New articles on Condensed Matter

[1] 2407.17506

Free Energy Difference Fluctuations in Short-Range Spin Glasses

It is generally believed (but not yet proved) that Ising spin glasses with nearest-neighbor interactions have a phase transition in three and higher dimensions to a low-temperature spin glass phase, but the nature of this phase remains controversial, especially whether it is characterized by multiple incongruent Gibbs states. Of particular relevance to this question is the behavior of the typical free energy difference restricted to a finite volume between two such putative Gibbs states, as well as the nature of the fluctuations of their free energy difference as the couplings within the volume vary. In this paper we investigate these free energy difference fluctuations by introducing a new kind of metastate which classifies Gibbs states through their edge overlap values with a reference Gibbs state randomly chosen from the support of the periodic boundary condition (PBC) metastate. We find that the free energy difference between any two incongruent pure states, regardless of the details of how they're organized into mixed states within the PBC metastate, converges to a Gaussian (or Gaussian-like) distribution whose variance scales with the volume, proving a decades-old conjecture of Fisher and Huse. The same conclusion applies, though with some additional restrictions, to both mixed Gibbs states and ground states. We discuss some implications of these results.

[2] 2407.17507

Phase transitions in $q$-state clock model

The $q-$state clock model, sometimes called the discrete $XY$ model, shows interesting critical phenomena. While $q=2$ corresponds to the Ising model, the $q\to\infty$ limit corresponds to the well-known $XY$ model. It is known that up to $q=4$, the two-dimensional (2D) clock model exhibits a symmetry-breaking phase transition. On the other hand, the 2D $XY$ model only shows a topological (Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless or BKT) phase transition. Interestingly, the model with finite $q$ (with $q\ge 5$) is predicted to show two different phase transitions. There are varying opinions about the actual characters of the transitions, especially the one at the lower temperature. In this work we develop mean-field theory (basic and higher order) to study the $q$-state clock model systematically. Using the mean-field theory, we show that the phase transition at the higher temperature is of the BKT type. We find that this transition temperature ($T_{BKT}$) does not depend on the $q$ values, and our basic (zeroth order) mean-field calculation shows that $T_{BKT} = 2J/k_B$, where $J$ is the nearest-neighbor exchange constant and $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant. Our analysis shows that the other phase transition is a spontaneous symmetry-breaking (SSB) type. The corresponding transition temperature ($T_{SSB}$) is found to decrease with increasing $q$ value; it is found that $T_{SSB} \propto 1/q^2$ with a weak logarithmic correction. To better understand the model, we also perform the first-order mean-field calculations (here, the interaction between two targeted nearest neighbors is treated exactly). This calculation gives us $T_{BKT} = 1.895J/k_B$, which is slightly closer to the reported value of $0.893J/k_B$. The main advantage of this higher-order mean-field theory is that one can now estimate the spin-spin correlation, whose change in the properties indicates the phase transition.

[3] 2407.17517

An All-encompassing Theory on Charge Transport in Spin Crossover Complexes

Spin crossover (SCO) complexes are highly promising candidates for a myriad of potential applications in room-temperature electronics; however, as it stands, establishing a clear connection between their spin-state switching and transport properties has been far from trivial. In this Viewpoint, an effort to unravel the underlying charge transport mechanism in these SCO complexes, via a general theory, is made. The theory presented herein is aimed at providing a unifying picture that explains the widely different trends observed in the spin-crossover-dependent carrier transport properties in the SCO molecular thin film systems.

[4] 2407.17520

Lead Free Perovskites

One of the most viable renewable energies is solar power because of its versatility, reliability, and abundance.In the market, a majority of the solar panels are made from silicon wafers.These solar panels have an efficiency of 26.4 percent and can last more than 25 years.The perovskite solar cell is a relatively new type of solar technology that has a similar maximum efficiency and much cheaper costs, the only downside is that it is less stable and the most efficient type uses lead.The name perovskite refers to the crystal structure with an ABX3 formula of the perovskite layer of the cell.All materials possess a property called a band gap.The smaller the band gap the more conductive the material, but this does not necessarily mean that the smaller the band gap the better the solar cell.The Shockley-Queisser limit provides the optimal band gap in terms of efficiency for a single junction solar cell which is 1.34 eV for single junction cells.This research focuses on tuning the band gap of lead-free perovskites through B-site cation replacement. Through this investigation, the optical band gaps of tin and lead perovskites were re-established.However, the copper-based perovskite disagrees with existing DFT calculations.Additionally, the mixed tin and copper perovskite in this experiment contradicts the intuitive prediction.

[5] 2407.17554

Supersolidity and Simplex Phases in Spin-1 Rydberg Atom Arrays

Neutral atoms become strongly interacting when their electrons are excited to loosely bound Rydberg states. We investigate the strongly correlated quantum phases of matter that emerge in two-dimensional atom arrays where three Rydberg levels are used to encode an effective spin-1 degree of freedom. Dipolar exchange between such spin-1 Rydberg atoms naturally yields two distinct models: (i) a two-species hardcore boson model, and (ii) upon tuning near a F\"orster resonance, a dipolar spin-1 XY model. Through extensive, large-scale infinite density matrix renormalization group calculations, we provide a broad roadmap predicting the quantum phases that emerge from these models on a variety of lattice geometries: square, triangular, kagome, and ruby. We identify a wealth of correlated states, including lattice supersolids and simplex phases, all of which can be naturally realized in near-term experiments.

[6] 2407.17558

Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases

Superfluidity describes the ability of quantum matter to flow without friction. Due to its fundamental role in many transport phenomena, it is crucial to understand the robustness of superfluid properties to external perturbations. Here, we theoretically study the effects of speckle disorder on the propagation of sound waves in a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. We numerically solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the presence of disorder and employ a superfluid hydrodynamic approach to elucidate the role of the compressibility and superfluid fraction on the propagation of sound. A key result is that disorder reduces the superfluid fraction and hence the speed of sound; it also introduces damping and mode coupling. In the limit of weak disorder, the predictions for the speed of sound and its damping rate are well reproduced by a quadratic perturbation theory. The hydrodynamic description is valid over a wide range of parameters, while discrepancies become evident if the disorder becomes too strong, the effect being more significant for disorder applied in only one spatial direction. Our predictions are well within the reach of state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments and carry over to more general disorder potentials.

[7] 2407.17559

Pulling order back from the brink of disorder: Observation of a nodal line spin liquid and fluctuation stabilized order in K$_2$IrCl$_6$

Competing interactions in frustrated magnets can give rise to highly degenerate ground states from which correlated liquid-like states of matter often emerge. The scaling of this degeneracy influences the ultimate ground state, with extensive degeneracies potentially yielding quantum spin liquids, while sub-extensive or smaller degeneracies yield static orders. A longstanding problem is to understand how ordered states precipitate from this degenerate manifold and what echoes of the degeneracy survive ordering. Here, we use neutron scattering to experimentally demonstrate a new "nodal line" spin liquid, where spins collectively fluctuate within a sub-extensive manifold spanning one-dimensional lines in reciprocal space. Realized in the spin-orbit coupled, face-centered cubic iridate K$_2$IrCl$_6$, we show that the sub-extensive degeneracy is robust, but remains susceptible to fluctuations or longer range interactions which cooperate to select a magnetic order at low temperatures. Proximity to the nodal line spin liquid influences the ordered state, enhancing the effects of quantum fluctuations and stabilizing it through the opening of a large spin-wave gap. Our results demonstrate quantum fluctuations can act counter-intuitively in frustrated materials: instead of destabilizing ordering, at the brink of the nodal spin liquid they can act to stabilize it and dictate its low-energy physics.

[8] 2407.17567

Fermion-Vortex Interactions in Axion Electrodynamics

A relativistic action for scalar condensate-fermion mixture is considered where both the scalar boson and the fermion fields are coupled to a $U(1)$ gauge field. The dynamics of the gauge field is governed by a linear combination of the Maxwell term and the Lorentz invariant $\mathbf{E\cdot B}$ term with a constant coefficient $\theta$. We obtain an effective action describing an emergent fermion-fermion interaction and fermion-vortex tube interaction by using the particle-string duality, and find that the $\theta$ term can significantly affect the interaction of fermions and vortices. We also perform a dimensional reduction to show a $\theta$ dependent flux attachment to the itinerant fermions.

[9] 2407.17575

Transition from ferromagnetic to noncollinear to paramagnetic state with increasing Ru concentration in FeRu films

The structural and magnetic properties of sputter-deposited Fe$_{100-x}$Ru$_x$ films were studied for $x \leq 50$. The crystal structure of Fe$_{100-x}$Ru$_x$ is shown to be predominantly body-centered cubic for $x<13$ and to undergo a gradual transition to hexagonal close-packed in the concentration range $13 \lesssim x \lesssim 20$. Magnetic measurements indicate that the addition of Ru induces a noncollinear magnetic order in the body-centered cubic FeRu alloys, while the hexagonal close-packed FeRu alloys exhibit paramagnetic behavior. Increasing the Ru concentration in body-centered cubic FeRu alloys decreases the size of magnetic domains, approaching the size of magnetic grains. A simple atomistic model was used to show that antiferromagnetic coupling of Fe atoms across Ru atoms can be responsible for inducing noncollinear order in the FeRu cubic structures. Magnetic multilayer structures used in thin-film magnetic devices make extensive use of both Fe and Ru layers. Our results reveal that the presence of even a small amount of Ru in Fe influences the magnetic order of Fe, which could impact the performance of these devices.

[10] 2407.17602

Conformation and dynamics of wet tangentially-driven active filaments

We explore the impact of hydrodynamic interactions on the conformational and dynamical properties of wet tangentially-driven active polymers using multiparticle collision dynamics simulations. By analyzing active filaments with varying degrees of flexibility, we find that fluid-mediated interactions significantly influence both their conformation and dynamics. These interactions cause polymer conformations to shrink, especially for semiflexible polymers at high activity levels, where the average size of wet chains becomes nearly three times smaller, due to formation of helix-like structures. This hydrodynamic-induced shrinkage is a hallmark of active polymers, as fluid-mediated interactions have a minimal effect on the mean conformation of passive polymers. Furthermore, for tangentially-driven polymers where activity and conformation are coupled, hydrodynamic interactions significantly enhance the orientational and translational dynamics compared to their dry counterparts.

[11] 2407.17603

A Bound on Topological Gap from Newton's Laws

A striking general bound on the energy gap in topological matter was recently discovered in Ref. [Onishi and Fu, Phys. Rev. X {\bf 14}, 011052 (2024)]. A non-trivial indirect derivation builds on the properties of optical conductivity at an arbitrary frequency. We propose a simpler derivation, allowing multiple generalizations, such as a universal bound on a gap in anisotropic systems, systems with multiple charge carrier types, and topological systems with zero Hall conductance. The derivation builds on the observation that the bound equals $\hbar$ times the ratio of the force by the external electric field on the charge carriers and their total kinematic momentum in the direction perpendicular to the force.

[12] 2407.17609

Controlling structural phases of Sn through lattice engineering

Topology and superconductivity, two distinct phenomena offer unique insight into quantum properties and their applications in quantum technologies, spintronics, and sustainable energy technologies if system can be found where they coexist. Tin (Sn) plays a pivotal role here as an element due to its two structural phases, $\alpha$-Sn and $\beta$-Sn, exhibiting topological characteristics ($\alpha$-Sn) and superconductivity ($\beta$-Sn). In this study we show how precise control of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ phases of Sn thin films can be achieved by using molecular beam epitaxy grown buffer layers with systematic control over the lattice parameter. The resulting Sn films showed either $\beta$-Sn or $\alpha$-Sn phases as the lattice constant of the buffer layer was varied from 6.10 A to 6.48 A, covering the range between GaSb (closely matched to InAs) and InSb. The crystal structures of the $\alpha$- and $\beta$-Sn films were characterized by x-ray diffraction and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The smooth and continuous surface morphology of the Sn films was validated using atomic force microscopy. The characteristics of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-Sn phases were further verified using electrical transport measurements by observing resistance drop near 3.7 K for superconductivity of the $\beta$-Sn phase and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations for the $\alpha$-Sn phase. Density functional theory calculations showed that the stability of the Sn phases is highly dependent on lattice strain, with $\alpha$-Sn being more stable under tensile strain and $\beta$-Sn becoming favorable under compressive strain, which is in good agreement with experimental observations. Hence, this study sheds light on controlling Sn phases through lattice engineering, enabling innovative applications in quantum technologies and beyond.

[13] 2407.17650

A defect-chemisty-informed phase-field model of grain growth in oxide electroceramics

Dopants can significantly affect the properties of oxide ceramics through their impact on the property-determined microstructure characteristics such as grain boundary segregation, space charge layer formation in the grain boundary vicinity, the resultant microstructure features like bimodality due to abnormal grain growth. To support rational oxide ceramics design, we propose a multiphysics-based and defect-chemistry-informed phase-field grain growth model to simulate the microstructure evolution of oxide ceramics. It fully respects the thermodynamics of charged point defects (oxygen vacancies and dopants) in the grain interior and boundaries and considers the competing kinetics of defect diffusion and grain boundary movement. The proposed phase-field model is implemented through the finite element method and benchmarked against well-known simplified bicrystal models, including the Mott-Schottky and Gouy-Chapman models. Various simulation results are presented to reveal the impacts of defect formation energy differences between the grain interior and the grain boundary core on the key microstructural aspects, including space charge layer formation, grain boundary potential, solute drag effect, resultant bimodal abnormal grain growth and also dopant cloud within the grain interior imprinted by the vanished grain boundaries during sintering. In particular, simulation results confirm that the solute drag effect alone can lead to bimodal grain size distribution, without any contribution from grain misorientation and other anisotropy. Interestingly, abnormal grain growth simulations demonstrate that grain boundary potentials can vary substantially: grain boundaries of larger grains tend to have lower potentials than those of smaller grains. Such heterogeneous grain boundary potential distribution may inspire a new material optimization strategy through microstructure design.

[14] 2407.17653

Physical Properties and Thermal Stability of Zirconium Platinum Nitride Thin Films

Ternary transition metal nitrides (TMNs) promise to significantly expand the material design space by opening new functionality and enhancing existing properties. However, most systems have only been investigated computationally and limited understanding of their stabilizing mechanisms restricts translation to experimental synthesis. To better elucidate key factors in designing ternary TMNs, we experimentally fabricate and analyze the physical properties of the ternary Zr-Pt-N system. Structural analysis and DFT modeling demonstrate that Pt substitutes nitrogen on the non-metallic sublattice, which destabilizes the rock-salt structure and forms a complex cubic phase. We also show insolubility of Pt in the Zr-Pt-N at 45 at % with the formation of a secondary Pt-rich phase. The measured reduced plasma frequency, decrease in resistivity, and decrease in hardness reflect a dominance of metallic behavior in bonding. Contrary to previous computational predictions, Zr-Pt-N films are shown to be metastable systems where even low Pt concentrations (1%) facilitate a solid reaction with the Si-substrate, that is inaccessible in ZrN films.

[15] 2407.17655

Engineering two-dimensional materials from single-layer NbS$_2$

Starting from a single layer of NbS$_2$ grown on graphene by molecular beam epitaxy, the single unit cell thick 2D materials Nb$_{5/3}$S$_3$-2D and Nb$_2$S$_3$-2D are created using two different pathways. Either annealing under sulfur-deficient conditions at progressively higher temperatures or deposition of increasing amounts of Nb at elevated temperature result in phase-pure Nb$_{5/3}$S$_3$-2D followed by Nb$_2$S$_3$-2D. The materials are characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning tunneling spectroscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental assessment combined with systematic density functional theory calculations reveals their structure. The 2D materials are covalently bound without any van der Waals gap. Their stacking sequence and structure are at variance with expectations based on corresponding bulk materials highlighting the importance of surface and interface effects in structure formation.

[16] 2407.17662

Solid-State Diffusion: An Introduction

This research explores an introduction to solid-state diffusion, focusing on its importance in materials engineering. It examines vacancy and interstitial diffusion mechanisms, the application of Fick's laws, and their impact on processes such as phase precipitation and recrystallization in metals and alloys. Additionally, it addresses its relevance in grain growth, diffusion welding, and sintering, which are critical processes to improve the properties of materials with engineering applications in various areas such as biomedical, electrical, and chemistry.

[17] 2407.17669

Atomic Resolution Observations of Nanoparticle Surface Dynamics and Instabilities Enabled by Artificial Intelligence

Nanoparticle surface structural dynamics is believed to play a significant role in regulating functionalities such as diffusion, reactivity, and catalysis but the atomic-level processes are not well understood. Atomic resolution characterization of nanoparticle surface dynamics is challenging since it requires both high spatial and temporal resolution. Though ultrafast transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can achieve picosecond temporal resolution, it is limited to nanometer spatial resolution. On the other hand, with the high readout rate of new electron detectors, conventional TEM has the potential to visualize atomic structure with millisecond time resolutions. However, the need to limit electron dose rates to reduce beam damage yields millisecond images that are dominated by noise, obscuring structural details. Here we show that a newly developed unsupervised denoising framework based on artificial intelligence enables observations of metal nanoparticle surfaces with time resolutions down to 10 ms at moderate electron dose. On this timescale, we find that many nanoparticle surfaces continuously transition between ordered and disordered configurations. The associated stress fields can penetrate below the surface leading to defect formation and destabilization making the entire nanoparticle fluxional. Combining this unsupervised denoiser with electron microscopy greatly improves spatio-temporal characterization capabilities, opening a new window for future exploration of atomic-level structural dynamics in materials.

[18] 2407.17702

Universal clusters in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold Fermi mixtures

We study universal clusters in quasi-two dimensions (q2D) that consist of a light (L) atom interacting with two or three heavy (H) identical fermions, forming the trimer or tetramer bound state. The axial confinement in q2D is shown to lift the three-fold degeneracy of 3D trimer (tetramer) in $p$-wave channel and uniquely select the ground state with magnetic angular momentum $|m|=1$ ($m=0$). By varying the interaction or confinement strength, we explore the dimensional crossover of these clusters from 3D to 2D, characterized by a gradual change of critical H-L mass ratio for their emergence and momentum-space distribution. Importantly, we find that a finite effective range will {\it not} alter their critical mass ratios in the weak coupling regime. There, we establish an effective 2D model to quantitatively reproduce the properties of q2D clusters, and further identify the optimal interaction strengths for their detections in experiments. Our results suggest a promising prospect for observing universal clusters and associated high-order correlation effects in realistic q2D ultracold Fermi mixtures.

[19] 2407.17707

Persistent homology elucidates hierarchical structures in amorphous solids responsible for mechanical properties

Understanding the role of atomic-level structures in determining amorphous material properties has been a long-standing challenge in solid-state physics. Upon mechanical loading, amorphous materials undergo both simple affine displacement and spatially inhomogeneous non-affine displacement. These two types of displacement contribute differently to the elastic modulus, i.e., the Born (or affine) and non-affine terms. Whether "soft" local structures characterized by either small Born terms or large non-affine displacements differ has remained an unanswered question despite the importance in fundamental and applied physics. To address this question, we combined molecular dynamics simulations and persistent homology analyses for amorphous Si. We found that the characteristics of local structures with large non-affine displacements differed significantly from those with small Born terms. The local structures surrounding atoms with small Born terms are characterized at the scale of short-range order (SRO), whereas those surrounding atoms with large non-affine displacements have hierarchical structures ranging from SRO to medium-range order. Furthermore, we found that these hierarchical structures are related to low-energy localized vibrational excitations. The correlation between the non-affine displacement and hierarchical geometric features elucidated by persistent homology provides a new viewpoint for understanding and designing the mechanical properties of amorphous materials based on their static structures.

[20] 2407.17713

Robust Room-Temperature Polariton Condensation and Lasing in Scalable FAPbBr$_3$ Perovskite Microcavities

Exciton-polariton condensation in direct bandgap semiconductors strongly coupled to light enables a broad range of fundamental studies and applications like low-threshold and electrically driven lasing. Yet, materials hosting exciton-polariton condensation in ambient conditions are rare, with fabrication protocols that are often inefficient and non-scalable. Here, room-temperature exciton-polariton condensation and lasing is observed in a microcavity with embedded formamidiniumlead bromide (FAPbBr$_3$) perovskite film. This optically active material is spin-coated onto the microcavity mirror, which makes the whole device scalable up to large lateral sizes. The sub-$\mu$m granulation of the polycrystalline FAPbBr$_3$ film allows for observation of polariton lasing in a single quantum-confined mode of a polaritonic 'quantum dot'. Compared to random photon lasing, observed in bare FAPbBr$_3$ films, polariton lasing exhibits a lower threshold, narrower linewidth, and an order of magnitude longer coherence time. Both polariton and random photon lasing are observed under the conditions of pulsed optical pumping, and persist without significant degradation for up to 6 and 17 hours of a continuous experimental run, respectively. This study demonstrates the excellent potential of the FAPbBr$_3$ perovskite as a new material for room-temperature polaritonics, with the added value of efficient and scalable fabrication offered by the solution-based spin-coating process.

[21] 2407.17746

Phonon dispersion of nanoscale honeycomb phononic crystal: gigahertz and terahertz spectroscopy comparison

Phonons-quantized vibrational modes in crystalline structures-govern phenomena ranging from thermal and mechanical transport to quantum mechanics. In recent years, a new class of artificial materials called phononic crystals has emerged, aiming to control phononic properties. These materials are created by introducing a superlattice structure on top of an already-existing atomic lattice. Typically, phononic crystals are described using a continuous model, in which effective elastic constants approximate potentials between atoms. This approximation, however, assumes the wavelengths of vibrations to be significantly greater than the interatomic distance. In this work, we experimentally investigate the behavior of a honeycomb silicon phononic crystal in the gigahertz range, where the continuum approximation holds, and in the terahertz range, where the phonon wavelengths are comparable to interatomic distances. Using Brillouin light scattering, we investigate the phonon dispersion of the phononic crystal in the gigahertz range, finding a close match with simulations based on the continuous model. Conversely, Raman spectroscopy reveals no difference between the phononic crystal, an unpatterned membrane, and a bulk silicon structure in the terahertz range, showing that the continuous model no longer holds at these higher frequencies.

[22] 2407.17759

Observation of excitonic Floquet states in a one-dimensional organic Mott insulator using mid-infrared pump near-infrared probe reflection spectroscopy

When an electric field of light with a frequency of{\hbar}{\Omega}is applied to a solid, Floquet states, consisting of sidebands with an interval of {\hbar}{\Omega} around an electronic state, are expected to be formed. However, only a few studies have experimentally detected such sidebands. Here, we apply mid-infrared pump near-infrared reflection probe spectroscopy to a one-dimensional Mott insulator, bis(ethylendithio)tetrathianfulvalence-difluorotetracyanoquinodimethane (ET-F2TCNQ), to detect the transient change in reflectivity R,{\Delta}R/R, due to the formation of excitonic Floquet states. Analyses, considering both odd- and even-parity excitons, demonstrate that the {\Delta}R/R spectrum reflects the formation of the first-order Floquet sidebands of excitons, and its spectral shape strongly depends on the widths of excitonic states. The experimental and analytical approach reported here is effective in demonstrating excitonic Floquet states in various solids.

[23] 2407.17774

Kolmogorov--Arnold networks in molecular dynamics

We explore the integration of Kolmogorov Networks (KANs) into molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to improve interatomic potentials. We propose that widely used potentials, such as the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential, the embedded atom model (EAM), and artificial neural network (ANN) potentials, can be interpreted within the KAN framework. Specifically, we demonstrate that the descriptors for ANN potentials, typically constructed using polynomials, can be redefined using KAN's non-linear functions. By employing linear or cubic spline interpolations for these KAN functions, we show that the computational cost of evaluating ANN potentials and their derivatives is reduced.

[24] 2407.17775

Chirality-tunable non-linear Hall effect

The non-linear generalization of the Hall effect has recently gained much attention, with a rapidly growing list of non-centrosymmetric materials that display higher-order Hall responses under time-reversal invariant conditions. The intrinsic second-order Hall response arises due to the first-order moment of Berry curvature -- termed Berry curvature dipole -- which requires broken inversion and low crystal symmetries. Chiral materials are characterized by their lack of improper symmetries such as inversion, mirror plane, and roto-inversion. Owing to this absence of symmetries, in this work, we propose chiral systems as ideal platforms to study the Berry curvature dipole-induced non-linear Hall effects. We use state-of-the-art first-principles computations, in conjunction with symmetry analyses, to explore a variety of chiral material classes -- metallic \ch{NbSi2}, semiconducting elemental Te, insulating HgS, and topological multifold semimetal CoSi. We present the emergence and tunability of the Berry curvature dipole in these chiral materials. In particular, we demonstrate that the two enantiomeric pairs exhibit an exactly opposite sign of the Berry curvature dipole. We complement our \textit{ab initio} findings with a general tight-binding minimal model and give estimates for non-linear Hall voltages, which are experimentally accessible. Our predictions put forward chiral materials as an emerging class of materials to realize non-linear Hall phenomena and highlight an as-yet-unexplored aspect of these systems.

[25] 2407.17807

Ab-initio study of quantum oscillation in altermagnetic and nonmagnetic phases of RuO$_2$

Altermagnet (AM) is a new proposed magnetic state with collinear antiferromagnetic ground state but presents some transport properties that were only believed to exist in ferromagnets or non-collinear antiferromagnets. To have a comprehensive understanding of the transport properties of AMs, especially from the experimental point of view, a promising altermagnetic metal is crucial. In all the proposed altermagnetic metals, RuO$_2$ has a special position, since it is the first proposed AM with the largest spin splitting and several important altermagnetism featured experiments were first performed based on it. However, a very recent report based on sensitive muon-spin measurements suggest a super small local magnetization from Ru, i.e. a nonmagnetic ground state in RuO$_2$. Therefore, a determination of the existence of the altermagnetic ground state is the basic starting point for all the previously altermagnetic transport properties in RuO$_2$. In this work, we propose to identify its magnetic ground state from the Fermi surface (FS) via the electronic transport property of quantum oscillation (QO). We systematically analyzed the FSs of RuO$_2$ in both nonmagnetic and altermagnetic states via first principles calculations. Our work should be helpful for future experiments on QO measurements to confirm its ground state by the interplay between transport measurements and computations.

[26] 2407.17830

Magnetic properties of AlB$_2$-type holmium silicides and germanides

Discovery of the large magnetocaloric effect in HoB$_2$ has highlighted the practical advantage of heavy rare-earth ions. Other holmium compounds are of interest, and we here report the synthesis and the magnetic properties of HoSi$_{1.67}$ and HoGe$_{1.67}$ which form the same AlB$_2$-type structure but with vacancies. They are found to show the antiferromagnetic order with the Neel temperature 17.6(2)K for HoSi$_{1.67}$ and 9.9(2)K for HoGe$_{1.67}$, and the magnetic entropy changes at the temperature are 0.05(1)J/cm$^3$K for HoSi$_{1.67}$ and 0.08(1)J/cm$^3$K for HoGe$_{1.67}$. Magnetic orders were suppressed by replacing vacancies with nickel, resulting in an increase of magnetic entropy changes. Distance between the in-plane Ho$^{3+}$ ions appears to be an important parameter leading to the transition between the antiferromagnetic (HoSi$_{1.67}$) and the ferromagnetic (HoB$_2$) order. The finding may aid the exploration of other heavy rare-earth compounds for similar applications.

[27] 2407.17831

Fundamental limits on nonequilibrium sensing

The performance of equilibrium sensors is restricted by the laws of equilibrium thermodynamics. We here investigate the physical limits on nonequilibrium sensing in bipartite systems with nonreciprocal coupling. We show that one of the subsystems, acting as a Maxwell's demon, can significantly suppress the fluctuations of the other subsystem relative to its response to an external perturbation. Such negative violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation can considerably improve the signal-to-noise ratio above its corresponding equilibrium value, allowing the subsystem to operate as an enhanced sensor. We find that the nonequilibrium signal-to-noise ratio of linear systems may be arbitrary large at low frequencies, even at a fixed overall amount of dissipation.

[28] 2407.17845

3D-Ising-type Magnetic Interactions Stabilized by the Extremely Large Uniaxial Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Layered Ferromagnetic Cr$_2$Te$_3$

We investigate the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, critical behavior, and magnetocaloric effect in ferromagnetic-layered Cr$_2$Te$_3$. We have studied the critical behavior around the Curie temperature ($T_C$) using various techniques, including the modified Arrott plot (MAP), the Kouvel-Fisher method (KF), and critical isothermal analysis (CI). The derived critical exponents $\beta$ = 0.353(4) and $\gamma$ = 1.213(5) fall in between the three-dimensional (3D) Ising and 3D Heisenberg type models, suggesting complex magnetic interactions by not falling into any single universality class. On the other hand, the renormalization group theory, employing the experimentally obtained critical exponents, suggests 3D-Ising-type magnetic interactions decaying with distance as $J(r) = r^{-4.89}$. We also observe an extremely large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) of $K_u=2065$ kJ/m$^3$, the highest ever found in any Cr$_x$Te$_y$ based systems, originating from the noncollinear ferromagnetic ground state as predicted from the first-principles calculations. The self-consistent renormalization theory (SCR) suggests Cr$_2$Te$_3$ to be an out-of-plane itinerant ferromagnet. Further, a maximum entropy change of -$\Delta S_{M}^{max}\approx$ 2.08 $J/kg-K$ is estimated around $T_C$ for the fields applied parallel to the $c$-axis.

[29] 2407.17859

Mechanism of Type-II Multiferroicity in Pure and Al-Doped CuFeO$_2$

Type-II multiferroicity, where electric polarization is induced by specific spin patterns, is crucial in fundamental physics and advanced spintronics. However, the spin model and magnetoelectric coupling mechanisms in prototypical type-II multiferroic CuFeO$_2$ and Al-doped CuFeO$_2$ remain unclear. Here, by considering both spin and alloy degrees of freedom, we develop a magnetic cluster expansion method, which considers all symmetry allowed interactions. Applying such method, we not only obtain realistic spin model that can correctly reproduce observations for both CuFeO$_2$ and CuFe$_{1-x}$Al$_x$O$_2$, but also revisit well-known theories of the original spin-current (SC) model and $p$-$d$ hybridization model. Specifically, we find that (i) a previously overlooked biquadratic interaction is critical to reproduce the $\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow\downarrow$ ground state and excited states of CuFeO$_2$; (ii) the combination of absent biquadratic interaction and increased magnetic frustration around Al dopants stabilizes the proper screw state; and (iii) it is the generalized spin-current (GSC) model that can correctly characterize the multiferroicity of CuFeO$_2$. These findings have broader implications for understanding novel magnetoelectric couplings in, e.g., monolayer multiferroic NiI$_2$.

[30] 2407.17861

Curie-Weiss behavior and the "interaction" temperature of magnetic nanoparticle ensembles: local structure strongly affects the magnetic behavior

In this article, the Curie-Weiss type behavior and the appearance of an "interaction" or "ordering" temperature for a collection of magnetic nanoparticles is explored theoretically. We show that some systems where an interaction temperature is reported are too dilute for dipolar interactions to play a role unless at least some of the particles are clumped together. We then show using the most simple type of clumps (particle pairs) that positive and negative interaction temperatures are possible due to dipolar interactions. The clump orientation dramatically changes this result. Finally, we show that an apparent interaction temperature can be measured in magnetic nanoparticle systems that have no interactions between particles, due to some alignment of anisotropy easy axes. These results show that nanoscale physical structures affect the measured magnetic response of nanoparticles.

[31] 2407.17867

Intrinsic Nonlinear Spin Hall Effect and Manipulation of Perpendicular Magnetization

We propose an intrinsic nonlinear spin Hall effect, which enables the generation of collinearly-polarized spin current in a large class of nonmagnetic materials with the corresponding linear response being symmetry-forbidden. This opens a new avenue for field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization, which is required for the next-generation information storage technology. We develop the microscopic theory of this effect, and clarify its quantum origin in band geometric quantities which can be enhanced by topological nodal features. Combined with first-principles calculations, we predict pronounced effects at room temperature in topological metals $\mathrm{PbTaSe_{2}}$ and PdGa. Our work establishes a fundamental nonlinear response in spin transport, and opens the door to exploring spintronic applications based on nonlinear spin Hall effect.

[32] 2407.17871

Two-strand ladder network variants: localization, multifractality, and quantum dynamics under an Aubry-André-Harper kind of quasiperiodicity

In this paper we demonstrate, using a couple of variants of a two-strand ladder network that, a quasiperiodic Aubry-Andr\'e-Harper (AAH) modulation applied to the vertical strands, mimicking a deterministic distortion in the network, can give rise to certain exotic features in the electronic spectrum of such systems. While, for the simplest ladder network all the eigenstates become localized as the modulation strength crosses a threshold, for the second variant, modelling an ultrathin graphene nano-ribbon, the central part of the energy spectrum remains populated by extended wavefunctions. The multifractal character in the energy spectrum is observed for both these networks close to the critical values of the modulation. We substantiate our findings also by studying the quantum dynamics of a wave packet on such decorated lattices. Interestingly, while the mean square displacement (MSD) changes in the usual manner in a pure two-strand ladder network as the modulation strength varies, for the ultrathin graphene nanoribbon the temporal behaviour of the MSD remains unaltered only up to a strong modulation strength. This, we argue, is due to the extendedness of the wavefunction at the central part of the energy spectrum. Other measurements like the return probability, temporal autocorrelation function, the time dependence of the inverse participation ratio, and the information entropy are calculated for both networks with different modulation strengths and corroborate our analytical findings.

[33] 2407.17878

The incredible diversity of structural and magnetic instabilities in EuTiO3: from paramagnetic to spin glass, spin liquid and antiferromagnetic order

The perovskite oxide EuTiO3 (ETO) has attracted increased scientific interest due to its potential multiferroic properties and magnetic activity above and below its structural phase transition at TS=282K. Various experiments have indirectly evidenced that this transition is neither a cubic tetragonal nor the only one occurring in ETO. Here, we show new results demonstrating two further instabilities below TS based on lattice dynamics and spin-phonon interactions combined with a Landau free energy model with coupled order parameters. The new transition temperatures perfectly agree with available experimental data where further instabilities have been anticipated.

[34] 2407.17883

Disorder driven topological phase transitions in 1D mechanical quasicrystals

We examine the transition from trivial to non-trivial phases in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model subjected to disorder in a quasi-periodic environment. We analytically determine the phase boundary, and characterize the localization of normal modes using their inverse participation ratio. We compute energy-dependent mobility edges and provide evidence for the emergence of a topological Anderson insulator within specific parameter ranges. Whereas the phase transition boundary is affected by the quasi-periodic modulation, the topologically insulating Anderson phase is stable with respect to the chiral disorder in a quasi-periodic setup. Additionally, our results also uncover a re-entrant topological phase transition from non-trivial to trivial phases for certain values of quasi-periodic modulation with fixed chiral disorder.

[35] 2407.17894

Magnetic properties of a staggered $S=1$ chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction

Materials composed of spin-1 antiferromagnetic (AFM) chains are known to adopt complex ground states which are sensitive to the single-ion-anisotropy (SIA) energy ($D$), and intrachain ($J_{0}$) and interchain ($J'_{i}$) exchange energy scales. While theoretical and experimental studies have extended this model to include various other energy scales, the effect of the lack of a common SIA axis is not well explored. Here we investigate the magnetic properties of Ni(pyrimidine)(H$_{2}$O)$_{2}$(NO$_{3}$)$_{2}$, a chain compound where the tilting of Ni octahedra leads to a 2-fold alternation of the easy-axis directions along the chain. Muon-spin relaxation measurements indicate a transition to long-range order at $T_{\text{N}}=2.3$\,K and the magnetic structure is initially determined to be antiferromagnetic and collinear using elastic neutron diffraction experiments. Inelastic neutron scattering measurements were used to find $J_{0} = 5.107(7)$\,K, $D = 2.79(1)$\,K, $J'_{2}=0.18(3)$\,K and a rhombic anisotropy energy $E=0.19(9)$\,K. Mean-field modelling reveals that the ground state structure hosts spin canting of $\phi\approx6.5^{\circ}$, which is not detectable above the noise floor of the elastic neutron diffraction data. Monte-Carlo simulation of the powder-averaged magnetization, $M(H)$, is then used to confirm these Hamiltonian parameters, while single-crystal $M(H)$ simulations provide insight into features observed in the data.

[36] 2407.17897

A general thermodynamically consistent phase-field-micromechanics model of sintering with coupled diffusion and grain motion

Sintering is a pivotal technology for processing ceramic and metallic powders into solid objects. A profound understanding of microstructure evolution during sintering is essential for manufacturing products with tailored properties. While various phase-field models have been proposed to simulate microstructure evolution in solid-state sintering, correctly incorporating the crucial densification mechanism, particularly grain motion, remains a challenge. The fundamental obstacle lies in the ad hoc treatment of the micromechanics of grain motion, where the thermodynamical driving force cannot be derived from the system's free energy. This work presents a novel phase-field-micromechanics model for sintering (PFMMS) that addresses this challenge. We define a unified energy law, under which the governing equations for microstructure evolution in sintering are derived using variational principles. Our approach ensures thermodynamic consistency, with the driving force for grain motion derived from the system's free energy. Consequently, the proposed PFMMS guarantees the evolution of microstructure in a direction that reduces the system's energy and eliminates non-densifying phenomena. We rigorously validate PFMMS against recent benchmarks of theoretical and numerical analysis. It is found that PFMMS captures intrinsic stress distribution along and beyond grain boundaries, exhibits system-size-independent shrinkage strain, and maintains thermodynamic equilibrium states. These features are fundamental requirements for a physically consistent sintering model.

[37] 2407.17901

Hidden vortices and Feynman rule in Bose-Einstein condensates with density-dependent gauge potential

In this article, we numerically investigate the vortex nucleation in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential and subjected to a density-dependent gauge potential. A rotating Bose-Einstein condensate, when confined in a double-well potential, not only gives rise to visible vortices but also produces hidden vortices. We have empirically developed the Feynmans rule for the number of vortices versus angular momentum in Bose-Einstein condensates in presence of the density dependent-gauge potentials. The variation of the average angular momentum with the number of vortices is also sensitive to the nature of the nonlinear rotation due to the density-dependent gauge potentials. The empirical result agrees well with the numerical simulations and the connection is verified by means of curve fitting analysis. The modified Feynman rule is further confirmed for the BECs confined in harmonic and toroidal traps. In addition, we show the nucleation of vortices in double-well and toroidally confined Bose-Einstein condensates solely through nonlinear rotations (without any trap rotation) arising through the density dependent-gauge potential.

[38] 2407.17908

Optical bounds on many-electron localization

We establish rigorous inequalities between different electronic properties linked to optical sum rules, and organize them into weak and strong bounds on three characteristic properties of insulators: electron localization length $\ell$ (the quantum fluctuations in polarization), electric susceptibility $\chi$, and optical gap $E_{\rm G}$. All-electron and valence-only versions of the bounds are given, and the latter are found to be more informative. The bounds on $\ell$ are particularly interesting, as they provide reasonably tight estimates for an ellusive ground-state property -- the average localization length of valence electrons -- from tabulated experimental data: electron density, high-frequency dielectric constant, and optical gap. The localization lengths estimated in this way for several materials follow simple chemical trends, especially for the alkali halides. We also illustrate our findings via analytically solvable harmonic oscillator models, which reveal an intriguing connection to the physics of long-ranged van der Waals forces.

[39] 2407.17912

Direct Optical Probing of the Magnetic Properties of the Layered Antiferromagnet CrPS$_4$

Unusual magnetic properties of Van der Waals type antiferromagnetic semiconductors make them highly attractive for spintronics and optoelectronics. A link between the magnetic and optical properties of those materials, required for practical applications, has not been, however, established so far. Here, we report on a combined experimental and theoretical study of magnetic, optical, and structural properties of bulk CrPS$_{4}$ samples. We find that the magnetic-field-dependent circular polarization degree of the photoluminescence is a direct measure of the net magnetization of CrPS$_{4}$. Complementary, Raman scattering measured as a function of magnetic field and temperature enables the determination of the magnetic susceptibility curve of the material. Our experimental results are backed by Our experimental results are supported by density functional theory calculations that take as input the lattice parameters determined from temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction measurements. This allows us to explain the impact of spin ordering on the spectral position of Raman transitions in CrPS$_4$, as well as anomalous temperature shifts of selected of them. The presented method for all-optical determination of the magnetic properties is highly promising for studies of spin ordering and magnetic phase transitions in single- or a few-layer samples of magnetic layered materials, for which a poor signal-to-noise ratio precludes any reliable neutron scattering or magnetometry measurements.

[40] 2407.17913

Extracting the symmetries of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems

Symmetries play a pivotal role in our understanding of the properties of quantum many-body systems. While there are theorems and a well-established toolbox for systems in thermal equilibrium, much less is known about the role of symmetries and their connection to dynamics out of equilibrium. This arises due to the direct link between a system's thermal state and its Hamiltonian, which is generally not the case for nonequilibrium dynamics. Here we present a pathway to identify the effective symmetries and to extract them from data in nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems. Our approach is based on exact relations between correlation functions involving different numbers of spatial points, which can be viewed as nonequilibrium versions of (equal-time) Ward identities encoding the symmetries of the system. We derive symmetry witnesses, which are particularly suitable for the analysis of measured or simulated data at different snapshots in time. To demonstrate the potential of the approach, we apply our method to numerical and experimental data for a spinor Bose gas. We investigate the important question of a dynamical restoration of an explicitly broken symmetry of the Hamiltonian by the initial state. Remarkably, it is found that effective symmetry restoration can occur long before the system equilibrates. We also use the approach to define and identify spontaneous symmetry breaking far from equilibrium, which is of great relevance for applications to nonequilibrium phase transitions. Our work opens new avenues for the classification and analysis of quantum as well as classical many-body dynamics in a large variety of systems, ranging from ultracold quantum gases to cosmology.

[41] 2407.17934

Application of boundary functionals of random processes in statistical physics

The possibilities of application of such boundary functionals of random processes as extreme values of these processes, the moment of first reaching a fixed level, the value of the process at the moment of reaching the level, the moment of reaching extreme values, the time of the process staying above a fixed level, and other functionals to the description of physical, chemical and biological problems are considered. Definitions of these functionals are given and characteristic functions of these functionals are written for the model of exponential distribution of incoming demands. The possibilities of using boundary functionals are demonstrated using examples of a unicyclic network with affinity A, an asymmetric random walk, nonlinear diffusion and multiple diffusing particles with reversible target-binding kinetics.

[42] 2407.17939

Irreversibility in Non-reciprocal Chaotic Systems

How is the irreversibility of a high-dimensional chaotic system controlled by the heterogeneity in the non-reciprocal interactions among its elements? In this paper, we address this question using a stochastic model of random recurrent neural networks that undergoes a transition from quiescence to chaos at a critical heterogeneity. In the thermodynamic limit, using dynamical mean field theory, we obtain an exact expression for the averaged entropy production rate - a measure of irreversibility - for any heterogeneity level J. We show how this quantity becomes a constant at the onset of chaos while changing its functional form upon crossing this point. The latter can be elucidated by closed-form approximations valid for below and slightly above the critical point and for large J.

[43] 2407.17968

Spectrally resolved far-field emission pattern of single photon emitters in MoS2

We explore the optical dipole orientation of single photon emitters in monolayer MoS2 as produced by a focused helium ion beam. The single photon emitters can be understood as single sulfur vacancies. The corresponding far-field luminescence spectra reveal several photoluminescence lines below the dominating luminescence of the exciton in MoS2. These sub-bandgap emission lines were predicted by ab initio theory, but they have never been resolved in luminescence experiments because of their small amplitude. We reveal the lines by their dependence as a function of the photon energy and momentum as measured in the back focal plane of the optical circuitry. The agreement between theory and experiment suggests that the defect states interact strongly within the Brillouin zone.

[44] 2407.17977

Vulnerability of Transport through Evolving Spatial Networks

Insight into the blockage vulnerability of evolving spatial networks is important for understanding transport resilience, robustness, and failure of a broad class of real-world structures such as porous media and utility, urban traffic, and infrastructure networks. By exhaustive search for central transport hubs on porous lattice structures, we recursively determine and block the emerging main hub until the evolving network reaches the impenetrability limit. We find that the blockage backbone is a self-similar path with a fractal dimension which is distinctly smaller than that of the universality class of optimal path crack models. The number of blocking steps versus the rescaled initial occupation fraction collapses onto a master curve for different network sizes, allowing for the prediction of the onset of impenetrability. The shortest-path length distribution broadens during the blocking process reflecting an increase of spatial correlations. We address the reliability of our predictions upon increasing the disorder or decreasing the fraction of processed structural information.

[45] 2407.17981

Tunneling time in coupled-channel systems

In present work, we present a couple-channel formalism for the description of tunneling time of a quantum particle through a composite compound with multiple energy levels or a complex structure that can be reduced to a quasi-one-dimensional multiple-channel system.

[46] 2407.17982

Experimental Data Confirm Carrier-Cascade Model for Solid-State Conductance across Proteins

The finding that electronic conductance across ultra-thin protein films between metallic electrodes remains nearly constant from room temperature to just a few degrees Kelvin has posed a challenge. We show that a model based on a generalized Landauer formula explains the nearly constant conductance and predicts an Arrhenius-like dependence for low temperatures. A critical aspect of the model is that the relevant activation energy for conductance is either the difference between the HOMO and HOMO-1 or the LUMO+1 and LUMO energies instead of the HOMO-LUMO gap of the proteins. Analysis of experimental data confirm the Arrhenius-like law and allows us to extract the activation energies. We then calculate the energy differences with advanced DFT methods for proteins used in the experiments. Our main result is that the experimental and theoretical activation energies for these three different proteins and three differently prepared solid-state junctions match nearly perfectly, implying the mechanism's validity.

[47] 2407.17988

Braiding Induced by Finite-Size Effect in One-Dimensional Topological Superconductors

We investigate the transport properties of Majorana zero mode (MZM) and Majorana Kramers pair (MKP) in one-dimensional topological superconductors, respectively. An effective model is established for braiding of MZMs and MKPs. We employ the $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave topological superconductors to embody the effective model for braiding of MKPs by utilizing finite-size effects and locally tunable coupling parameters. We show how to construct the state initialization and readout via gate control. We also use this method for braiding MZMs in s-wave topological superconductors. Our proposal presents a promising avenue for experimentally verifying the non-Abelian statistical properties of MZMs and MKPs, with implications for topological quantum computing.

[48] 2407.18032

Anisotropic Cage Evolution in Quasi-two-dimensional Colloidal Fluids

Employing video microscopy, we explore the cage dynamics for colloidal particles confined in quasi-two dimensions (q2D). Our experiments reveal that while ensemble-averaged dynamics of cages are isotropic in the laboratory frame, its evolution in the displacement frame of the caged particle is anisotropic and asymmetric. In turn, this leads to particles in specific regions of the cage contributing either to cage persistence or breaking, influencing the structural relaxation of the fluid. Our findings, thus, provide microscopic insights into cage evolution and dynamics for colloidal fluids in q2D, with direct potential implications for the flow of complex fluids, structural relaxation in dense suspensions, and collective motion in active matter in confined geometries.

[49] 2407.18040

Quadrupolar Excitons in MoSe2 Bilayers

The quest for platforms to generate and control exotic excitonic states has greatly benefited from the advent of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers and their heterostructures. Among the unconventional excitonic states, quadrupolar excitons - a hybridized combination of two dipolar excitons with anti-aligned dipole moments - are of great interest for applications in quantum simulations and for the investigation of many-body physics. Here, we unambiguously demonstrate for the first time in natural MoSe$_2$ homobilayers the emergence of quadrupolar excitons, whose energy shifts quadratically in electric field. In contrast to, so far reported trilayer systems hosting quadrupolar excitons, MoSe$_2$ homobilayers have many advantages, a stronger interlayer hybridization, cleaner potential landscapes and inherent stability with respect to moir\'e potentials or post-stacking reconstruction. Our experimental observations are complemented by many-particle theory calculations offering microscopic insights in the formation of quadrupole excitons. Our results suggest TMD homobilayers as ideal platform for the engineering of excitonic states and their interaction with light and thus candidate for carrying out on-chip simulations.

[50] 2407.18059

Equation of state of Bose gases beyond the universal regime

The equation of state of dilute Bose gases, in which the energy only depends on the $s$-wave scattering length, is rather unknown beyond the universal limit. We have carried out a bunch of diffusion Monte Carlo calculations up to gas parameters of $10^{-2}$ to explore how the departure from the universality emerges. Using different model potentials, we calculate the energies of the gas in an exact way, within some statistical noise, and report the results as a function of the three relevant scattering parameters: the $s$-wave scattering length $a_0$, the $s$-wave effective range $r_0$, and the $p$-wave scattering length $a_1$. If the effective range is not large we observe universality in terms of $a_0$ and $r_0$ up to gas parameters of $10^{-2}$. If $r_0$ grows the regime of universality in these two parameters is reduced and effects of $a_1$ start to be observed. In the $(a_0,r_0)$ universal regime we propose an analytical law that reproduces fairly well the exact energies.

[51] 2407.18063

Imaging interstitial atoms with multislice electron ptychography

Doping impurity atoms is a strategy commonly used to tune the functionality of materials including catalysts, semiconductors, and quantum emitters. The location of dopants and their interaction with surrounding atoms could significantly modulate the transport, optical, or magnetic properties of materials. However, directly imaging individual impurity atoms inside materials remains a generally unaddressed need. Here, we demonstrate how single atoms can be detected and located in three dimensions via multislice electron ptychography.Interstitial atoms in a complex garnet oxide heterostructure are resolved with a depth resolution better than 2.7 nm, together with a deep-sub-{\AA}ngstrom lateral resolution. Single-scan atomic-layer depth resolution should be possible using strongly divergent electron probe illumination. Our results provide a new approach to detecting individual atomic defects and open doors to characterize the local environments and spatial distributions that underlie a broad range of systems such as single-atom catalysts, nitrogen-vacancy centers, and other atomic-scale quantum sensors.

[52] 2407.18080

Electrically activated W-doped VO2 films for reli-able, large-area, broadband THz waves modulators

THz amplitude modulators and switches are considered to be the main building blocks of future THz communication systems. Despite rapid progress, modulation and switching devices in this electromagnetic spectrum lag far behind other frequency ranges. Currently, THz modu-lators face major challenges in consistently producing high modulations depths over large frequency bands. Moreover, a convenient integration for practical applications requires that the modulation/switching properties can be electrically controlled. Devices fulfilling all these con-ditions remain to be demonstrated. In this work we show that W-doped VO2 films grown by direct-current magnetron sputtering can be efficiently used for the development reliable, large-area, broadband THz waves modulators. We demonstrate that W doping not only permits to tune the insulator to metal transition (IMT) temperature of VO2, but also, most importantly, to control the topology of the electrically activated transition. In situ / operando X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy characterizations of the devices, coupled with standard resistivi-ty measurements and time-domain THz spectroscopy, unambiguously demonstrate that the changes in the spatial distribution of the IMT is due to structural distortions induced by W doping.

[53] 2407.18088

A multi-physics model for the evolution of grain microstructure

When a metal is loaded mechanically at high temperatures, i.e. above 300 $^o$C, its grain microstructure evolves due to multiple physical mechanisms. Two of which are the curvature-driven migration of the grain boundaries due to increased mobility, and the formation of subgrains due to severe plastic deformation. Similar phenomena are observed during heat treatment subsequent to severe plastic deformation. Grain boundary migration and plastic deformation simultaneously change the lattice orientation at any given material point, which is challenging to simulate consistently. The majority of existing simulation approaches tackle this problem by applying separate, specialized models for mechanical deformation and grain boundary migration sequentially. Significant progress was made recognizing that the Cosserat continuum represents an ideal framework for the coupling between different mechanisms causing lattice reorientation, since rotations are native degrees of freedom in this setting. In this work we propose and implement a multi-physics model, which couples Cosserat crystal plasticity to Henry-Mellenthin-Plapp (HMP) type orientation phase-field in a single thermodynamically consistent framework for microstructure evolution. Compared to models based on the Kobayashi-Warren-Carter (KWC) phase-field, the HMP formulation removes the nonphysical term linear in the gradient of orientation from the free energy density, thus eliminating long-range interactions between grain boundaries. Further, HMP orientation phase field can handle inclination-dependent grain boundary energies. We evaluate the model's predictions and numerical performance within a two-dimensional finite element framework, and compare it to a previously published results based on KWC phase-field coupled with Cosserat mechanics.

[54] 2407.18094

Nonlinear magneto-optical response across van Hove singularity in a non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal

We investigate the nonlinear magneto-optical response in non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals featuring a quadratic tilt, focusing particularly on the influence of the van Hove singularity (VHS). In the absence of a magnetic field, the second-order nonlinear Drude conductivity components exhibit inflection or dip behavior across the VHS. In contrast, the second-order nonlinear anomalous Hall conductivity, primarily governed by the Berry curvature dipole, manifests a subtle plateau-like structure. As the tilt strength increases, the VHS energy escalates, thereby amplifying the VHS-induced characteristics within these second-order conductivity components. However, in the presence of a magnetic field, we show that the resultant magnetic moment suppresses nonlinear electron transport while enhancing nonlinear hole transport. %both suppresses and notably enhances nonlinear magnetic-optical transport in the electron and hole regions, respectively. This effect serves to mitigate the impact of the VHS, resulting specifically in an asymmetric peak or a kinked-like structure in the magnetic field-induced contribution to the second-order nonlinear conductivity near the Weyl nodes. These findings provide new insights into the intricate interplay among the VHS, Berry curvature, and magnetic moment in nonlinear magneto-optical transport through non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals.

[55] 2407.18116

Sedimenting microrollers navigate saturated porous media

Particle sedimentation through porous media is limited by the inability of passive material to overcome surface interactions and a tortuous network of pores. This limits transport, delivery, and effectiveness of chemicals used as reactants, nutrients, pesticides, or for waste remediation. This work develops magnetically responsive microrollers that navigate the complex interstitial network of porous matter. Rather than arresting on the upward facing surfaces of the pores, particles can roll and fall further, increasing transport by orders of magnitude. This work directly investigates Janus microrollers, activated by a rotating magnetic field, rolling and sedimenting though an index-matched porous medium. The mechanism of enhanced transport is determined, and the material flux is primarily a function of microroller concentration, rotation rate, and magnetic field strength. This mechanism is most efficient using a minimum number of rotations spaced out periodically in time to reduce the required energy input to greatly enhance transport. This general mechanism of transport enhancement can be broadly applied in numerous applications because the particles delivered within the porous matrix may be comprised of a wide variety of functional materials.

[56] 2407.18117

The temperature influence on the brightening of neutral and charged dark excitons in WSe$_2$ monolayer

The optically dark states play an important role in the electronic and optical properties of monolayers (MLs) of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides. The effect of temperature on the in-plane-field activation of the neutral and charged dark excitons is investigated in a WSe$_2$ ML encapsulated in hexagonal BN flakes. The brightening rates of the neutral dark (X$^D$) and grey (X$^G$) excitons and the negative dark trion (T$^D$) differ substantially at a particular temperature. More importantly, they vanish considerably by about 3 -- 4 orders of magnitude with the temperature increased from 4.2 K to 100 K. The quenching of the dark-related emissions is accompanied by the two-order-of-magnitude increase in the emissions of their neutral bright counterparts, $i.e.$ neutral bright exciton (X$^B$) and spin-singlet (T$^S$) and spin-triplet (T$^T$) negative trions, due to the thermal activations of dark states. Furthermore, the energy splittings between the dark X$^D$ and T$^D$ complexes and the corresponding bright X$^B$, T$^S$, and T$^T$ ones vary with temperature rises from 4.2 K to 100 K. This can be explained in terms of the different exciton-phonon couplings for the bright and dark excitons stemming from their distinct symmetry properties.

[57] 2407.18133

Correlating ultrastability with fragility and surface mobility in vapor deposited tetrahedral glasses

Several experiments on molecular and metallic glasses have shown that the ability of vapor deposition to produce ultrastable glasses is correlated with their structural and thermodynamic properties. Here we investigate the vapor deposition of a class of tetrahedral materials (including silicon and water) via molecular dynamics simulations of the generalized Stillinger-Weber potential. By changing a single parameter that controls the local tetrahedrality, we show that the emergence of ultrastable behavior is correlated with an increase in the fragility of the model. At the same time, while the mobility of the surface compared to the bulk shows only slight changes at low temperature, with increasing the tetrahedrality, it displays a significant enhancement towards the glass transition temperature. Our results point towards a strong connection between bulk dynamics, surface dynamics and glass-ultrastability ability in this class of materials.

[58] 2407.18156

Dipolar ordering transitions in many-body quantum optics: Analytical diagrammatic approach to equilibrium quantum spins

Quantum spin models with a large number of interactions per spin are frequently encountered in modern many-body quantum optical systems like arrays of Rydberg atoms, atom-cavity systems or trapped ion crystals. For theoretical analysis the mean-field (MF) approximation is routinely applied. However, except in the exotic case of infinite connectivity, its results are not quantitatively reliable. Here we present a systematic correction to MF theory based on diagrammatic perturbation theory for quantum spin correlators in thermal equilibrium. Our analytic results are universally applicable for any lattice geometry and spin-length S. We provide pre-computed and easy-to-use building blocks for Ising, Heisenberg and transverse field Ising models in the the symmetry-unbroken regime. We showcase the methods quality and simplicity by computing magnetic phase boundaries and excitations gaps. We also treat the Dicke-Ising model of ground-state superradiance where we show that corrections to the MF phase boundary vanish.

[59] 2407.18164

The Emergence of Mem-Emitters

The advent of memristors and resistive switching has transformed solid state physics, enabling advanced applications such as neuromorphic computing. Inspired by these developments, we introduce the concept of Mem-emitters, devices that manipulate light emission properties of semiconductors to achieve memory functionalities. Mem-emitters, influenced by past exposure to stimuli, offer a new approach to optoelectronic computing with potential for enhanced speed, efficiency, and integration. This study explores the unique properties of transition metal dichalcogenides-based heterostructures as a promising platform for Mem-emitter functionalities due to their atomic-scale thickness, tunable electronic properties, and strong light-matter interaction. By distinguishing between population-driven and transition rate-driven Mem-emitters, we highlight their potential for various applications, including optoelectronic switches, variable light sources, and advanced communication systems. Understanding these mechanisms paves the way for innovative technologies in memory and computation, offering insights into the intrinsic dynamics of complex systems.

[60] 2407.18210

Statistical mechanics of frustrated assemblies and incompatible graphs

Geometrically frustrated assemblies where building blocks misfit have been shown to generate intriguing phenomena from self-limited growth, fiber formation, to structural complexity. We introduce a graph theory formulation of geometrically frustrated assemblies, capturing frustrated interactions through the concept of incompatible flows, providing a direct link between structural connectivity and frustration. This theory offers a minimal yet comprehensive framework for the fundamental statistical mechanics of frustrated assemblies. Through numerical simulations, the theory reveals new characteristics of frustrated assemblies, including two distinct percolation transitions for structure and stress, a crossover between cumulative and non-cumulative frustration controlled by disorder, and a divergent length scale in their response.

[61] 2407.18224

Excitons in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

An exciton is a Coulomb-driven bound state, which normally consists of an electron and a hole. Under the influence of charge fractionalization, an exotic construction of exciton arises from pairing between fractional particle and hole charge. Despite numerous theoretical considerations, experimental realization of fractional excitons remains largely unexplored. In this work, we report hallmark transport signatures of excitonic pairing that coexists with fractional quantum Hall effect states. Such coexistence reveals a new construction for fractional quantum Hall effect, where exciton pairing plays an essential role in defining the underlying wavefunction. By surveying the two-dimensional phase space defined by Landau-level filling and layer imbalance, we describe transitions between ground states with distinct exciton compositions. The hierarchical behavior of the excitonic sequence provides potential evidence for excitons with fractional charge constituents, which obey fermionic and anyonic statistics.

[62] 2407.18250

Yukawa-Lorentz symmetry of interacting non-Hermitian birefringent Dirac fermions

The energy spectra of linearly dispersing gapless spin-3/2 Dirac fermions display birefringence, featuring two effective Fermi velocities, thus breaking the space-time Lorentz symmetry. Here, we consider a non-Hermitian (NH) generalization of this scenario by introducing a masslike anti-Hermitian birefringent Dirac operator to its Hermitian counterpart. The resulting NH operator shows real eigenvalue spectra over an extended NH parameter regime, and a combination of non-spatial and discrete rotational symmetries protects the gapless nature of such quasiparticles. However, at the brink of dynamic mass generation, triggered by Hubbardlike local interactions, the birefringent parameter always vanishes under coarse grain due to Yukawa-type interactions with scalar bosonic order-parameter fluctuations. The resulting quantum critical state is, therefore, described by two decoupled copies of spin-1/2 Dirac fermions with a unique terminal Fermi velocity, which is equal to the bosonic order-parameter velocity, thereby fostering an emergent space-time Lorentz symmetry. Furthermore, depending on the internal algebra between the anti-Hermitian birefringent Dirac operator and the candidate mass order, the system achieves the emergent Yukawa-Lorentz symmetry either by maintaining its non-Hermiticity or by recovering a full Hermiticity. We discuss the resulting quantum critical phenomena and possible microscopic realizations of the proposed scenarios.

[63] 2407.17098

Diagrammatic ab initio methods for infinite nuclear matter with modern chiral interactions

A comparative study of the equation of state for pure neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter is presented using three ab initio methods based on diagrammatic expansions: coupled-cluster theory, self-consistent Green's functions, and many-body perturbation theory. We critically evaluate these methods by employing different chiral potentials at next-to-next-to-leading-order -- all of which include both two- and three-nucleon contributions -- and by exploring various many-body truncations. Our investigation yields highly precise results for pure neutron matter and robust predictions for symmetric nuclear matter, particularly with soft interactions. Moreover, the new calculations demonstrate that the $\rm{ NNLO_{sat} }(450)$ and $\Delta \rm{NNLO_{go}}(394)$ potentials are consistent with the empirical constraints on the saturation point of symmetric nuclear matter. Additionally, this benchmark study reveals that diagrammatic expansions with similar architectures lead to consistent many-body correlations, even when applied across different methods. This consistency underscores the robustness of the diagrammatic approach in capturing the essential physics of nucleonic systems.

[64] 2407.17607

Active Interface Characteristics of Heterogeneously Integrated GaAsSb/Si Photodiodes

There is increased interest in the heterogeneous integration of various compound semiconductors with Si for a variety of electronic and photonic applications. This paper focuses on integrating GaAsSb (with absorption in the C-band at 1550nm) with silicon to fabricate photodiodes, leveraging epitaxial layer transfer (ELT) methods. Two ELT techniques, epitaxial lift-off (ELO) and macro-transfer printing (MTP), are compared for transferring GaAsSb films from InP substrates to Si, forming PIN diodes. Characterization through atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) exhibits a high-quality, defect-free interface. Current-voltage (IV) measurements and capacitance-voltage (CV) analysis validate the quality and functionality of the heterostructures. Photocurrent measurements at room temperature and 200 K demonstrate the device's photo-response at 1550 nm, highlighting the presence of an active interface.

[65] 2407.17708

The index of lattice Dirac operators and $K$-theory

We mathematically show an equality between the index of a Dirac operator on a flat continuum torus and the $\eta$ invariant of the Wilson Dirac operator with a negative mass when the lattice spacing is sufficiently small. Unlike the standard approach, our formulation using $K$-theory does not require the Ginsparg-Wilson relation or the modified chiral symmetry on the lattice. We prove that a one-parameter family of continuum massive Dirac operators and the corresponding Wilson Dirac operators belong to the same equivalence class of the $K^1$ group at a finite lattice spacing. Their indices, which are evaluated by the spectral flow or equivalently by the $\eta$ invariant at finite masses, are proved to be equal.

[66] 2407.17732

Photon-resolved Floquet theory I: Full-Counting statistics of the driving field in Floquet systems

Floquet theory and other established semiclassical approaches are widely used methods to predict the state of externally-driven quantum systems, yet, they do not allow to predict the state of the photonic driving field. To overcome this shortcoming, the photon-resolved Floquet theory (PRFT) has been developed recently [Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013116], which deploys concepts from full-counting statistics to predict the statistics of the photon flux between several coherent driving modes. In this paper, we study in detail the scaling properties of the PRFT in the semiclassical regime. We find that there is an ambiguity in the definition of the moment-generating function, such that different versions of the moment-generating function produce the same photonic probability distribution in the semiclassical limit, and generate the same leading-order terms of the moments and cumulants. Using this ambiguity, we establish a simple expression for the Kraus operators, which describe the decoherence dynamics of the driven quantum system appearing as a consequence of the light-matter interaction. The PRFT will pave the way for improved quantum sensing methods, e.g., for spectroscopic quantum sensing protocols, reflectometry in semiconductor nanostructures and other applications, where the detailed knowledge of the photonic probability distribution is necessary.

[67] 2407.17776

Entangling power, gate typicality and Measurement-induced Phase Transitions

When subject to a non-local unitary evolution, qubits in a quantum circuit become increasingly entangled. Conversely, measurements applied to individual qubits lead to their disentanglement from the collective system. The extent of entanglement reduction depends on the frequency of local projective measurements. A delicate balance emerges between unitary evolution, which enhances entanglement, and measurements which diminish it. In the thermodynamic limit, there is a phase transition from volume law entanglement to area law entanglement at a critical value of measurement frequency. This phenomenon, occurring in hybrid quantum circuits with both unitary gates and measurements, is termed as measurement-induced phase transition (MIPT). We study the behavior of MIPT in circuits comprising of two qubit unitary gates parameterized by Cartan decomposition. We show that the entangling power and gate typicality of the two-qubit local unitaries employed in the circuit can be used to explain the behavior of global bipartite entanglement the circuit can sustain. When the two qubit gate throughout the circuit is the identity and measurements are the sole driver of the entanglement behavior, we obtain analytical estimate for the entanglement entropy that shows remarkable agreement with numerical simulations. We also find that the entangling power and gate typicality enable the classification of the two-qubit unitaries by different universality classes of phase transitions that can occur in the hybrid circuit. For all unitaries in a particular universality class, the transition from volume to area law of entanglement occurs with same exponent that characterizes the phase transition.

[68] 2407.17916

Two-Level System Nanomechanics in the Blue-Detuned Regime

We study a mechanical oscillator coupled to a two-level system driven by a blue-detuned coherent source in the resolved sideband regime. For weak mechanical damping, we find dynamical instabilities leading to limit cycles. They are signaled by strong fluctuations in the number of emitted photons, with a large Fano factor. The phonon-number fluctuations exhibit a strikingly similar behavior. When the coupling strength becomes comparable to the mechanical frequency, non-classical mechanical states appear. We discuss the relation with cavity optomechanical systems. Candidates for observing these effects include superconducting qubits, NV centers, and single molecules coupled to oscillators.

[69] 2407.17917

Lightwave-driven electrons in a Floquet topological insulator

Topological insulators offer unique opportunities for novel electronics and quantum phenomena. However, intrinsic material limitations often restrict their applications and practical implementation. Over a decade ago it was predicted that a time-periodic perturbation can generate out-of-equilibrium states known as Floquet topological insulators (FTIs), hosting topologically protected transport and anomalous Hall physics, and opening routes to optically tunable bandstructures and devices compatible with petahertz electronics. Although such states have not yet been directly observed, indirect signatures such as the light-induced anomalous Hall effect were recently measured. Thus far, much remained experimentally unclear and fundamentally unknown about solid-state FTI and whether they can be employed for electronics. Here we demonstrate coherent control of photocurrents in light-dressed graphene. Circularly-polarized laser pulses dress the graphene band structure to obtain an FTI, and phase-locked second harmonic pulses drive electrons in the FTI. This approach allows us to measure resulting all-optical anomalous Hall photocurrents, FTI-valley-polarized currents, and photocurrent circular dichroism, all phenomena that put FTIs on equal footing with equilibrium topological insulators. We further present an intuitive description for the sub-optical-cycle light-matter interaction, revealing dynamical symmetry selection rules for photocurrents. All measurements are supported by strong agreement with ab-initio and analytic theory. Remarkably, the photocurrents show a strong sub-cycle phase-sensitivity that can be employed for ultrafast control in topotronics and spectroscopy. Our work connects Floquet and topological physics with attoscience and valleytronics, and goes beyond band structure engineering by initiating lightwave-driven dynamics in FTI states.

[70] 2407.17919

Bounds and Phase Transitions for Phonons in Complex Network Structures

We study a model of networked atoms or molecules oscillating around their equilibrium positions. The model assumes the harmonic approximation of the interactions. We provide bounds for the total number of phonons, and for the specific heat, in terms of the average Wiener capacity, or resistance, of the network. Thanks to such bounds, we can distinguish qualitatively different behaviours in terms of the network structure alone.

[71] 2407.17925

Fractals and spontaneous symmetry breaking with type-B Goldstone modes: a perspective from entanglement

The one-dimensional spin-$s$ ${\rm SU}(2)$ ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, as a paradigmatic example for spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) with type-B Goldstone modes (GMs), is expected to exhibit an abstract fractal underlying the ground state subspace. This intrinsic abstract fractal is here revealed from a systematic investigation into the entanglement entropy for a linear combination of factorized (unentangled) ground states on a fractal decomposable into a set of the Cantor sets. The entanglement entropy scales logarithmically with the block size, with the prefactor being half the fractal dimension of a fractal, as long as the norm for the linear combination scales as the square root of the number of the self-similar building blocks kept at each step $k$ for a fractal, under an assumption that the maximum absolute value of the coefficients in the linear combination is chosen to be around one, and the coefficients in the linear combination are almost constants within the building blocks. Actually, the set of the fractal dimensions for all the Cantor sets forms a {\it dense} subset in the interval $[0,1]$. As a consequence, the ground state subspace is separated into a disjoint union of countably infinitely many regions, each of which is labeled by a decomposable fractal. Hence, the interpretation of the prefactor as half the fractal dimension is valid for any support beyond a fractal, which in turn leads to the identification of the fractal dimension with the number of type-B GMs for the orthonormal basis states. Our argument may be extended to any quantum many-body systems undergoing SSB with type-B GMs.

[72] 2407.17935

Pfaffian structure of the eigenvector overlap for the symplectic Ginibre ensemble

We study the integrable structure and scaling limits of the conditioned eigenvector overlap of the symplectic Ginibre ensemble of Gaussian non-Hermitian random matrices with independent quaternion elements. The average of the overlap matrix elements constructed from left and right eigenvectors, conditioned to $x$, are derived in terms of a Pfaffian determinant. Regarded as a two-dimensional Coulomb gas with the Neumann boundary condition along the real axis, it contains a kernel of skew-orthogonal polynomials with respect to the weight function $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)=|z-\overline{x}|^2(1+|z-x|^2)e^{-2|z|^2}$, including a non-trivial insertion of a point charge. The mean off-diagonal overlap is related to the diagonal (self-)overlap by a transposition, in analogy to the complex Ginibre ensemble. For $x$ conditioned to the real line, extending previous results at $x=0$, we determine the skew-orthogonal polynomials and their skew-kernel with respect to $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)$. This is done in two steps and involves a Christoffel perturbation of the weight $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)=|z-\overline{x}|^2\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$, by computing first the corresponding quantities for the unperturbed weight $\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$. Its kernel is shown to satisfy a differential equation at finite matrix size $N$. This allows us to take different large-$N$ limits, where we distinguish bulk and edge regime along the real axis. The limiting mean diagonal overlaps and corresponding eigenvalue correlation functions of the point processes with respect to $\omega^{(\mathrm{over})}(z)$ are determined. We also examine the effect on the planar orthogonal polynomials when changing the variance in $\omega^{(\mathrm{pre})}(z)$, as this appears in the eigenvector statistics of the complex Ginibre ensemble.

[73] 2407.17985

Optimizing ToF-SIMS Depth Profiles of Semiconductor Heterostructures

The continuous technological development of electronic devices and the introduction of new materials leads to ever greater demands on the fabrication of semiconductor heterostructures and their characterization. This work focuses on optimizing Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) depth profiles of semiconductor heterostructures aiming at a minimization of measurement-induced profile broadening. As model system, a state-of-the-art Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) grown multilayer homostructure consisting of $^{\textit{nat}}$Si/$^{28}$Si bilayers with only 2 nm in thickness is investigated while varying the most relevant sputter parameters. Atomic concentration-depth profiles are determined and an error function based description model is used to quantify layer thicknesses as well as profile broadening. The optimization process leads to an excellent resolution of the multilayer homostructure. The results of this optimization guide to a ToF-SIMS analysis of another MBE grown heterostructure consisting of a strained and highly purified $^{28}$Si layer sandwiched between two Si$_{0.7}$Ge$_{0.3}$ layers. The sandwiched $^{28}$Si layer represents a quantum well that has proven to be an excellent host for the implementation of electron-spin qubits.

[74] 2407.18055

Collective quantum enhancement in critical quantum sensing

Critical systems represent a valuable resource in quantum sensing and metrology. Critical quantum sensing (CQS) protocols can be realized using finite-component phase transitions, where criticality is not due to the thermodynamic limit but rather to the rescaling of the system parameters. In particular, the second-order phase transitions of parametric Kerr resonators are of high experimental relevance, as they can be implemented and controlled with various quantum technologies currently available. Here, we show that collective quantum advantage can be achieved with a multipartite critical quantum sensor based on a parametrically coupled Kerr resonators chain in the weak-nonlinearity limit. We derive analytical solutions for the low-energy spectrum of this unconventional quantum many-body system, which is composed of \emph{locally} critical elements. We then assess the performance of an adiabatic CQS protocol, comparing the coupled-resonator chain with an equivalent ensemble of independent critical sensors. We evaluate the scaling of the quantum Fisher information with respect to fundamental resources, and find that the critical chain achieves a quadratic enhancement in the number of resonators. Beyond the advantage found in the case of zero Kerr, we find that there is a collective enhancement even in the scenario of finite Kerr nonlinearity.

[75] 2407.18165

Probing Penrose-type singularities in sonic black holes

Addressing the general physical question whether spacetime singularities inside black holes exist, we investigate the problem in the context of an analogue system, a flowing laboratory liquid, for which the governing equations are at least in principle known to all relevant scales, and in all regions of the effective spacetime. We suggest to probe the physical phenomena taking place close to a Penrose-type singularity in the interior of a $2+1$D analogue black hole arising from a polytropic, inviscid, irrotational, and axisymmetric steady flow, and propose to this end an experimental setup in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Our study provides concrete evidence, for a well understood dynamical system, that the Einstein equations are not necessary for a singularity to form, demonstrating that Penrose-type spacetime singularities can potentially also exist in non-Einsteinian theories of gravity. Finally, we demonstrate how the singularity is physically avoided in our proposed laboratory setup, and that our analysis can be generalized to three-dimensional flows ($3+1$D analogues).

[76] 2407.18171

Chemically reactive and aging macromolecular mixtures II: Phase separation and coarsening

In a companion paper, we put forth a thermodynamic model for complex formation via a chemical reaction involving multiple macromolecular species, which may subsequently undergo liquid-liquid phase separation and a further transition into a gel-like state. In the present work, we formulate a thermodynamically consistent kinetic framework to study the interplay between phase separation, chemical reaction and aging in spatially inhomogeneous macromolecular mixtures. A numerical algorithm is also proposed to simulate domain growth from collisions of liquid and gel domains via passive Brownian motion in both two and three spatial dimensions. Our results show that the coarsening behavior is significantly influenced by the degree of gelation and Brownian motion. The presence of a gel phase inside condensates strongly limits the diffusive transport processes, and Brownian motion coalescence controls the coarsening process in systems with high area/volume fractions of gel-like condensates, leading to formation of interconnected domains with atypical domain growth rates controlled by size-dependent translational and rotational diffusivities.

[77] 2407.18187

First Demonstration of HZO/beta-Ga2O3 Ferroelectric FinFET with Improved Memory Window

We have experimentally demonstrated the effectiveness of beta-gallium oxide (beta-Ga2O3) ferroelectric fin field-effect transistors (Fe-FinFETs) for the first time. Atomic layer deposited (ALD) hafnium zirconium oxide (HZO) is used as the ferroelectric layer. The HZO/beta-Ga2O3 Fe-FinFETs have wider counterclockwise hysteresis loops in the transfer characteristics than that of conventional planar FET, achieving record-high memory window (MW) of 13.9 V in a single HZO layer. When normalized to the actual channel width, FinFETs show an improved ION/IOFF ratio of 2.3x10^7 and a subthreshold swing value of 110 mV/dec. The enhanced characteristics are attributed to the low-interface state density (Dit), showing good interface properties between the beta-Ga2O3 and HZO layer. The enhanced polarization due to larger electric fields across the entire ferroelectric layer in FinFETs is validated using Sentaurus TCAD. After 5x10^6 program/erase (PGM/ERS) cycles, the MW was maintained at 9.2 V, and the retention time was measured up to 3x10^4 s with low degradation. Therefore, the ultrawide bandgap (UWBG) Fe-FinFET was shown to be one of the promising candidates for high-density non-volatile memory devices.

[78] 2407.18205

Exactly-solvable self-trapping lattice walks. II. Lattices of arbitrary height

A growing self-avoiding walk (GSAW) is a walk on a graph that is directed, does not visit the same vertex twice, and has a trapped endpoint. We show that the generating function enumerating GSAWs on a half-infinite strip of finite height is rational, and we give a procedure to construct a combinatorial finite state machine that allows one to compute this generating function. We then modify this procedure to compute generating functions for GSAWs under two probabilistic models. We perform Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the expected length and displacement for GSAWs on the quarter plane, half plane, full plane, and half-infinite strips of bounded height for which we cannot compute the generating function. Finally, we prove that the generating functions for Greek key tours (GSAWs on a finite grid that visit every vertex) on a half-infinite strip of fixed height are also rational, allowing us to resolve several conjectures.