings are large.

[15] 2407.18196

Thermal pressure on ultrarelativistic bubbles from a semiclassical formalism

We study a planar bubble wall that is traveling at an ultrarelativistic speed through a thermal plasma. This situation may arise during a first order electroweak phase transition in the early universe. As particles cross the wall, it is assumed that their mass grows from $m_a$ to $m_b$, and they are decelerated causing them to emit massless radiation. We are interested in the momentum transfer to the wall, the thermal pressure felt by the wall, and the resultant terminal velocity of the wall. We employ the semiclassical current radiation (SCR) formalism to perform these calculations. An incident charged particle is treated as a point-like classical electromagnetic current, and the spectrum of quantum electromagnetic radiation (photons) is derived by calculating appropriate matrix elements. To understand how the spectrum depends on the thickness of the wall, we explore simplified models for the current corresponding to an abrupt and a gradual deceleration. For the model of abrupt deceleration, we find that the SCR formalism can reproduce the $P_\mathrm{therm} \propto \gamma_w^0$ scaling found in earlier work by assuming that the emission is soft, but if the emission is not soft the SCR formalism can be used to obtain $P_\mathrm{therm} \propto \gamma_w^2$ instead. For the model of gradual deceleration, we find that the wall thickness $L_w$ enters to cutoff the otherwise log-flat radiation spectrum above a momentum of $\sim \gamma_w^2 / L_w$, and we discuss the connections with classical electromagnetic bremsstrahlung.

[16] 2407.18203

Probing gluonic saturation in deeply virtual meson production beyond leading power

Exclusive diffractive meson production represents a golden channel for investigating gluonic saturation inside nucleons and nuclei. In this letter, we settle a systematic framework to deal with beyond leading power corrections at small-$x$, including the saturation regime, and obtain the $\gamma^{*} \rightarrow M (\rho, \phi, \omega)$ impact factor with both incoming photon and outgoing meson carrying arbitrary polarizations. This is of particular interest since the saturation scale at modern colliders, although entering a perturbative regime, is not large enough to prevents higher-twist effects to be sizable.

[17] 2407.18211

Confronting a Standard Model extension with a dark $U(1)$ gauge sector with the prediction for the W-boson mass

The Dark Abelian Sector Model (DASM) is an extension of the Standard Model of particle physics with an additional spontaneously broken $U_\text{d}(1)$ gauge symmetry connected to a dark sector, i.e. the SM particles do not carry the corresponding charge. In addition to the gauge boson resulting from the extra $U_\text{d}(1)$ gauge symmetry, the particle content is extended by a further Higgs boson, one Dirac fermion as well as right-handed neutrinos. Employing the $U_Y(1)$ field-strength tensor as well as the SM Higgs mass operator (the only two singlet operators of the SM with dimension less than four) and the right-handed neutrino fields, we open three portals to the dark sector. After an introduction of the model, we discuss a renormalization scheme for the complete model with a special focus on the renormalization of the mixing angles. Finally, as an example of application, we present the prediction for the W-boson mass derived from muon decay in the DASM.

[18] 2407.17556

State preparation of lattice field theories using quantum optimal control

We explore the application of quantum optimal control (QOC) techniques to state preparation of lattice field theories on quantum computers. As a first example, we focus on the Schwinger model, quantum electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions. We demonstrate that QOC can significantly speed up the ground state preparation compared to gate-based methods, even for models with long-range interactions. Using classical simulations, we explore the dependence on the inter-qubit coupling strength and the device connectivity, and we study the optimization in the presence of noise. While our simulations indicate potential speedups, the results strongly depend on the device specifications. In addition, we perform exploratory studies on the preparation of thermal states. Our results motivate further studies of QOC techniques in the context of quantum simulations for fundamental physics.

[19] 2407.17560

Observability of dynamical tides in merging eccentric neutron star binaries

While dynamical tides only become relevant during the last couple of orbits for circular inspirals, orbital eccentricity can increase their impact during earlier phases of the inspiral by exciting tidal oscillations at each close encounter. We investigate the effect of dynamical tides on the orbital evolution of eccentric neutron star binaries using post-Newtonian numerical simulations and constructing an analytic stochastic model. Our study reveals a strong dependence of dynamical tides on the pericenter distance, with the energy transferred to dynamical tides over that dissipated in gravitational waves (GWs) exceeding $\sim1\%$ at separations $r_\mathrm{p}\lesssim50$ km for large eccentricities. We demonstrate that the effect of dynamical tides on orbital evolution can manifest as a phase shift in the GW signal. We show that the signal-to-noise ratio of the GW phase shift can reach the detectability threshold of 8 with a single aLIGO detector at design densitivity for eccentric neutron star binaries at a distance of $40$ Mpc. This requires a pericenter distance of $r_\mathrm{p0}\lesssim68$ km ($r_\mathrm{p0}\lesssim76$ km) at binary formation with eccentricity close to 1 for a reasonable tidal deformability and f-mode frequency of 500 and $1.73$ kHz (700 and $1.61$ kHz), respectively. The observation of the phase shift will enable measuring the f-mode frequency of neutron stars independently from their tidal deformability, providing significant insights into neutron star seismology and the properties of the equation of state. We also explore the potential of distinguishing between equal-radius and twin-star binaries, which could provide an opportunity to reveal strong first-order phase transitions in the nuclear equation of state.

[20] 2407.17567

Fermion-Vortex Interactions in Axion Electrodynamics

A relativistic action for scalar condensate-fermion mixture is considered where both the scalar boson and the fermion fields are coupled to a $U(1)$ gauge field. The dynamics of the gauge field is governed by a linear combination of the Maxwell term and the Lorentz invariant $\mathbf{E\cdot B}$ term with a constant coefficient $\theta$. We obtain an effective action describing an emergent fermion-fermion interaction and fermion-vortex tube interaction by using the particle-string duality, and find that the $\theta$ term can significantly affect the interaction of fermions and vortices. We also perform a dimensional reduction to show a $\theta$ dependent flux attachment to the itinerant fermions.

[21] 2407.17899

Heavy-flavor mesons in a strong electric field

Very strong electromagnetic field can be generated in peripheral relativistic heavy ion collisions. This work is devoted to exploring the interplay between the effects of a constant external electric field and confining potential on heavy-flavor mesons. As the corresponding vector potential linearly depends on one spatial coordinate for a constant electric field, it might be able to overcome the linear confining potential of QCD and induce deconfinement. To perform analytic calculations and for comparison, one and two dimensional systems are studied together with the realistic three dimensional systems. The one dimensional Schr$\ddot{\text o}$dinger equation can be solved analytically with the help of Airy functions, and deconfinement is indeed realized when the electric field is larger than the string tension. Focus on the confining case, the two and three dimensional Schr$\ddot{\text o}$dinger equations can be solved analytically in large $r$ limit with the help of elliptic cosine/sine functions, and the wave functions are dominated by the region antiparallel to the electric field. When a more realistic potential is applied, a non-monotonic feature is found for $\Upsilon(2S)$ and $\Upsilon(3S)$-like mesons with increasing electric field.

[22] 2407.17913

Extracting the symmetries of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems

Symmetries play a pivotal role in our understanding of the properties of quantum many-body systems. While there are theorems and a well-established toolbox for systems in thermal equilibrium, much less is known about the role of symmetries and their connection to dynamics out of equilibrium. This arises due to the direct link between a system's thermal state and its Hamiltonian, which is generally not the case for nonequilibrium dynamics. Here we present a pathway to identify the effective symmetries and to extract them from data in nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems. Our approach is based on exact relations between correlation functions involving different numbers of spatial points, which can be viewed as nonequilibrium versions of (equal-time) Ward identities encoding the symmetries of the system. We derive symmetry witnesses, which are particularly suitable for the analysis of measured or simulated data at different snapshots in time. To demonstrate the potential of the approach, we apply our method to numerical and experimental data for a spinor Bose gas. We investigate the important question of a dynamical restoration of an explicitly broken symmetry of the Hamiltonian by the initial state. Remarkably, it is found that effective symmetry restoration can occur long before the system equilibrates. We also use the approach to define and identify spontaneous symmetry breaking far from equilibrium, which is of great relevance for applications to nonequilibrium phase transitions. Our work opens new avenues for the classification and analysis of quantum as well as classical many-body dynamics in a large variety of systems, ranging from ultracold quantum gases to cosmology.

[23] 2407.17932

Accelerated expansion of the Universe and the Higgs true vacuum

Scalar fields which are favorite among the possible candidates for the dark energy usually have degenerate minima at $\pm \phi_{min}$. In the presented work, we discuss a two Higgs doublet model with the non-degenerate vacuum named inert uplifted double well type two-Higgs doublet model (UDW-2HDM) for the dark energy. It is shown that when the both Higgs doublets lie in their respective true minima then one Higgs doublet can cause the current accelerated expansion of the Universe.

[24] 2407.17962

Probing coalescence of light nuclei via femtoscopy and azimuthal anisotropies

The production mechanism of light nuclei in heavy-ion collisions is vital to understanding the intricate details of nucleon-nucleon interactions. The coalescence of nucleons is a well-known mechanism that attempts to explain the production mechanism of these light clusters. This work investigates the formation mechanism of these nucleon clusters with a combination of coalescence and femtoscopy of nucleons and nuclei. It is achieved by appending a coalescence and correlation afterburner (\texttt{CRAB}) to the \texttt{SMASH} transport model. To have a proper view of the anisotropy of light nuclei clusters, a mean-field approach to \texttt{SMASH} is applied. The anisotropic coefficients of various light nuclei clusters are calculated and compared to experimental measurements. To incorporate hydrodynamics into the picture, the anisotropic measurements are completed in a hybrid \texttt{SMASH}+\texttt{vHLLE} mode. In both approaches, the femtoscopy of nucleons and light nuclei is performed, reported with CRAB, and compared to the latest experimental measurements. An insight into cluster formation time is drawn by extracting the emission source size with the Lednick\'y-Lyuboshits (LL) model.

[25] 2407.18047

Neutrino cosmology after DESI: tightest mass upper limits, preference for the normal ordering, and tension with terrestrial observations

The recent DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements have led to tight upper limits on the neutrino mass sum, potentially in tension with oscillation constraints requiring $\sum m_{\nu} \gtrsim 0.06\,{\text{eV}}$. Under the physically motivated assumption of positive $\sum m_{\nu}$, we study the extent to which these limits are tightened by adding other available cosmological probes, and robustly quantify the preference for the normal mass ordering over the inverted one, as well as the tension between cosmological and terrestrial data. Combining DESI data with Cosmic Microwave Background measurements and several late-time background probes, the tightest $2\sigma$ limit we find without including a local $H_0$ prior is $\sum m_{\nu}<0.05\,{\text{eV}}$. This leads to a strong preference for the normal ordering, with Bayes factor relative to the inverted one of $46.5$. Depending on the dataset combination and tension metric adopted, we quantify the tension between cosmological and terrestrial observations as ranging between $2.5\sigma$ and $5\sigma$. These results are strenghtened when allowing for a time-varying dark energy component with equation of state lying in the physically motivated non-phantom regime, $w(z) \geq -1$, highlighting an interesting synergy between the nature of dark energy and laboratory probes of the mass ordering. If these tensions persist and cannot be attributed to systematics, either or both standard neutrino (particle) physics or the underlying cosmological model will have to be questioned.

[26] 2407.18136

Prospects for Observing High-redshift Radio-loud Quasars in the SKA Era: Paving the Way for 21-cm Forest Observations

The 21-cm forest is a sensitive probe for the early heating process and small-scale structures during the epoch of reionization (EoR), to be realized with the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Its detection relies on the availability of radio-bright background sources, among which the radio-loud quasars are very promising, but their abundance during the EoR is still poorly constrained due to limited observations. Here, we use a physics-driven model to forecast future radio-loud quasar observations. We fit the parameters of the model using observational data of high-redshift quasars. Assuming Eddington accretion, the model yields an average lifetime of $t_{\rm q} \sim 10^{5.3}$yr for quasars at $z\sim6$, consistent with recent results obtained from quasar proximity zone pre-study. We show that if the radio-loud fraction of quasars evolves with redshift, it will significantly reduce the abundance of observable radio-loud quasars in the SKA era, making 21-cm forest studies challenging. With a constant radio-loud fraction, our model suggests that a one-year sky survey conducted with SKA-LOW has the capability to detect approximately 20 radio-loud quasars at $z\sim 9$, with sufficient sensitivity to resolve individual 21-cm forest lines.

[27] 2407.18173

Weyl gauge invariant DBI action in conformal geometry

We construct the analogue of the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action in Weyl conformal geometry in $d$ dimensions to obtain a Weyl gauge invariant theory. For $d=4$, in a leading order expansion the DBI action becomes the general Weyl quadratic gravity action associated to this geometry, that has the same gauge symmetry; this is broken spontaneously and Einstein-Hilbert gravity is recovered in the broken phase, with $\Lambda>0$. The series expansion of the DBI action also contains additional non-polynomial terms that can be generated at quantum level in Weyl quadratic gravity in $d=4$, by a regularisation that respects this gauge symmetry. Such a regularisation is automatically provided by the DBI action in $d$ dimensions. If the Weyl gauge boson of dilatations is `pure gauge', the DBI action recovers in the leading order the conformal gravity action plus a locally Weyl invariant dilaton action. All fields are of geometric origin, with no added matter or compensating Weyl scalars, etc. The calculation is done in a Weyl {\it gauge covariant} and {\it metric} formulation of Weyl conformal geometry in $d$ dimensions.

[28] 2407.18189

Unlocking Discovery Potential for Decaying Dark Matter and Faint X-ray Sources with XRISM

Astrophysical emission lines arising from particle decays can offer unique insights into the nature of dark matter (DM). Using dedicated simulations with background and foreground modeling, we comprehensively demonstrate that the recently launched XRISM space telescope with powerful X-ray spectroscopy capabilities is particularly well-suited to probe decaying DM, such as sterile neutrinos and axion-like particles, in the mass range of few to tens of keV. We analyze and map XRISM's DM discovery potential parameter space by considering Milky Way Galactic DM halo, including establishing an optimal line-of-sight search, as well as dwarf galaxies where we identify Segue 1 as a remarkably promising target. We demonstrate that with only 100 ks exposure XRISM/Resolve instrument is capable of probing the underexplored DM parameter window around few keV and testing DM couplings with sensitivity that exceeds by two orders existing Segue 1 limits. Further, we demonstrate that XRISM/Xtend instrument sensitivity enables discovery of the nature of faint astrophysical X-ray sources, especially in Segue 1, which could shed light on star-formation history. We discuss implications for decaying DM searches with improved detector energy resolution in future experiments.

[29] 2407.18226

Determination of the proton spectral function of \isotope[12][]{C} from $(e,e^\prime p)$ data

The determination of the nuclear spectral function from the measured cross section of the electron-nucleus scattering process $e + A \to e^\prime + p + (A-1)$is discussed, and illustrated for the case of a carbon target. The theoretical model based on the local density approximation, previously employed to derive the spectral function from a combination of accurate theoretical calculations and experimental data, has been developed further by including additional information obtained from measurements performed with high missing energy resolution. The implications for the analysis of $\gamma$-ray emission associated with nuclear deexcitation are considered.

[30] 2407.18246

Probing the early universe with future GW observatories

One of the fundamental characteristics of slow roll inflation is its generation of tensor perturbations, which manifest as stochastic gravitational waves (GWs). Slow roll inflation results in a nearly scale-invariant GW spectrum that maintains its scale invariance as it transitions into the radiation-dominated era. However, introducing an intermediate reheating phase can modify the spectral tilt, depending on the equation of state governing that particular epoch. These GWs, especially on smaller scales, are anticipated to be observable by forthcoming GW detectors. In this study, we initially delineate the parameter space encompassing the inflationary energy scale, reheating temperature, and equation of state in a model-independent manner, focusing on the spectra detectable by GW detectors such as LISA, ET, DECIGO, and BBO. We also examine the implications for the $\alpha$-attractor model of inflation and explore the observational constraints on $n_s-r$ prediction in the light of GW detection. Then, we point out the probable ranges for various non-gravitational and gravitational coupling between the inflaton and Standard Model particles considering the perturbative reheating. If one assumes PBHs were formed during the early reheating era, such detection of GW signal also sheds light on the probing PBH parameters. Note that for the case of PBH domination, we also consider the contribution of the induced GW due to the density function in PBH distribution, which helps to decode the phase of early PBH domination. Finally, to test the production of other cosmological relics through future GW missions, we consider dark matter produced via gravitational interaction in the early universe.

[31] 2407.18252

From 100 kpc to 10 Gpc: Dark Matter self-interactions before and after DESI

We consider Dark Matter self-interactions mediated by ultralight scalars. We show that effectively massless mediators lead to an enhancement of the matter power spectrum, while heavier mediators lead to a suppression, together with a feature around their Jeans scale. We derive the strongest present constraints by combining Planck and BOSS data. The recent DESI measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations exhibit a mild preference for long-range self-interactions, as strong as 4 per mille of the gravitational coupling. Forthcoming data from DESI itself and Euclid will confirm or disprove such a hint.