New articles on High Energy Physics - Experiment

[1] 2410.14982

Dark matter searches at BESIII

Dark matter (DM) is a new type of invisible matter introduced to explain various features of recent astrophysical observations, including galaxy rotation curves and other fundamental characteristics of our universe. DM may couple to ordinary matter via portals, which open up possibilities for new particles, such as axion-like particle, light Higgs boson, dark photon, and spin-1/2 fermions. If the masses of these particles lie in the MeV to GeV range, they can be explored by high-intensity electron-positron collider experiments, such as the BESIII experiment. BESIII has accumulated a huge amount of datasets at several energy points, including the $J/\psi$, $\psi(3686)$, and $\psi(3770)$ resonances. BESIII has recently explored the possibility for axion-like particle and light Higgs boson through radiative $J/\psi$ decays, dark photon via the initial-state radiation process, and a massless dark photon in $\Lambda_c$ decays. This report highlights the latest results from the BESIII experiment on these topics.

[2] 2410.15122

Searching for new physics in WW and single-W events

Pair-production and single-production of $W$ bosons provide many opportunities to look for new physics via precision measurements, for instance via scrutinising the involved triple-gauge vertices or by measuring CKM matrix elements in an environment very complementary to $B$ hadron decays. This contribution presents the ongoing work based on full simulation of the ILD concept, exploiting the O($10^8$) $W$ bosons produced during the $250$\,GeV stage of the ILC, as well as the CLD concept proposed for the FCC-ee. The projections, which also contribute to two focus topics of the current ECFA study on future Higgs/Top/Electroweak factories, promise improvements of the measurement precision of TGCs and the CKM matrix, respectively, of one to two orders of magnitude with respects to LEP.

[3] 2410.15323

Towards an update of the ILD ZHH analysis

The double Higgs-strahlungs process $e^+e^- \rightarrow ZHH$ allows to access the Higgs self-coupling at center-of-mass energies above $450$ GeV. Its cross-section exhibits a very different behavior as a function of the value of the self-coupling than fusion-type processes like gluon-gluon fusion at LHC (and future hadron colliders) and $WW$ / $ZZ$ fusion at higher energy lepton colliders. Therefore it adds unique information to the picture, in particular should the value of the Higgs self-coupling differ from its Standard Model prediction. The last full evaluation of the potential of the ILC to measure this process is more than ten years old, and since then many of the reconstruction tools have received very significant improvements. This contribution presents the ongoing work in the ILD collaboration to update the ZHH projections for the next European Particle Physics Strategy Update.

[4] 2410.15991

Summary of Global Extraction of the $\rm^{12}C$ Nuclear Electromagnetic Response Functions and Comparisons to Nuclear Theory and Neutrino/Electron Monte Carlo Generators at Nufact24

We present a brief report (at the Nufact-2024 conference) summarizing a global extraction of the ${\rm ^{12}C}$ longitudinal (${\cal R}_L$) and transverse (${\cal R}_T$) nuclear electromagnetic response functions from an analysis of all available electron scattering data on carbon. Since the extracted response functions cover a large kinematic range they can be readily used for comparison to theoretical predictions as well as validation and tuning Monte Carlo (MC) generators for electron and neutrino scattering experiments. Comparisons to several theoretical approaches and MC generators are given in detail in arXiv:2409.10637v1 [hep-ex]. We find that among all the theoretical models that were investigated, the ``Energy Dependent-Relativistic Mean Field'' (ED-RMF) approach provides the best description of both the Quasielastic (QE) and {\it nuclear excitation} response functions (leading to single nucleon final states) over all values of four-momentum transfer. The QE data are also well described by the "Short Time Approximation Quantum Monte Carlo" (STA-QMC) calculation which includes both single and two nucleon final states which presently is only valid for momentum transfer $\bf q > $ 0.3 GeV and does not include nuclear excitations. However, an analytic extrapolation of STA-QMC to lower $\bf q$ has been implemented in the GENIE MC generator for $\rm^{4}He$ and a similar extrapolation for ${\rm ^{12}C}$ is under development. Both approaches have the added benefit that the calculations are also directly applicable to the same kinematic regions for neutrino scattering. In addition we also report on a universal fit to all electron scattering data that can be used in lieu of experimental data for validation of Monte Carlo generators (and is in the process of being implemented in GENIE).

[5] 2410.15992

Fast Perfekt: Regression-based refinement of fast simulation

The availability of precise and accurate simulation is a limiting factor for interpreting and forecasting data in many fields of science and engineering. Often, one or more distinct simulation software applications are developed, each with a relative advantage in accuracy or speed. The quality of insights extracted from the data stands to increase if the accuracy of faster, more economical simulation could be improved to parity or near parity with more resource-intensive but accurate simulation. We present Fast Perfekt, a machine-learned regression that employs residual neural networks to refine the output of fast simulations. A deterministic morphing model is trained using a unique schedule that makes use of the ensemble loss function MMD, with the option of an additional pair-based loss function such as the MSE. We explore this methodology in the context of an abstract analytical model and in terms of a realistic particle physics application featuring jet properties in hadron collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The refinement makes maximum use of domain knowledge, and introduces minimal computational overhead to production.

[6] 2410.16181

Search for $h_b(2P)\toγχ_{bJ}(1P)$ at $\sqrt{s} = 10.860$ GeV

In the bottomonium sector, the hindered magnetic dipole (M1) transitions between P-wave states $h_b(2P) \rightarrow \chi_{bJ}(1P) \gamma$, $J=0, \, 1, \, 2$, are expected to be severely suppressed according to the Relativized Quark Model, due to the spin flip of the $b$ quark. Nevertheless, a recent model following the coupled-channel approach predicts the corresponding branching fractions to be enhanced by orders of magnitude. In this Letter, we report the first search for such transitions. We find no significant signals and set upper limits at 90% CL on the corresponding branching fractions: $\mathcal{B}[h_b(2P)\to\gamma\chi_{b0}(1P)] < 2.7 \times 10^{-1}$, $\mathcal{B}[h_b(2P)\to\gamma\chi_{b1}(1P)] < 5.4 \times 10^{-3}$ and $\mathcal{B}[h_b(2P)\to\gamma\chi_{b2}(1P)] < 1.3 \times 10^{-2}$. These values help to constrain the parameters of the coupled-channel models. The results are obtained using a $121.4 \, fb^{-1}$ data sample taken around $\sqrt{s}= 10.860 \, GeV$ with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider.

[7] 2410.14722

Design Studies Of A Pulsed Quasimonoenergetic 2-keV Neutron Source For Calibration Of Low Threshold Dark Matter Detectors

We describe design studies for a pulsed quasi-monoenergetic 2-keV neutron source for calibration of sub-keV nuclear recoils. Such a calibration is required for detectors sensitive to sub-GeV dark matter and also the coherent elastic scattering of reactor neutrinos. In our design, neutrons from a commercial deuterium-tritium generator are moderated to the keV scale and then filtered to the monoenergetic spectrum using a feature in the neutron cross section of scandium. In this approach, unmoderated high-energy neutrons form a challenging background, along with gammas from neutron capture in the moderator materials. We describe the optimization of the moderator+filter and shielding geometry, and find a geometry that in simulation achieves both the target neutron flux at 2 keV and subdominant rates of background interactions. Lastly, we describe a future path to lower-energy (few eV scale) calibrations using time-of-flight and sub-keV neutrons.

[8] 2410.14867

Electronics design and testing of the CMS Fast Beam Condition Monitor for HL-LHC

The high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) brings unprecedented requirements for precision bunch-by-bunch luminosity measurement and beam-induced background monitoring in real time. A key component of the CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity detector system is a stand-alone luminometer, the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (FBCM), which is able to operate independently at all times with a triggerless asynchronous readout. FBCM utilizes a dedicated front-end ASIC to amplify the signals from CO$_2$-cooled silicon-pad sensors with 1 ns timing resolution. Front-end (FE) electronics are subject to high-radiation conditions, thus all components are radiation hardened: sensors, ASICs, transceivers, etc. The FBCM ASIC contains 6 channels, each outputting a high-speed binary signal carrying the time-of-arrival and time-over-threshold information. This signal is sent via a gigabit optical link to the back-end electronics for analysis. A dedicated test system is designed for the FBCM FE electronics with a modular setup for all testing needs of the project from initial ASIC validation test to system-level testing with the full read-out chain. The paper reports on the design, read-out architecture, and testing program for the FBCM electronics.

[9] 2410.15222

AutoFLUKA: A Large Language Model Based Framework for Automating Monte Carlo Simulations in FLUKA

Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, particularly using FLUKA, are essential for replicating real-world scenarios across scientific and engineering fields. Despite the robustness and versatility, FLUKA faces significant limitations in automation and integration with external post-processing tools, leading to workflows with a steep learning curve, which are time-consuming and prone to human errors. Traditional methods involving the use of shell and Python scripts, MATLAB, and Microsoft Excel require extensive manual intervention and lack flexibility, adding complexity to evolving scenarios. This study explores the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI agents to address these limitations. AI agents, integrate natural language processing with autonomous reasoning for decision-making and adaptive planning, making them ideal for automation. We introduce AutoFLUKA, an AI agent application developed using the LangChain Python Framework to automate typical MC simulation workflows in FLUKA. AutoFLUKA can modify FLUKA input files, execute simulations, and efficiently process results for visualization, significantly reducing human labor and error. Our case studies demonstrate that AutoFLUKA can handle both generalized and domain-specific cases, such as Microdosimetry, with an streamlined automated workflow, showcasing its scalability and flexibility. The study also highlights the potential of Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) tools to act as virtual assistants for FLUKA, further improving user experience, time and efficiency. In conclusion, AutoFLUKA represents a significant advancement in automating MC simulation workflows, offering a robust solution to the inherent limitations. This innovation not only saves time and resources but also opens new paradigms for research and development in high energy physics, medical physics, nuclear engineering space and environmental science.

[10] 2410.15337

Test of $T$-invariance in scattering of polarized protons on tensor-polarized deuterons at energies of the NICA SPD

The effect of violation of $T$-invariance, provided that $P$-parity is preserved, is given by the total cross section of the interaction of a vector-polarized particle with a tensor-polarized target. A formalism for calculating this effect developed previously and based on the spin-dependent Glauber theory of elastic $pd$ scattering is used here to calculate the effect under discussion in the range of collision energies corresponding to the invariant mass of the $pN$ system $\sqrt{s_{pN}}=5$--$30$ GeV. The spin-dependent amplitudes of elastic $pN$ scattering required for this calculation are taken from existing phenomenological models for $pN$ scattering in the energy region considered.

[11] 2410.15339

Spectroscopic Properties of Double-Strangeness Molecular Tetraquarks

Inspired by recent advances in the study of $K^{(*)} \bar K^{(*)}$ molecular tetraquarks and the $H$-dibaryon, we focus on the mass spectra and electromagnetic properties of $\bar K^{(*)} \bar K^{(*)}$ systems, which exhibit exotic flavor quantum number of $ss\bar q \bar q$. A dynamical analysis is performed using the one-boson-exchange model to describe the effective interactions for these systems, accounting for both $S$-$D$ wave mixing and coupled-channel effects. By solving the coupled-channel Schr$\ddot{\rm o}$dinger equation, we identify the $I(J^P)=0(1^+)$ $\bar K \bar K^*$ and $I(J^P)=0(1^+)$ $\bar K^* \bar K^*$ states as the most likely candidates for double-strangeness molecular tetraquarks. In addition, we investigate their magnetic moments and M1 radiative decay width, shedding light on their inner structures within the constituent quark model framework. Finally, we encourage experimentalists to focus on these predicted double-strangeness molecular tetraquark candidates, particularly in $B$ meson decays, by analyzing the $\bar K \bar K \pi$ invariant mass spectrum. Such efforts could pave the way for establishing the molecular tetraquark states in the light-quark sector.

[12] 2410.15529

Measurement of gas properties for the ion-TPC of N$ν$DEx experiment

In the N$\nu$DEx collaboration, a high-pressure gas TPC is being developed to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay. The use of electronegative $\mathrm{^{82}SeF_{6}}$ gas mandates an ion-TPC. The reconstruction of $z$ coordinate is to be realized exploiting the feature of multiple species of charge carriers. As the initial stage of the development, we studied the properties of the $\mathrm{SF_{6}}$ gas, which is non-toxic and has similar molecular structure to $\mathrm{SeF_{6}}$. In the paper we present the measurement of drift velocities and mobilities of the majority and minority negative charge carriers found in $\mathrm{SF_{6}}$ at a pressure of 750 Torr, slightly higher than the local atmospheric pressure. The reduced fields range between 3.0 and 5.5 Td. It was performed using a laser beam to ionize the gas inside a small TPC, with a drift length of 3.7 cm. A customized charge sensitive amplifier was developed to read out the anode signals induced by the slowly drifting ions. The reconstruction of $z$ coordinate using the difference in the velocities of the two carriers was also demonstrated.

[13] 2410.15835

Virtual corrections to top-pair production from new physics

New physics and SM parameters can be studied and constrained by looking at the modifications to top-pair differential kinematical distributions due to off-shell effects. I present here three case studies: the determination of the Higgs couplings to the top-quark, a search for generic BSM scalar and pseudoscalar states, and a search for Axion Like Particles (ALP). The corresponding models have been implemented in the $\texttt{UFO}$ format to allow automatic computations within MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

[14] 2410.15890

Verifying the Resonance Schemes of Unstable Particles at Lepton Colliders

We propose practical ways of differentiating the various (Breit-Wigner, theoretical, and energy-dependent) resonance schemes of unstable particles at lepton colliders. First, the energy-dependent scheme can be distinguished from the other two by fitting the $Z$ lineshape scan and forward-backward asymmetries at LEP and future lepton colliders with the $Z$ mass $m_Z$, decay width $\Gamma_Z$, and coupling strength as fitting parameters. Although the Breit-Wigner and theoretical schemes work equally well, the scheme conversion requires the decay width $\Gamma_Z$ to scale inversely with $m_Z$ rather than the usual linear dependence from theoretical calculation. These contradicting behaviors can be used to distinguish the Breit-Wigner and theoretical schemes by the precision $Z$ measurements with single parameter ($m_Z$) fit at future lepton colliders. For the $WW$ threshold scan, its combination with the precise Fermi constant provides another way of distinguishing the Breit-Wigner and theoretical schemes.

[15] 2410.16078

The $Λ_c^+\toηπ^+Λ$ reaction and the $Λ a_0^+(980)$ and $π^+Λ(1670)$ contributions

We study from the theoretical point of view the $\Lambda_c^+\to \pi^+ \eta \Lambda$ reaction, recently measured by the Belle and BESIII Collaborations, where clear signals are observed for $a_0(980)$, $\Lambda(1670)$, and $\Sigma(1385)$ excitation. By considering the $a_0(980)$ and $\Lambda(1670)$ as dynamically generated resonances from the meson meson and meson baryon interaction, respectively, we are able to determine their relative production strength in the reaction, which is also tied to the strength of the $\pi^+ \eta \Lambda$ tree level contribution. We observe that this latter strength is very big and there are large destructive interferences between the tree level and the rescattering terms where the $a_0(980)$ and $\Lambda(1670)$ are generated. The $\Sigma(1385)$ contribution is included by means of a free parameter, the only one of the theory, up to a global normalization, when one considers only external emission, and we observe that the spin flip part of this term, usually ignored in theoretical and experimental works, plays an important role determining the shape of the mass distributions. Internal emission is also considered and it is found to play a minor role.

[16] 2410.16248

Hyperparameter Optimisation in Deep Learning from Ensemble Methods: Applications to Proton Structure

Deep learning models are defined in terms of a large number of hyperparameters, such as network architectures and optimiser settings. These hyperparameters must be determined separately from the model parameters such as network weights, and are often fixed by ad-hoc methods or by manual inspection of the results. An algorithmic, objective determination of hyperparameters demands the introduction of dedicated target metrics, different from those adopted for the model training. Here we present a new approach to the automated determination of hyperparameters in deep learning models based on statistical estimators constructed from an ensemble of models sampling the underlying probability distribution in model space. This strategy requires the simultaneous parallel training of up to several hundreds of models and can be effectively implemented by deploying hardware accelerators such as GPUs. As a proof-of-concept, we apply this method to the determination of the partonic substructure of the proton within the NNPDF framework and demonstrate the robustness of the resultant model uncertainty estimates. The new GPU-optimised NNPDF code results in a speed-up of up to two orders of magnitude, a stabilisation of the memory requirements, and a reduction in energy consumption of up to 90% as compared to sequential CPU-based model training. While focusing on proton structure, our method is fully general and is applicable to any deep learning problem relying on hyperparameter optimisation for an ensemble of models.