New articles on Condensed Matter

[1] 2410.14704

Comment on "The Law of Entropy Increase and the Meissner Effect" by A. Nikulov

In Entropy 24, 83 (2022) [1], titled "The Law of Entropy Increase and the Meissner Effect", A. Nikulov claims that the Meissner effect exhibited by type I superconductors violates the second law of thermodynamics. Contrary to this claim, I show that the Meissner effect is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics provided that a mechanism exists for the supercurrent to start and stop without generation of Joule heat. The theory of hole superconductivity provides such a mechanism, the conventional theory of superconductivity does not. It requires the existence of hole carriers in the normal state of the system.

[2] 2410.14711

A problem with the conservation law observed in macroscopic quantum phenomena is a consequence of violation of the correspondence principle

This article draws attention that the puzzle of the change of the angular momentum without any force is a consequence of the contradiction of macroscopic quantum phenomena with the correspondence principle, which reveals a fundamental difference between microscopic quantum phenomena, described by the Schrodinger wave mechanics, and macroscopic quantum phenomena, described by the theory of superconductivity and the theory of superfluidity. To explain why macroscopic quantum phenomena are observed despite the correspondence principle, Lev Landau postulated in 1941 that microscopic particles in superfluid helium and superconductor cannot move separately. The angular momentum can change without any force only due to quantization in both microscopic and macroscopic quantum phenomena. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle eliminates the contradiction with the conservation law in the first case, since according to the correspondence principle, the change in angular momentum cannot exceed the Planck constant. But this principle cannot eliminate the contradiction with the conservation law the macroscopic change of angular momentum due to quantization observed in superconductors contrary to the correspondence principle. Quantization can change not only the angular momentum, but also the kinetic energy of a superconducting condensate on a macroscopic amount. For this reason, the Meissner effect and other macroscopic quantum phenomena contradict the second law of thermodynamics. The reluctance of physicists to admit the violation of the second law of thermodynamics provoked a false understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity and obvious contradictions in books on superconductivity.

[3] 2410.14780

Strong photon coupling to high-frequency antiferromagnetic magnons via topological surface states

We show strong coupling between antiferromagnetic magnons and microwave cavity photons at both high and externally controllable magnon frequencies. Using the fully quantum mechanical path-integral method, we study an antiferromagnetic insulator (AFM) interfaced with a topological insulator (TI), taking Bi$_2$Se$_3$--MnSe as a representative example. We show that the mutual coupling of the spin-polarized surface states of the TI to both the squeezed magnons and the circularly polarized cavity photons results in a Chern-Simons term that activates the stronger electric, rather than magnetic, dipole coupling. Moreover, a squeezing-mediated enhancement of the coupling is achieved due to the unequal interfacial exchange coupling to the AFM sublattices, resulting in a coupling strength up to several orders stronger than for direct magnon-photon coupling. While direct cavity-AFM coupling has so far been limited in its applicability due to weak or low frequency coupling, this result may advance the utilization of high-frequency cavity magnonics and enable its incorporation into quantum information technology.

[4] 2410.14793

Surface Furrowing Instability in Everting Soft Solids

We report a surface instability observed during the extrusion of extremely soft elastic solids in confined geometries. Due to their unique rheological properties, these soft solids can migrate through narrow gaps by continuously everting the bulk material. The extrusion front spontaneously buckles in the direction transverse to the flow, resulting in a furrow-like morphology that deepens over time. We characterize the distinct features of this instability using experiments and theory and contrast the results with known elastic surface instabilities. Our study may provide insights into various processes involving the extrusion-like deformations of soft solids, including biomaterials.

[5] 2410.14797

Multimode vibrational coupling across the insulator-to-metal transition in 1T-TaS$_{2}$ in THz cavities

The use of optical cavities on resonance with material excitations allows controlling light-matter interaction in both the regimes of weak and strong coupling. We study here the multimode vibrational coupling of low energy phonons in the charge-density-wave material 1T-TaS$_{2}$ across its insulator-to-metal phase transition. For this purpose, we embed 1T-TaS$_{2}$ into THz Fabry-P\'erot cryogenic cavities tunable in frequency within the spectral range of the vibrational modes of the insulating phase and track the linear response of the coupled phonons across the insulator-to-metal transition. In the low temperature dielectric state, we reveal the signatures of a multimode vibrational strong collective coupling. The observed polariton modes inherit character from all the vibrational resonances as a consequence of the cavity-mediated hybridization. We reveal that the vibrational strong collective coupling is suppressed across the insulator-to-metal transition as a consequence of the phonon-screening induced by the free charges. Our findings emphasize how the response of cavity-coupled vibrations can be modified by the presence of free charges, uncovering a new direction toward the tuning of coherent light-matter interaction in cavity-confined correlated materials.

[6] 2410.14810

Knitting Multistability

Curved elastic shells can be fabricated through molding or by harnessing residual stresses. These shells often exhibit snap-through behavior and multistability when loaded. We present a unique way of fabricating curved elastic shells that exhibit multistability and snap-through behavior, weft-knitting. The knitting process introduces internal stresses into the textile sheet, which leads to complex 3D curvatures. We explore the relationship between the geometry and the mechanical response, identifying a parameter space where the textiles are multistable. We harness the snapping behavior and shape change through multistability to design soft conductive switches with built-in haptic feedback, and incorporate these textile switches into wearable devices. This work will allow us to harness the nonlinear mechanical behavior of textiles to create functional, soft, and seamless wearable devices. This includes but is not limited to the devices for additional cycling visibility and safety that we envision.

[7] 2410.14820

Universal Vibrational Anharmonicity in Carbyne-like Materials

Carbyne, an infinite linear chain of carbon atoms, is the truly one-dimensional allotrope of carbon. While ideal carbyne and its fundamental properties have remained elusive, carbyne-like materials like carbyne chains confined inside carbon nanotubes are available for study. Here, we probe the longitudinal optical phonon (C-mode) of confined carbyne chains by Raman spectroscopy up to the third overtone. We observe a strong vibrational anharmonicity that increases with decreasing C-mode frequency, reaching up to 8% for the third overtone. Moreover, we find that the relation between vibrational anharmonicity and C-mode frequency is universal to carbyne-like materials, including ideal carbyne. This establishes experimentally that carbyne and related materials have pronounced anharmonic potential landscapes which must be included in the theoretical description of their structure and properties.

[8] 2410.14840

Long-range order in two-dimensional systems with fluctuating active stresses

In two-dimensional tissues, such as developing germ layers, pair-wise forces (or active stresses) arise from the contractile activity of the cytoskeleton, with dissipation provided by the three-dimensional surroundings. We show analytically how these pair-wise stochastic forces, unlike the particle-wise independent fluctuating forces usually considered in active matter systems, produce conserved centre-of-mass dynamics and so are able to damp large-wavelength displacement fluctuations in elastic systems. A consequence of this is the stabilisation of long-range translational order in two dimensions, in clear violation of the celebrated Mermin-Wagner theorem, and the emergence of hyperuniformity with a structure factor $S(q) \sim q^2$ in the $q \to 0$ limit. We then introduce two numerical cell tissue models which feature these pair-wise active forces. First a vertex model, in which the cell tissue is represented by a tiling of polygons where the edges represent cell junctions and with activity provided by stochastic junctional contractions. Second an active disk model, derived from active Brownian particles, but with pairs of equal and opposite stochastic forces between particles. We confirm our analytical prediction of long-range order in both numerical models and show that hyperuniformity survives in the disordered phase, thus constituting a hidden order in our model tissue. Owing to the generality of this mechanism, we expect our results to be testable in living organisms, and to also apply to artificial systems with the same symmetry.

[9] 2410.14854

Effects of Ligand vs. Linker on Phase Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Gels

Nanoparticle gels have attracted considerable attention due to their highly tunable properties. One strategy for producing nanoparticle gels involves utilizing strong local attractions between polymeric molecules, such as DNA hybridization or dynamic covalent chemistry, to form percolated nanoparticle networks. These molecules can be used in two distinct roles: as ``ligands'' with one end grafted to a nanoparticle or as ``linkers'' with both ends free. Here, we explore how these roles shape the phase behavior and mechanical properties of gel-like nanoparticle assemblies using coarse-grained simulations. We systematically vary the interaction strength and bending stiffness of both ligands and linkers. We find that phase separation can be limited to low nanoparticle volume fractions by making the ligands rigid, consistent with previous studies on linked nanoparticle gels. At fixed interaction strength and volume fraction, both ligand- and linker-mediated nanoparticle assemblies show similar mechanical responses to variations in bending stiffness. However, a comparison between the two association schemes reveals that the linked nanoparticles form rigid percolated networks that are less stretchable than the ligand-grafted gels, despite exhibiting similar tensile strength. We attribute these differences between ligands and linkers to the distinct structural arrangement of nanoparticles. Our findings highlight the potential to utilize different association schemes to tune specific mechanical properties.

[10] 2410.14863

Intrinsic Thermal Hall Effect in Mott Insulators

In light of recent experimental data indicating a substantial thermal Hall effect in square lattice antiferromagnetic Mott insulators, we investigate whether a simple Mott insulator can sustain a finite thermal Hall effect. We verify that the answer is "no" if one performs calculations within a spin-only low-energy effective spin model with non-interacting magnons. However, by performing determinant quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we show the single-band $t$-$t'$-$U$ Hubbard model coupled to an orbital magnetic field does support a finite thermal Hall effect when $t' \neq 0$ and $B \neq 0$ in the Mott insulating phase. We argue that the (carrier agnostic) necessary conditions for observing a finite thermal Hall effect are time-reversal and particle-hole symmetry breaking. By considering magnon-magnon scattering using a semi-classical Boltzmann analysis, we illustrate a physical mechanism by which finite transverse thermal conductivity may arise, consistent with our symmetry argument and numerical results. Our results contradict the conventional wisdom that square and triangular lattices with SU(2) symmetry do not support a finite thermal Hall effect and call for a critical re-examination of thermal Hall effect data in insulating magnets, as the magnon contribution should not be excluded a priori.

[11] 2410.14873

BEACON -- Automated Aberration Correction for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy using Bayesian Optimization

Aberration correction is an important aspect of modern high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy. Most methods of aligning aberration correctors require specialized sample regions and are unsuitable for fine-tuning aberrations without interrupting on-going experiments. Here, we present an automated method of correcting first- and second-order aberrations called BEACON which uses Bayesian optimization of the normalized image variance to efficiently determine the optimal corrector settings. We demonstrate its use on gold nanoparticles and a hafnium dioxide thin film showing its versatility in nano- and atomic-scale experiments. BEACON can correct all first- and second-order aberrations simultaneously to achieve an initial alignment and first- and second-order aberrations independently for fine alignment. Ptychographic reconstructions are used to demonstrate an improvement in probe shape and a reduction in the target aberration.

[12] 2410.14887

Transport properties and quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures

We theoretically propose a one-dimensional electronic nanodevice inspired in recently fabricated semiconductor-superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator (SE-SC-FMI) hybrid heterostructures, and investigate its zero-temperature transport properties. While previous related studies have primarily focused on the potential for generating topological superconductors hosting Majorana fermions, we propose an alternative application: using these hybrids to explore controllable quantum phase transitions (QPTs) detectable through transport measurements. Our study highlights two key differences from existing devices: first, the length of the FMI layer is shorter than that of the SE-SC heterostructure, introducing an inhomogeneous Zeeman interaction with significant effects on the induced Andreev bound states (ABS). Second, we focus on semiconductor nanowires with minimal or no Rashba spin-orbit interaction, allowing for the induction of spin-polarized ABS and high-spin quantum ground states. We show that the device can be tuned across spin- and fermion parity-changing QPTs by adjusting the FMI layer length orange and/or by applying a global backgate voltage, with zero-energy crossings of subgap ABS as signatures of these transitions. Our findings suggest that these effects are experimentally accessible and offer a robust platform for studying quantum phase transitions in hybrid nanowires.

[13] 2410.14909

Electronic and magnetic properties of LaCu$_{x}$Sb$_{2}$ tuned by Cu occupancy

We report thermodynamic and transport properties of LaCu$_{x}$Sb$_{2}$ ($0.92 \leq x \leq 1.12$), synthesized by controlling the initial loading composition and investigated by magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements. The physical properties of this system are highly dependent on Cu-site occupancy $x$, where residual resistivity ratio (RRR), magnetoresistance (MR), superconducting transition temperature ($T_{c}$), and electronic specific heat coefficient ($\gamma$) indicate a systematic variation as a function of $x$. The Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations are observed in magnetoresistance measurements for samples close to the Cu stoichiometry $x \sim 1$, while the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations are detected in a wide range of $x$ ($0.92 \leq x \le 1.12$). For $H \parallel c$, the oscillation frequency indicates a clear $x$-dependence, implying a systematic change of Fermi surface. DFT calculations for the sample closest to ideal Cu stoichiometry reveal electronic structures with a common feature of the square-net-based semimetals, which is in good agreement with the experimental observations. The magnetic response of LaCu$_{x}$Sb$_{2}$ to magnetic fields is anisotropic owing to the Fermi surface anisotropy. Our results show how the physical properties are influenced by the Cu-site occupancy $x$, linked to the electronic bands arising from the Sb square net.

[14] 2410.14920

Minimal thermodynamic cost of communication

Thermodynamic cost of communication is a major factor in the thermodynamic cost of real world computers, both biological and digital. However, little is known about the fundamental features of this cost. Addressing this hole in the literature, our first major contribution is a strictly positive lower bound on on the unavoidable entropy production (EP) in any physical system that implements a communication channel. Specifically, we derive a relationship between the rate of information transmission across a channel and the minimal thermodynamic cost incurred by any physical systems that implements that transmission. We use this relationship to show that under certain conditions, transmitting information through multiple, high-noise channels (reverse multiplexing) can be thermodynamically more efficient than using a single, low noise channel. We then address the thermodynamic costs inherent in the computational front-ends and back ends to communication channels, which are used to implement error correcting codes over those channels an essential component of modern communication systems. Our second major contribution is a strictly positive lower bound on the minimal EP of any physical system that implements those encoding and decoding algorithms. We use this bound to make a detailed comparison of the minimal thermodynamic costs across various linear codes and error rates. Because our results are like the second law, applying independently of the physical details of the system, they provide valuable insights into the trade offs between decoding error and thermodynamic efficiency. This gives a deeper understanding of the interplay between algorithmic design of error-correcting codes and physical constraints in communication systems.

[15] 2410.14956

Airborne Biomarker Localization Engine (ABLE) for Open Air Point-of-Care Detection

Unlike biomarkers in biofluids, airborne biomarkers are dilute and difficult to trace. Detecting diverse airborne biomarkers with sufficient sensitivity typically relies on bulky and expensive equipment like mass spectrometers that remain inaccessible to the general population. Here, we introduce Airborne Biomarker Localization Engine (ABLE), a simple, affordable, and portable platform that can detect both volatile, non-volatile, molecular, and particulate biomarkers in about 15 minutes. ABLE significantly improves gas detection limits by converting dilute gases into droplets by water condensation, producing concentrated aqueous samples that are easy to be tested. Fundamental studies of multiphase condensation revealed unexpected stability in condensate-trapped biomarkers, making ABLE a reliable, accessible, and high-performance system for open-air-based biosensing applications such as non-contact infant healthcare, pathogen detection in public space, and food safety.

[16] 2410.14981

Martingale drift of Langevin dynamics and classical canonical spin statistics -- II

In the previous paper we have shown analytically that, if the drift function of the d-dimensional Langevin equation is the Langevin function with a properly chosen scale factor, then the evolution of the drift function is a martingale associated with the histories generated by the very Langevin equation. Moreover, we numerically demonstrated that those generated histories from a common initial data become asymptotically ballistic, whose orientations obey the classical canonical spin statistics under the external field corresponding to the initial data. In the present paper we provide with an analytical explanation of the latter numerical finding by introducing a martingale in the spin functional space. In a specific context the present result elucidates a new physical aspect of martingale theory.

[17] 2410.15011

Giant Topological Hall Effect in Magnetic Weyl Metal Mn$_{2}$Pd$_{0.5}$Ir$_{0.5}$Sn

The synergy between real and reciprocal space topology is anticipated to yield a diverse array of topological properties in quantum materials. We address this pursuit by achieving topologically safeguarded magnetic order in novel Weyl metallic Heusler alloy, Mn$_{2}$Pd$_{0.5}$Ir$_{0.5}$Sn. The system possesses non-centrosymmetric D$_{2d}$ crystal symmetry with notable spin-orbit coupling effects. Our first principles calculations confirm the topological non-trivial nature of band structure, including 42 pairs of Weyl nodes at/near the Fermi level, offering deeper insights into the observed anomalous Hall effect mediated by intrinsic Berry curvature. A unique canted magnetic ordering facilitates such rich topological features, manifesting through an exceptionally large topological Hall effect at low fields. The latter is sustained even at room temperature and compared with other known topological magnetic materials. Detailed micromagnetic simulations demonstrate the possible existence of an antiskyrmion lattice. Our results underscore the $D_{2d}$ Heusler magnets as a possible platform to explore the intricate interplay of non-trivial topology across real and reciprocal spaces to leverage a plethora of emergent properties for spintronic applications.

[18] 2410.15061

Classifying extended, localized and critical states in quasiperiodic lattices via unsupervised learning

Classification of quantum phases is one of the most important areas of research in condensed matter physics. In this work, we obtain the phase diagram of one-dimensional quasiperiodic models via unsupervised learning. Firstly, we choose two advanced unsupervised learning algorithms, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS), to explore the distinct phases of Aubry-Andr\'{e}-Harper model and quasiperiodic p-wave model. The unsupervised learning results match well with traditional numerical diagonalization. Finally, we compare the similarity of different algorithms and find that the highest similarity between the results of unsupervised learning algorithms and those of traditional algorithms has exceeded 98\%. Our work sheds light on applications of unsupervised learning for phase classification.

[19] 2410.15082

Predicting Fractionalized Multi-Spin Excitations in Resonant Inelastic X-ray Spectra of Frustrated Spin-1/2 Trimer Chains

We theoretically investigate the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra in a quasi-1D chain of weakly coupled frustrated spin-1/2 trimers, as realized in Na$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$Ge$_{4}$O$_{12}$, with Cu $d^{9}$ 1/2 spins. We compute multi-spin correlations contributing to spin-conserving (SC) and spin non-conserving (NSC) RIXS cross-sections using ultra-short core-hole lifetime expansion within the Kramer-Heisenberg formalism. These excitations involve flipping spins of up to three spin-1/2 trimers and include the inelastic neutron scattering (INS) single spin-flip excitations in the lowest order of the NSC channel. We identify the fractionalization of two coupled frustrated trimers in terms of spinons, doublons, and quartons in the spectra evaluated using exact diagonalization, complementing prior studies single spin-spin flip excitation in inelastic neutron scattering. Specifically, we uncover two new high-energy modes at $\omega \approx 2.4J_1$ and $3.0 J_1$ in the NSC and SC channels that are accessible at the Cu $K$-edge and $L$-edge RIXS spectra, which were missing in the INS study. This, therefore, provides pathways to uncover all the possible excitations in coupled trimers. Our work opens new opportunities for understanding the nature of fractionalization and RIXS spectra of frustrated, low-dimensional spin chains.

[20] 2410.15099

A new approach to N-doped di-molybdenum carbide with enhanced superconductivity via Urea

Chemical doping is a critical factor in the development of new superconductors or optimizing the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of the parent superconducting materials. Herein, a new simple urea approach is developed to synthesize the N-doped alfa-Mo2C. Benefiting from the simple urea method, a broad superconducting dome is found in the Mo2C1-xNx compositions. XRD results show that the structure of alfa-Mo2C remains unchanged and that there is a variation of lattice parameters with nitrogen doping. Resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurement results confirm that the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) was strongly increased from 2.68 K (x = 0) to 7.05 K (x = 0.49). First-principles calculations and our analysis indicate that increasing nitrogen doping leads to a rise in the density of states at the Fermi level and doping-induced phonon softening, which enhances electron-phonon coupling. This results in an increase in Tc and a sharp rise in the upper critical field. Our findings provide a promising strategy for fabricating transition metal carbonitrides and provide a material platform for further study of the superconductivity of transition metal carbides.

[21] 2410.15112

Blocking transition of SrTiO$_3$ surface dipoles in MoS$_2$/SrTiO$_3$ field effect transistors with counterclockwise hysteresis

A counterclockwise hysteresis is observed at room temperature in the transfer characteristics of SrTiO$_3$ (STO) gated MoS$_2$ field effect transistor (FET) and attributed to bistable dipoles on the STO surface. The hysteresis is expectedly found to increase with increasing range, as well as decreasing rate, of the gate-voltage sweep. The hysteresis peaks near 350 K while the transconductance rises with rising temperature above the room temperature. This is attributed to a blocking transition arising from an interplay of thermal energy and an energy-barrier that separates the two dipole states. The dipoles are discussed in terms of the displacement of the puckered oxygen ions at the STO surface. Finally, the blocking enables a control on the threshold gate-voltage of the FET over a wide range at low temperature which demonstrates it as a heat assisted memory device.

[22] 2410.15132

Tuning the shear and extensional rheology of semi-flexible polyelectrolyte solutions

Semi-flexible polyelectrolytes are a group of biopolymers with a wide range of applications from drag reducing agents in turbulent flows to thickening agents in food and cosmetics. In this study, we investigate the rheology of aqueous solutions of xanthan gum as a canonical semi-flexible polyelectrolyte in steady shear and transient extensional flows via torsional rheometry and dripping-onto-substrate (DoS), respectively. The high molecular weight of the xanthan gum and the numerous charged groups on the side branches attached to the backbone allow the shear and extensional rheology of the xanthan gum solutions to be tuned over a wide range by changing the ionic strength of the solvent. In steady shear flow, increasing the xanthan gum concentration increases both the zero shear viscosity and the extent of shear-thinning of the solution. Conversely, increasing the ionic strength of the solvent by addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) decreases both the zero shear viscosity and the level of shear-thinning. In transient extensional flow, increasing the xanthan gum concentration changes the dynamics of the capillary thinning from an inelastic power-law (IP) response to an elastocapillary (EC) balance, from which an extensional relaxation time can be measured based on the rate of filament thinning. Increasing the NaCl concentration decreases the extensional relaxation time and the transient extensional viscosity of the viscoelastic solution. Based on the dynamics of capillary thinning observed in the DoS experiments, we provide a relationship for the smallest extensional relaxation time that can be measured using DoS. We suggest that the change in the dynamics of capillary thinning from an IP response to an EC response can be used as an easy and robust experimental method for identifying the rheologically effective overlap concentration of a semi-flexible polyelectrolyte solution, i.e., the critical concentration at which polymer molecules start to interact with each other to produce a viscoelastic strain-stiffening response (often perceived as "stringiness") in transient extensional flows such as those involved in dripping, dispensing and filling operations.

[23] 2410.15190

Accounting all contributions for the Van Vleck paramagnetism and the Langevin diamagnetism from first principles: application to diamond

A general method for calculating magnetic susceptibility ($\chi$) in dielectrics within a single choice of magnetic gauge for the whole crystal is presented. On the basis of the method, accounting for all contributions to the Van Vleck paramagnetism and Langevin (Larmore) diamagnetism, a full-scale ab initio calculation of $\chi$ in diamond is performed. Unfamiliar contributions to $\chi$ includes a Van Vleck contribution from the interstitial region and an offset contribution from the muffin-tin (MT) sphere, appearing due to the change of the MT-sphere magnetic moment when the sphere is displaced from the origin. Although the Langevin diamagnetism explicitly depends on the choice of the origin, its sum with the Van Vleck term remains invariant, which is demonstrated on the basis of the gauge invariance of the magnetic vector potential. The derived expressions have been applied to ab initio calculations of magnetic susceptibility of the crystalline diamond within the linear augmented plane wave method (LAPW). With the diamond unit cell having the inversion symmetry, the magnetic (Van Vleck) calculations require the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone accounting for half of the whole zone, i.e. 24 times larger than that in the absence of magnetic field. Investigating possible anisotropy of $\chi$, we calculate it for 74 different directions of H (belonging to Lebedev surface grid points), and demonstrate that the actual value of $\chi$ remain isotropic. The obtained volume magnetic susceptibility in diamond lies in the range $16.27-16.72 (with the Langevin contribution -39.22-39.94 and the Van Vleck contribution -22.94-23.22), in units 10^{-7}, which compares well with the experimental data and other calculations.

[24] 2410.15216

Unifying homogeneous and inhomogeneous rheology of dense suspensions

The rheology of dense suspensions lacks a universal description due to the involvement of a wide variety of parameters, ranging from the physical properties of solid particles to the nature of the external deformation or applied stress. While the former controls microscopic interactions, spatial variations in the latter induce heterogeneity in the flow, making it difficult to find suitable constitutive laws to describe the rheology in a unified way. For homogeneous driving with a spatially uniform strain rate, the rheology of non-Brownian dense suspensions is well described by the conventional $\mu(J)$ rheology. However, this rheology fails in the inhomogeneous case due to non-local effects, where the flow in one region is influenced by the flow in another. Here, motivated by observations from simulation data, we introduce a new dimensionless number, the suspension temperature $\Theta_s$, which contains information on local particle velocity fluctuations. We find that $\mu(J,\Theta_s)$ provides a unified description for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous flows. By employing scaling theory, we identify a set of constitutive laws for dense suspensions of frictional spherical particles and frictionless rod-shaped particles. Combining these scaling relations with the momentum balance equation for our model system, we predict the spatial variation of the relevant dimensionless numbers, the volume fraction $\phi$, the viscous number $J$, the macroscopic friction coefficient $\mu$, and $\Theta_s$ solely from the nature of the imposed external driving.

[25] 2410.15223

Moment method and continued fraction expansion in Floquet Operator Krylov Space

Recursion methods such as Krylov techniques map complex dynamics to an effective non-interacting problem in one dimension. For example, the operator Krylov space for Floquet dynamics can be mapped to the dynamics of an edge operator of the one-dimensional Floquet inhomogeneous transverse field Ising model (ITFIM), where the latter, after a Jordan-Wigner transformation, is a Floquet model of non-interacting Majorana fermions, and the couplings correspond to Krylov angles. We present an application of this showing that a moment method exists where given an autocorrelation function, one can construct the corresponding Krylov angles, and from that the corresponding Floquet-ITFIM. Consequently, when no solutions for the Krylov angles are obtained, it indicates that the autocorrelation is not generated by unitary dynamics. We highlight this by studying certain special cases: stable $m$-periodic dynamics derived using the method of continued fractions, exponentially decaying and power-law decaying stroboscopic dynamics. Remarkably, our examples of stable $m$-periodic dynamics correspond to $m$-period edge modes for the Floquet-ITFIM where deep in the chain, the couplings correspond to a critical phase. Our results pave the way to engineer Floquet systems with desired properties of edge modes and also provide examples of persistent edge modes in gapless Floquet systems.

[26] 2410.15228

Synchronization and self-assembly of free capillary spinners

Chiral active particles are able to draw energy from the environment to self-propel in the form of rotation. We describe an experimental arrangement wherein chiral objects, spinners, floating on the surface of a vibrated fluid rotate due to emitted capillary waves. We observe that pairs of spinners can assemble at quantized distances via the mutually generated wavefield, phase synchronize and, in some circumstances, globally rotate about a point midway between them. A mathematical model based on wave-mediated interactions captures the salient features of the assembly and synchronization while a qualitative argument is able to rationalize global rotations based on interference and radiation stress associated with the wavefield. Extensions to larger collections are demonstrated, highlighting the potential for this tabletop system to be used as an experimental system capable of synchronizing and swarming.

[27] 2410.15246

Convolutional Neural Network analysis of optical texture patterns in liquid-crystal skyrmions

Liquid crystals are known for their optical birefringence, a property that gives rise to intricate patterns and colors when viewed in a microscope between crossed polarisers. Resulting images are rich in geometric patterns and serve as valuable fingerprints of the liquid crystal's intrinsic properties. By using machine learning techniques, it is possible to extract from the images information about, e.g., liquid crystal elastic constants, the scalar order parameter, local orientation of the director, etc. Machine learning can also be employed to identify phase transitions and classify different liquid crystalline phases and topological defects. In addition to well studied singular defects such as point or line disclinations, liquid crystals can also host non-singular solitonic defects such as skyrmions, hopfions, and torons. The solitons, with their localised and stable configurations, offer an alternative view into material properties and behaviour of liquid crystals. In this study, we demonstrate that the optical signatures of skyrmions can be utilised effectively in machine learning to predict important system parameters. Our method focuses specifically on the skyrmion-localised regions, reducing significantly the computational cost. By training convolutional neural networks on simulated polarised optical microscopy images of liquid crystal skyrmions, we showcase the ability of trained networks to accurately predict several selected parameters such as the free energy, cholesteric pitch, and strength of applied electric fields. This study highlights the importance of localized topologically arrested order parameter configurations for materials characterisation research empowered by state-of-the-art data science methods, and may pave the way for the development of advanced skyrmion-based applications.

[28] 2410.15251

Structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of single graphyne layers based on a 2D biphenylene network

Graphene is a promising material for the development of applications in nanoelectronic devices, but the lack of a band gap necessitates the search for ways to tune its electronic properties. In addition to doping, defects, and nanoribbons, a more radical alternative is the development of 2D forms with structures that are in clear departure from the honeycomb lattice, such as graphynes, with the distinctive property of involving carbon atoms with both hybridizations sp and sp2. The density and details of how the acetylenic links are distributed allow for a variety of electronic signatures. Here we propose a graphyne system based on the recently synthesized biphenylene monolayer. We demonstrate that this system features highly localized states with a spin-polarized semiconducting configuration. We study its stability and show that the system's structural details directly influence its highly anisotropic electronic properties. Finally, we show that the symmetry of the frontier states can be further tuned by modulating the size of the acetylenic chains forming the system.

[29] 2410.15255

Atomic-scale Nucleation and Growth Pathway of Complex Plate-like Precipitates in Aluminum Alloys

Aluminum alloys, the most widely utilized lightweight structural materials, predominantly depend on coherent complex-structured nano-plates to enhance their mechanical properties. Despite several decades of research, the atomic-scale nucleation and growth pathways for these complex-structured nano-plates remain elusive, as probing and simulating atomic events like solid nucleation is prohibitively challenging. Here, using theoretical calculations and focus on three representative complex-structured nano-plates in commercial Al alloys, we explicitly demonstrate their associated structural transitions follow an inter-layer-sliding+shuffling mode. Specifically, partial dislocations complete the inter-layer-sliding stage, while atomic shuffling occurs upon forming the unstable basic structural transformation unit of the nano-plates. By identifying these basic structural transformation units, we propose structural evolution pathways for these nano-plates within the Al matrix, which align well with experimental observations and enable the evaluation of critical nuclei. These findings provide long-sought mechanistic details into how coherent nano-plates nucleate and grow, facilitating the rational design of higher-performance Al alloys and other structural materials.

[30] 2410.15261

Emerging quantum critical phase in a cluster spin-glass

Magnetic frustration has been recognized as pivotal to investigating new phases of matter in correlation-driven Kondo breakdown quantum phase transitions that are not clearly associated with broken symmetry. The nature of these new phases, however, remains underexplored. Here, we report quantum criticalities emerging from a cluster spin-glass in the heavy-fermion metal TiFe$_x$Cu$_{2x-1}$Sb, where frustration originates from intrinsic disorder. Specific heat and magnetic Gr\"uneisen parameter measurements under varying magnetic fields exhibit quantum critical scaling, indicating a quantum critical point near 0.13 Tesla. As the magnetic field increases, the cluster spin-glass phase is progressively suppressed. Upon crossing the quantum critical point, resistivity and Hall effect measurements reveal enhanced screening of local moments and an expanding Fermi surface, consistent with the Kondo breakdown scenario.

[31] 2410.15278

Non-Hermitian Skin Effect Along Hyperbolic Geodesics

Recently, it has been revealed that a variety of novel phenomena emerge in hyperbolic spaces, while non-Hermitian physics has significantly enriched the landscape of condensed matter physics. Building on these developments, we construct a geodesic-based method to study the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) in non-reciprocal hyperbolic lattices. Additionally, we develop a geodesic-periodic boundary condition (geodesic-PBC), akin to the Euclidean periodic boundary condition (PBC), that complements its open boundary condition. Importantly, we find that the non-reciprocal directionality within a hyperbolic regular polygon and the geodesic-based boundary determine the spectral sensitivity, and hence, the NHSE. Unlike in Euclidean models, however, we must utilize boundary localization to distinguish non-trivial skin modes from their trivial boundary counterpart due to the extensive boundary volume of hyperbolic lattices. We also relate the spatial density profile with the finite-size scaling of hyperbolic lattices. These aspects highlight the profound impact of hyperbolic geometry on non-Hermitian systems and offer new perspectives on the intricate relationship between the geometric characteristics of hyperbolic lattices and non-Hermitian physics.

[32] 2410.15292

Robust topological interface states in a lateral magnetic-topological heterostructure

Introducing uniform magnetic order in two-dimensional topological insulators (2D TIs) by constructing heterostructures of TI and magnet is a promising way to realize the high-temperature Quantum Anomalous Hall effect. However, the topological properties of 2D materials are susceptible to several factors that make them difficult to maintain, and whether topological interfacial states (TISs) can exist at magnetic-topological heterostructure interfaces is largely unknown. Here, we experimentally show that TISs in a lateral heterostructure of CrTe_{2}/Bi(110) are robust against disorder, defects, high magnetic fields (time-reversal symmetry breaking perturbations), and elevated temperature (77 K). The lateral heterostructure is realized by lateral epitaxial growth of bilayer (BL) Bi to monolayer CrTe_{2} grown on HOPG. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy demonstrate a black phosphorus-like structure with low atomic buckling (less than 0.1 {\AA}) of the BL Bi(110), indicating the presence of its topological properties. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and energy-dependent dI/dV mapping further confirm the existence of topologically induced one-dimensional in-gap states localized at the interface. These results demonstrate the robustness of TISs in lateral magnetic-topological heterostructures, which is competitive with those in vertically stacked magnetic-topological heterostructures, and provides a promising route for constructing planar high-density non-dissipative devices using TISs.

[33] 2410.15298

Electronic correlations and spin-charge-density stripes in double-layer La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$

Using \emph{ab initio} band structure and DFT+dynamical mean-field theory methods we examine the effects of electron-electron interactions on the electronic structure, magnetic state, and structural phase stability of the recently discovered double-layer perovskite superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (LNO) under pressure. Our results show the emergence of a double spin-charge-density stripe state characterized by a wave vector ${\bf q}=(\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{4})$ arrangement of the nominally high-spin Ni$^{2+}_\mathrm{A}$ and low-spin Ni$^{3+}_\mathrm{B}$ ions (diagonal hole stripes oriented at $45^\circ$ to the Ni-O bond) which form zigzag ferromagnetic chains alternating in the $ab$ plane. The phase transition is accompanied by cooperative breathing-mode distortions of the lattice structure and leads to a reconstruction of the low-energy electronic structure and magnetic properties of LNO. We obtain a narrow-gap correlated insulator with a band gap value of $\sim$0.2 eV characterized by strong localization of the Ni $3d$ states and significant spin-orbital polarizations of the charge deficient Ni$^{3+}_\mathrm{B}$ ions. Our results suggest the importance of double exchange to determine the magnetic properties of LNO, similarly to that in charge-ordered manganites. We propose that spin and charge stripe fluctuations play an important role to tune superconductivity in LNO under pressure.

[34] 2410.15313

Electron-hole pair production in graphene for two arbitrarily polarized electric fields with a time delay

The momentum distributions of electron-hole (EH) pair production in graphene for two arbitrarily polarized electric fields with a time delay are investigated employing a massless quantum kinetic equation and compared with the results obtained in electron-positron (EP) pair production from vacuum. For a single elliptically polarized electric field, the momentum distributions of created EH and EP pairs are similar in multiphoton absorption region. However, for two co-directional linearly polarized electric fields with a time delay and no field frequency, the momentum distribution of created EH pairs exhibits ring patterns, which is not present in EP pair production. For two circularly polarized fields with identical or opposite handedness, the momentum distributions of created EH pairs also show Ramsey interference and spiral structures, respectively. Different from EP pair production, the spiral structures are insensitive to the number of oscillation cycles in electric field pulses. For two elliptically polarized fields with same-sign or opposite-sign ellipticity, the momentum distributions of EH pairs are much more insensitive to ellipticity than those in EP pair production. These results provide further theoretical reference for simulating the EP pair production from vacuum in solid-state systems.

[35] 2410.15327

Inter-Cation Charge Transfer Mediated Antiferromagnetism in Co$_{1+x}$Ir$_{2-x}$S$_4$

The antiferromagnetism in transition metal compounds is mostly mediated by the bridging anions through a so-called superexchange mechanism. However, in materials like normal spinels $AB_2X_4$ with local moments only at the $A$ site, such an anion-mediated superexchange needs to be modified. Here we report a new spinel compound Co$_{1+x}$Ir$_{2-x}$S$_4$ ($x$ = 0.3). The physical property measurements strongly suggest an antiferromagnetic-like transition at 292 K in the Co($A$) diamond sublattice. The first-principle calculations reveal that the nearest-neighbor Co($A$) spins align antiferromagnetically with an ordered magnetic moment of 1.67 $\mu_\mathrm{B}$, smaller than the expected $S = 3/2$ for Co$^{2+}$. In the antiferromagnetic state, there exists an inter-cation charge-transfer gap between the non-bonding Ir-$t_\mathrm{2g}$ orbitals at the valence band maximum and the Co-S antibonding molecular orbitals at the conduction band minimum. The small charge transfer energy significantly enhances the virtual hopping between these two states, facilitating a robust long-range superexchange interaction between two neighboring CoS$_4$ complexes, which accounts for the high N\'{e}el temperature in Co$_{1+x}$Ir$_{2-x}$S$_4$. This inter-cation charge transfer mediated magnetic interaction expands the traditional superexchange theory, which could be applicable in complex magnetic materials with multiple cations.

[36] 2410.15338

Global Topological Dirac Synchronization

Synchronization is a fundamental dynamical state of interacting oscillators, observed in natural biological rhythms and in the brain. Global synchronization which occurs when non-linear or chaotic oscillators placed on the nodes of a network display the same dynamics as received great attention in network theory. Here we propose and investigate Global Topological Dirac Synchronization on higher-order networks such as cell and simplicial complexes. This is a state where oscillators associated to simplices and cells of arbitrary dimension, coupled by the Topological Dirac operator, operate at unison. By combining algebraic topology with non-linear dynamics and machine learning, we derive the topological conditions under which this state exists and the dynamical conditions under which it is stable. We provide evidence of 1-dimensional simplicial complexes (networks) and 2-dimensional simplicial and cell complexes where Global Topological Dirac Synchronization can be observed. Our results point out that Global Topological Dirac Synchronization is a possible dynamical state of simplicial and cell complexes that occur only in some specific network topologies and geometries, the latter ones being determined by the weights of the higher-order networks

[37] 2410.15350

Li$_{14}$Mn$_{2}$S$_{9}$ and Li$_{10}$Si$_{2}$S$_{9}$ as a pair of all-electrochem-active electrode and solid-state electrolyte with chemical compatibility and low interface resistance

In solid-state batteries (SSBs), improving the physical contact at the electrode-electrolyte interface is essential for achieving better performance and durability. On the one hand, it is necessary to look for solid-state electrolytes (SSEs) with high ionic conductivity and no reaction with the electrode, on the other hand, to design the all-electrochem-active (AEA) electrodes that contain no SSEs and other non-active substances. In this work, we proposed a pair of AEA-electrode and SSE with the same structural framework and excellent interface compatibility, Li$_{14}$Mn$_{2}$S$_{9}$ and Li$_{10}$Si$_{2}$S$_{9}$, and confirmed the feasibility by ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and machine learning interatomic potential based molecular dynamics (MLIP-based MD) simulations, providing a new approach to promote interfacial stability in SSBs.

[38] 2410.15380

The single edge notch fracture test for viscoelastic elastomers

Making use of the Griffith criticality condition recently introduced by Shrimali and Lopez-Pamies (Extreme Mechanics Letters 58: 101944, 2023), this work presents a comprehensive analysis of the single edge notch fracture test for viscoelastic elastomers. The results -- comprised of a combination of a parametric study and direct comparisons with experiments -- reveal how the non-Gaussian elasticity, the nonlinear viscosity, and the intrinsic fracture energy of elastomers interact and govern when fracture nucleates from the pre-existing crack in these tests. The results also serve to quantify the limitations of existing analyses, wherein viscous effects and the actual geometries of the pre-existing cracks and the specimens are neglected.

[39] 2410.15382

The twisting dynamics of large lattice mismatch van der Waals heterostructures

Van der Waals (vdW) homo-/hetero-structures are ideal systems for studying interfacial tribological properties such as structural superlubricity. Previous studies concentrated on the mechanism of translational motion in vdW interfaces. However, detailed mechanisms and general properties of the rotational motion are barely explored. Here, we combine experiments and simulations to reveal the twisting dynamics of the MoS$_2$/graphite heterostructure. Unlike the translational friction falling into the superlubricity regime with no twist angle dependence, the dynamic rotational resistances highly depend on twist angles. Our results show that the periodic rotational resistance force originates from structural potential energy changes during the twisting. The structural potential energy of MoS$_2$/graphite heterostructure increases monotonically from0 to 30 degrees twist angles, and the estimated relative energy barrier is (1.43 +/- 0.36) x 10 J/m. The formation of Moir\'e superstructures in the graphene layer is the key to controlling the structural potential energy of the MoS$_2$/graphene heterostructure. Our results suggest that in twisting 2D heterostructures, even if the interface sliding friction is negligible, the evolving potential energy change results in a non-vanishing rotational resistance force. The structural change of the heterostructure can be an additional pathway for energy dissipation in the rotational motion, further enhancing the rotational friction force.

[40] 2410.15395

Floquet-Enriched Nontrivial Topology at Quantum Criticality

Periodically driven (Floquet) systems have attracted growing attention due to the emergence of intriguing phenomena that are absent in equilibrium physics. In this letter, we identify a new class of Floquet criticality characterized by nontrivial topology. For generic driven Majorana fermion chains with chiral symmetry, we analytically demonstrate that Floquet driving can enrich the transition point, resulting in topologically distinct quantum critical lines that are absent in undriven systems. Furthermore, we provide an intuitive physical explanation for the underlying mechanism of the nontrivial topology at Floquet criticality and generalize our results to higher dimensions. This work not only extends the scope of topological physics in Floquet systems but also deepens our understanding of gapless topological phases of matter.

[41] 2410.15422

Kondo Compensation in a Pseudogap Phase: a Renormalization Group Study

We investigate the critical behavior of the Kondo compensation in the presence of a power-law pseudogap in the density of states, $\varrho(\omega)\sim |\omega|^\epsilon$. For $\epsilon<1$, this model exhibits a quantum phase transition from a partially screened doublet ground state to a fully screened many-body singlet ground state with increasing Kondo coupling, $j$. At the critical point, $j_c$, the Kondo compensation is found to scale as $\kappa(j<j_c) = 1- g(j)$ with the local $g$-factor vanishing as $g \sim |j-j_c|^\beta$. We combine perturbative drone fermion method with non-perturbative NRG computations to determine the critical exponent $\beta (\epsilon)$, which exhibits a non-monotonous behavior as a function of $\epsilon$. Our results confirm that the Kondo cloud builds up continuously in the presence of a weak pseudogap as one approaches the phase transition.

[42] 2410.15452

Facile synthesis of palladium hydride via ionic gate-driven protonation using a deep eutectic solvent

Developing novel protocols for hydrogen (H) loading is crucial for furthering the investigation of hydrides as potential high-temperature superconductors at lower pressures compared to recent discoveries. Ionic gating-induced protonation (IGP) has emerged as a promising technique for H loading due to its inherent simplicity, but it can be limited in the maximum density of injected H when ionic liquids are used as a gating medium. Here, we demonstrate that large H concentrations can be successfully injected in both palladium (Pd) bulk foils and thin films (up to a stoichiometry PdH$_{0.89}$) by using a choline chloride-glycerol deep eutectic solvent (DES) as gate electrolyte and applying gate voltages in excess of the cathodic stability limit. The attained H concentrations are large enough to induce superconductivity in Pd, albeit with an incomplete resistive transition which suggests a strongly inhomogeneous H incorporation in the Pd matrix. This DES-based IGP protocol can be used as a guideline for maximizing H loading in different materials, although specific details of the applied voltage profile might require adjustments based on the material under investigation.

[43] 2410.15487

Low-temperature fabrication of amorphous carbon films as a universal template for remote epitaxy

We report on the low-temperature fabrication (300$\deg$C) of ultrathin 2D amorphous carbon layers on III-V semiconductors by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition as a universal template for remote epitaxy. We present growth and detailed characterization of 2D amorphous carbon layers on various host substrates and their subsequent remote epitaxial overgrowth by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy. We present the fabrication of ultra-smooth monolayer thick amorphous carbon layers with roughness $\leq 0.3$ nm determined by atomic-force microscopy and X-ray reflectivity measurement. We show that precisely tailoring the carbon layer thickness allows superior tunability of the substrate-layer interaction. Further, X-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopy measurements reveal predominantly sp$^2$-hybridised carbon in the amorphous layers. We observe that a low-temperature nucleation step is favorable for nucleation of III-V material growth on substrates coated with thin amorphous carbon layers. Under optimized preparation conditions, we obtain high-quality, single-crystalline, (001)-oriented GaAs, cubic-AlN, cubic-GaN and In(x)Ga(1-x)As, respectively, and various carbon-coated (001)-oriented substrates as GaAs, InP and 3C-SiC. Transmission electron microscopy images of the substrate-carbon-layer interface reveal a stretching of the atomic bonds at the interface and high-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements reveal high crystal quality and low dislocation densities $<1\times 10^7 \text{cm}^{-2}$. Our results show the universality of our carbon deposition process to fabricate templates for remote epitaxy, e. g., for remote epitaxy on temperature sensitive substrates like GaAs or InP and growth of metastable phases. Lift-off of layers from their substrates is demonstrated by employing a Ni stressor.

[44] 2410.15590

A 300 mm foundry silicon spin qubit unit cell exceeding 99% fidelity in all operations

Fabrication of quantum processors in advanced 300 mm wafer-scale complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) foundries provides a unique scaling pathway towards commercially viable quantum computing with potentially millions of qubits on a single chip. Here, we show precise qubit operation of a silicon two-qubit device made in a 300 mm semiconductor processing line. The key metrics including single- and two-qubit control fidelities exceed 99% and state preparation and measurement fidelity exceeds 99.9%, as evidenced by gate set tomography (GST). We report coherence and lifetimes up to $T_\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{*}} = 30.4$ $\mu$s, $T_\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{Hahn}} = 803$ $\mu$s, and $T_1 = 6.3$ s. Crucially, the dominant operational errors originate from residual nuclear spin carrying isotopes, solvable with further isotopic purification, rather than charge noise arising from the dielectric environment. Our results answer the longstanding question whether the favourable properties including high-fidelity operation and long coherence times can be preserved when transitioning from a tailored academic to an industrial semiconductor fabrication technology.

[45] 2410.15594

Collective excitations in active solids featuring alignment interactions

With increasing emphasis on the study of active solids, the features of these classes of nonequilibrium systems and materials beyond their mere existence shift into focus. One concept of active solids addresses them as active, self-propelled units that are elastically linked to each other. The emergence of orientationally ordered, collectively moving states in such systems has been demonstrated. We here analyze the excitability of such collectively moving elastic states. To this end, we determine corresponding fluctuation spectra. They indicate that collectively excitable modes exist in the migrating solid. Differences arise when compared to those of corresponding passive solids. We provide evidence that the modes of excitation associated with the intrinsic fluctuations are related to corresponding modes of entropy production. Overall, we hope to stimulate by our investigation future experimental studies that focus on excitations in active solids.

[46] 2410.15643

Higher-order topology in twisted multilayer systems: a review

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in higher-order topological phases (HOTPs) across various disciplines within the field of physics. These unique phases are characterized by their ability to harbor topological protected boundary states at lower-dimensional boundaries, a distinguishing feature that sets them apart from conventional topological phases and is attributed to the higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence. Two-dimensional (2D) twisted systems offer an optimal platform for investigating HOTPs, owing to their strong controllability and experimental feasibility. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research advancements on HOTPs in 2D twisted multilayer systems. We will mainly review the HOTPs in electronic, magnonic, acoustic, photonic and mechanical twisted systems, and finally provide a perspective of this topic.

[47] 2410.15649

Intertwined charge and spin density wave state of La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$

Research on nickel-based superconductors has progressed from infinite-layer LaNiO$_2$ to finite-layer La$_{6}$Ni$_{5}$O$_{12}$, and most recently to the Ruddlesden-Popper-phase La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ discovered under pressure $\sim$16\,GPa, the system exhibits the onset of superconductivity at approximately $\sim$80\,K. Unlike the $d$-wave superconductivity driven by the nearly half-filled $d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbitals in finite- and infinite-layers nickelates, the Ni-$d_{z^2}$ and O-2$p$ orbitals contribute significantly to the low energy states and potentially to the superconducting electron pairing mechanism. Employing density functional calculations and multi-orbital multi-atom Ni$_2$O$_9$ cluster exact diagonalization including local exchange and coulomb interactions, we delve into the pressure dependent electronic structure of the Ni$_2$O$_9$ cluster. We find that several possible charge and spin ordering states are nearly degenerate at ambient pressure but become strongly mixed leading to a more homogeneous phase at high pressure. The various possible spin states and the exchange and superexchange mechanisms are quantified via the involvement of the Ni-$3d_{3z^2-r^2}$ orbitals, the apical bridging O $2p_z$ orbitals, and the orbitals involved in the formation of local Zhang-Rice singlet like states. We note that the energy difference between the charge (CDW)/spin (SDW) density wave states and the uniform high pressure phase is about 10 meV in concordance with phase transition temperatures found experimentally at ambient pressure.

[48] 2410.15680

Intrinsic electromagnetic damping in superconductor-ferromagnet proximity heterostructures

The study of the response of superconducting hybrid structures with magnetic materials to microwave irradiation is necessary for the development of effective superconducting spintronic devices. The role of the magnetic proximity effect (direct and inverse) on the electrical properties of hybrid structures is a pressing issue for its application. We theoretically study the electromagnetic impedance of a thin superconducting (S) film covering a ferromagnetic insulator (FI). An intrinsic damping of microwave irradiation is predicted because of the inverse proximity effect. The system of Usadel equations is solved numerically and self-consistently in the Nambu-Keldysh formalism with boundary conditions for strong spin polarization of the insulator. Based on the calculated Green's function, the features of the bilayer complex conductivity and impedance as a function of the field frequency have been discovered. It is shown how the ferromagnetic proximity effect leads to irremovable damping in the electromagnetic response of such heterostructures. The mechanism related to the formation of triplet Cooper pairs in an S layer at proximity of the FI interface is analyzed. Even gapless superconductivity has been found in a thin S film similar to a magnetic superconductor. The resulting intrinsic damping must be taken into account when designing superconducting devices for microwave applications.

[49] 2410.15708

3D Optofluidic Control Using Reconfigurable Thermal Barriers

Microfluidics has revolutionized control over small volumes through the use of physical barriers. However, the rigidity of these barriers limits flexibility in applications. We present an optofluidic toolbox that leverages structured light and photothermal conversion to create dynamic, reconfigurable fluidic boundaries. This system enables precise manipulation of fluids and particles by generating 3D thermal landscapes with high spatial control. Our approach replicates the functions of traditional barriers while additionally allowing real-time reconfiguration for complex tasks, such as individual particle steering and size-based sorting in heterogeneous mixtures. These results highlight the platform's potential for adaptive and multifunctional microfluidic systems in applications such as chemical synthesis, lab-on-chip devices, and microbiology, seamlessly integrating with existing setups due to its flexibility and minimal operation requirements.

[50] 2410.15746

Dynamical Disorder in the Mesophase Ferroelectric HdabcoClO4: A Machine-Learned Force Field Study

Hybrid molecular ferroelectrics with orientationally disordered mesophases offer significant promise as lead-free alternatives to traditional inorganic ferroelectrics owing to properties such as room temperature ferroelectricity, low-energy synthesis, malleability, and potential for multiaxial polarization. The ferroelectric molecular salt HdabcoClO4 is of particular interest due to its ultrafast ferroelectric room-temperature switching. However, so far, there is limited understanding of the nature of dynamical disorder arising in these compounds. Here, we employ the neural network NeuralIL to train a machine-learned force field (MLFF) with training data generated using density functional theory. The resulting MLFF-MD simulations exhibit phase transitions and thermal expansion in line with earlier reported experimental results, for both a low-temperature phasetransition coinciding with the orientational disorder of ClO4- molecules and the onset of rotation of Hdabco+ and ClO4- molecules in a high-temperature phase transition. We also find proton transfer even in the low-temperature phase, which increases with temperature and leads to associated proton disorder as well as the onset of disorder in the direction of the hydrogen-bonded chains.

[51] 2410.15752

Modeling and theoretical design of next-generation lithium metal batteries

Rechargeable lithium metal batteries (LMBs) with an ultrahigh theoretical energy density have attracted more and more attentions for their crucial applications of portable electronic devices, electric vehicles, and smart grids. However, the implementation of LMBs in practice is still facing numerous challenges, such as low Coulombic e ciency, poor cycling performance, and complicated interfacial reactions. First-principles calculations have become a powerful technique in lithium battery research eld, in terms of modeling the structures and properties of speci c electrode materials, understanding the charge/discharge mechanisms at the atomic scale, and delivering rational design strategies for electrode materials as well as electrolytes. In this review, theoretical studies on sulfur cathodes, oxygen cathodes, lithium metal anodes, and solid-state electrolytes (SSEs) of LMBs are summarized. A brief introduction of simulation methods is o ered at rst. The next two chapters mainly focus on issues concerning cathodes of LMBs. Then the theoretical researches on the Li metal anode and SSEs are particularly reviewed. The current challenges and potential research directions in each field of LMBs are prospected from a theoretical viewpoint.

[52] 2410.15754

Honeycomb supersolid -- Dirac points and shear-instability induced crystal transitions

The honeycomb supersolid state is predicted to form in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with a planar confining potential. Our results for its excitation spectrum reveal the gapless bands and the emergence of Dirac points at the Brillouin zone edge, manifesting as points where the second sound and transverse sound bands touch. The honeycomb supersolid has three sound speeds that we connect to its elastic parameters through hydrodynamic theory. From this analysis we find conditions where a shear instability occurs as the honeycomb rigidity disappears. This gives insight into the nonequilibrium dynamics following an interaction quench, where the honeycomb pattern melts and different crystal orders emerge.

[53] 2410.15776

Magnetocaloric effect of Fe47.5Ni37.5Mn15 bulk and nanoparticles: A cost-efficient alloy for room temperature magnetic refrigeration

The development of magnetic refrigerators that operate at room temperature without the use of environmentally harmful substances represents a significant advancement in eco-friendly technology. These refrigerators employ the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), which has traditionally been achieved using expensive rare-earth elements such as gadolinium. To facilitate cost-effective commercialization, it is essential to investigate alternative materials, such as transition metal alloys. In this study, an Fe47.5Ni37.5Mn15 alloy, which has a Curie temperature that is close to room temperature, is cast, and the alloy exhibits a noteworthy cooling power of 297.68 J/kg, which makes it good for cost-effective applications. To further enhance MCE performance through super-paramagnetism (e.g. size reduction), nanoparticles of the same composition are synthesized using a top-down approach via pulsed-laser ablation in ethanol. However, these nanoparticles do not exhibit a Curie temperature near room temperature, likely due to significant carbon incorporation during synthesis, which adversely affected their magnetocaloric properties. This study underscores the potential of transition metal alloys for magnetic refrigeration and highlights the need for optimized synthesis methods to achieve desired thermal properties in nanoparticulate form.

[54] 2410.15779

Piezoelectric Manipulation and Engineering for Layertronics in Two-Dimensional Materials

The electronic transport characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) systems have widespread application prospects in the fabrication of multifunctional nanodevices. However, the current research for basic transport phenomena, such as anomalous valley Hall effect (AVHE) and piezoelectric response, is limited to discrete discussion. Here, we theoretically propose a valley-piezoelectricity coupling strategy beyond the existing paradigm to realize AVHE and layer Hall effect (LHE) in ferrovalley (FV) systems, and its essential principle can be extended to general valleytronic materials. Through first-principles calculations, we demonstrate that the large polarized electric field of 2.8*106 (1.67*107) V/m can be induced by 0.1% uniaxial strain in FV 2H-LaHF (1T-LaHF) monolayers. In addition, the microscopic mechanism of interlayer antiferromagnetic (AFM) state of 2H-LaHF bilayer is uncovered by the spin Hamiltonian and super-superexchange (SSE) interaction. Our findings pave the way for new explorations of valley Hall-related effect involving piezoelectricity.

[55] 2410.15785

Three-dimensional Ising models -- Critical Parameters using $ε$-convergence method

We demonstrate the applicability of the $\epsilon$-convergence algorithm in extracting the critical temperatures and critical exponents of three-dimensional Ising models. We analyze the low temperature magnetization as well as high temperature susceptibility series of simple cubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic and diamond lattices, using two different variables for the inverse critical temperature. In the case of simple cubic lattices, the magnetization series was modified to deduce accurate values of the critical temperatures. The alternate variable for dimensionless inverse temperature suggested by Guttmann and Thompson has also been employed for the estimation of the critical parameters.

[56] 2410.15786

Possible way to achieve anomalous valley Hall effect by tunable intrinsic piezoelectric polarization in FeO$_2$SiGeN$_2$ monolayer

Valley-related multiple Hall effect and piezoelectric response are novel transport characteristics in low-dimensional system, however few studies have reported their coexistence in a single system as well as their coupling relationships. By first-principles calculations, we propose a multifunctional Janus semiconductor, i.e. FeO$_2$SiGeN$_2$ monolayer with large valley polarization of about 120 meV and in-plane piezoelectric polarization with d11 of -0.714.03 pm/V. The magnetic anisotropy energy can be significantly regulated by electronic correlation strength and strain, which can be attributed to the change of competition relationship about Fe-3d-resolved magnetic anisotropy energy brought about by external regulatory means. Electronic correlation strength can induce phase transitions in Janus FeO$_2$SiGeN$_2$ monolayer from ferrovalley to quantum anomalous Hall phase, while the half-valley metallic state as the boundary of the phase transition can gererate 100% spin- and valley polarization. The related phase transition mechanism is analyzed based on the two-band strained kp model. The presence of piezoelectric strain coefficients d11 in valleytronic material makes the coupling between charge degrees of freedom and valley degrees of freedom possible, and the intrinsic electric field caused by the in-plane piezoelectric response provide the way to realize piezoelectric anomalous valley Hall effect. This work may pave a way to find a new member of materials with valley-related multiple Hall effect and stimulate further experimental works related to valleytronics and piezotronics.

[57] 2410.15788

Highly Transparent Lead-Free Piezoelectric Haptic Device

Acoustic haptic technology adds touch sensations to human-machine interfaces by integrating piezoelectric actuators onto touchscreens. Traditional piezoelectric haptic technologies use opaque lead-containing ceramics that are both toxic and visible. We have developed a highly transparent lead-free piezoelectric haptic device using potassium sodium niobate (KNN) and transparent conductive oxide thin films. The KNN film, grown on glass, exhibits a pure perovskite phase and a dense microstructure. This device achieves up to 80% transmittance, surpassing lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films. It generates an acoustic resonance at 16.5 kHz and produces a peak-to-peak displacement of 1.0 um at 28 V unipolar, making it suitable for surface rendering applications. This demonstrates the potential of transparent lead-free piezoelectric actuators as an effective alternative to conventional PZT haptic actuators.

[58] 2410.15815

Solvation Free Energies from Neural Thermodynamic Integration

We propose to compute solvation free energies via thermodynamic integration along a neural-network potential interpolating between two target Hamiltonians. We use a stochastic interpolant to define an interpolation between the distributions at the level of samples and optimize a neural network potential to match the corresponding equilibrium potential at every intermediate time-step. Once the alignment between the interpolating samples and the interpolating potentials is sufficiently accurate, the free-energy difference between the two Hamiltonians can be estimated using (neural) thermodynamic integration. We validate our method to compute solvation free energies on several benchmark systems: a Lennard-Jones particle in a Lennard-Jones fluid, as well as the insertion of both water and methane solutes in a water solvent at atomistic resolution.

[59] 2410.15845

Backbone Mediated Electrical Transport in a Double-Stranded DNA

In the field of DNA nanotechnology, it is common wisdom that charge transport occurs through the {\pi} stacked bases in a double-stranded DNA. However, recent experimental findings by Roman Zhuravel et. al. [Nat. Nanotech. 15, 836 (2020)] suggest that it is the backbone channels through which transport happens, not through the nitrogen bases. These new experimental studies call for a detail investigation of these biomolecules from a different perspective. In this article we examine charge transport properties of a double-stranded DNA within a tight-binding framework where the backbones form the main conduction channels. Using techniques based on the Green's function method, we inspect changes in the density of states (DOS) and localization properties of DNA in presence of discontinuities (nicks) along the backbone channels. We also investigate the effect of backbone channel discontinuities on current-voltage (I-V) responses using the Landauer-Buttiker formalism. We study three characteristic DNA sequences, two periodic and one random. We observe that, in all cases, the effects of nicks on the transport properties are similar. Irrespective of the I-V responses of pristine sequences (be it metallic or semiconducting), as soon as we introduce two nicks at two different strands, current is cut-off. Hence we claim that the backbone channel supported charge conduction in DNA is an universal phenomena irrespective of the sequence and its pristine I-V characteristics.

[60] 2410.15860

Search and escape of mortal random walkers

We review some representative results for first-passage problems involving so-called mortal or evanescent walkers, i.e., walkers with a finite lifetime. The mortality constraint plays a key role in the modeling of many real scenarios, as it filters out long Brownian trajectories, thereby drastically modifying space exploration properties. Among such scenarios, we consider here different first-passage problems, including one or many searchers, resetting, anomalous diffusion, evolving domains, and the narrow escape problem. In spite of the different physics, the mathematical treatment draws strongly on the formalism for standard (i.e., immortal) walkers.

[61] 2410.15862

Integration of Cobalt Ferromagnetic Control Gates for Electrical and Magnetic Manipulation of Semiconductor Quantum Dots

The rise of electron spin qubit architectures for quantum computing processors has led to a strong interest in designing and integrating ferromagnets to induce stray magnetic fields for electron dipole spin resonance (EDSR). The integration of nanomagnets imposes however strict layout and processing constraints, challenging the arrangement of different gating layers and the control of neighboring qubit frequencies. This work reports a successful integration of nano-sized cobalt control gates into a multi-gate FD-SOI nanowire with nanometer-scale dot-to-magnet pitch, simultaneously exploiting electrical and ferromagnetic properties of the gate stack at nanoscale. The electrical characterization of the multi-gate nanowire exhibits full field effect functionality of all ferromagnetic gates from room temperature to 10 mK, proving quantum dot formation when ferromagnets are operated as barrier gates. The front-end-of-line (FEOL) compatible gate-first integration of cobalt is examined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and high/low frequency capacitance characterization, confirming the quality of interfaces and control over material diffusion. Insights into the magnetic properties of thin films and patterned control-gates are provided by vibrating sample magnetometry and electron holography measurements. Micromagnetic simulations anticipate that this structure fulfills the requirements for EDSR driving for magnetic fields higher than 1 T, where a homogeneous magnetization along the hard magnetic axis of the Co gates is expected. The FDSOI architecture showcased in this study provides a scalable alternative to micromagnets deposited in the back-end-of-line (BEOL) and middle-of-line (MOL) processes, while bringing technological insights for the FEOL-compatible integration of Co nanostructures in spin qubit devices.

[62] 2410.15872

Hierarchical analytical approach to universal spectral correlations in Brownian Quantum Chaos

We develop an analytical approach to the spectral form factor and out-of-time ordered correlators in zero-dimensional Brownian models of quantum chaos. The approach expresses these spectral correlations as part of a closed hierarchy of differential equations that can be formulated for all system sizes and in each of the three standard symmetry classes (unitary, orthogonal, and symplectic, as determined by the presence and nature of time reversal symmetry). The hierarchy applies exactly, and in the same form, to Dyson's Brownian motion and all systems with stochastically emerging basis invariance, where the model-dependent information is subsumed in a single dynamical timescale whose explicit form we also establish. We further verify this universality numerically for the Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, for which we find perfect agreement with the analytical predictions of the symmetry class determined by the number of fermions. This results in a complete analytical description of the spectral correlations and allows us to identify which correlations are universal in a large class of models.

[63] 2410.15905

Controlling Orbital Ordering of Intergrowth Structures with Flat [Ag(II)F2] Layers to Mimic Oxocuprates(II)

Based on the Density Functional Theory calculations, we propose a new pathway toward compounds featuring flat [AgF2] layers which mimic [CuO2] layers in high-temperature oxocuprate superconductor precursors. Calculations predict the dynamic (phonon) and energetic stability of the new phases over diverse substrates. For some compounds with ferro orbital ordering, we find a gigantic intrasheet superexchange constant of up to minus 211 meV (DFT+U) and minus 256 meV (SCAN), calculated for hypothetical (CsMgF3)2KAgF3 intergrowth. Semiempirical calculations show that at optimum doping, the expected superconducting critical temperature should reach 200 K. The partial substitution of K+ with Ba2+ leads to noticeable electron doping of [AgF2] sublattice, as revealed by progressive population of the Upper-Hubbard band. On the other hand, modest 10 to 15% hole-doping through partial substitution of Mg2+ with Li+, primarily leads to the depopulation of p(z) orbitals of apical F atoms. We also find structures with an undesired antiferrodistortive structural ordering and discuss the structural factors that determine the transition from buckled to flat planes and from different types of orbital ordering using Landau theory of phase transitions.

[64] 2410.15925

Conceptual and practical approaches for investigating irreversible processes

Current research in statistical mechanics mostly concerns the investigation of out-of-equilibrium, irreversible processes, which are ubiquitous in nature and still far from being theoretically understood. Even the precise characterization of irreversibility is the object of an open debate: while in the context of Hamiltonian systems the one-century-old proposal by M. Smoluchowski looks still valid (a process appears irreversible when the initial state has a recurrence time that is long compared to the time of observation [1]), in dissipative systems, particularly in the case of stochastic processes, the problem is more involved, and quantifying the "degree of irreversibility" is a pragmatic need. The most employed strategies rely on the estimation of entropy production: this quantity, although mathematically well-defined, is often difficult to compute, especially when analyzing experimental data. Moreover, being a global observable, entropy production fails to capture specific aspects of irreversibility in extended systems, such as the role of different currents and their spatial development. This review aims to address various conceptual and technical challenges encountered in the analysis of irreversibility, including the role of the coarse-graining procedure and the treatment of data in the absence of complete information. The discussion will be mostly based on simple models, analytically treatable, and supplemented by examples of complex, more realistic non-equilibrium systems.

[65] 2410.15928

Active Inhomogeneous Mode-Coupling Theory (aIMCT) for Dense Systems of Self-Propelled Particles

Glassy dynamics in a dense system of active particles with self-propulsion force $f_0$ and persistence time $\tau_p$ are crucial for many biological processes. Recent studies have shown that, unlike relaxation dynamics, dynamic heterogeneity (DH) in active glasses exhibits nontrivial behavior. However, the mechanism by which activity affects DH remains unknown. We have developed an active inhomogeneous mode-coupling theory (aIMCT) for DH in active glasses. We show that the nontrivial behavior of DH comes from a novel nonequilibrium effect of activity that leads to distinct behaviors of DH and relaxation dynamics in active glasses. When activity is small, DH exhibits equilibrium-like behavior with a power-law divergence of the peak height of the four-point correlation function, $\chi_C^\text{peak}$, and the aIMCT value of the exponent, $\mu\simeq 1.0$, is consistent with the existing and our new simulations of active glasses. However, $\chi_C^\text{peak}$ deviates from the scaling relations at higher $f_0$ values because of the novel effect on DH, although the deviation with varying $\tau_p$ is relatively weak.

[66] 2410.15948

Automated Workflow for Accurate High-Throughput GW Calculations

The GW approximation represents the state-of-the-art ab-initio method for computing excited-state properties. Its execution requires control over a larger number of (often interdependent) parameters, and therefore its application in high-throughput studies is hindered by the intricate and time-consuming convergence process across a multi-dimensional parameter space. To address these challenges, here we develop a fully-automated open-source workflow for G$_0$W$_0$ calculations within the AiiDA-VASP plugin architecture. The workflow is based on an efficient estimation of the errors on the quasi-particle (QP) energies due to basis-set truncation and the pseudo-potential norm violation, which allows a reduction of the dimensionality of the parameter space and avoids the need for multi-dimensional convergence searches. Protocol validation is conducted through a systematic comparison against established experimental and state-of-the-art GW data. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, we construct a database of QP energies for a diverse dataset of over 320 bulk structures. The openly accessible workflow and resulting dataset can serve as a valuable resource and reference for conducting accurate data-driven research.

[67] 2410.16000

Coexistent Topological and Chiral Phonons in Chiral RhGe: An ab initio study

The CoSi-family of materials hosts unconventional multifold chiral fermions, such as spin-1 and spin-3/2 fermions, leading to intriguing phenomena like long Fermi arc surface states and exotic transport properties, as shown by electronic structure calculations. Recent interest on the phonon behavior in chiral materials is growing in condensed matter physics due to their unique characteristics, including topological phonons, protected surface states and the chiral nature of phonons with non-zero angular momentum. This chiral behavior also enables phonon modes to generate magnetic moments. Therefore, investigating the chiral phonon behavior in chiral CoSi-family materials could provide innovative opportunities in the development of phononic devices. In this study, we explore the topological and chiral phonon behavior in chiral RhGe using first-principles calculations. RhGe hosts multiple double-Weyl points in both its acoustic and optical phonon branches, including spin-1 Weyl points at the $\Gamma$ point and charge-2 Dirac points at the R point in the Brillouin zone (BZ). The topological nature of the phonons in RhGe is revealed by the presence of topologically protected nontrivial phonon surface states and corresponding iso-frequency contours observed in the (001) and (111) surface BZ. Furthermore, phonon angular momentum calculations confirm the chiral nature of phonons in RhGe, with some phonon modes exhibiting finite magnetic moments. Our findings thus indicate that the coexistence of topological and chiral phonon modes in chiral RhGe not only deepens our understanding of the phonon behavior in chiral CoSi-family but also opens new pathways for developing advanced materials and devices.

[68] 2410.16003

Microscopic theory of spin friction and dissipative spin dynamics

The real-time dynamics of local magnetic moments exchange coupled to a metallic system of conduction electrons is subject to dissipative friction even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling. Phenomenologically, this is usually described by a local Gilbert damping constant. Here, we use both linear response theory and adiabatic response theory to derive the spin friction microscopically for a generic single-band tight-binding model of the electronic structure. The resulting Gilbert damping is time-dependent and nonlocal. For a one-dimensional model, we compare the emergent relaxation dynamics as obtained from LRT and ART against each other and against the full solution of the microscopic equations of motion and demonstrate the importance of nonlocality, while the time dependence turns out to be irrelevant. In two dimensions and for a few magnetic moments in different geometries, it is found that the inclusion of nonlocal Gilbert damping can counterintuitively lead to longer relaxation times. Besides the distance dependence, the directional dependence of the nonlocal Gilbert damping turns out as very important. Our results are based on an expression relating the nonlocal Gilbert damping to the nonlocal tight-binding density of states close to the Fermi energy. This is exact in case of noninteracting electrons. Effects due to electronic correlations are studied within the random-phase approximation. For the Hubbard model at half filling and with increasing interaction strength, we find a strong enhancement of the nonlocality of spin friction.

[69] 2410.16022

Rotation effects on the graphene wormhole energy levels

In this work, we are interested in how spinning effects influence the electronic properties of the graphene wormhole. For this purpose, we have described the graphene by the wormhole background based on the model developed by Gonz\'alez and his co-workers. By applying a coordinate transformation in the metric of graphene wormhole, we can introduce rotating effects. In the continuum limit, by solving the massless Dirac equation in the context of a rotating wormhole background, we obtain the Landau levels for the rotating graphene wormhole. We still have exposed the analogy between the graphene wormhole and fermions on the G\"odel-type spacetime.

[70] 2410.16031

An experimental platform for studying the heteronuclear Efimov effect with an ultracold mixture of $^6$Li and $^{133}$Cs atoms

We present the experimental apparatus enabling the observation of the heteronuclear Efimov effect in an optically trapped ultracold mixture of $^6$Li-$^{133}$Cs with high-resolution control of the interactions. A compact double-species Zeeman slower consisting of four interleaving helical coils allows for a fast-switching between two optimized configurations for either Li or Cs and provides an efficient sequential loading into their respective MOTs. By means of a bichromatic optical trapping scheme based on species-selective trapping we prepare mixtures down to 100 nK of 1$\times$ 10$^4$ Cs atoms and 7$\times$ 10$^3$ Li atoms. Highly stable magnetic fields allow high-resolution atom-loss spectroscopy and enable to resolve splitting in the loss feature of a few tens of milligauss. These features allowed for a detailed study of the Efimov effect.

[71] 2410.16034

Amorphization-induced topological and insulator-metal transitions in bidimensional Bi$_x$Sb$_{1-x}$ alloys

Bismuth has been shown to be topological in its different allotropes and compounds, with one of the most notable examples being the Bi-Sb alloy, the first 3D topological insulator ever discovered. In this paper we explore two-dimensional alloys of Bi and Sb, both crystalline and amorphous, to determine the critical concentrations that render the alloys topological. For the amorphous alloy, we determine the effect of structural disorder on its topological properties, remarkably observing a trivial to topological transition as disorder increases. The alloys are modelled using a Slater-Koster tight-binding model and the topological behaviour is assessed through the entanglement spectrum together with artificial neural networks. Additionally, we perform electronic transport calculations with results compatible with those of the entanglement spectrum, which, furthermore, reveal an insulator to metal transition in the highly disordered regime.

[72] 2410.16043

Systematic analysis of critical exponents in continuous dynamical phase transitions of weak noise theories

Dynamical phase transitions are nonequilibrium counterparts of thermodynamic phase transitions and share many similarities with their equilibrium analogs. In continuous phase transitions, critical exponents play a key role in characterizing the physics near criticality. This study aims to systematically analyze the set of possible critical exponents in weak noise statistical field theories in 1+1 dimensions, focusing on cases with a single fluctuating field. To achieve this, we develop and apply the Gaussian fluctuation method, avoiding reliance on constructing a Landau theory based on system symmetries. Our analysis reveals that the critical exponents can be categorized into a limited set of distinct cases, suggesting a constrained universality in weak noise-induced dynamical phase transitions. We illustrate our findings in two examples: short-time large deviations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, and the weakly asymmetric exclusion process on a ring within the framework of the macroscopic fluctuation theory.

[73] 2410.16054

Non-local detection of coherent Yu-Shiba-Rusinov quantum projections

Probing spatially confined quantum states from afar - a long-sought goal to minimize external interference - has been proposed to be achievable in condensed matter systems via coherent projection. The latter can be tailored by sculpturing the eigenstates of the electron sea that surrounds the quantum state using atom-by-atom built cages, so-called quantum corrals. However, assuring the coherent nature of the projection, and manipulating its quantum composition, has remained an elusive goal. Here, we experimentally realize the coherent projection of a magnetic impurity-induced, Yu-Shiba-Rusinov quantum state using the eigenmodes of corrals on the surface of a superconductor, which enables us to manipulate the particle-hole composition of the projected state by tuning corral eigenmodes through the Fermi energy. Our results demonstrate a controlled non-local method for the detection of magnet superconductor hybrid quantum states.

[74] 2410.16060

Supersonic shear waves in dipolar supersolids

Dipolar supersolids--quantum states which are simultaneously superfluid and solid--have had their superfluid nature rigorously tested, while its solid nature remains uncharted. Arguably, the defining characteristic of a solid is the existence of elastic shear waves. In this work, we investigate transverse wave packet propagation in dipolar supersolids with triangular and honeycomb structure. Remarkably, the honeycomb supersolid displays anomalous dispersion, supporting waves traveling faster than the transverse speed of sound: a supersonic shear wave. For both supersolid phases, we calculate the shear modulus, a key parameter that quantifies the material's rigidity. Our findings are pertinent to current experimental efforts scrutinizing the fundamental properties of supersolids.

[75] 2410.16066

Accelerating Discovery of Extreme Lattice Thermal Conductivity by Crystal Attention Graph Neural Network (CATGNN) Using Chemical Bonding Intuitive Descriptors

Searching for technologically promising crystalline materials with desired thermal transport properties requires an electronic level comprehension of interatomic interactions and chemical intuition to uncover the hidden structure-property relationship. Here, we propose two chemical bonding descriptors, namely negative normalized integrated crystal orbital Hamilton population (normalized -ICOHP) and normalized integrated crystal orbital bond index (normalized ICOBI) and unravel their strong correlation to both lattice thermal conductivity (LTC) and rattling effect characterized by mean squared displacement (MSD). Our new descriptors outperform empirical models and the sole -ICOHP quantity in closely relating to extreme LTCs by testing on a first-principles dataset of over 4,500 materials with 62 distinct species. The Pearson correlation of both descriptors with LTC are significantly higher in magnitude compared with the traditional simple rule of average mass. We further develop crystal attention graph neural networks (CATGNN) model and predict our proposed descriptors of ~200,000 materials from existing databases to screen potentially ultralow and high LTC materials. We select 367 (533) with low (high) normalized -ICOHP and ICOBI for first-principles validation. The validation shows that 106 dynamically stable materials with low normalized -ICOHP and ICOBI have LTC less than 5 W/mK, among which 68% are less than 2 W/mK, while 13 stable materials with high normalized -ICOHP and ICOBI possess LTC higher than 100 W/mK. The proposed normalized -ICOHP and normalized ICOBI descriptors offer deep insights into LTC and MSD from chemical bonding principles. Considering the cheap computational cost, these descriptors offer a new reliable and fast route for high-throughput screening of novel crystalline materials with extreme LTCs for applications such as thermoelectrics and electronic cooling.

[76] 2410.16084

Unveiling Ferroelectric-Like Behavior in Leaky Dielectrics: A Microscopic Model for Polarization Dynamics and Hysteresis Inversion

Based on a microscopic model of nonequilibrium carrier generation in a leaky dielectric, we analytically derive hysteresis loops for the dielectric response of non-polar, non-ferroelectric materials. We demonstrate how complex dielectric responses can arise solely from energy and voltage polarity-dependent transport and asymmetries in the transfer rates. By combining Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and voltammetry, we address critical questions related to the microscopic mechanisms in poorly conductive systems dominated by displacement currents. The impedance analysis, extended to higher-order harmonics, provides deeper insights into the dynamic behavior of dielectric materials, emphasizing the need to correlate impedance spectroscopy with dielectric spectroscopy for a thorough understanding of dipole relaxation and transport phenomena. Our findings offer valuable perspectives for applications in capacitors, transistors, and memory devices.

[77] 2410.16129

Universal Linear Response of the Mean First-Passage Time

First-passage processes are pervasive across numerous scientific fields, yet a general framework for understanding their response to external perturbations remains elusive. While the fluctuation-dissipation theorem offers a complete linear response theory for systems in steady-state, it is not applicable to transient first-passage processes. We address this challenge by focusing on rare, rather than weak, perturbations. Surprisingly, we discover that the linear response of the mean first-passage time (MFPT) to such perturbations is universal. It depends solely on the first two moments of the unperturbed first-passage time and the mean completion time following perturbation activation, without requiring any assumptions about the underlying system's dynamics. To demonstrate the utility of our findings, we analyze the MFPT response of drift-diffusion processes in two scenarios: (i) stochastic resetting with information feedback, and (ii) an abrupt transition from a linear to a logarithmic potential. Remarkably, our approach bypasses the need for explicit problem-solving, allowing us to unravel and explain the highly non-trivial response phase space of these systems. Our results simplify the analysis of complex systems, offering a powerful tool for predicting the impact of perturbations on first-passage processes across various scenarios and research fields.

[78] 2410.16133

Magnetic susceptibility and entanglement of three interacting qubits under magnetic field and anisotropy

This work investigates a system of three entangled qubits within the XXX model, subjected to an external magnetic field in the $z$-direction and incorporating an anisotropy term along the $y$-axis. We explore the thermodynamics of the system by calculating its magnetic susceptibility and analyzing how this quantity encodes information about entanglement. By deriving rigorous bounds for susceptibility, we demonstrate that their violation serves as an entanglement witness. Our results show that anisotropy enhances entanglement, extending the temperature range over which it persists. Additionally, by tracing over the degrees of freedom of two qubits, we examine the reduced density matrix of the remaining qubits and find that its entropy under the influence of the magnetic field can be mapped to an effective thermal bath at $(B,K) > 0$ K.

[79] 2410.16147

Superconductivity in PrNiO2 infinite-layer nickelates

Several reports about infinite-layer nickelate thin films suggest that the superconducting critical temperature versus chemical doping phase diagram has a dome-like shape, similar to cuprates. Here, we demonstrate a highly reproducible superconducting state in undoped PrNiO$_2$ thin films grown onto SrTiO$_3$. Scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements demonstrate coherent and defect-free infinite-layer phase, a high structural quality with no unintentional chemical doping and a total absence of interstitial oxygen. X-ray absorption measurements show very sharp features at the Ni L$_{3,2}$-edges with a large linear dichroism, indicating the preferential hole-occupation of Ni$^{1+}$-3d$_{x^2-y^2}$ orbitals in a square planar geometry. Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurements reveal sharp magnon excitations of 200\,meV energy at magnetic Brillouin zone boundary, highly resonant at the Ni$^{1+}$ absorption peak. The results indicate that, when properly stabilized, infinite-layer nickelate thin films are superconducting without chemical doping.

[80] 2410.16158

Networks: The Visual Language of Complexity

Understanding the origins of complexity is a fundamental challenge with implications for biological and technological systems. Network theory emerges as a powerful tool to model complex systems. Networks are an intuitive framework to represent inter-dependencies among many system components, facilitating the study of both local and global properties. However, it is unclear whether we can define a universal theoretical framework for evolving networks. While basic growth mechanisms, like preferential attachment, recapitulate common properties such as the power-law degree distribution, they fall short in capturing other system-specific properties. Tinkering, on the other hand, has shown to be very successful in generating modular or nested structures "for-free", highlighting the role of internal, non-adaptive mechanisms in the evolution of complexity. Different network extensions, like hypergraphs, have been recently developed to integrate exogenous factors in evolutionary models, as pairwise interactions are insufficient to capture environmentally-mediated species associations. As we confront global societal and climatic challenges, the study of network and hypergraphs provides valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of scientific exploration in understanding and managing complexity.

[81] 2410.16199

Momentum-Resolved Fingerprint of Mottness in Layer-Dimerized Nb$_3$Br$_8$

In a well-ordered crystalline solid, insulating behaviour can arise from two mechanisms: electrons can either scatter off a periodic potential, thus forming band gaps that can lead to a band insulator, or they localize due to strong interactions, resulting in a Mott insulator. For an even number of electrons per unit cell, either band- or Mott-insulators can theoretically occur. However, unambiguously identifying an unconventional Mott-insulator with an even number of electrons experimentally has remained a longstanding challenge due to the lack of a momentum-resolved fingerprint. This challenge has recently become pressing for the layer dimerized van der Waals compound Nb$_3$Br$_8$, which exhibits a puzzling magnetic field-free diode effect when used as a weak link in Josephson junctions, but has previously been considered to be a band-insulator. In this work, we present a unique momentum-resolved signature of a Mott-insulating phase in the spectral function of Nb$_3$Br$_8$: the top of the highest occupied band along the out-of-plane dimerization direction $k_z$ has a momentum space separation of $\Delta k_z=2\pi/d$, whereas the valence band maximum of a band insulator would be separated by less than $\Delta k_z=\pi/d$, where $d$ is the average spacing between the layers. As the strong electron correlations inherent in Mott insulators can lead to unconventional superconductivity, identifying Nb$_3$Br$_8$ as an unconventional Mott-insulator is crucial for understanding its apparent time-reversal symmetry breaking Josephson diode effect. Moreover, the momentum-resolved signature employed here could be used to detect quantum phase transition between band- and Mott-insulating phases in van der Waals heterostructures, where interlayer interactions and correlations can be easily tuned to drive such transition.

[82] 2410.16223

Role of obstacle softness in the diffusive behavior of active Particles

We numerically investigate the diffusive behavior of active Brownian particles in a two-dimensional confined channel filled with soft obstacles, whose softness is controlled by a parameter $K$. Here, active particles are subjected to external bias $F$. Particle diffusion is influenced by entropic barriers that arise due to variations in the shape of the chosen channel geometry. We observed that the interplay between obstacle softness, entropic barriers, and external bias leads to striking transport characteristics of the active particles. For instance, with increasing $F$, the non-linear mobility exhibits non-monotonic behavior, and effective diffusion is greatly enhanced, showing multiple peaks in the presence of soft obstacles. Further, as a function of $K$ and $F$, particles exhibit various diffusive behaviors, e.g., normal diffusion - where the role of obstacles is insignificant, subdiffusion or superdiffusion - where the particles are partially trapped by the obstacles, and particles are ultimately caged by the obstacles. These findings help understand the physical situations wherein active agents diffuse in crowded environments.

[83] 2410.16242

Undulated 2D materials as a platform for large Rashba spin-splitting and persistent spin-helix states

Materials with large unidirectional Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC), resulting in persistent-spin helix states with small spin-precession length, are critical for advancing spintronics. We demonstrate a design principle achieving it through specific undulations of 2D materials. Analytical model and first-principles calculations reveal that bending-induced asymmetric hybridization brings about and even enhances Rashba SOC. Its strength $\alpha_R \propto \kappa$ (curvature) and shifting electronic levels $\Delta \propto \kappa^2$. Despite the vanishing integral curvature of typical topographies, implying a net-zero Rashba effect, our two-band analysis and electronic structure calculation of a bent 2D MoTe$_2$ show that only an interplay of $\alpha_R$ and $\Delta$ modulations results in large unidirectional Rashba SOC with well-isolated states. Their high spin-splitting $\sim 0.16$ eV, and attractively small spin-precession length $\sim 1$ nm, are among the best known. Our work uncovers major physical effects of undulations on Rashba SOC in 2D materials, opening new avenues for using their topographical deformation for spintronics and quantum computing.

[84] 2410.16244

Semiconductor Circuits for Quantum Computing with Electronic Wave Packets

Standard approaches to quantum computing require significant overhead to correct for errors. The hardware size for conventional quantum processors in solids often increases linearly with the number of physical qubits, such as for transmon qubits in superconducting circuits or electron spin qubits in quantum dot arrays. While photonic circuits based on flying qubits do not suffer from decoherence or lack of potential scalability, they have encountered significant challenges to overcome photon loss in long delay circuits. Here, we propose an alternative approach that utilizes flying electronic wave packets propagating in solid-state quantum semiconductor circuits. Using a novel time-bin architecture for the electronic wave packets, hardware requirements are drastically reduced because qubits can be created on-demand and manipulated with a common hardware element, unlike the localized approach of wiring each qubit individually. The electronic Coulomb interaction enables reliable coupling and readout of qubits. Improving upon previous devices, we realize electronic interference at the level of a single quantized mode that can be used for manipulation of electronic wavepackets. This important landmark lays the foundation for fault-tolerant quantum computing with a compact and scalable architecture based on electron interferometry in semiconductors.

[85] 2410.16269

Imaging supermoire relaxation and conductive domain walls in helical trilayer graphene

In twisted van der Waals materials, local atomic relaxation can significantly alter the underlying electronic structure and properties. Characterizing the lattice reconstruction and the impact of strain is essential to better understand and harness the resulting emergent electronic states. Here, we use a scanning single-electron transistor to image spatial modulations in the electronic structure of helical trilayer graphene, demonstrating relaxation into a superstructure of large domains with uniform moire periodicity. We further show that the supermoire domain size is enhanced by strain and can even be altered in subsequent measurements of the same device, while nevertheless maintaining the same local electronic properties within each domain. Finally, we observe higher conductance at the boundaries between domains, consistent with the prediction that they host counter-propagating topological edge modes. Our work confirms that lattice relaxation can produce moire-periodic order in twisted multilayers, demonstrates strain-engineering as a viable path for designing topological networks at the supermoire scale, and paves the way to direct imaging of correlation-driven topological phases and boundary modes.

[86] 2410.13988

Quantum dynamics of atoms in number-theory-inspired potentials

In this paper we study transitions of atoms between energy levels of several number-theory-inspired atom potentials, under the effect of time-dependent perturbations. First, we simulate in detail the case of a trap whose one-particle spectrum is given by prime numbers. We investigate one-body Rabi oscillations and the excitation lineshape for two resonantly coupled energy levels. We also show that techniques from quantum control are effective in reducing the transition time, compared to the case of a periodic perturbation. Next, we investigate cascades of such transitions. To this end, we pose the following question: can one construct a quantum system where the existence of a continuous resonant cascade is predicted on the validity of a particular statement in number theory? We find that a one-body trap with a log-natural spectrum, parametrically driven with a perturbation of a log-natural frequency, provides such a quantum system. Here, powers of a given natural number will form a ladder of equidistant energy levels; absence of gaps in this ladder is an indication of the validity of the number theory statement in question. Ideas for two more resonance cascade experiments are presented as well: they are designed to illustrate the validity of the Diophantus-Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity (the set of sums of two squares of integers is closed under multiplication) and the validity of the Goldbach conjecture (every even number is a sum of two primes).

[87] 2410.14708

Coarse grained modeling of a metal-organic framework/polymer composite and its gas adsorption at the nanoparticle level

Simulations have acted as a cornerstone to understand MOF/polymer interface structure, however, no molecular-level simulation has yet been performed at the nanoparticle scale. In this work, a hybrid MARTINI/Force Matching (FM) force field was developed and successfully implemented to model the ZIF-8/PVDF composite at a coarse grained resolution. Inter-phase interactions were modeled using FM potentials, which strive to reasonably reproduce the forces from an atomistic benchmark model, while intraphase interactions are modeled using the general-purpose MARTINI potentials. Systems made of a ZIF-8 nanoparticle embedded into a PVDF matrix were considered to evaluate the effect of nanoparticle size and morphology in the polymer structure and in the CO2 adsorption. Results show that simulations at the nanoparticle level are crucial for depicting the polymer penetration. Notably, the smallest nanoparticle exhibited the least extent of polymer penetration, while the cubic nanoparticle exhibited the highest amount. Polymer conformation and local density values change similarly in all ZIF-8/PVDF systems depending on whether the polymer lies inside or outside of the nanoparticle domain. All composite models present more significant CO2 adsorption in the nanoparticle domain than in the PVDF phase, in agreement with experiments. More remarkably, the small rhombic dodecahedron ZIF-8/PVDF system presents a larger equilibrium amount of gas adsorbed at ambient condition compared to the other two systems, in alignment with the observed polymer penetration trend. On the other hand, the amount of CO2 adsorbed at equilibrium is lower for the rhombic dodecahedron morphology than for the cubic one, contrary to the intuitive expectation founded in the polymer penetration trend. This result could be a reflection of a difference in the number of surface adsorption sites.

[88] 2410.14767

Machine Learning Aided Modeling of Granular Materials: A Review

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzz word since Google's AlphaGo beat a world champion in 2017. In the past five years, machine learning as a subset of the broader category of AI has obtained considerable attention in the research community of granular materials. This work offers a detailed review of the recent advances in machine learning-aided studies of granular materials from the particle-particle interaction at the grain level to the macroscopic simulations of granular flow. This work will start with the application of machine learning in the microscopic particle-particle interaction and associated contact models. Then, different neural networks for learning the constitutive behaviour of granular materials will be reviewed and compared. Finally, the macroscopic simulations of practical engineering or boundary value problems based on the combination of neural networks and numerical methods are discussed. We hope readers will have a clear idea of the development of machine learning-aided modelling of granular materials via this comprehensive review work.

[89] 2410.14784

Noise resilience in adaptive and symmetric monitored quantum circuits

Monitored quantum circuits offer great perspectives for exploring the interplay of quantum information and complex quantum dynamics. These systems could realize the extensively studied entanglement and purification phase transitions, as well as a rich variety of symmetry-protected and ordered non-equilibrium phases. The central question regarding such phases is whether they survive in real-world devices exhibiting unavoidable symmetry-breaking noise. We study the fate of the symmetry-protected absorbing state and charge-sharpening transitions in the presence of symmetry-breaking noise, and establish that the net effect of noise results in coherent and incoherent symmetry-breaking effects. The coherent contribution removes a sharp distinction between different phases and renders phase transitions to crossovers. Nevertheless, states far away from the original phase boundaries retain their essential character. In fact, corrective feedback in adaptive quantum circuits and postselected measurements in symmetric charge-conserving quantum circuits can suppress the effects of noise, thereby stabilizing the absorbing and charge-sharp phases, respectively. Despite the unavoidable noise in current quantum hardwares, our findings offer an optimistic outlook for observing symmetry-protected phases in currently available Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Moreover, our work suggests a symmetry-based benchmarking method as an alternative for characterizing noise and evaluating average local gate fidelity.

[90] 2410.14850

Cooperative non-reciprocal emission and quantum sensing of symmetry breaking

Non-reciprocal propagation of energy and information is fundamental to a wide range of quantum technology applications. In this work, we explore the quantum many-body dynamics of a qubit ensemble coupled to a shared bath that mediates coherent and dissipative inter-qubit interactions with both symmetric and anti-symmetric components. We find that the interplay between anti-symmetric (symmetric) coherent and symmetric (anti-symmetric) dissipative interactions results in non-reciprocal couplings, which, in turn, generate a spatially asymmetric emission pattern. We demonstrate that this pattern arises from non-reciprocal interactions coupling different quantum many-body states within a specific excitation manifold. Focusing on solid-state baths, we show that their lack of time-reversal and inversion symmetry is a key ingredient for generating non-reciprocal dynamics in the qubit ensemble. With the plethora of quantum materials that exhibit this symmetry breaking at equilibrium, our approach paves the way for realizing cooperative non-reciprocal transport in qubit ensembles without requiring time-modulated external drives or complex engineering. Using an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers coupled to a generic non-centrosymmetric ferromagnetic bath as a concrete example, we demonstrate that our predictions can be tested in near-future experiments. As the spatial asymmetry in the relaxation dynamics of the qubit ensemble is a direct probe of symmetry breaking in the solid-state bath, our work also opens the door to developing model-agnostic quantum sensing schemes capable of detecting bath properties invisible to current state-of-the-art protocols, which operate solid-state defects as single-qubit sensors.

[91] 2410.14860

Universal quantum computation using Ising anyons from a non-semisimple Topological Quantum Field Theory

We propose a framework for topological quantum computation using newly discovered non-semisimple analogs of topological quantum field theories in 2+1 dimensions. These enhanced theories offer more powerful models for quantum computation. The conventional theory of Ising anyons, which is believed to describe excitations in the $\nu = 5/2$ fractional quantum Hall state, is not universal for quantum computation via braiding of quasiparticles. However, we show that the non-semisimple theory introduces new anyon types that extend the Ising framework. By adding just one new anyon type, universal quantum computation can be achieved through braiding alone. This result opens new avenues for realizing fault-tolerant quantum computing in topologically ordered systems.

[92] 2410.14914

Recovering dark states by non-Hermiticity

Dark states, which are incapable of absorbing and emitting light, have been widely applied in multiple disciplines of physics. However, the existence of dark states relies on certain strict constraints on the system. For instance, in the fundamental {\Lambda} system, a perturbation breaking the degeneracy between two energy levels may destroy the destructive interference and demolish the dark state. Here, we show that non-Hermiticity can be exploited as a constructive means to restore a dark state. By compensating for the undesired perturbations, non-Hermiticity produces unidirectional couplings such that the dark state remains decoupled from the rest of the system. Implementing this scheme in many-body systems, flat bands and edge states can be recovered by losses and gains. Further taking into account interactions, a range of novel quantum phases could arise in such non-Hermitian systems.

[93] 2410.14967

Local Field Statistics in Linear Elastic Unidirectional Fibrous Composites

Statistical fluctuations of local tensorial fields beyond the mean are relevant to predict localized failure or overall behavior of the inelastic composites. The expression for second moments of the local fields can be established using Hill-Mandel condition. Complete estimation of statistical fluctuations via second moments is usually ignored despite its significance. In Eshelby-based mean-field approaches, the second moments are evaluated through derivatives of Hill's Polarization tensor $ \left ( \mathbb{P}_{\mathrm{o}} \right )$ using a singular approximation. Typically, semi-analytical procedures using numerical integration are used to evaluate the derivatives of the polarization tensor $\mathbb{P}_{\mathrm{o}}$. Here, new analytically derived explicit expressions are presented for calculating the derivatives, specifically for unidirectional fibrous composites with isotropic phases. Full-field homogenization using finite element is used to compute the statistical distribution of local fields (exact solution) for the class of random fibrous microstructures. The mean-field estimates are validated with the exact solution across different fiber volume fractions and aspect ratios. The results indicate that the fiber volume fraction significantly influences the fluctuation of stress tensor invariants, whereas the aspect ratio has minimal effect.

[94] 2410.14986

NeuralMAG: Fast and Generalizable Micromagnetic Simulation with Deep Neural Nets

Micromagnetics has made significant strides, particularly due to its wide-ranging applications in magnetic storage design. Numerical simulation is a cornerstone of micromagnetics research, relying on first-principle rules to compute the dynamic evolution of micromagnetic systems based on the renowned LLG equation, named after Landau, Lifshitz, and Gilbert. However, simulations are often hindered by their slow speed. Although Fast-Fourier transformation (FFT) calculations reduce the computational complexity to O(NlogN), it remains impractical for large-scale simulations. In this paper, we introduce NeuralMAG, a deep learning approach to micromagnetic simulation. Our approach follows the LLG iterative framework but accelerates demagnetizing field computation through the employment of a U-shaped neural network (Unet). The Unet architecture comprises an encoder that extracts aggregated spins at various scales and learns the local interaction at each scale, followed by a decoder that accumulates the local interactions at different scales to approximate the global convolution. This divide-and-accumulate scheme achieves a time complexity of O(N), significantly enhancing the speed and feasibility of large-scale simulations. Unlike existing neural methods, NeuralMAG concentrates on the core computation rather than an end-to-end approximation for a specific task, making it inherently generalizable. To validate the new approach, we trained a single model and evaluated it on two micromagnetics tasks with various sample sizes, shapes, and material settings.

[95] 2410.15120

Generalizable Prediction Model of Molten Salt Mixture Density with Chemistry-Informed Transfer Learning

Optimally designing molten salt applications requires knowledge of their thermophysical properties, but existing databases are incomplete, and experiments are challenging. Ideal mixing and Redlich-Kister models are computationally cheap but lack either accuracy or generality. To address this, a transfer learning approach using deep neural networks (DNNs) is proposed, combining Redlich-Kister models, experimental data, and ab initio properties. The approach predicts molten salt density with high accuracy ($r^{2}$ > 0.99, MAPE < 1%), outperforming the alternatives.

[96] 2410.15455

Observation of quantum information collapse-and-revival in a strongly-interacting Rydberg atom array

Interactions of isolated quantum many-body systems typically scramble local information into the entire system and make it unrecoverable. Ergodicity-breaking systems possess the potential to exhibit fundamentally different information scrambling dynamics beyond this paradigm. For many-body localized systems with strong ergodicity breaking, local transport vanishes and information scrambles logarithmically slowly. Whereas in Rydberg atom arrays, local qubit flips induce dynamical retardation on surrounding qubits through the Rydberg blockade effect, giving rise to quantum many-body scars that weakly break ergodicity, and resulting in the predicted unconventional quantum information spreading behaviours. Here, we present the first measurements of out-of-time-ordered correlators and Holevo information in a Rydberg atom array, enabling us to precisely track quantum information scrambling and transport dynamics. By leveraging these tools, we observe a novel spatio-temporal collapse-and-revival behaviour of quantum information, which differs from both typical chaotic and many-body localized systems. Our experiment sheds light on the unique information dynamics in many-body systems with kinetic constraints, and demonstrates an effective digital-analogue approach to coherently reverse time evolution and steer information propagation in near-term quantum devices.

[97] 2410.15468

What Emergence Can Possibly Mean

We consider emergence from the perspective of dynamics: states of a system evolving with time. We focus on the role of a decomposition of wholes into parts, and attempt to characterize relationships between levels without reference to whether higher-level properties are "novel" or "unexpected." We offer a classification of different varieties of emergence, with and without new ontological elements at higher levels.

[98] 2410.15599

On the Replica Symmetric Solution in General Diluted Spin Glasses

We present a unifying approach to studying the replica symmetric solution in general diluted spin glass models on random $p$-uniform hypergraphs with sparsity parameter $\alpha$. Our result shows that there exist two key regimes in which the model exhibits replica symmetry and the free energy can be explicitly represented as the evaluation of an energy functional at the unique fixed point of a recursive distributional equation. One is called the high temperature regime, where the temperature and the sparsity parameter are essentially inversely proportional to each other; the other is the subcritical regime defined as $\alpha p (p-1)\leq 1$. In particular, the fact that the second regime is independent of the temperature parameter further allows us to deduce an analogous representation of the ground state energy in the subcritical regime. Along the way, we revisit several well-known formulas and also derive new ones for the free and ground state energies in the constraint satisfaction problem, Potts model, XY model, and continuous hardcore model.

[99] 2410.15691

Inverse Spin Thermal Hall Effect in Non-Reciprocal Photonic Systems

A transverse radiative heat flux induced by the gradient of spin angular momentum of photons in non-reciprocal systems is predicted. This thermal analog of the inverse spin Hall effect is analyzed in magneto-optical networks exhibiting C4 symmetry, under the action of spatially variable external magnetic fields. This finding opens new avenues for thermal management and energy conversion with non-reciprocal systems through a localized and dynamic control of the spin angular momentum of light.

[100] 2410.15709

Augmenting Finite Temperature Tensor Network with Clifford Circuits

Recent studies have highlighted the combination of tensor network methods and the stabilizer formalism as a very effective framework for simulating quantum many-body systems, encompassing areas from ground state to time evolution simulations. In these approaches, the entanglement associated with stabilizers is transferred to Clifford circuits, which can be efficiently managed due to the Gottesman-Knill theorem. Consequently, only the non-stabilizerness entanglement needs to be handled, thereby reducing the computational resources required for accurate simulations of quantum many-body systems in tensor network related methods. In this work, we adapt this paradigm for finite temperature simulations in the framework of Time-Dependent Variational Principle, in which imaginary time evolution is performed using the purification scheme. Our numerical results on the one-dimensional Heisenberg model and the two-dimensional $J_1-J_2$ Heisenberg model demonstrate that Clifford circuits can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of finite temperature simulations for quantum many-body systems. This improvement not only provides a useful tool for calculating finite temperature properties of quantum many-body systems, but also paves the way for further advancements in boosting the finite temperature tensor network calculations with Clifford circuits and other quantum circuits.

[101] 2410.15763

Exact Solutions Disentangle Higher-Order Topology in 2D Non-Hermitian Lattices

We report the exact closed-form solutions for higher-order topological states as well as explicit energy-spectrum relationships in two-dimensional (2D) non-Hermitian multi-orbital lattices with generalized boundary conditions. These analytical solutions unequivocally confirm that topological edge states in a 2D non-Hermitian system which feature point-gap topology must undergo the non-Hermitian skin effect along the edge. Under double open boundary conditions, the occurrence of the non-Hermitian skin effect for either topological edge states or bulk states can be accurately predicted by our proposed winding numbers. We unveil that the zero-energy topological corner state only manifests itself on a corner where two nearby gapped edge states intersect, and thus can either disappear completely or strengthen drastically due to the non-Hermitian skin effect of gapped topological edge states. Our analytical results offer direct insight into the non-Bloch band topology in two or higher dimensions and trigger experimental investigations into related phenomena such as quadrupole topological insulators and topological lasing.

[102] 2410.15769

Spin-layer coupling in altermagnets multilayer: a design principle for spintronics

The discovery of collinear symmetric-compensated altermagnets (AM) with intrinsic spin splitting provides a route towards energy-efficient and ultrafast device applications. Here, using first-principles calculations and symmetry analysis, we propose a series of AM Cr2SX (X=O, S, Se) monolayer and explore the spin splitting in Cr2SX multilayer. A general design principle for realizing the spin-layer coupling in odd/even-layer is mapped out based on the comprehensive analysis of spin group symmetry. The spin splitting behavior related with the MzUt, Mz and ML symmetries in AM multilayer can be significantly modulated by magnetic orders, crystal symmetry and external perpendicular gate field (Ez). Due to the spin-compensated bands of sublayers linked by overall Mz and interlayers ML symmetries, the Cr2S2 odd-layer exhibits the unique coexistence of spin splitting and spin degeneracy at high symmetric paths and X/Y valley, respectively. Furthermore, owing to the higher priority of overall ML symmetry compared to interlayers ML symmetry in AM even-layer, the spin-layer coupling of AM multilayer shows strong odd/even-layer dependence. Our work not only offer a new direction for manipulating spin splitting, but also greatly enrich the research on AM monolayer and multilayer.

[103] 2410.15900

On the grain growth behavior of Ni-W alloys in the extremely fine-grained regime

Nanocrystalline pure FCC metals and some alloys are known to exhibit abnormal grain growth. Addition of solutes, such as W, has led to improved grain size stability in nanocrystalline Ni. While several groups have investigated grain growth behavior in Ni-based binary alloys, grain sizes greater than 15 nm were primarily investigated. In the present study, grain growth behavior is examined in grain size regime below 10 nm in nanocrystalline Ni-W alloys with 8 to 15 at% W at 773K. In this size regime, normal grain growth behavior was observed in these alloys, evidenced from (a) parabolic kinetics in plots of square of average grain size against annealing time, and (b) statistical self-similarity on the scaled size distribution in a log-normal plot.

[104] 2410.15938

Quantifying world geography as seen through the lens of Soviet propaganda

Cultural data typically contains a variety of biases. In particular, geographical locations are unequally portrayed in media, creating a distorted representation of the world. Identifying and measuring such biases is crucial to understand both the data and the socio-cultural processes that have produced them. Here we suggest to measure geographical biases in a large historical news media corpus by studying the representation of cities. Leveraging ideas of quantitative urban science, we develop a mixed quantitative-qualitative procedure, which allows us to get robust quantitative estimates of the biases. These biases can be further qualitatively interpreted resulting in a hermeneutic feedback loop. We apply this procedure to a corpus of the Soviet newsreel series 'Novosti Dnya' (News of the Day) and show that city representation grows super-linearly with city size, and is further biased by city specialization and geographical location. This allows to systematically identify geographical regions which are explicitly or sneakily emphasized by Soviet propaganda and quantify their importance.

[105] 2410.15967

Hidden exceptional point, localization-delocalization phase transition in Hermitian bosonic Kitaev model

Exceptional points (EPs), a unique feature of non-Hermitian systems, represent degeneracies in non-Hermitian operators that likely do not occur in Hermitian systems. Nevertheless, unlike its fermionic counterpart, a Hermitian bosonic Kitaev model supports a non-Hermitian core matrix, involving a quantum phase transition (QPT) when an exceptional point appears. In this study, we examine QPTs by mapping the Hamiltonian onto a set of equivalent single-particle systems using a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)-like pairing basis. We demonstrate the connection between the hidden EP and the localization-delocalization transition in the equivalent systems. The result is applicable to a Dicke model, which allows the experimental detection of the transition based on the measurement of the average number of photons for the quench dynamics stating from the empty state. Numerical simulations of the time evolution reveal a clear transition point at the EP.

[106] 2410.16021

Stylized facts in money markets: an empirical analysis of the eurozone data

Using the secured transactions recorded within the Money Markets Statistical Reporting database of the European Central Bank, we test several stylized facts regarding interbank market of the 47 largest banks in the eurozone. We observe that the surge in the volume of traded evergreen repurchase agreements followed the introduction of the LCR regulation and we measure a rate of collateral re-use consistent with the literature. Regarding the topology of the interbank network, we confirm the high level of network stability but observe a higher density and a higher in- and out-degree symmetry than what is reported for unsecured markets.

[107] 2410.16067

Nonvolatile Electrochemical Memory at 600C Enabled by Composition Phase Separation

CMOS-based microelectronics are limited to ~150{\deg}C and therefore not suitable for the extreme high temperatures in aerospace, energy, and space applications. While wide bandgap semiconductors can provide high-temperature logic, nonvolatile memory devices at high temperatures have been challenging. In this work, we develop a nonvolatile electrochemical memory cell that stores and retains analog and digital information at temperatures as high as 600 {\deg}C. Through correlative electron microscopy, we show that this high-temperature information retention is a result of composition phase separation between the oxidized and reduced forms of amorphous tantalum oxide. This result demonstrates a memory concept that is resilient at extreme temperatures and reveals phase separation as the principal mechanism that enables nonvolatile information storage in these electrochemical memory cells.

[108] 2410.16073

On the Geometry of Regularization in Adversarial Training: High-Dimensional Asymptotics and Generalization Bounds

Regularization, whether explicit in terms of a penalty in the loss or implicit in the choice of algorithm, is a cornerstone of modern machine learning. Indeed, controlling the complexity of the model class is particularly important when data is scarce, noisy or contaminated, as it translates a statistical belief on the underlying structure of the data. This work investigates the question of how to choose the regularization norm $\lVert \cdot \rVert$ in the context of high-dimensional adversarial training for binary classification. To this end, we first derive an exact asymptotic description of the robust, regularized empirical risk minimizer for various types of adversarial attacks and regularization norms (including non-$\ell_p$ norms). We complement this analysis with a uniform convergence analysis, deriving bounds on the Rademacher Complexity for this class of problems. Leveraging our theoretical results, we quantitatively characterize the relationship between perturbation size and the optimal choice of $\lVert \cdot \rVert$, confirming the intuition that, in the data scarce regime, the type of regularization becomes increasingly important for adversarial training as perturbations grow in size.

[109] 2410.16150

Modelling Structured Data Learning with Restricted Boltzmann Machines in the Teacher-Student Setting

Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) are generative models capable to learn data with a rich underlying structure. We study the teacher-student setting where a student RBM learns structured data generated by a teacher RBM. The amount of structure in the data is controlled by adjusting the number of hidden units of the teacher and the correlations in the rows of the weights, a.k.a. patterns. In the absence of correlations, we validate the conjecture that the performance is independent of the number of teacher patters and hidden units of the student RBMs, and we argue that the teacher-student setting can be used as a toy model for studying the lottery ticket hypothesis. Beyond this regime, we find that the critical amount of data required to learn the teacher patterns decreases with both their number and correlations. In both regimes, we find that, even with an relatively large dataset, it becomes impossible to learn the teacher patterns if the inference temperature used for regularization is kept too low. In our framework, the student can learn teacher patterns one-to-one or many-to-one, generalizing previous findings about the teacher-student setting with two hidden units to any arbitrary finite number of hidden units.

[110] 2410.16174

Observation of anomalous information scrambling in a Rydberg atom array

Quantum information scrambling, which describes the propagation and effective loss of local information, is crucial for understanding the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. In general, a typical interacting system would thermalize under time evolution, leading to the emergence of ergodicity and linear lightcones of information scrambling. Whereas, for a many-body localized system, strong disorders give rise to an extensive number of conserved quantities that prevent the system from thermalization, resulting in full ergodicity breaking and a logarithmic lightcone for information spreading. Here, we report the experimental observation of anomalous information scrambling in an atomic tweezer array. Working in the Rydberg blockade regime, where van der Waals interaction dominates, we observe a suppressed linear lightcone of information spreading characterized by out-of-time-order correlators for the initial N\'eel state, accompanied by persistent oscillations within the lightcone. Such an anomalous dynamics differs from both generic thermal and many-body localized scenarios. It originates from weak ergodicity breaking and is the characteristic feature for quantum many-body scars. The high-quality single-atom manipulations and coherent constraint dynamics, augmented by the effective protocol for time-reversed evolution we demonstrate, establish a versatile hybrid analog-digital simulation approach to explore diverse exotic non-equilibrium dynamics with atomic tweezer arrays.

[111] 2410.16182

Thermalization and hydrodynamic long-time tails in a Floquet system

We systematically investigate whether classical hydrodynamic field theories can predict the long-time dynamics of many-particle quantum systems. As an example, we investigate numerically and analytically the time evolution of a chain of spins (or qubits) subject to a stroboscopic dynamics. The time evolution is implemented by a sequence of local and nearest-neighbor gates which conserve the total magnetization. The long-time dynamics of such a system is believed to be describable by a hydrodynamics field theory, which, importantly, includes the effect of noise. Based on a field theoretical analysis and symmetry arguments, we map each operator in the spin model to corresponding fields in hydrodynamics. This allows us to predict which expectation values decay exponentially, and which of them decay with a hydrodynamics long-time tail, $t^{-\alpha}$, with $\alpha=\frac{1}{2}, 1, \frac{3}{2}, \text{or } \frac{9}{4}$ for different operators. We illustrate these findings by studying the time evolution of all 255 Hermitian operators which can be defined on four neighboring sites. The numerical results are fully consistent with the emergence of hydrodynamics at long times.

[112] 2410.16193

Deformation of Matrix Geometry via Landau Level Evolution

We propose a scheme for the construction of deformed matrix geometries using Landau models. The level projection method cannot be applied straightforwardly to extract matrix geometries to the Landau models on deformed manifolds, as they do not generally exhibit degenerate energy levels (Landau levels). We overcome this problem by exploiting the idea of spectral flow. Taking a symmetric matrix geometry as a reference point of the spectral flow, we evolve the matrix geometry by deforming the Landau model. In this process, unitarity is automatically preserved. The explicit matrix realization of the coordinates is derived straightforwardly even for a non-perturbative deformation. We clarify the basic properties of the matrix geometries through the analysis of concrete models. The matrix geometries of an expanding two-sphere and ellipsoids are investigated using the non-relativistic and relativistic Landau models. The obtained ellipsoidal matrix geometries show behavior quantitatively different in each Landau level, but qualitatively similar to their classical counterpart. The difference between the ellipsoidal matrix geometry and the fuzzy ellipsoid is investigated numerically.

[113] 2410.16209

Bound States-to-Bands in the Continuum in Cylindrical Granular Crystals

We theoretically investigate and experimentally demonstrate that genuine bound states in the continuum (BICs) -- polarization-protected BICs -- can be completely localized within finite-size solid resonators. This bound mode is realized in a highly tunable mechanical system made of cylindrical granular crystals, where tunning the contact boundaries enables the in situ transition from the BICs to quasi-BICs in a controllable manner. Since a single-particle resonator can support BICs itself, these bound states can extend to form bound bands within periodic structures composed of such resonators. We experimentally demonstrate the emergence of a quasi-bound (flat) band in a finite chain with broken resonator symmetry, using a laser Doppler vibrometer. Remarkably, we show that all cylindrical resonators within the entire chain exhibit high-Q and dispersionless resonance.

[114] 2410.16250

Cups and Gates I: Cohomology invariants and logical quantum operations

We take initial steps towards a general framework for constructing logical gates in general quantum CSS codes. Viewing CSS codes as cochain complexes, we observe that cohomology invariants naturally give rise to diagonal logical gates. We show that such invariants exist if the quantum code has a structure that relaxes certain properties of a differential graded algebra. We show how to equip quantum codes with such a structure by defining cup products on CSS codes. The logical gates obtained from this approach can be implemented by a constant-depth unitary circuit. In particular, we construct a $\Lambda$-fold cup product that can produce a logical operator in the $\Lambda$-th level of the Clifford hierarchy on $\Lambda$ copies of the same quantum code, which we call the copy-cup gate. For any desired $\Lambda$, we can construct several families of quantum codes that support gates in the $\Lambda$-th level with various asymptotic code parameters.