New articles on High Energy Physics - Lattice

[1] 2412.00200

Scaling of Stochastic Normalizing Flows in $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ lattice gauge theory

Non-equilibrium Markov Chain Monte Carlo (NE-MCMC) simulations provide a well-understood framework based on Jarzynski's equality to sample from a target probability distribution. By driving a base probability distribution out of equilibrium, observables are computed without the need to thermalize. If the base distribution is characterized by mild autocorrelations, this approach provides a way to mitigate critical slowing down. Out-of-equilibrium evolutions share the same framework of flow-based approaches and they can be naturally combined into a novel architecture called Stochastic Normalizing Flows (SNFs). In this work we present the first implementation of SNFs for $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ lattice gauge theory in 4 dimensions, defined by introducing gauge-equivariant layers between out-of-equilibrium Monte Carlo updates. The core of our analysis is focused on the promising scaling properties of this architecture with the degrees of freedom of the system, which are directly inherited from NE-MCMC. Finally, we discuss how systematic improvements of this approach can realistically lead to a general and yet efficient sampling strategy at fine lattice spacings for observables affected by long autocorrelation times.

[2] 2412.00598

Finite-temperature critical point of heavy-quark QCD on large lattices

We study the finite-temperature critical point of QCD in the heavy-quark region by a scaling study of the Binder cumulant on large lattices. Extending our previous study at $N_t=4$, we perform simulations on $N_t=6$ and 8 lattices with spatial volumes up to the aspect ratio $LT=N_s/N_t=18$ and 15 ($N_s=108$ and 120), respectively, to determine the critical point in the thermodynamic limit with a high precision. To enable simulations with large spatial volumes, we adopt the hopping parameter expansion combined with a method to effectively incorporate high order terms of the expansion. The reliability of the method is confirmed by examining the effect of high order terms. Using the results of the critical point at $N_t=4$, 6, and 8, we also attempt a preliminary continuum extrapolation of the critical point in physical units.

[3] 2412.00812

Toward extracting scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions III: coupled-channels

The formalism developed in Refs.\cite{Guo:2023ecc,Guo:2024zal} that connects integrated correlation function of a trapped two-particle system to infinite volume scattering phase shift is further extended to coupled-channel systems in the present work. Using a trapped non-relativistic two-channel system as an example, a new relation is derived that retains the same structure as in the single channel, and has explicit dependence on the phase shifts in both channels but not on the inelasticity. The relation is illustrated by an exactly solvable coupled-channel quantum mechanical model with contact interactions. It is further validated by path integral Monte Carlo simulation of a quasi-one-dimensional model that can admit general interaction potentials. In all cases, we found rapid convergence to the infinite volume limit as the trap size is increased, even at short times, making it potentially a good candidate to overcome signal-to-noise issues in Monte Carlo applications.

[4] 2412.01170

Meson spectroscopy in the $Sp(4)$ gauge theory with three antisymmetric fermions

We report the results of an extensive numerical study of the $Sp(4)$ lattice gauge theory with three (Dirac) flavors of fermion in the two-index antisymmetric representation. In the presence of (degenerate) fermion masses, the theory has an enhanced global $SU(6)$ symmetry, broken explicitly and spontaneously to its $SO(6)$ subgroup. This symmetry breaking pattern makes the theory interesting for applications in the context of composite Higgs models, as well as for the implementation of top partial compositeness. It can also provide a dynamical realisation of the strongly interacting massive particle paradigm for the origin of dark matter. We adopt the standard plaquette gauge action with the Wilson-Dirac formulation for the fermions and apply the (rational) hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in our ensemble generation process. We monitor the autocorrelation and topology of the ensembles. We explore the bare parameter space, and identify the weak and strong coupling regimes separated by a line of first-order bulk phase transitions. We measure two-point correlation functions between meson operators that transform as non-trivial representations of $SO(6)$, and extract the ground-state masses and the decay constants, in all accessible spin and parity channels. In addition, we measure the mass of the first excited state for the vector meson by solving a generalised eigenvalue problem. Spectral quantities show a mass dependence that is compatible with the expectation that, at long distances, the theory undergoes confinement, accompanied by the spontaneous breaking of the approximate global symmetries acting on the matter fields. Finally, we discuss the continuum and massless extrapolations, after setting the physical scale using the gradient flow method, and compare the results to those of existing studies in the quenched approximation, as well as to the literature on closely related theories.

[5] 2412.01535

Nucleon charges and $σ$-terms in lattice QCD

We determine the nucleon axial, scalar and tensor charges and the nucleon $\sigma$-terms using twisted mass fermions. We employ three ensembles with approximately equal physical volume of about 5.5~fm, three values of the lattice spacing, approximately 0.06~fm, 0.07~fm and 0.08~fm, and with the mass of the degenerate up and down, strange and charm quarks tuned to approximately their physical values. We compute both isovector and isoscalar charges and $\sigma$-terms and their flavor decomposition including the disconnected contributions. We use the Akaike Information Criterion to evaluate systematic errors due to excited states and the continuum extrapolation. For the nucleon isovector axial charge we find $g_A^{u-d}=1.250(24)$, in agreement with the experimental value. Moreover, we extract the nucleon $\sigma$-terms and find for the light quark content $\sigma_{\pi N}=41.9(8.1)$~MeV and for the strange $\sigma_{s}=30(17)$~MeV.

[6] 2412.01737

Superposing and gauging fermionic Gaussian projected entangled pair states to get lattice gauge theory groundstates

Gauged Gaussian fermionic projected entangled pair states (GGFPEPS) form a novel type of Ansatz state for the groundstate of lattice gauge theories. The advantage of these states is that they allow efficient calculation of observables by combining Monte-Carlo integration over gauge fields configurations with Gaussian tensor network machinery for the fermionic part. Remarkably, for GGFPEPS the probability distribution for the gauge field configurations is positive definite and real so that there is no sign problem. In this work we will demonstrate that gauged (non-Gaussian) fermionic projected pair states (GFPEPS) exactly capture the groundstate of generic lattice gauge theories. Additionally, we will present a framework for the efficient computation of observables in the case where the non-Gaussianity of the PEPS follows from the superposition of (few) Gaussian PEPS. Finally, we present a new graphical notation for Gaussian tensor and their contractions into Gaussian tensor network states.

[7] 2412.01750

Probing higher moments of pion parton distribution functions

We present the first numerical investigation of the method proposed in Ref. [1] to utilize gradient flow to obtain precise determinations of higher moments of PDFs from lattice QCD, circumventing power divergent mixing with lower dimensional operators. We apply this method to obtain moments of the isovector PDF of the pion using four Stabilized Wilson Fermion ensembles with $m_{\pi}\simeq 411$ MeV and lattice spacings $a \simeq 0.064, 0.077, 0.094$, and $0.12$ fm. We present preliminary results of ratios of three-point functions as a function of flow time, which can be used to extract the ratios $\left\langle x^2 \right\rangle/\left\langle x \right\rangle$ and $\left\langle x^3 \right\rangle/\left\langle x \right\rangle$. We find that a significantly higher precision can be achieved with this method compared to the canonical approach, which requires boosting and cannot reach higher than the $\left\langle x^3 \right\rangle$ moment.

[8] 2412.00178

Dispersion relation for hadronic light-by-light scattering: subleading contributions

In this work, we present an evaluation of subleading effects in the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Using a recently derived optimized basis, we first study the matching of axial-vector contributions to short-distance constraints at the level of the scalar basis functions, finding that also the tails of the pseudoscalar poles and tensor mesons play a role. We then develop a matching strategy that allows for a combined evaluation of axial-vector and short-distance constraints, supplemented by an estimate of tensor-meson contributions based on simplified assumptions for their transition form factors. Uncertainties are primarily propagated from the axial-vector transition form factors and the variation of the matching scale, but we also consider estimates of the low-energy effect of hadronic states not explicitly included. In total, we obtain $a_\mu^\text{HLbL}\big|_\text{subleading}=33.2(7.2)\times 10^{-11}$, which in combination with previously evaluated contributions in the dispersive approach leads to $a_\mu^\text{HLbL}\big|_\text{total}=101.9(7.9)\times 10^{-11}$.

[9] 2412.00187

Bootstrapping leading hadronic muon anomaly

We bootstrap the leading order hadronic contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment. The leading hadronic contribution comes from the hadronic vacuum polarization function (HVP). We explore the bootstrap constraints, namely unitarity, analyticity, crossing symmetry and finite energy sum rules (FESR) from quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The unitarity appears as a positive semi-definite condition among the pion partial waves, form factor and spectral density function of HVP, which establishes a lower bound on leading order hadronic contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment. We also impose chiral symmetry breaking to improve the bound slightly. By combining the lower bound with the remaining extensively calculated contributions, we achieve a bound on anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu^\text{bootstrap-min}=11659176.3^{+3}_{-3}\times 10^{-10}$ and standard model prediction saturates this bound within the error bars. We also present a possible improvement that is saturated by both lattice computation and measured value within the error bars.

[10] 2412.00190

A complete dispersive evaluation of hadronic light-by-light scattering

Hadronic light-by-light scattering (HLbL) defines one of the critical contributions in the Standard-Model prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. In this work, we present a complete evaluation using a dispersive formalism, in which the HLbL tensor is reconstructed from its discontinuities, expressed in terms of simpler hadronic matrix elements that can be extracted from experiment. Profiting from recent developments in the determination of axial-vector transition form factors, short-distance constraints for the HLbL tensor, and the vector-vector-axial-vector correlator, we obtain $a_\mu^\text{HLbL}=101.9(7.9)\times 10^{-11}$, which meets the precision requirements set by the final result of the Fermilab experiment.

[11] 2412.00350

The impact of LHC precision measurements of inclusive jet and dijet production on the CTEQ-TEA global PDF fit

In this study, we investigate the impact of new LHC inclusive jet and dijet measurements on parton distribution functions (PDFs) that describe the proton structure, with a particular focus on the gluon distribution at large momentum fraction, $x$, and the corresponding partonic luminosities. We assess constraints from these datasets using next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) theoretical predictions, accounting for a range of uncertainties from scale dependence and numerical integration. From the scale choices available for the calculations, our analysis shows that the central predictions for inclusive jet production show a smaller scale dependence than dijet production. We examine the relative constraints on the gluon distribution provided by the inclusive jet and dijet distributions and also explore the phenomenological implications for inclusive $H$, $t\bar{t}$, and $t\bar{t}H$ production at the LHC at 14 TeV.

[12] 2412.00848

Transverse densities of the energy-momentum tensor and the gravitational form factors the pion

We present general features of the transverse densities of the stress-energy-momentum tensor $\Theta^{\mu\nu}$ in the pion. We show positivity of the transverse density of $\Theta^{++}$ (analogous to the positivity of the transverse density of the electromagnetic current $J^+$) and discuss its consequences in conjunction with analyticity and quark-hadron duality, as well as the connection to $\pi\pi$ scattering at low energies. Our analysis takes into account the perturbative QCD effects, dominating at high momenta (or low transverse coordinate $b$), the effects of Chiral Perturbation Theory, dominating at low momenta (high $b$), and meson dominance in the intermediate region. We incorporate constraints form analyticity, leading to sum rules for the spectral densities of the corresponding form factors, which {\em i.a.} are relevant for the high-momentum (or the low-$b$) asymptotics. With the obtained high- and low-$b$ behavior, we deduce that the scalar (trace-anomaly) gravitational transverse density $\Theta^{\mu}_\mu(b)$ must change sign, unlike the case of the positive definite $J^+(b)$ or $\Theta^{++}(b)$. We also discuss the transverse pressure in the pion, which is positive and singular at low $b$, and negative at high $b$, in harmony with the stability criterion. The results for the form factors for space-like momenta are compared to the recent lattice QCD data.