New articles on Astrophysics

[1] 2410.14751

Cthulhu: An Open Source Molecular and Atomic Cross Section Computation Code for Substellar Atmospheres

Atmospheric studies of exoplanets and brown dwarfs are a cutting-edge and rapidly evolving area of astrophysics research. Calculating models of exoplanet or brown dwarf spectra requires knowledge of the wavelength-dependent absorption of light (cross sections) by the molecules and atoms in the atmosphere. Here we introduce Cthulhu, a pure Python package that rapidly calculates cross sections from atomic and molecular line lists. Cthulhu includes modules to automatically download molecular line lists from online databases (e.g. ExoMol and HITRAN) and compute cross sections on a user-specified temperature, pressure, and wavenumber grid. Cthulhu requires only CPUs and can run on a user's laptop (for smaller line lists with < 100 million lines) or on a large cluster in parallel (for many billion lines). Cthulhu includes in-depth Jupyter tutorials in the online documentation. Finally, Cthulhu can be used as an educational tool to demystify the process of making cross sections for atmospheric models.

[2] 2410.14772

Following the Tidal Trail: A History of Modeling the Magellanic Stream

The formation of the Magellanic Stream has puzzled astronomers for decades. In this review, we outline the history of our understanding of the Magellanic System highlighting key observations that have revolutionized thinking of its evolution. We also walk through the major models and theoretical advances that have led to our current paradigm - (1) the LMC and SMC have just had their first pericentric passage around the Milky Way, having approached recently as a bound pair; (2) the LMC and SMC have had several tidal interactions in which material has been stripped out into the Trailing Stream and Leading Arm; (3) the LMC hosted an ionized gas circumgalactic medium which envelops the Clouds and the neutral Stream today, providing the bulk of the associated mass; and (4) the MW's circumgalactic gas provides strong ram pressure and hydrodynamic forces to shape the morphology of the Magellanic System including the formation of a bow shock due to the LMC's supersonic approach.

[3] 2410.14773

The abundance and nature of high-redshift quiescent galaxies from JADES spectroscopy and the FLAMINGO simulations

We use NIRSpec/MSA spectroscopy and NIRCam imaging to study a sample of 18 massive ($\log\; M_{*}/M_{\odot} \gt 10\;$dex), central quiescent galaxies at $2\leq z \leq 5$ in the GOODS fields, to investigate their number density, star-formation histories, quenching timescales, and incidence of AGN. The depth of our data reaches $\log M_*/M_\odot \approx 9\;$dex, yet the least-massive central quiescent galaxy found has $\log M_*/M_\odot \gt 10\;$dex, suggesting that quenching is regulated by a physical quantity that scales with $M_*$. With spectroscopy as benchmark, we assess the completeness and purity of photometric samples, finding number densities 10 times higher than predicted by galaxy formation models, confirming earlier photometric studies. We compare our number densities to predictions from FLAMINGO, the largest-box full-hydro simulation suite to date. We rule out cosmic variance at the 3-$\sigma$ level, providing spectroscopic confirmation that galaxy formation models do not match observations at $z>3$. Using FLAMINGO, we find that the vast majority of quiescent galaxies' stars formed in situ, with these galaxies not having undergone multiple major dry mergers. This is in agreement with the compact observed size of these systems and suggests that major mergers are not a viable channel for quenching most massive galaxies. Several of our observed galaxies are particularly old, with four galaxies displaying 4000-\r{A} breaks; full-spectrum fitting infers formation and quenching redshifts of $z\geq8$ and $z\geq6$. Using all available AGN tracers, we find that 8 massive quiescent galaxies host AGN, including in old systems. This suggests a high duty cycle of AGN and a continued trickle of gas to fuel accretion.

[4] 2410.14775

Beyond Causal Discovery for Astronomy: Learning Meaningful Representations with Independent Component Analysis

We present the first steps toward applying causal representation learning to astronomy. Following up on previous work that introduced causal discovery to the field for the first time, here we solve a long standing conundrum by identifying the direction of the causal relation between supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass and their host galaxy properties. This leverages a score-based causal discovery approach with an exact posterior calculation. Causal relations between SMBHs and their host galaxies are further clarified by Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The astrophysical problem we focus on is one of the most important open issues in the field and one that has not seen a definitive resolution in decades. We consider the space of six physical properties of galaxies, subdivided by morphology: elliptical, lenticular, and spiral, plus SMBH mass. We calculate an exact posterior over the space of directed acyclic graphs for these variables based on a flat prior and the Bayesian Gaussian equivalent score. The nature of the causal relation between galaxy properties and SMBH mass is found to vary smoothly with morphology, with galaxy properties determining SMBH mass in ellipticals and vice versa in spirals. This settles a long-standing debate and is compatible with our theoretical understanding of galaxy evolution. ICA reveals a decreasing number of meaningful Independent Components (ICs) from ellipticals and lenticular to spiral. Moreover, we find that only one IC correlates with SMBH mass in spirals while multiple ones do in ellipticals, further confirming our finding that SMBH mass causes galaxy properties in spirals, but the reverse holds in ellipticals.

[5] 2410.14777

The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES) simulations. I. Impact of Protostellar Magnetic Fields on the Accretion Modes

How embedded, actively accreting low-mass protostars accrete their mass is still greatly debated. Observations are now piecing together the puzzle of embedded protostellar accretion, in particular with new facilities in the near-infrared. However, high-resolution theoretical models are still lacking, with a stark paucity of detailed simulations of these early phases. Here we present high-resolution non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a Solar mass protostar accreting at rates exceeding 10$^{-6} M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. We show the results of the accretion flow for four different protostellar magnetic fields, 10 G, 500 G, 1 kG, and 2 kG, combined with a disk magnetic field. For weaker (10 G and 500 G) protostar magnetic fields, accretion occurs via a turbulent boundary layer mode, with disk material impacting across the protostellar surface. In the 500 G model, the presence of a magnetically dominated outflow focuses the accretion towards the equator, slightly enhancing and ordering the accretion. For kG magnetic fields, the disk becomes truncated due to the protostellar dipole and exhibits magnetospheric accretion, with the 2 kG model having accretion bursts induced by the interchange instability. We present bolometric light curves for the models and find that they reproduce observations of Class I protostars from YSOVAR, with high bursts followed by an exponential decay possibly being a signature of instability-driven accretion. Finally, we present the filling fractions of accretion and find that 90\% of the mass is accreted in a surface area fraction of 10-20\%. These simulations will be extended in future work for a broader parameter space, with their high resolution and high temporal spacing able to explore a wide range of interesting protostellar physics.

[6] 2410.14778

The disappearance of a massive star marking the birth of a black hole in M31

Stellar mass black holes are formed from the terminal collapse of massive stars if the ensuing neutrino shock is unable to eject the stellar envelope. Direct observations of black hole formation remain inconclusive. We report observations of M31-2014-DS1, a massive, hydrogen-depleted supergiant in the Andromeda galaxy identified via a mid-infrared brightening in 2014. Its total luminosity remained nearly constant for the subsequent thousand days, before fading dramatically over the next thousand days by $\gtrsim 10\times$ and $\gtrsim 10^4\times$ in total and visible light, respectively. Together with the lack of a detected optical outburst, the observations are explained by the fallback of the stellar envelope into a newly formed black hole, moderated by the injection of a $\sim 10^{48}$ erg shock. Unifying these observations with a candidate in NGC 6946, we present a concordant picture for the birth of stellar mass black holes from stripped massive stars.

[7] 2410.14781

Deep kiloparsec view of the molecular gas in a massive star-forming galaxy at cosmic noon

We present deep ($\sim$ 20 hr), high-angular resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the CO(4-3) and [CI](1-0) transitions, along with the rest-frame 630 $\mu$m dust continuum, in BX610 --a massive, main-sequence galaxy at the peak epoch of cosmic star formation $(z = 2.21)$. Combined with deep Very Large Telescope (VLT) SINFONI observations of the H$\alpha$ line, we characterize the molecular gas and star formation activity on kiloparsec scales. Our analysis reveals that the excitation of the molecular gas, as traced by the $L'_{\rm CO(4-3)} / L'_{\rm [CI](1-0)}$ line luminosity ratio, decreases with increasing galactocentric radius. While the line luminosity ratios in the outskirts are similar to those typically found in main-sequence galaxies at $z \sim 1$, the ratios in the central regions of BX610 are comparable to those observed in local starbursts. There is also a giant extra-nuclear star-forming clump in the southwest of BX610 that exhibits high star formation activity, molecular gas abundance, and molecular gas excitation. Furthermore, the central region of BX610 is rich in molecular gas $(M_{\rm mol} / M_{\rm \star} \approx 1)$; however, at the current level of star formation activity, such molecular gas is expected to be depleted in $\sim$ 450 Myr. This, along with recent evidence for rapid inflow toward the center, suggests that BX610 may be experiencing an evolutionary phase often referred to as wet compaction, which is expected to lead to central gas depletion and subsequent inside-out quenching of star formation activity.

[8] 2410.14782

On the Dynamical Erasure of Initial Conditions in Multi-Planetary Systems

Do sub-Neptunes assemble close to where we see them or do they form full-fledged farther away from their host star then migrate inwards? We explore this question using the distribution of measured orbital periods, one of the most fundamental observable parameters. Under disk-induced migration, planet occurrence rate is expected to decrease towards shorter orbital periods. Presently, the observed sub-Neptune period distribution is flat in log period, between 10 and 300 days. We show, using N-body integration, how post-disk dynamical instabilities and mergers in multi-planetary systems erase the initial conditions of migration emplaced in period distributions over 10s to 100 Myr timescale, in rough agreement with an observational hint of the abundance of resonant pairs for systems younger than 100 Myr which drops dramatically for more evolved systems. We comment on caveats and future work.

[9] 2410.14785

Resolving turbulence drivers in luminous obscured quasars with JWST/NIRSpec IFU

In this Letter, we investigate the turbulence and energy injection in the extended nebulae surrounding two luminous obscured quasars, WISEA J100211.29$+$013706.7 ($z=1.5933$) and SDSS J165202.64$+$172852.3 ($z=2.9489$). Utilizing high-resolution data from the NIRSpec IFU onboard the James Webb Space Telescope, we analyze the velocity fields of line-emitting gas in and around these quasars and construct the second-order velocity structure functions (VSFs) to quantify turbulent motions across different spatial scales. Our findings reveal a notable flattening in the VSFs from $\approx\!3$ kpc up to a scale of 10--20 kpc, suggesting that energy injection predominantly occurs at a scale $\lesssim$10 kpc, likely powered by quasar outflows and jet-driven bubbles. The extended spatial range of flat VSFs may also indicate the presence of multiple energy injection sources at these scales. For J1652, the turbulent energy in the host interstellar medium (ISM) is significantly higher than in tidally stripped gas, consistent with the expectation of active galactic nucleus (AGN) activities stirring up the host ISM. Compared to the VSFs observed on spatial scales of 10--50 kpc around lower-redshift UV-bright quasars, these obscured quasars exhibit higher turbulent energies in their immediate surroundings, implying different turbulence drivers between the ISM and halo-scale gas. Future studies with an expanded sample are essential to elucidate further the extent and the pivotal role of AGNs in shaping the gas kinematics of host galaxies and beyond.

[10] 2410.14804

SMILES: Discovery of Higher Ionizing Photon Production Efficiency in Overdense Regions

The topology of reionization and the environments where galaxies efficiently produce ionizing photons are key open questions. For the first time, we investigate the correlation between ionizing photon production efficiency, $\xi_{\rm ion}$, and galaxy overdensity, $\log(1+\delta)$. We analyze the ionizing properties of 93 galaxies between $0.7 < z < 6.9$ using JWST NIRSpec medium-resolution spectra from the Systematic Mid-infrared Instrument (MIRI) Legacy Extragalactic Survey (SMILES) program. Among these, 67 galaxies have H$\alpha$ coverage, spanning $0.7 < z < 3.7$. The galaxy overdensity, $\log(1+\delta)$, is measured using the JADES photometric catalog, which covers the SMILES footprint. For the subset with H$\alpha$ coverage, we find that $\log\xi_{\rm ion}$ is positively correlated with $\log(1+\delta)$, with a slope of $0.94_{-0.46}^{+0.46}$. Additionally, the mean $\xi_{\rm ion}$ for galaxies in overdense regions ($\log(1+\delta) > 0.1$) is 2.43 times that of galaxies in lower density regions ($\log(1+\delta) < 0.1$). This strong correlation is found to be independent of redshift evolution. Furthermore, our results confirm the robust correlations between $\xi_{\rm ion}$ and the rest-frame equivalent widths of the [O III] or H$\alpha$ emission lines. Our results suggest that galaxies in high-density regions are efficient producers of ionizing photons.

[11] 2410.14829

Beyond Diffusion: A Causality-Preserving Model for Cosmic Ray Propagation

We propose a brand-new formalism for the propagation of relativistic cosmic ray (CR) particles. The propagation of CRs has often been described using the diffusion approximation, which has the drawback that the propagation speed of CRs near the source exceeds the speed of light. By applying the analytic solution of the time-dependent distribution function of photons propagating while undergoing scattering, which we recently proposed, we have succeeded in formulating the propagation of relativistic CRs while preserving causality. The obtained formulae give correct expressions both in the diffusion regime and ballistic regime, as well as the transition between them. They can be applied to the propagation of PeV CRs around their sources (PeVatrons), the propagation of ultra-high energy CRs, and the description of TeV gamma-ray halos around pulsars.

[12] 2410.14845

Classification of Wolf Rayet stars using Ensemble-based Machine Learning algorithms

We develop a robust Machine Learning classifier model utilizing the eXtreme-Gradient Boosting (XGB) algorithm for improved classification of Galactic Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars based on Infrared (IR) colors and positional attributes. For our study, we choose an extensive dataset of 6555 stellar objects (from 2MASS and AllWISE data releases) lying in the Milky Way (MW) with available photometric magnitudes of different types including WR stars. Our XGB classifier model can accurately (with an 86\% detection rate) identify a sufficient number of WR stars against a large sample of non-WR sources. The XGB model outperforms other ensemble classifier models such as the Random Forest. Also, using the XGB algorithm, we develop a WR sub-type classifier model that can differentiate the WR subtypes from the non-WR sources with a high model accuracy ($>60\%$). Further, we apply both XGB-based models to a selection of 6457 stellar objects with unknown object types, detecting 58 new WR star candidates and predicting sub-types for 10 of them. The identified WR sources are mainly located in the Local spiral arm of the MW and mostly lie in the solar neighborhood.

[13] 2410.14846

Early Bright Galaxies from Helium Enhancements in High-Redshift Star Clusters

The first few cycles of JWST have identified an overabundance of UV-bright galaxies and a general excess of UV luminosity density at $z\gtrsim10$ compared to expectations from most (pre-JWST) theoretical models. Moreover, some of the brightest high-redshift spectroscopically confirmed galaxies exhibit peculiar chemical abundance patterns, most notably extremely high N/O ratios. Since N/O has been empirically shown to scale strongly with He/H, as expected for hot hydrogen burning, these same bright high-redshift galaxies are likely also helium-enhanced. Under simplistic assumptions for stellar evolution, the bolometric luminosity of a star scales as $L\propto (4-\frac{9}{2}Y+\frac{5}{4}Y^{2})^{-1}$ -- hence a higher He/H leads to brighter stars. In this Letter, we evolve a series of MESA models to the zero-age main-sequence and highlight that the helium enhancements at the levels measured and inferred for high-redshift galaxies can boost the 1500 $\mathring{\rm A}$ UV luminosity by up to $\sim50\%$, while simultaneously increasing the stellar effective temperature. The combination of helium enhancements with nebular continuum emission expected for intense bursts of star formation have the potential to help reduce the tension between JWST observations and certain galaxy formation models.

[14] 2410.14848

The Detectability of CH$_4$/CO$_2$/CO and N$_2$O Biosignatures through Reflection Spectroscopy of Terrestrial Exoplanets

The chemical makeup of Earth's atmosphere during the Archean (4 Ga-2.5 Ga) and Proterozoic eon (2.5 Ga-0.5 Ga) contrast considerably with the present-day: the Archean was rich in carbon dioxide and methane and the Proterozoic had potentially higher amounts of nitrous oxide. CO$_2$ and CH$_4$ in an Archean Earth analog may be a compelling biosignature because their coexistence implies methane replenishment at rates unlikely to be abiotic. However, CH$_4$ can also be produced through geological processes, and setting constraints on volcanic molecules like CO may help address this ambiguity. N$_2$O in a Proterozoic Earth analog may be evidence of life because N$_2$O production on Earth is mostly biological. Motivated by these ideas, we use the code $\mbox{ExoReL$^\Re$}$ to generate forward models and simulate spectral retrievals of an Archean and Proterozoic Earth-like planet to determine the detectability of CH$_4$, CO$_2$, CO, and N$_2$O in their reflected light spectrum for wavelength range 0.25-1.8 $\mu$m. We show that it is challenging to detect CO in an Archean atmosphere for volume mixing ratio (VMR) $\leq$ 10%, but CH$_4$ is readily detectable for both the full wavelength span and truncated ranges cut at 1.7$\mu$m and 1.6$\mu$m, although for the latter two cases the dominant gas of the atmosphere is misidentified. Meanwhile, N$_2$O in a Proterozoic atmosphere is detectable for VMR=$10^{-3}$ and long wavelength cutoff $\geq 1.4\mu$m, but undetectable for VMR $\leq 10^{-4}$ . The results presented here will be useful for the strategic design of the future Habitable Worlds Observatory and the components needed to potentially distinguish between inhabited and lifeless planets.

[15] 2410.14869

Low-latitude magnetic flux emergence on rapidly rotating solar-type stars

Besides a dense coverage of their high latitudes by starspots, rapidly rotating cool stars also display low-latitude spots in Doppler images, although generally with a lower coverage. In contrast, flux emergence models of fast-rotating stars predict strong poleward deflection of radially rising magnetic flux as the Coriolis effect dominates over buoyancy, leaving a spot-free band around the equator. To resolve this discrepancy, we consider a flux tube near the base of the convection zone in a solar-type star rotating eight times faster than the Sun, considering field intensification by weak-tube explosions. For the intensification to continue into to the buoyancy-dominated regime, the upper convection zone must have a significantly steeper temperature gradient than in the Sun, by a factor that is comparable with that found in 3D simulations of rotating convection. Within the hypothesis that stellar active regions stem from the base of the convection zone, flux emergence between 1-20 degree latitudes requires highly supercritical field strengths of up to 500 kG in rapidly rotating stars. These field strengths require explosions of 100-kG tubes within the convection zone, compatible with reasonable values of the superadiabatic temperature gradient associated with the more rapid rotation.

[16] 2410.14896

Circumplanetary Disks are Rare around Planets at Large Orbital Radii: A Parameter Survey of Flow Morphology around Giant Planets

We investigate how the formation and structure of circumplanetary disks (CPDs) varies with planet mass and protoplanetary disk aspect ratio. Using static mesh refinement and a near-isothermal equation of state, we perform a small parameter survey of hydrodynamic simulations with parameters appropriate for disk-embedded protoplanets at moderate to large orbital radii. We find that CPD formation occurs along a continuum, with ``diskiness'' increasing smoothly with planetary mass and decreasing disk aspect ratio. As expected from disk hydrostatic equilibrium arguments, the transition from envelope-dominated to disk-dominated structures is determined to first order by the ratio of the planetary Hill sphere radius to the disk scale height, but planets need to be significantly super-thermal to host classical rotationally supported CPDs. The circularization radius of inflowing gas (as a fraction of the Hill sphere radius) shows an approximately quadratic power-law scaling with the ratio of planetary mass to the thermal mass. Compared to more physically complete radiation hydrodynamic simulations, our runs almost maximize the possibility for classical CPD formation, and hence define a plausible necessary condition for CPDs. The low abundance of detected CPDs in disks where planetary companions are inferred from substructure data may be due to a combination of the large scale height of the protoplanetary disk, and a low frequency of sufficiently massive protoplanets. Unless their CPDs cool below the local protoplanetary disk temperature, most of the wide-orbit giant planet population will be embedded in quasi-spherical envelopes that are hard to detect. Disks, and satellite systems, are more likely to form around smaller orbital separation planets.

[17] 2410.14921

Software Suite for Modeling Cherenkov Images of Extensive Air Showers in the SPHERE-3 Detector

The study of cosmic rays in the energy range from 1 to 1000 PeV is crucial for understanding their origins and propagation paths. As part of this research, a new SPHERE-3 installation is being developed, featuring enhanced light sensitivity and optical resolution, based on the experience gained with the balloon-borne SPHERE-2 installation. This report describes a computational complex designed for simulating the formation of Cherenkov light on the detector grid of the SPHERE-3 telescope.

[18] 2410.14937

X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at low metallicity IX: Empirical constraints on mass-loss rates and clumping parameters for OB supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Context. Current implementations of mass loss for hot, massive stars in stellar evolution models include a sharp increase in mass loss when blue supergiants become cooler than Teff 20-22kK. This drastic mass-loss jump has been motivated by the potential presence of a so-called bistability ionisation effect, which may occur for line-driven winds in this temperature region due to recombination of important line-driving ions. Aims. We perform quantitative spectroscopy using UV (ULLYSES program) and optical (XShootU collaboration) data for 17 OB-supergiant stars in the LMC (covering the range Teff 14-32kK), deriving absolute constraints on global stellar, wind, and clumping parameters. We examine whether there are any empirical signs of a mass-loss jump in the investigated region, and we study the clumped nature of the wind. Methods. We use a combination of the model atmosphere code fastwind and the genetic algorithm code Kiwi-GA to fit synthetic spectra of a multitude of diagnostic spectral lines in the optical and UV. Results. We find no signs of any upward mass loss jump anywhere in the examined region. Standard theoretical comparison models, which include a strong bistability jump thus severely over predict the empirical mass-loss rates on the cool side of the predicted jump. Additionally, we find that on average about 40% of the total wind mass seems to reside in the diluted medium in between dense clumps. Conclusions. Our derived mass-loss rates suggest that for applications like stellar evolution one should not include a drastic bistability jump in mass loss for stars in the temperature and luminosity region investigated here. The derived high values of interclump density further suggest that the common assumption of an effectively void interclump medium (applied in the vast majority of spectroscopic studies of hot star winds) is not generally valid in this parameter regime.

[19] 2410.15034

Revisiting the Velocity Dispersion-Size Relation in Molecular Cloud Structures

Structures in molecular ISM are observed to follow a power-law relation between the velocity dispersion and spatial size, known as Larson's first relation, which is often attributed to the turbulent nature of molecular ISM and imprints the dynamics of molecular cloud structures. Using the ${}^{13}\mathrm{CO}~(J=1-0)$ data from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting survey, we built a sample with 360 structures having relatively accurate distances obtained from either the reddened background stars with Gaia parallaxes or associated maser parallaxes, spanning from $0.4$ to $\sim 15~\mathrm{kpc}$. Using this sample and about 0.3 million pixels, we analyzed the correlations between velocity dispersion, surface/column density, and spatial scales. Our structure-wise results show power-law indices smaller than 0.5 in both the $\sigma_v$-$R_{\mathrm{eff}}$ and $\sigma_v$-$R_{\mathrm{eff}} \cdot \Sigma$ relations. In the pixel-wise results, the $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ is statistically scaling with the beam physical size ($R_{\mathrm{s}} \equiv \Theta D/2$) in form of $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}} \propto R_{\mathrm{s}}^{0.43 \pm 0.03}$. Meanwhile, $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ in the inner Galaxy is statistically larger than the outer side. We also analyzed correlations between $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ and the $\mathrm{H_2}$ column density $N(\mathrm{H_2})$, finding that $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ stops increasing with $N(\mathrm{H_2})$ after $\gtrsim 10^{22}~{\mathrm{cm^{-2}}}$. The structures with and without high-column-density ($> 10^{22}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}}$) pixels show different $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}} \propto N(\mathrm{H_2})^{\xi}$ relations, where the mean (std) $\xi$ values are $0.38~(0.14)$ and $0.62~(0.27)$, respectively.

[20] 2410.15039

Double-edged sword: the influence of tidal interaction on stellar activity in binaries

Using the LAMOST DR7 low-resolution spectra, we carried out a systematic study of stellar chromospheric activity in both single and binary stars. We constructed a binary sample and a single-star sample, mainly using the binary belt and the main sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, respectively. By comparing the $S$ indices between single and binary stars within each color bin, we found for K type stars, binaries exhibit enhanced activity compared to single stars, which could be attributed to the increase in spin rate caused by tidal synchronization or to the interactions of magnetic fields. Both single stars and binaries fall on a common sequence in the activity-period relation, indicating that chromospheric activities of binaries are dominated by the more active components. More intriguingly, in some color ranges, a slight decline of the $S$ index for smaller orbital period was observed for binary stars. Although the possibility of sample selection effects cannot be excluded, this may mark the first example of super-saturation (i.e., caused by reduced active regions) being detected in chromospheric activity, or provide evidence of the suppressing effect on the magnetic dynamo and stellar activities by strong tidal interaction in very close binaries. Our study suggests that tidal interaction acts as a double-edged sword in relation to stellar activities.

[21] 2410.15069

MeerKAT observations of Procyon at 815.5 MHz

We have conducted observations of the nearby (11.46 ly) star system Procyon, using MeerKAT's UHF (544-1087 MHz) receivers. We produce full-Stokes time and frequency integrated continuum images, as well as total intensity time series imaging at 8 s cadence, and full-Stokes vector-averaged dynamic spectra from the visibilities in order to search for transient activity such as flaring events. We detect no significant radio emission from the system, and estimate an upper limit on the circular polarisation fraction of 65 per cent (3$\sigma$ confidence level). A comparison with previous VLA observations places a 3$\sigma$ lower limit on the spectral index between 815.5 and 8400 MHz of 0.26, however long-term significant variability over the last 33 years cannot be ruled out without further, regular radio monitoring of the system.

[22] 2410.15072

Kinematics of Supernova Remnants Using Multiepoch Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Chandra Observation of Cassiopeia A as an Example

Decadal changes in a nearby supernova remnant (SNR) were analyzed using a multiepoch maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach. To achieve greater accuracy in capturing the dynamics of SNRs, kinematic features and point-spread function effects were integrated into the MLE framework. Using Cassiopeia A as a representative example, data obtained by the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2000, 2009, and 2019 were utilized. The proposed multiepoch MLE was qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrated to provide accurate estimates of various motions, including shock waves and faint features, across all regions. To investigate asymmetric structures, such as singular components that deviate from the direction of expansion, the MLE method was extended to combine multiple computational domains and classify kinematic properties using the $k$-means algorithm. This approach allowed for the mapping of different physical states onto the image, and one classified component was suggested to interact with circumstellar material by comparison with infrared observations from the James Webb Space Telescope. Thus, this technique will help quantify the dynamics of SNRs and discover their unique evolution.

[23] 2410.15084

Origin of Ca II emission around polluted white dwarfs

Dozens of white dwarfs with anomalous metal polluted atmospheres (DZ WDs) are known to host dust and gas discs. The line profiles of the Ca II triplet emitted by the gas discs show significant asymmetry. Several minor planets have been discovered orbiting such WDs. The most challenging burden of modelling gas discs around DZ WDs is to simultaneously explain the asymmetry and metal pollution of the WD's atmosphere, while staying consistent with other aspects of the observations, like the morphology of the Ca II lines. This paper aims to construct a self-consistent model to explain the simultaneous WD pollution and Ca II line asymmetry over at least three years. In our model an asteroid disintegrates in an eccentric orbit, periodically entering below the WD's Roche limit. The resulting debris sublimates at a temperature of 1500 K, producing gas that viscously spreads to form a disc. The evolution of the discs is studied over a period of 1.2 years using two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. Synthetic Ca II line profiles are calculated using the surface mass density and velocity distributions provided by the simulations, for the first time taking into account the asymmetric velocity distribution in the discs. An asteroid disintegrating in an eccentric orbit gives rise to the formation of an asymmetric disc and asymmetric Ca II triplet emission. Our model can explain the periodic reversal of the red- and blueshifted peak of the Ca II lines caused by the precession of the disc on timescales of 10.6 to 177.4 days. Our work suggests that the persistence of Ca II asymmetry over decades and its periodic change in the peaks can be explained in two scenarios: a) the asteroid disrupts on a short timescale (couple of orbits), and the gas has a low viscosity range (0.001

[24] 2410.15124

Transition Region Brightenings in a Moss Region and their Relation with Lower Atmospheric Dynamics

Small-scale Brightenings (SBs) are commonly observed in the transition region that separates the solar chromosphere from the corona. These brightenings, omnipresent in active region patches known as "moss" regions, could potentially contribute to the heating of active region plasma. In this study, we investigate the properties of SB events in a moss region and their associated chromospheric dynamics, which could provide insights into the underlying generation mechanisms of the SBs. We analyzed the data sets obtained by coordinated observations using the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and the Goode Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory. We studied 131 SB events in our region of interest and found that 100 showed spatial and temporal matches with the dynamics observed in the chromospheric H$\alpha$ images. Among these SBs, 98 of them were associated with spicules that are observed in H$\alpha$ images. Furthermore, detailed analysis revealed that one intense SB event corresponded to an Ellerman Bomb (EB), while another SB event consisted of several recurring brightenings caused by a stream of falling plasma. We observed that H$\alpha$ far wings often showed flashes of strong brightening caused by the falling plasma, creating an H$\alpha$ spectral profile similar to an EB. However, 31 of the 131 investigated SB events showed no noticeable spatial and temporal matches with any apparent features in H$\alpha$ images. Our analysis indicated that the predominant TR SB events in moss regions are associated with chromospheric phenomena primarily caused by spicules. Most of these spicules display properties akin to dynamic fibrils.

[25] 2410.15140

PS1-11aop: Probing the Mass Loss History of a Luminous Interacting Supernova Prior to its Final Eruption with Multi-wavelength Observations

Luminous interacting supernovae are a class of stellar explosions whose progenitors underwent vigorous mass loss in the years prior to core-collapse. While the mechanism by which this material is ejected is still debated, obtaining the full density profile of the circumstellar medium (CSM) could reveal more about this process. Here, we present an extensive multi-wavelength study of PS1-11aop, a luminous and slowly declining Type IIn SN discovered by the PanSTARRS Medium Deep Survey. PS1-11aop had a peak r-band magnitude of $-$20.5\,mag, a total radiated energy $>$ 8$\times$10$^{50}$\,erg, and it exploded near the center of a star-forming galaxy with super-solar metallicity. We obtained multiple detections at the location of PS1-11aop in the radio and X-ray bands between 4 and 10\,years post-explosion, and if due to the SN, it is one of the most luminous radio supernovae identified to date. Taken together, the multiwavelength properties of PS1-11aop are consistent with a CSM density profile with multiple zones. The early optical emission is consistent with the supernova blastwave interacting with a dense and confined CSM shell which contains multiple solar masses of material that was likely ejected in the final $<$10-100 years prior to the explosion,($\sim$0.05$-$1.0 M$_{\odot}$yr$^{-1}$ at radii of $\lesssim$10$^{16}$\,cm). The radio observations, on the other hand, are consistent with a sparser environment ($\lesssim$2$\times 10^{-3}$ M$_{\odot}$yr$^{-1}$ at radii of $\sim$0.5-1$\times$10$^{17}$\,cm) -- thus probing the history of the progenitor star prior to its final mass loss episode.

[26] 2410.15162

GRB 211024B: an ultra-long GRB powered by magnetar

Ultra-long gamma-ray bursts (ULGRBs) are characterized by exceptionally long-duration central engine activities, with characteristic timescales exceeding 1000 seconds. We present ground-based optical afterglow observations of the ultra-long gamma-ray burst GRB 211024B, detected by \textit{Swift}. Its X-ray light curve exhibits a characteristic ``internal plateau" with a shallow decay phase lasting approximately $\sim 15$ ks, followed by a steep decline ($\alpha_{\rm drop}\sim-7.5$). Moreover, the early optical emission predicted by the late r-band optical afterglow is significantly higher than the observed value, indicating an external shock with energy injection. To explain these observations, we propose a magnetar central engine model. The magnetar collapse into a black hole due to spin-down or hyperaccretion, leading to the observed steep break in the X-ray light curve. The afterglow model fitting reveals that the afterglow injection luminosity varies with different assumptions of the circumburst medium density, implying different potential energy sources. For the interstellar medium (ISM) case with a fixed injection end time, the energy may originate from the magnetar's dipole radiation. However, in other scenarios, relativistic jets produced by the magnetar/black hole system could be the primary energy source.

[27] 2410.15177

Dynamics of Star-forming Galaxies in a Massive Structure at \lowercase{$z\sim$} 2.2: Evidence for Galaxy Harassment in high-$z$ Environments

We spectroscopically confirm a new protocluster in the COSMOS field at $z$=2.24430 with Keck/MOSFIRE, dubbed CC2.2B, which is in the immediate vicinity of CC2.2A protocluster, originally presented in \cite{Darvish20}. CC2.2B and CC2.2A centroids are separated by $\sim$5.5 Mpc(angular) and $\sim$16 comoving Mpc(radial). CC2.2B and CC2.2A have similar properties, with CC2.2B having a line-of-sight velocity dispersion and estimated total mass of $\sigma_{los}$=693$\pm$65 km s$^{-1}$ and $M_{total}$=($\sim$2-3)$\times$10$^{14}$ $M_{\odot}$, respectively. These two similar overdensities are likely still in the merging process and will likely collapse into a more massive structure at lower redshifts. We combine CC2.2A and CC2.2B data to investigate the role of high-$z$ protocluster environments on the dynamics of star-forming (SF) galaxies compared to a similarly selected field sample. We find that on average, protocluster SF galaxies have $\sim$0.1 dex (at $\sim$1.8$\sigma$ significance) lower gas velocity dispersions, $\sim$0.2 dex (at $\sim$2.2$\sigma$ significance) lower dynamical masses, and $\sim$0.2 dex lower dynamical-to-stellar mass ratio than the field SF galaxies. We argue that galaxy harassment and galaxy-galaxy interactions can potentially explain these differences. We also find a factor of $\sim$2-3 lower scatter around the mean $\sigma$-$M_{*}$, $M_{dyn}$-$M_{*}$, and $M_{dyn}$/$M_{*}$ vs. $M_{*}$ relations for protocluster SF galaxies than the field. This could be due to a more uniform formation for protocluster galaxies than their field counterparts. Our results have potential implications for the physics of preprocessing in early environments.

[28] 2410.15191

Gravitational Waves Detected by a Burst Search in LIGO/Virgo's Third Observing Run

Burst searches identify gravitational-wave (GW) signals in the detector data without use of a specific signal model, unlike the matched-filter searches that correlate data with simulated signal waveforms (templates). While matched filters are optimal for detection of known signals in the Gaussian noise, the burst searches can be more efficient in finding unusual events not covered by templates or those affected by non-Gaussian noise artifacts. Here, we report the detection of 3 gravitational wave signals that are uncovered by a burst search Coherent WaveBurst (cWB) optimized for the detection of binary black hole (BBH) mergers. They were found in the data from the LIGO/Virgo's third observing run (O3) with a combined significance of 3.6 $\sigma$. Each event appears to be a BBH merger not previously reported by the LIGO/Virgo's matched-filter searches. The most significant event has a reconstructed primary component in the upper mass gap ($m_1 = 70^{+36}_{-18}\,$M$_\odot$), and unusually low mass ratio ($m_2/m_1\sim0.3$), implying a dynamical or AGN origin. The 3 new events are consistent with the expected number of cWB-only detections in the O3 run ($4.8 \pm 2.1$), and belong to the stellar-mass binary population with the total masses in the $70-100$ M$_\odot$ range.

[29] 2410.15227

Hybrid radiation hydrodynamics scheme with adaptive gravity-tree-based pseudo-particles

HII regions powered by ionizing radiation from massive stars drive the dynamical evolution of the interstellar medium. Fast radiative transfer methods for incorporating photoionization effects are thus essential in astrophysical simulations. Previous work by Petkova et al. established a hybrid radiation hydrodynamics (RHD) scheme that couples Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to grid-based Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer (MCRT) code. This particle-mesh scheme employs the Exact mapping method for transferring fluid properties between SPH particles and Voronoi grids on which the MCRT simulation is carried out. The mapping, however, can become computationally infeasible with large numbers of particles or grid cells. We present a novel optimization method that adaptively converts gravity tree nodes into pseudo-SPH particles. These pseudo-particles act in place of the SPH particles when being passed to the MCRT code, allowing fluid resolutions to be temporarily reduced in regions which are less dynamically affected by radiation. A smoothing length solver and a neighbour-finding scheme dedicated to tree nodes have been developed. We also describe the new heating and cooling routines implemented for improved thermodynamic treatment. We show that this tree-based RHD scheme produces results in strong agreement with benchmarks, and achieves a speed-up that scales with the reduction in the number of particle-cell pairs being mapped.

[30] 2410.15242

The Value-added Catalog of OB Stars in LAMOST DR7

In this work, we update the catalog of OB stars based on the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) data release 7 and modified the OB stars selection criterion the spectral line indices space. The new catalog includes 37,778 spectra of 27,643 OB stars, of which 3827 OB stars are newly identified. The spectral subclasses of 27,643 OB stars are obtained using the automatic classification code MKCLASS. We find that the modified OB star selection criteria can better improve the completeness of late B-type stars by analyzing their spectral classification results given by MKCLASS. We also identify 3006 Be-type stars or candidates by examining the Balmer lines in their spectra and find that the frequency of our Be-type stars (10.9\%) is consistent with previous results. The spatial distribution of OB stars indicates that they are mainly located in the Galactic disk. This new catalog of OB stars will provide valuable data for studying the structure and evolution of the Milky Way.

[31] 2410.15254

Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables with Binary-Driven Mass-Loss during Nova Eruptions

The discrepancies between observations and theoretical predictions of cataclysmic variables (CVs) suggest that there exists unknown angular momentum loss mechanism(s) besides magnetic braking and gravitational radiation. Mass loss due to nova eruptions belongs to the most likely candidates. While standard theory assumes that mass is lost in the form of radiation driven, optically thick wind (fast wind; FW), recent numerical simulations indicate that most of the mass loss is initiated and shaped by binary interaction. We explore the effect of this binary-driven mass-loss (BDML) on the CV evolutions assuming a major fraction of the lost mass leaves the system from the outer Lagrangian point. Different from the traditional continuous wind picture, we consider the mass loss process to be instantaneous, because the duration of nova eruptions is much shorter than the binary evolutionary timescale. Our detailed binary evolution calculations reveal the following results. (1) BDML seems able to provide extra angular momentum loss below the period gap. The mass transfer rates at a given orbital period occupy a large range, in agreement with the observed secular mass transfer rate distribution in CVs. (2) The enhanced mass transfer rates do not lead to runaway mass transfer process, and allow the white dwarfs to grow mass $\lesssim 0.1\,M_{\odot}$. (3) BDML can cause both positive and negative variations of the orbital period induced by nova eruptions, in line with observations, and can potentially explain the properties of some peculiar supersoft X-ray sources likely CAL 87, 1E 0035.4$-$7230, and RX J0537.7$-$7034.

[32] 2410.15265

Interpolation techniques for reconstructing Galactic Faraday rotation

The line-of-sight structure of the Galactic magnetic field (GMF) can be studied using Faraday rotation measure (RM) grids. We analyze how the choice of interpolation kernel can affect the accuracy and reliability of reconstructed RM maps. We test the following kernels: inverse distance weighting (IDW), natural neighbour interpolation (NNI), inverse multiquadric interpolation (IM), thin-plate spline interpolation (TPS), and a Bayesian rotation measure sky (BRMS); all techniques were tested on two simulated Galactic foreground RMs (one assuming the GMF has patchy structures and the other assuming it has filamentary structures) using magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Both foregrounds were sampled to form RM grids with densities of $\sim$40 sources deg$^{-2}$ and area $\sim$144 deg$^2$. The techniques were tested on data sets with different noise levels and Gaussian random extragalactic RM contributions. The data set that most closely emulates expected data from current surveys, such as the POlarization Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism (POSSUM), had extragalactic contributions and a noise standard deviation of $\sim 1.5$ rad m$^{-2}$. For this data set, the accuracy of the techniques for the patchy structures from best to worst was: BRMS, NNI, TPS, IDW and IM; while in the filamentary simulate foreground it was: BRMS, NNI, TPS, and IDW. IDW is the most computationally expensive technique, while TPS and IM are the least expensive. BRMS and NNI have the same, intermediate computational cost. This analysis lays the groundwork for Galactic RM studies with large radio polarization sky surveys, such as POSSUM.

[33] 2410.15269

Asymmetry in galaxy spin directions: a fully reproducible experiment using HSC data

The asymmetry in the large-scale distribution of the directions towards spiral galaxies rotate has been observed by multiple telescopes, all show a consistent asymmetry in the distribution of galaxy spin directions as observed from Earth. Here, galaxies with redshift from HSC DR3 are annotated by their direction of rotation, and their distribution is analyzed. The results show that galaxies that rotate in the opposite direction relative to the Milky Way as observed from Earth are significantly more prevalent compared to galaxies that rotate in the same direction relative to the Milky Way. The asymmetry also forms a dipole axis that becomes stronger when the redshift gets higher. These results are aligned with observations from virtually all premier digital sky surveys, as well as space telescopes such as HST and JWST. That shows that the distribution of galaxy spin directions as observed from Earth is not symmetric, and has a possible link to the rotational velocity of the Milky Way. The experiment is provided with data, code, and a full protocol that allows to easily reproduce the results in a transparent manner. That practice is used to overcome the ``reproducibility crisis" in science.

[34] 2410.15295

A novel approach to cosmological non-linearities as an effective fluid

We propose a two parameters extension of the flat $\Lambda$CDM model to capture the impact of matter inhomogeneities on the background evolution of the Universe. Non virialized but non-linearly evolving overdense and underdense regions, whose abundance is quantified using the Press-Schechter formalism, are collectively described by two effective perfect fluids $\rho_{\rm{c}},\rho_{\rm{v}}$ with non vanishing equation of state parameters $w_{\rm{c,v}}\neq 0$. These fluids are coupled to the pressureless dust, akin to an interacting DM-DE scenario. The resulting phenomenology is very rich, and could potentially address a number of inconsistencies of the standard model, including a simultaneous resolution of the Hubble and $\sigma_8$ tensions. To assess the viability of the model, we set initial conditions compatible to the Planck 2018 best fit $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and fit its additional parameters using SN~Ia observations from DESY5 and a sample of uncorrelated $f\sigma_8$ measurements. Our findings show that backreaction effects from the cosmic web could restore the concordance between early and late Universe cosmological probes.

[35] 2410.15303

The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey 2: Second Data Release

We present the second data release of the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey 2 (MaDCoWS2). We expand from the equatorial first data release to most of the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey area, covering a total area of 6498 deg^2. The catalog consists of 133,036 S/N $\geq5$ galaxy cluster candidates at $0.1\leq z \leq2$, including 6790 candidates at z > 1.5. We train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify spurious detections, and include CNN-based cluster probabilities in the final catalog. We also compare the MaDCoWS2 sample with literature catalogs in the same area. The larger sample provides robust results that are consistent with our first data release. At S/N $\geq5$, we rediscover 59-91% of clusters in existing catalogs that lie in the unmasked area of MC2. The median positional offsets are under 250 kpc, and the standard deviation of the redshifts is 0.031(1+z). We fit a redshift-dependent power law to the relation between MaDCoWS2 S/N and observables from existing catalogs. Over the redshift ranges where the surveys overlap with MaDCoWS2, the lowest scatter is found between S/N and observables from optical/infrared surveys. We also assess the performance of our method using a mock light cone measuring purity and completeness as a function of cluster mass. The purity is above 90%, and we estimate the 50% completeness threshold at a virial mass of log(M/M$_\odot$)$\approx14.3$. The completeness estimate is uncertain due to the small number of massive halos in the light cone, but consistent with the recovery fraction found by comparing to other cluster catalogs.

[36] 2410.15305

Orbits and vertical height distribution of 4006 open clusters in the Galactic disk using Gaia DR3

Open clusters (OCs) in the Galaxy are excellent probes for tracing the structure and evolution of the Galactic disk. We present an updated catalog of parameters for 1,145 OCs, estimated using the Gaia DR3 data earlier listed in Cantat-Gaudin et al. (2020). This sample is complemented by 3,677 OCs from the catalog by Hunt & Reffert (2023). Using the Galaxy potential and the space velocities, orbits of 4,006 OCs were computed. We provide a catalog with orbital parameters such as eccentricity, perigalactic and apogalactic distance, and the maximum vertical height traced by OCs from the Galactic disk. The OCs were found to be distributed between 5-16 kpc from the Galactic center, with older OCs showing a radially extended distribution. The low number of old OCs in the inner Solar circle region likely suggests their destruction in this area. We derive a quantitative expression for the dependency of the maximum vertical height (Z_max) OCs can reach with the cluster's age and Galactocentric radius for the first time. The young and intermediate-age OCs show similar values of Z_max till 9 kpc, with the latter group having higher values beyond. OCs older than 1 Gyr show larger values of Z_max at all Galactocentric radii and significantly larger values beyond 9 kpc. Higher values of Z_max are found in the third Galactic quadrant, suggesting a link between these higher values and the Galactic warp. This sample shows that young OCs are also involved in the diagonal ridge formation in the solar neighborhood.

[37] 2410.15325

Photon ring polarimetry with next-generation black hole imaging I. M87*

The near-horizon region of a black hole impacts linear (LP) and circular polarization (CP) through strong lensing of photons, adding large-scale symmetries and anti-symmetries to the polarized image. To probe the signature of lensing in polarimetry, we utilise a geometric model of concentric, Gaussian rings of equal radius to investigate the transition in the Fourier plane at which the photon ring signal begins to dominate over the direct image. We find analytic, closed-form expressions for the transition radii in total intensity, LP, and CP, wherein the resultant formulae are composed of ratios of tunable image parameters, with the overall "scale" set primarily by the thickness of the direct image. Using these formulae, we compute the transition radii for time-averaged images of M87* simulations at 230 GHz, studying both Magnetically Arrested Disc (MAD) and Standard and Normal Evolution (SANE) configurations for various spin and electron heating models. We compare geometric values to radii obtained directly from the simulations through a coherent averaging scheme. We find that nearly all MAD models have a photon ring-dominated CP signal on long baselines shorter than the Earth diameter at 230 GHz. Across favored models for the M87* accretion flow identified by EHT polarimetric constraints, we quantify the sensitivity and antenna size requirements for the next-generation EHT and the Black Hole Explorer orbiter to detect these features. We find that the stringent requirements for CP favour explorations using long baselines on the ground, while LP remains promising on Earth-space baselines.

[38] 2410.15333

The ALMA-QUARKS Survey: Fibers' role in star formation unveiled in an intermediate-mass protocluster region of the Vela D cloud

In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of the IRS 17 filament within the intermediate-mass protocluster IRAS 08448-4343 (of $\sim\,10^3\,\rm M_{\odot}$), using ALMA data from the ATOMS 3-mm and QUARKS 1.3-mm surveys. The IRS 17 filament, which spans $\sim$54000 au ($0.26\,\rm pc$) in length and $\sim$4000 au ($0.02\,\rm pc$) in width, exhibits a complex, multi-component velocity field, and harbours hierarchical substructures. These substructures include three bundles of seven velocity-coherent fibers, and 29 dense ($n\sim 10^8\,\rm cm^{-3}$) condensations. The fibers have a median length of $\sim 4500\,\rm au$ and a median width of $\sim 1400\,\rm au$. Among these fibers, four are identified as ``fertile", each hosting at least three dense condensations, which are regarded as the ``seeds" of star formation. While the detected cores are randomly spaced within the IRS\,17 filament based on the 3-mm dust continuum image, periodic spacing ($\sim1600\,\rm au$) of condensations is observed in the fertile fibers according to the 1.3-mm dust map, consistent with the predictions of linear isothermal cylinder fragmentation models. These findings underscore the crucial role of fibers in star formation and suggest a hierarchical fragmentation process that extends from the filament to the fibers, and ultimately, to the smallest-scale condensations.

[39] 2410.15353

Detection of very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the radio galaxy M87 with LHAASO

The nearby radio galaxy M87 is a very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray emitter established by observations with ground-based gamma-ray detectors. Here we report the long-term monitoring of M87 from 2021 to 2024 with Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). M87 has been detected by LHAASO with a statistical significance $\sim 9\sigma$. The observed energy spectrum extends to 20 TeV, with a possible hardening at $\sim 20$ TeV and then a clear softening at higher energies. Assuming that the intrinsic spectrum is described by a single power law up to 20 TeV, a tight upper bound on the extragalactic background light (EBL) intensity is obtained. A strong VHE flare lasting eight days, with the rise time of $\tau_{r}^{\rm rise} = 1.05\pm0.49$~days and decay time of $\tau_{d}^{\rm decay} = 2.17\pm0.58$~days, was found in early 2022. A possible GeV flare is seen also in the Fermi-LAT data during the VHE flare period. The variability time as short as one day seen in the LHAASO data suggests a compact emission region with a size of $\sim 3\times 10^{15}\delta\, {\rm cm}$ ($\delta$ being the Doppler factor of the emitting region), corresponding to a few Schwarzschild radii of the central supermassive black hole in M87. %The spectra of the VHE emission (in the energy range of 0.3--20 TeV) during the flare period and the low-state period are described by a power-law with a photon index of $2.57\pm0.23$ and $2.31\pm0.17$, respectively. The continuous monitoring of the source reveals a duty cycle of $\sim 1\%$ for VHE flares with a flux above $ 10^{-11}{\rm~erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}}$.

[40] 2410.15400

The Maximal Gravitational Wave Signal from Asteroid-Mass Primordial Black Hole Mergers

Primordial black holes can be the entirety of the dark matter in a broad, approximately five-orders-of-magnitude-wide mass range, the ``asteroid mass range'', between $10^{-16}\ M_{\rm Sun}$ -- where constraints originate from evaporation -- and $10^{-11}\ M_{\rm Sun}$ -- from microlensing. A direct detection in this mass range is very challenging with any known observational or experimental methods. Here we point out that, unlike previously asserted in the literature, a transient gravitational wave signal from the inspiral phase of light black hole mergers is in principle detectable with current and future high-frequency gravitational wave detectors, including but not limited to ADMX. The largest detection rates are associated with binaries from non-monochromatic mass functions in early-formed three-body systems.

[41] 2410.15410

Partial suppression of chaos in relativistic 3-body problems

Recent numerical results seem to suggest that in certain regimes of typical particle velocities the gravitational $N-$body problem (for $3\leq N\lesssim 10^3$) is intrinsically less chaotic when the post-Newtonian (PN) force terms are included, with respect to its classical counterpart that exhibits a slightly larger maximal Lyapunov exponent $\Lambda_{\rm max}$. In this work we explore the dynamics of wildly chaotic, regular and nearly regular configurations of the 3-body problem with and without the PN corrective terms aiming at shedding some light on the behaviour of the Lyapunov spectra under the effect of said corrections. Because the interaction of the tangent-space dynamics in gravitating systems, needed to evaluate the Lyapunov exponents, becomes rapidly computationally heavy due to the complexity of the higher order force derivatives involving multiple powers of $v/c$, we introduce a technique to compute a proxy of the Lyapunov spectrum based on the time-dependent diagonalization of the inertia tensor of a cluster of trajectories in phase-space. We find that, for a broad range of orbital configurations, the relativistic 3-body problem has a smaller $\Lambda_{\rm max}$ than its classical counterpart starting with the exact same initial condition. However, the rest of the Lyapunov spectrum can be either lower or larger in the classical case, suggesting that the relativistic precession effectively reduces chaos only along one (or few) directions in phase-space. As a general trend, the dynamical entropy of the relativistic simulations as function of the rescaled speed of light always has a regime in which falls below the classical value.} We observe that, the sole analysis of $\Lambda_{\rm max}$ could induce possibly misleading conclusions on the chaoticity of systems with small (and possibly large $N$.

[42] 2410.15436

A spinodal decomposition model for the large-scale structure of the universe

The tremendous efforts placed in understanding the structure and galaxy formation in the universe have led to major improvements in our models for the universe. Particular the computational simulations that solve its non-linear growth have painted a clearer picture of the processes behind the enormous scale and shape of the structures observed experimentally. Inspired by porous structure of polymer membranes prepared using phase-inversion, we have taken a fresh-approach to understand how the universe got its present structure. We present the results of a finite-element method based simulation to predict large-scale structure formation in the universe. The novel method applies the Cahn-Hilliard model of spinodal decomposition of a binary mixture to predict the dynamics of matter and dark-energy distribution in the universe. The results closely match the various surveys of matter distribution in the universe and can prove to be an important step towards decreasing the computational resources required for future simulations.

[43] 2410.15445

HCN and HNC in the Disk of an Outbursting Young Star, V883 Ori

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) are isomers with similar chemical properties. However, HNC can be converted into other molecules by reactions with atomic hydrogen (H) and atomic oxygen (O), resulting in a variation of the HCN/HNC abundance ratio. These reaction rates are sensitive to gas temperature, resulting in different abundance ratios in different temperature environments. The emission of HCN and HNC was found to distribute along ring structures in the protoplanetary disk of V883 Ori. HCN exhibits a multi-ring structure consisting of inner and outer rings. The outer ring represents a genuine chemical structure, whereas the inner ring appears to display such characteristics due to the high dust continuum optical depth at the center. However, HNC is entirely depleted in the warmer inner ring, while its line intensity is similar to that of HCN in the colder outer ring. In this study, we present a chemical calculation that reproduces the observed HCN/HNC abundance ratio in the inner and outer rings. This calculation suggests that the distinct emission distribution between HCN and HNC results from a currently ongoing outburst in V883 Ori. The sublimation of HCN and HNC from grain surfaces and the conversion of HNC to HCN determine their chemical distribution in the heated, warm inner disk.

[44] 2410.15508

A hybrid origin for the Martian atmosphere

The Martian isotopic record displays a dichotomy in volatile compositions. Interior volatiles from the mantle record a chondritic heritage (e.g., H, N, Kr, Xe) whereas the atmospheric reservoir of Kr and Xe - which do not currently experience escape - record heritage from a solar-like source. Motivated by disparate inferences on the source of Martian atmospheric volatiles (outgassed versus nebular captured), we consider hybrid-source accretionary atmospheres in which a high molecular weight (e.g., CO2-rich) outgassed component is mixed in with the low molecular weight H2/He-rich nebular atmosphere. We conduct calculations of nebular capture with and without a mixed-in high molecular weight outgassed component during the lifetime of the solar nebula. Mixing in an outgassed component enhances the captured nebular inventory by 1-3 orders of magnitude - depending on the outgassed inventory - relative to "pure" nebular capture. These observations and calculations suggest that the Martian atmosphere arose as a hybrid mixture of outgassed and nebular-derived components and that - irrespective of the precise composition of the outgassed component - was mainly composed of molecular hydrogen. The consequences for Martian atmospheric history are discussed.

[45] 2410.15513

Mitigating the impact of noise transients in gravitational-wave searches using reduced basis timeseries and convolutional neural networks

Gravitational-wave detection pipelines have helped to identify over one hundred compact binary mergers in the data collected by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers, whose sensitivity has provided unprecedented access to the workings of the gravitational universe. The detectors are, however, subject to a wide variety of noise transients (or glitches) that can contaminate the data. Although detection pipelines utilize a variety of noise mitigation techniques, glitches can occasionally bypass these checks and produce false positives. One class of mitigation techniques is the signal consistency check, which aims to quantify how similar the observed data is to the expected signal. In this work, we describe a new signal consistency check that utilizes a set of bases that spans the gravitational-wave signal space and convolutional neural networks (CNN) to probabilistically identify glitches. We recast the basis response as a grayscale image, and train a CNN to distinguish between gravitational-waves and glitches with similar morphologies. We find that the CNN accurately classifies $\gtrsim 99\%$ of the responses it is shown. We compare these results to a toy detection pipeline, finding that the two methods produce similar false positive rates, but that the CNN has a significantly higher true positive rate. We modify our toy model detection pipeline and demonstrate that including information from the network increases the toy pipeline's true positive rate by $4-7\%$ while decreasing the false positive rate to a data-limited bound of $\lesssim 0.1\%$.

[46] 2410.15515

Origin of 3He abundance enhancements in gradual solar energetic particle events

We examined the origin of 3He abundance enhancement in 23 high-energy (25-50 MeV) solar proton events that coincide with 3He-rich periods detected by ACE ULEIS in 1997-2021. In seven events, 3He enhancement was due to 3He leftover from preceding events or independent 3He events occurring during proton events. One event is the most likely impulsive (3He-rich), and another is unclear. Reaccelerated remnant flare material was the most probable cause of 3He enhancements in the remaining 14 proton events. Imaging observations showed coronal jets in the parent active regions in six of these 14 events. Remarkably, the highest 3He/4He occurred in events with jets, implying their contribution to 3He enhancement.

[47] 2410.15523

TeV to PeV neutrinos from AGN coronae

In this paper, we attempt to explain the TeV-PeV neutrinos observed by IceCube assuming that their sources are active galactic nuclei (AGN). The results are obtained in the model where the accretion disc emits in the UV-optical range inside the electron plasma cloud. Using the Monte-Carlo approach to model photopion interactions in jets and then after taking into account the cosmological evolution it is shown that the resulting spectrum can explain the observed neutrino flux.

[48] 2410.15548

A Comprehensive Investigation of Environmental Influences on Galaxies in Group Environments

Environment has long been known to impact the evolution of galaxies, but disentangling its effects from mass evolution requires careful analysis of statistically significant samples. By implementing advanced visualisation methods to test group-finding algorithms, we utilise a mass-complete sample of galaxies to z < 0.1, comprising spectroscopic redshifts from prominent surveys such as the 2dFGRS and GAMA. Our group-finding methods identify 1,413 galaxy groups made up of 8,990 galaxies, corresponding to 36% of galaxies associated with group environments. We also search for close pairs, with separations of $r_{sep}$ < 50 h$^{-1}$ kpc and $v_{sep}$ < 500 km/s, and classify them into major ($M_{sec}/M_{prim} \leq$ 0.25) and minor ($M_{sec}/M_{prim}$ > 0.25) pairs. To examine the impact of environmental factors, we employ bespoke WISE photometry to derive a star-forming main sequence relation that shows star-formation (SF) within galaxies is pre-processed as a function of group membership. Our analysis reveals that SF in galaxies is pre-processed as a function of group membership. We observe an increase in the fraction of quiescent galaxies relative to the field as group membership rises, quantified using the environmental quenching efficiency metric ($\epsilon_{env}$). Within the star-forming population, we detect pre-processing with the relative difference in specific SF rates (${\Delta} sSFR$), showing a net decrease in SF as group membership increases, particularly at larger stellar masses. Our sample of close pairs at low stellar masses shows enhanced SF efficiencies compared to the field, while at larger masses, deficiencies are evident. Our results indicate that the small-scale environments of galaxies influence SF properties, demonstrating that galaxies do not evolve in isolation over cosmic time but are shaped by complex interactions between internal dynamics and external influences.

[49] 2410.15562

Galactic and extragalactic probe of dark matter with LISA's binary black holes near their galactic center

The upcoming LISA mission will be able to detect gravitational waves from galactic and extragalactic compact binaries. Here, we report on LISA's capability to probe dark matter around these binaries if the latter constitute black holes. By analyzing the variation in the chirp mass of the binary, we show that depending on the black hole masses, LISA should be able to probe their surrounding dark matter to a luminosity distance of $\approx 1$ Gpc if such binaries are observed within the inner $\approx 10$ pc of their galactic center for particle-like dark matter or near the galactic solitonic core for wave-like dark matter. In the case a null result is recorded during the course of observation of \emph{well-localized} binaries, one can still rule out certain parameter spaces of dark matter as being the dominant contributor to the matter budget of the Universe.

[50] 2410.15587

Dormancy and Reawakening Over Years: Eight New Recurrent Changing-Look AGNs

We report the discovery of eight new recurrent changing-look (CL) active galactic nuclei (AGNs), including seven re-brightening turn-off AGNs and one fading turn-on AGN. These systems are valuable for placing constraints on the duration of dim and bright states, which may be linked to the AGN duty cycle or disk instability. Long-term optical light curve analysis reveals that many objects in our sample exhibit a prolonged plateau during the dim states lasting 4 to 7 years, with gradual turn-on/off process. We observe no significant difference between the turn-on and turn-off timescales, and this timescale is broadly consistent with the heating/cooling front propagation timescale. The comparison between optical and infrared variations supports that these transitions are driven by changes in accretion disk emission rather than dust obscuration. Our discovery significantly increases the previously identified recurrent CL AGN sample from eleven objects to nineteen, demonstrating that some AGNs can enter dormancy and reawaken on timescales of a few years, which provides useful information for understanding AGN episodic accretion.

[51] 2410.15606

An elemental abundance diagnostic for coordinated Solar Orbiter/SPICE and Hinode/EIS observations

Plasma composition measurements are a vital tool for the success of current and future solar missions, but density and temperature insensitive spectroscopic diagnostic ratios are sparse, and their underlying accuracy in determining the magnitude of the First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect in the solar atmosphere remains an open question. Here we assess the Fe VIII 185.213A/Ne VIII 770.428A intensity ratio that can be observed as a multi-spacecraft combination between Solar Orbiter/SPICE and Hinode/EIS. We find that it is fairly insensitive to temperature and density in the range of log (T/K) = 5.65-6.05 and is therefore useful, in principle, for analyzing on-orbit EUV spectra. We also perform an empirical experiment, using Hinode/EIS measurements of coronal fan loop temperature distributions weighted by randomnly generated FIP bias values, to show that our diagnostic method can provide accurate results as it recovers the input FIP bias to within 10--14%. This is encouraging since it is smaller than the magnitude of variations seen throughout the solar corona. We apply the diagnostic to coordinated observations from 2023 March, and show that the combination of SPICE and EIS allows measurements of the Fe/Ne FIP bias in the regions where the footpoints of the magnetic field connected to Solar Orbiter are predicted to be located. The results show an increase in FIP bias between the main leading polarity and the trailing decayed polarity that broadly agrees with Fe/O in-situ measurements from Solar Orbiter/SWA. Multi-spacecraft coordinated observations are complex, but this diagnostic also falls within the planned wavebands for Solar-C/EUVST.

[52] 2410.15647

Effect of Magnetic Field on the Formation of Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow around Black Holes

We study the effects of magnetic field in the formation of a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) in the presence of Bremsstrahlung cooling, which facilitates the formation of a geometrically thin, optically thick accretion disk surrounded by a hot corona. We have performed axis-symmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of an initial accretion torus with a $1/r$ dependant local poloidal field in the presence of a pseudo-Newtonian potential, taking into account optically thin cooling, resistivity and viscosity. We observe the formation of persistent jets and magnetised outflows from the corona surrounding a thin disk with an increase in the magnetic diffusivity parameter. We have defined an equivalent time scale ($\tau_{eq}$) which takes into account the heating time scales due to viscosity, resistivity, magnetic reconnection and magneto-rotational instability turbulence such that the thin disk is formed if the cooling time scale ($\tau_{cool}$) is lower than this equivalent time scale ($\tau_{cool}/\tau_{eq}<1$). Using this condition, for the first time, we found that the thin disk exists when the initial ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure (plasma beta) exceeds a range of $600-800$ for the gas obeying a polytropic equation of state accreting at $10^{-5}\ M_{\odot}/year$

[53] 2410.15683

Optimising the Processing and Storage of Visibilities using lossy compression

The next-generation radio astronomy instruments are providing a massive increase in sensitivity and coverage, through increased stations in the array and frequency span. Two primary problems encountered when processing the resultant avalanche of data are the need for abundant storage and I/O. An example of this is the data deluge expected from the SKA Telescopes of more than 60PB per day, all to be stored on the buffer filesystem. Compressing the data is an obvious solution. We used MGARD, an error-controlled compressor, and applied it to simulated and real visibility data, in noise-free and noise-dominated regimes. As the data has an implicit error level in the system temperature, using an error bound in compression provides a natural metric for compression. Measuring the degradation of images reconstructed using the lossy compressed data, we explore the trade-off between these error bounds and the corresponding compression ratios, as well as the impact on science quality derived from the lossy compressed data products through a series of experiments. We studied the global and local impacts on the output images. We found relative error bounds of as much as $10\%$, which provide compression ratios of about 20, have a limited impact on the continuum imaging as the increased noise is less than the image RMS. For extremely sensitive observations and for very precious data, we would recommend a $0.1\%$ error bound with compression ratios of about 4. These have noise impacts two orders of magnitude less than the image RMS levels. At these levels, the limits are due to instabilities in the deconvolution methods. We compared the results to the alternative compression tool DYSCO. MGARD provides better compression for similar results, and has a host of potentially powerful additional features.

[54] 2410.15699

Modified Characteristics of Hadronic Interactions in Ultra-high-energy Cosmic-ray Showers

Data from multiple experiments suggest that the current interaction models used in Monte Carlo simulations do not correctly reproduce the hadronic interactions in air showers produced by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR), in particular - but not limited to - the production of muons during the showers. We have created a large library of UHECR simulations where the interactions at the highest energies are slightly modified in various ways - but always within the constraints of the accelerator data, without any abrupt changes with energy and without assuming any specific mechanism or dramatically new physics at the ultra-high energies. We find that even when very different properties - cross-section, elasticity and multiplicity - of the interactions are modified, the resulting changes in some air-shower observables are still mutually correlated. Thus not all possible combinations of changes of observables are easily reproduced by some combination of the modifications. Most prominently, the recent results of the Pierre Auger Observatory, which call for a change in the prediction of both the muon content at ground and the depth of the maximum of longitudinal development of the showers, are rather difficult to reproduce with such modifications, in particular when taking into account other cosmic-ray data. While some of these results are related to the assumptions we place on the modifications, the overall lessons are general and provide valuable insight into how the UHECR data can be interpreted from the point of view of hadronic physics.

[55] 2410.15703

Ultra-high-energy hadronic physics at the Pierre Auger Observatory: muon measurements

The Pierre Auger Observatory, the world's largest observatory of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR), offers a unique insight into the properties of hadronic interactions occurring in air showers at energies well above those reached at human-made accelerators. The key probe into the hadronic interactions has, for a long time, been the number of muons arriving at the ground, which can be directly measured at Auger for energies up to 10 EeV using dedicated underground muon detectors or estimated through the observation of highly inclined showers using the surface detector of the Observatory. Further information can be obtained using the hybrid character of the Observatory, which allows the simultaneous observation of the longitudinal development of the shower with the fluorescence (and lately also radio) detector and the ground signal with the surface detector. Several different analyses using hybrid data show a discrepancy between the predictions of simulations based on the latest hadronic interaction models and data. This discrepancy has been long interpreted as a deficit in the number of muons predicted by the simulations with respect to the data. A new analysis using a global fit of the data on selected hybrid showers has shown that the disagreement between models and data is more complex and also involves the predictions for the depths of the maxima of the longitudinal shower development. At the same time, measurements of shower-to-shower fluctuations using inclined hybrid events show good agreement with the predictions, suggesting that the observed muon discrepancy is rather the result of a gradual accumulation of small changes during the shower development than of a major change in the properties of the first interaction. Recently, the Observatory has undergone an upgrade, which includes several components aimed at a significant improvement ...

[56] 2410.15712

Investigating Unusual H$α$ Features towards the Scutum Supershell

We investigate the unusual H$\alpha$ features found towards the Scutum Supershell via recent arc-minute and arc-second resolution imaging. These multi-degree features resemble a long central spine ending in a bow-shock morphology. We performed a multi-wavelength study in [SII] optical, radio continuum, infrared continuum, HI, CO, X-ray and gamma-ray emissions. Interestingly, we found the Galactic worm GW16.9$-$3.8 HI feature appears within the Scutum Supershell, and likely influences the spine morphology. Furthermore, the rightmost edge of the bow-shock H$\alpha$ emission overlaps with [S II] line emission, 4.85 GHz radio, and both 60$\mu$m and 100$\mu$m infrared continuum emissions, suggesting some potential for excitation by shock heating. We estimated the photo-ionisation from O-type and B-type stars in the region (including those from the OB associations Ser OB1B, Ser OB2 and Sct OB3) and found that this mechanism could supply the excitation to account for the observed H$\alpha$ luminosity of the spine and bow-shock of $\sim$1e36 - 2e36 erg/s (d/2.5 kpc)$^2$. Recent MHD simulations by Drozdov et al. (2022) demonstrate the potential for supernova events to drive outflow and bow-shock types of features of the same energetic nature and physical scale as the H$\alpha$ emission we observe here. While this clearly requires many supernova events over time, we speculate that one contributing event could have come from the presumably energetic supernova (hypernova) birth of the magnetar tentatively identified in the X-ray binary LS 5039.

[57] 2410.15741

Detectability of Supernova Remnants with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory

Supernova remnants (SNRs) remain prime candidates for hadronic particle acceleration within our galaxy, accounting for much of the Cosmic Ray flux. Next-generation instruments such as the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will be of crucial importance in identifying new candidate SNRs. SWGO will observe two-thirds of the gamma-ray sky, covering the energy range between a few hundreds GeV and a PeV. In this work, we apply a model of SNR evolution to predict their gamma-ray spectra. Furthermore, we use our model in combination with the target SWGO sensitivity range to explore the SNR emission phase space and quantify detection prospects for SWGO. Finally, we validate our model for sources observed with current-generation instruments, fitting it using a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain technique to the observed gamma-ray emission from four SNRs. We anticipate that at least 8 SNRs will be detected by SWGO within 1 year.

[58] 2410.15781

New stellar age estimates using SPInS based on Gaia DR3 photometry and LAMOST DR8 abundances

Reliable stellar age estimates are fundamental for testing several problems in modern astrophysics, in particular since they set the time scales of Galactic dynamical and chemical evolution. In this study, we determine ages using only Gaia DR3 photometry and parallaxes, in combination with interstellar extinction maps, spectroscopic metallicities and $\alpha$ abundances from the latest data release (DR8) of the LAMOST survey. In contrast with previous age estimates, we do not use spectroscopic effective temperatures or surface gravities, thus relying on the excellent precision and accuracy of the Gaia photometry. We use a new version of the publicly available SPInS code with improved features, including the on-the-fly computation of the autocorrelation time and the automatic convergence evaluation. We determine reliable age estimates for 35,096 and 243,768 sub-giant and main-sequence turn-off stars in the LAMOST DR8 low- and medium-resolution surveys with typical uncertainties smaller than 10%. In addition, we successfully test our method on more than 4,000 stars of 14 well-studied open and globular star clusters covering a wide range of ages, confirming the reliability of our age and uncertainty estimates.

[59] 2410.15789

High-resolution Observations of Clustered Dynamic Extreme-Ultraviolet Bright Tadpoles near the Footpoints of Corona Loops

An extreme ultraviolet (EUV) close-up view of the Sun offers unprecedented detail of heating events in the solar corona. Enhanced temporal and spatial images obtained by the Solar Orbiter during its first science perihelion enabled us to identify clustered EUV bright tadpoles (CEBTs) occurring near the footpoints of coronal loops. Combining SDO/AIA observations, we determine the altitudes of six distinct CEBTs by stereoscopy, ranging from $\sim$1300 to 3300 km. We then notice a substantial presence of dark, cooler filamentary structures seemingly beneath the CEBTs, displaying periodic up-and-down motions lasting 3 to 5 minutes. This periodic behavior suggests an association of the majority of CEBTs with Type I spicules. Out of the ten selected CEBTs with fast downward velocity, six exhibit corrected velocities close to or exceeding 50 km $s^{-1}$. These velocities notably surpass the typical speeds of Type I spicules. We explore the generation of such velocities. It indicates that due to the previous limited observations of spicules in the EUV wavelengths, they may reveal novel observational features beyond our current understanding. Gaining insights into these features contributes to a better comprehension of small-scale coronal heating dynamics.

[60] 2410.15808

Mean-Field Simulation-Based Inference for Cosmological Initial Conditions

Reconstructing cosmological initial conditions (ICs) from late-time observations is a difficult task, which relies on the use of computationally expensive simulators alongside sophisticated statistical methods to navigate multi-million dimensional parameter spaces. We present a simple method for Bayesian field reconstruction based on modeling the posterior distribution of the initial matter density field to be diagonal Gaussian in Fourier space, with its covariance and the mean estimator being the trainable parts of the algorithm. Training and sampling are extremely fast (training: $\sim 1 \, \mathrm{h}$ on a GPU, sampling: $\lesssim 3 \, \mathrm{s}$ for 1000 samples at resolution $128^3$), and our method supports industry-standard (non-differentiable) $N$-body simulators. We verify the fidelity of the obtained IC samples in terms of summary statistics.

[61] 2410.15810

Probing Na in giant exoplanets with ESPRESSO and 3D NLTE stellar spectra

Neutral sodium was the first atom detected in an exoplanetary atmosphere via transmission spectroscopy and remains the most frequently detected species due to its strong doublet in the optical. However, the center-to-limb variation (CLV) of these lines in the host star can bias the Na detection.When combined with the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect, the CLV can mimic or obscure planetary absorption features. This work investigates the impact of 3D radiation hydrodynamic stellar atmospheres and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) radiative transfer on the modeling of the CLV+RM effect in single-line transmission spectroscopy, to improve the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. We produced a grid of 3D NLTE synthetic spectra for Na I for FGK stars within the following parameter space: Teff=4500-6500 K, log g=4.0-5.0 and [Fe/H]=-0.5, 0, 0.5.This grid was then interpolated to match the stellar parameters of four stars hosting giant exoplanets, to correct for the CLV+RM effect in their transmission spectra. We used ESPRESSO archival observations. Our work confirms the Na detections in three systems, namely WASP-52b, WASP-76b, and WASP-127b, improving the accuracy of the measured absorption depth. Furthermore, we find that 3D NLTE stellar models can explain the spectral features in HD 209458b without the need for any planetary absorption. In the grid of synthetic spectra, we observe that the CLV effect is stronger for stars with low Teff and high log g. However, the combined effect of CLV and RM is highly dependent on the orbital geometry of the planet-star system. With the continuous improvement of instrumentation, it is crucial to use the most accurate stellar models to correct for the CLV+RM effect in high-resolution transmission spectra, to achieve the best possible characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. We make our grid of 3D NLTE spectra for Na publicly available.

[62] 2410.15823

Ab initio strewn field for small asteroids impacts

In recent years, nine small near-Earth asteroids were discovered a few hours before the collision with the Earth: these are about one meter in diameter objects that have all disintegrated in the atmosphere, generating bright fireballs without causing damage. In some cases, several meteorites have been recovered. In cases like these, it is not always possible to triangulate the fireball generated by the asteroid's fall to circumscribe the strewn field position. For this reason, it can be important to compute a strewn field "ab initio", i.e. propagating the asteroid's trajectory in the atmosphere starting from the initial conditions obtained directly from the heliocentric orbit, coupled with some reasonable hypothesis about the mean strength and the mass of the fragments to "sample" the strewn field. By adopting a simple fragmentation model coupled with a real atmospheric profile, useful results can be obtained to locate the strewn field, as we will show for the recent falls of asteroids 2024 BX1, 2023 CX1 and 2008 TC3. It was possible to locate the strewn field of our study cases with an uncertainty of the order of one kilometre with the mean strength in the range 0.5-5 MPa and the mass of the possible final fragments in the 1 g - 1 kg range. We have also verified that a pancake phase after fragmentation is unnecessary to locate the strewn field for a small asteroid fall.

[63] 2410.15834

MultIHeaTS: A Fast and Stable Thermal Solver for Multilayered Planetary Surfaces

A fully implicit scheme is proposed for solving the heat equation in 1D heterogeneous media, available as a computationally efficient open-source Python code. The algorithm uses finite differences on an irregular grid and is unconditionally stable due to the implicit formulation. The thermal solver is validated against a stiff analytical solution, demonstrating its robustness in handling stiff initial conditions. Its general applicability for heterogeneous cases is demonstrated through its use in a planetary surface scenario with nonlinear boundary conditions induced by blackbody thermal emission. MultIHeaTS's advantageous stability allows for computation times up to 100 times faster than Spencer's explicit solver, making it ideal for simulating processes on large timescales. This solver is used to compare the thermal signatures of homogeneous and bilayer profiles on Europa. Results show that homogeneous materials cannot reproduce the thermal signature observed in bilayer profiles, emphasizing the need for multilayer solvers. In order to optimize the scientific return of a space mission, we propose a strategy made of three local time observations that is enough to identify bilayer media, for instance, for the next missions to the Jovian system. A second application of the solver is the estimation of the temperature profile of Europa's near surface (first 10s m) throughout a 1 million yr simulation with varying orbital parameters. The probability distribution of temperature through depth is obtained. Among its various applications, MultIHeaTS serves as the core thermal solver in a multiphysics simulation model detailed in the companion article by C. Mergny & F. Schmidt.

[64] 2410.15838

Dispersion properties of pulsar magnetospheric plasmas with relativistic Kappa distribution

The Kappa distribution could encompass the diverse characteristics of the magnetospheric plasma of surrounding of neutron stars in both hot and cold environments; however, the Maxwell-J\"uttner distribution is so far widely used to characterise these plasmas. We aim to analyse the linear dispersion properties and to compare the growth rates yielded from the relativistic kinetic dispersion relation for the pulsar magnetospheric plasmas. We developed a numerical dispersion solver to investigate the plasmas with arbitrary velocity distributions, mainly focusing on relativistic kappa and Maxwell-J\"uttner distribution functions. By considering different kappa distribution indices and using analytical and numerical approaches, the dispersion properties of the kappa and Maxwell-J\"uttner distributions converge at high wave numbers and low temperatures, indicating that the choice of distribution functions has little effect at higher wave numbers $c.k/\omega_p \gg 1$ and high inverse temperatures $\rho=100$. However, each distribution function exhibits unique and complimentary properties in semi-relativistic to relativistic inverse temperatures $\rho \leq 10-1$ and at lower wave numbers $c.k/\omega_p\leq 1$. This highlights the necessity of utilizing such dispersion solver for these parameters that allows to properly comprehend the dispersion properties of the neutron star magnetospheric plasmas.

[65] 2410.15844

LunaIcy: Exploring Europa's Icy Surface Microstructure through Multiphysics Simulations

A multiphysics simulation model incorporating a sintering model coupled with the MultIHeaTS thermal solver was developed to study the evolution of icy moons' microstructure. The sintering process is highly dependent on temperature, and this study represents the first attempt in planetary science to examine the coupled interaction between heat transfer and sintering. Our approach to ice sintering is based upon the literature while offering a refined description of the matter exchange between grains, bonds, and the pore space. By running the numerical framework, we simulate the evolution of ice microstructure on Galilean satellites, specifically tracking the changes in the ice grain and bond radii over time. LunaIcy, our multiphysics model, was applied to study the evolution of Europa's ice microstructure over 1 million yr along its orbit, with a parameter exploration to investigate the diverse configurations of the icy surface. Our results indicate that effective sintering can take place in regions where daily temperatures briefly surpass 115 K, even during short intervals of the day. Such sintering could not have been detected without the diurnal thermal coupling of LunaIcy due to the cold daily mean temperature. In these regions, sintering occurs within timescales shorter than Europa's ice crust age, suggesting that, in present times, their surface is made of an interconnected ice structure.

[66] 2410.15857

Estimating Gamma-Ray Flux from Millisecond Pulsars Originating in Globular Clusters Near the Galactic Center

In this study, we investigate the contribution of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) to the gamma-ray excess observed in the Galactic Center by analyzing data from high-resolution direct N-body simulations of six globular clusters (GCs) that experience close encounters with the nuclear star cluster. Using the {\phi}-GPU code, we tracked the orbits of individual neutron stars (NSs) formed during the simulations, assuming a fraction of these NSs evolve into MSPs. Our model includes state-of-the-art single stellar evolution code including prescription for neutron star formation. We estimated the gamma-ray flux from these MSPs, considering known values for their gamma-ray emission. Our results show that MSPs originating from the six modeled GCs contribute a small but non-negligible fraction of the observed gamma-ray flux. This finding suggests that the actual gamma-ray flux from MSPs could be much higher when considering the entire population of GCs, potentially significantly contributing to the gamma-ray excess. This study highlights the importance of considering MSPs in the Galactic Center, originating from nearby globular clusters, as a potential source of the observed gamma-ray excess. Future work will involve more sophisticated simulations incorporating binary stellar evolution and comparing the fraction of MSPs in observed GCs to refine our models and improve the accuracy of our estimates.

[67] 2410.15913

The magnetic field in quiescent star-forming filament G16.96+0.27

We present 850 {\mu}m thermal dust polarization observations with a resolution of 14.4"(~ 0.13 pc) towards an infrared dark cloud G16.96+0.27 using JCMT/POL-2. The average magnetic field orientation, which roughly agrees with the larger-scale magnetic field orientation traced by the Planck 353 GHz data, is approximately perpendicular to the filament structure. The estimated plane-of-sky magnetic field strength is ~ 96 {\mu}G and ~ 60 {\mu}G using two variants of the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi methods. We calculate the virial and magnetic critical parameters to evaluate the relative importance of gravity, the magnetic field, and turbulence. The magnetic field and turbulence are both weaker than gravity, but magnetic fields and turbulence together are equal to gravity, suggesting that G16.96+0.27 is in a quasi-equilibrium state. The cloud-magnetic-field alignment is found to have a trend moving away from perpendicularity in the dense regions, which may serve as a tracer of potential fragmentation in such quiescent filaments.

[68] 2410.15917

The GAPS programme at TNG -- LXIII. Photo-evaporating puzzle: Exploring the enigmatic nature of TOI-5398 b atmospheric signal

Atmospheric characterization is key to understanding exoplanetary systems, offering insights into the planets current and past conditions. By analyzing key lines like H alpha and the He I triplet, we can trace the evolution of planets through atmospheric photo-evaporation. While ultra-hot Jupiters have been the focus for years, attention is shifting toward smaller, colder planets, which are more challenging to study due to weaker signals, requiring more precise techniques. This study aims to characterize the atmosphere of TOI-5398 b, a warm Saturn with a 10.59-day orbit around a young (650 Myr) G-type star. The system also hosts a smaller inner planet, TOI-5398 c, with a 4.77-day orbit. Both planets are ideal for atmospheric studies due to their proximity to the host star, which drives strong photo-evaporation, especially in planet b, whose high transmission spectroscopy metric (288) makes it a prime target. We analyzed data from a transit observed with the HARPS-N and GIANO-B high-resolution spectrographs, using cross-correlation and single-line analysis to search for atomic species. During this observation, planet c was also transiting, so we investigated the source of the signals. Based on photo-evaporation models, we attribute the signal mainly to planet b, which is expected to lose more mass. We detected H alpha and He I triplets, key markers of photo-evaporation, corresponding to atmospheric heights of 2.33 Rp and 1.65 Rp, respectively. The ATES models supported our observations, predicting a similar He I absorption for planet b and suggesting an He/H ratio of 1/99. Additionally, we detected an Na I doublet via single-line analysis, though cross-correlation did not reveal other atomic species.

[69] 2410.15964

The magnetic topology of AR13664 leading to its first halo CME

In the first half of May 2024, the solar active region (AR)13664 was responsible for generating the strongest geomagnetic storm in over 20 years, through an enhanced production of X-class flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A key factor in this production was the complex magnetic topology of AR13664. In this work, we investigate the region's magnetic topology related to the production of its first halo CME on May 8th. This is achieved by combining different observations of magnetic topology based on photospheric magnetic winding signatures and nonlinear force-free extrapolations, together with Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) observations at different wavelengths. We present evidence that the first halo CME, and its associated X1 flare, was created by an emerging bipole of twisted magnetic field, following the general picture of the standard flare model. The coincidence of the first large magnetic winding signature with the start time of the X1 flare, provides the onset time for the CME as well as the period of enhanced eruptive activity of the region - 04:36UT on May 8th. Finally, our topological analysis identifies the key topological sub-regions of AR13664 that can lead to subsequent eruptions, which will be useful for further studies of this region.

[70] 2410.16015

Identifying new high-confidence polluted white dwarf candidates using Gaia XP spectra and Self-Organizing Maps

The identification of new white dwarfs (WDs) polluted with heavy elements is important since they provide a valuable tool for inferring chemical properties of putative planetary systems accreting material on their surfaces. The Gaia space mission has provided us with an unprecedented amount of astrometric, photometric, and low resolution (XP) spectroscopic data for millions of newly discovered stellar sources, among them thousands of WDs. In order to find WDs among this data and to identify which ones have metals in their atmospheres, we propose a methodology based on an unsupervised artificial intelligence technique called Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). In our approach a nonlinear high-dimensional dataset is projected on a 2D grid map where similar elements fall into the same neuron. By applying this method, we obtained a clean sample of 66,337 WDs. We performed an automatic spectral classification analysis to them, obtaining 143 bona fide polluted WD candidates not previously classified in the literature. The majority of them are cool WDs and we identify in their XP spectra several metallic lines such as Ca, Mg, Na, Li, and K. The fact that we obtain similar precision metrics than those achieved with recent supervised techniques highlights the power of our unsupervised approach to mine the Gaia archives for hidden treasures to follow-up spectroscopically with higher resolution.

[71] 2410.16018

Size and kinematics of the low-ionization broad emission line region from microlensing-induced line profile distortions in gravitationally lensed quasars

MgII or H$\alpha$ line profile distortions observed in five gravitationally lensed quasars have been compared with simulated ones. The simulations are based on three BLR models, a Keplerian disk (KD), an equatorial wind (EW), and a polar wind (PW). We find that the wide variety of observed line profile distortions can be reproduced with microlensing-induced distortions of line profiles generated by our BLR models. For three quasars, the most likely model is either KD or EW, depending on the orientation of the magnification map with respect to the BLR axis. This shows that the line profile distortions depend on the position and orientation of the BLR with respect to the caustic network, and not only on their different effective sizes. In the other quasars, the EW model is preferred. For all objects, the PW model has a lower probability. We conclude that disk geometries with kinematics dominated by either Keplerian rotation or equatorial outflow best reproduce the microlensing effects on the MgII and H$\alpha$ emission lines. The half-light radii of the MgII and H$\alpha$ BLRs are measured in the range of 3 to 25 light-days. The size of the region emitting the low-ionization lines is larger than the region emitting the high-ionization lines, with a factor of four measured between the sizes of the MgII and CIV emitting regions. The microlensing radii of the BLRs are found to be systematically below the radius-luminosity ($R -L$) relations derived from reverberation mapping, confirming that the intrinsic dispersion of the BLR radii with respect to the $R-L$ relations is large, but also revealing a selection bias that affects microlensing-based BLR size measurements.

[72] 2410.16030

On the spatial distribution of the Large-Scale structure: An Unsupervised search for Parity Violation

We use machine learning methods to search for parity violations in the Large-Scale Structure (LSS) of the Universe, motivated by recent claims of chirality detection using the 4-Point Correlation Function (4PCF), which would suggest new physics during the epoch of inflation. This work seeks to reproduce these claims using methods originating from high energy collider analyses. Our machine learning methods optimise some underlying parity odd function of the data, and use it to evaluate the parity odd fraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness and suitability of these methods and then apply them to the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) catalogue. No parity violation is detected at any significance.

[73] 2410.16042

A new method of reconstructing images of gamma-ray telescopes applied to the LST-1 of CTAO

Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) are used to observe very high-energy photons from the ground. Gamma rays are indirectly detected through the Cherenkov light emitted by the air showers they induce. The new generation of experiments, in particular the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), sets ambitious goals for discoveries of new gamma-ray sources and precise measurements of the already discovered ones. To achieve these goals, both hardware and data analysis must employ cutting-edge techniques. This also applies to the LST-1, the first IACT built for the CTAO, which is currently taking data on the Canary island of La Palma. This paper introduces a new event reconstruction technique for IACT data, aiming to improve the image reconstruction quality and the discrimination between the signal and the background from misidentified hadrons and electrons. The technique models the development of the extensive air shower signal, recorded as a waveform per pixel, seen by CTAO telescopes' cameras. Model parameters are subsequently passed to random forest regressors and classifiers to extract information on the primary particle. The new reconstruction was applied to simulated data and to data from observations of the Crab Nebula performed by the LST-1. The event reconstruction method presented here shows promising performance improvements. The angular and energy resolution, and the sensitivity, are improved by 10 to 20% over most of the energy range. At low energy, improvements reach up to 22%, 47%, and 50%, respectively. A future extension of the method to stereoscopic analysis for telescope arrays will be the next important step.

[74] 2410.16053

Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Nearby Type 1 Quasars. I. Characterisation of the Extended [O III] 5007Å Emission

We use the Hubble Space Telescope to analyse the extended [O III] 5007A emission in seven bright radio-quiet type 1 quasars (QSO1s), focusing on the morphology and physical conditions of their extended Narrow-Line Regions (NLRs). We find NLRs extending 3-9 kpc, with four quasars showing roughly symmetrical structures (b/a=1.2-1.5) and three displaying asymmetric NLRs (b/a=2.4-5.6). When included with type 1 and type 2 AGNs from previous studies, the sizes of the extended [O III] regions scale with luminosity as $R[O III] \sim L[O III]^{0.5}$, consistent with photoionisation. However, when analysed separately, type 1s exhibit a steeper slope ($\gamma=0.57\pm0.05$) compared to type 2 AGNs ($\gamma=0.48\pm0.02$). We use photoionisation modeling to estimate the maximum NLRs sizes, assuming a minimum ionisation parameter of $\log(U) = -3$, an ionising luminosity based on the $L[O III]$-derived bolometric luminosity, and a minimum gas number density $n_H \sim 100\,\text{cm}^{-3}$, assuming that molecular clouds provide a reservoir for the ionised gas. The derived sizes agree well with direct measurements for a sample of type 2 quasars, but are underestimated for the current sample of QSO1s. A better agreement is obtained for the QSO1s using bolometric luminosities derived from the 5100A continuum luminosity. Radial mass profiles for the QSO1s show significant extended mass in all cases, but with less [O III]-emitting gas near the central AGN compared to QSO2s. This may suggest that the QSO1s are in a later evolutionary stage than QSO2s, further past the blow-out stage.

[75] 2410.16065

Searching for Axion-Like Particles with X-ray Observations of Alpha Centauri

We investigate the production of axion-like particles (ALPs) in stellar cores, where they interact with electromagnetic fields and electrons, with typical masses between $\mathcal O(0.1)$ and $\mathcal O(10)$ keV. These low-energy ALPs are gravitationally trapped in the orbits of stars and subsequently decay into two photons that we detect as monochromatic X-ray lines. We propose to search for these gravitationally trapped ALPs in the Alpha Centauri binary system, our closest stellar neighbor, using sensitive X-ray detectors like Chandra and eROSITA. Our search for ALP decay signals in the energy range of 0.2 keV to 10 keV yielded null results, thus establishing the most stringent limits on ALP interactions to date. Specifically, if ALPs are mainly produced by Compton or bremsstrahlung processes (ALP-electron coupling $g_{aee}$ being significant), we have improved the limits on the ALP-photon coupling $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$ by two to three orders of magnitude, in ALP mass range between 0.2 keV to 5 keV, compared to previous measurements, including those from GW170817, SN 2023ixf, and other sources.

[76] 2410.16068

Reconstruction of cosmic ray air shower core location at SURA experiment

SURA is a self-triggered radio array on the roof of physics faculty at Semnan university in Iran. It is designed to detect radio emissions from air showers produced by ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic rays with energies exceeding 1017 eV. The array consists of 4 LPDA radio antennas operating in the 40 MHz to 80 MHz range. In this study, we present a method that compares the signal intensities of simulated and experimental data. Specifically, we use a simulated dense array with a large number of antennas as a reference. By comparing the experimental signal intensity of each antenna to that of the corresponding antenna in the reference array, we can reconstruct the cosmic ray air shower core location. We first validate our method on simulated events to estimate the associated error. Afterward, we apply the technique to the cosmic ray candidates detected by the SURA array. Our results show that the core location can be reconstructed with a minimum error of about 6 m. However, when the characteristics of the shower being reconstructed differ significantly from the reference array, the error increases. Finally, we propose optimizations to improve reconstruction accuracy and reduce simulation time.

[77] 2410.16081

Deep Multimodal Representation Learning for Stellar Spectra

Recently, contrastive learning (CL), a technique most prominently used in natural language and computer vision, has been used to train informative representation spaces for galaxy spectra and images in a self-supervised manner. Following this idea, we implement CL for stars in the Milky Way, for which recent astronomical surveys have produced a huge amount of heterogeneous data. Specifically, we investigate Gaia XP coefficients and RVS spectra. Thus, the methods presented in this work lay the foundation for aggregating the knowledge implicitly contained in the multimodal data to enable downstream tasks like cross-modal generation or fused stellar parameter estimation. We find that CL results in a highly structured representation space that exhibits explicit physical meaning. Evaluating Using this representation space to perform cross-modal generation and stellar label regression results in excellent performance with high-quality generated samples as well as accurate and precise label predictions.

[78] 2410.16114

Observational constraints on massive binaries

Binary interactions are commonplace among massive stars, giving rise observed phenomena such as X-ray binaries, stripped stars & supernovae, and gravitational-wave sources. The multiplicity properties of massive stars thus represent a fundamental observable to calibrate, test, and benchmark models of single-star and binary evolution. In these proceedings, I provide a modern summary of the observed properties of massive binaries across various metallicities, and discuss open problems in the field.

[79] 2410.16116

Multimodal Flare Forecasting with Deep Learning

Solar flare forecasting mainly relies on photospheric magnetograms and associated physical features to predict forthcoming flares. However, it is believed that flare initiation mechanisms often originate in the chromosphere and the lower corona. In this study, we employ deep learning as a purely data-driven approach to compare the predictive capabilities of chromospheric and coronal UV and EUV emissions across different wavelengths with those of photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms. Our findings indicate that individual EUV wavelengths can provide discriminatory power comparable or better to that of line-of-sight magnetograms. Moreover, we identify simple multimodal neural network architectures that consistently outperform single-input models, showing complementarity between the flare precursors that can be extracted from the distinct layers of the solar atmosphere. To mitigate potential biases from known misattributions in Active Region flare catalogs, our models are trained and evaluated using full-disk images and a comprehensive flare event catalog at the full-disk level. We introduce a deep-learning architecture suited for extracting temporal features from full-disk videos.

[80] 2410.16117

Ultra-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Bubble around Microquasar V4641 Sgr

Microquasars are laboratories for the study of jets of relativistic particles produced by accretion onto a spinning black hole. Microquasars are near enough to allow detailed imaging of spatial features across the multiwavelength spectrum. The recent extension of the spatial morphology of a microquasar, SS 433, to TeV gamma rays \cite{abeysekara2018very} localizes the acceleration of electrons at shocks in the jet far from the black hole \cite{hess2024ss433}. Here we report TeV gamma-ray emission from another microquasar, V4641~Sgr, which reveals particle acceleration at similar distances from the black hole as SS~433. Additionally, the gamma-ray spectrum of V4641 is among the hardest TeV spectra observed from any known gamma-ray source and is detected up to 200 TeV. Gamma rays are produced by particles, either electrons or hadrons, of higher energies. Because electrons lose energy more quickly the higher their energy, such a spectrum either very strongly constrains the electron production mechanism or points to the acceleration of high-energy hadrons. This observation suggests that large-scale jets from microquasars could be more common than previously expected and that microquasars could be a significant source of Galactic cosmic rays. high energy gamma-rays also provide unique constraints on the acceleration mechanisms of extra-Galactic cosmic rays postulated to be produced by the supermassive black holes and relativistic jets of quasars. The distance to quasars limits imaging studies due to insufficient angular resolution of gamma-rays and due to attenuation of the highest energy gamma-rays by the extragalactic background light.

[81] 2410.16167

Collisionless tearing instability in relativistic non-thermal pair plasma and its application to MHD turbulence

Collisionless tearing instability with a power-law distribution function in a relativistic pair plasma with a guide field is studied. When the current sheet is supported by plasma pressure, the tearing mode is suppressed as the particle spectrum hardens. In the force-free limit, the instability growth rate becomes independent of the particle spectrum. We apply these results to relativistic MHD turbulence, where magnetic energy greatly exceeds plasma rest energy, and derive an expression for the transverse size of turbulent eddies unstable to tearing mode. We also establish the critical plasma magnetization parameter above which charge starvation prevents the tearing instability. These results might be useful for developing more accurate models of particle acceleration in relativistic astrophysical sources.

[82] 2410.16171

Correcting for Selection Biases in the Determination of the Hubble Constant from Time-Delay Cosmography

Time delays in lensed quasars now provide a $H_0$ estimate comparable in precision to the local distance ladder. The primary source of systematic uncertainty in $H_0$ from time delay cosmography is the mass-sheet transform (MST). The TDCOSMO collaboration inferred that a mass sheet is present such that the inferred Hubble constant decreases by 8$\%$. However, that result is limited by the assumption that the density profiles of galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-quasar lenses are the same. In this work, we use a composite star plus dark matter mass profile for the deflector population and model the selection function for galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-quasar lenses. We find that a power-law density profile with an MST is a good approximation to a two-component mass profile around the Einstein radius, but require a mass sheet parameter, $\lambda_\mathrm{int}$, of 0.95$^{+0.06}_{-0.08}$ for SLACS like galaxy-galaxy lenses and 0.87$^{+0.07}_{-0.06}$ for quadruply-imaged quasars. For individual systems, $\lambda_\mathrm{int}$ is strongly correlated with the ratio of the half-light radius and Einstein radius of the lens. By propagating these results through the TDCOSMO we find that $H_0$ is lowered by $\sim$3\%. Using the velocity dispersions from SLACS IX and our fiducial model for selection biases we infer H$_0 = 66\pm4 \mathrm{(stat)} \pm 1 \mathrm{(model \: sys)} \pm 2 \mathrm{(measurement \: sys)} \mathrm{~km} \mathrm{~s}^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ for the TDCOSMO plus SLACS dataset. The first residual systematic error is due to plausible alternative choices in modelling the selection function, the second is an estimate of the remaining systematic error in the measurement of velocity dispersions for SLACS lenses. Accurate time delay cosmography requires accurate velocity dispersion measurements and accurate calibration of selection biases.

[83] 2410.16176

The impact of the local stellar radiation on the formation and evolution of dwarfs in and near Milky Way analogue

We explore the effect of local stellar radiation on the formation and evolution of the dwarf galaxies near the Milk Way(MW) analogues. Using five simulations from the Auriga project, both with and without local stellar radiation, we find that the local stellar radiation, as a pre-reionization source, is quite effective to photoionize and heat the gas around the proto-MW analogues. As a result, the formation of surrounding dwarf galaxies in dark matter halos with halo masses below approximately $10^{9.5}\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ are significantly suppressed. After the reionization, the intensity of the local stellar radiation eventually becomes comparable to that of UVB, consequently the impact of local stellar radiation on the surrounding dwarf galaxy formation decreases with decreasing redshift, and almost vanishes after redshift $z=4$. At present day, the bright satellite population in the simulations with and without local stellar radiation is nearly identical. While our simulation have no enough resolution to resolve the fainest satellite galaxies which are most prone to the local stellar radiation, we use accreted galaxy mass function to assess the impact, and find that the reduction in the faintest satellite is around $13$ percent in case of the local stellar radiation, a factor not negligible to constrain dark matter models using the precise abundance of MW satellite galaxies.

[84] 2410.16185

Testing early physics solutions to the Hubble tension with CMB data

One approach to reconciling local measurements of a high expansion rate with observations of acoustic oscillations in the CMB and galaxy clustering (the "Hubble tension") is to introduce additional contributions to the $\Lambda$CDM model that are relevant before recombination. While numerous possibilities exist, none are currently well-motivated or preferred by data. However, future CMB experiments, which will measure acoustic peaks to much smaller scales and resolve polarization signals with higher signal-to-noise over large sky areas, should detect almost any such modification at high significance. We propose a model-agnostic method to capture most relevant possible deviations from $\Lambda$CDM due to additional non-interacting components, while remaining sufficiently constraining to enable detection across various scenarios. The phenomenological model uses a fluid model with four parameters governing additional density contributions that peak at different redshifts, and two sound speed parameters. We forecast possible constraints with Simons Observatory, explore parameter degeneracies that arise in $\Lambda$CDM, and demonstrate that this method could detect a range of specific models. Which of the new parameters gets excited can indicate the nature of any new physics, while the generality of the model allows for testing with future data in a way that should not be plagued by a posteriori choices or publication bias. When testing our model with Planck data, we find good consistency with the $\Lambda$CDM model, but the data also allows for large Hubble parameter, especially if the sound speed of an additional component is not too different to that of radiation.

[85] 2410.16200

Thermal tides on rocky planets through a novel fully analytical solution

Thermal tides are atmospheric tides caused by variations in day-night insolation, similar to gravitational tides but with key differences. While both result in delayed mass redistribution, energy dissipation, and angular momentum exchanges between the planet and its host star, thermal tides can drive a planet's dynamics away from the rotational equilibrium states predicted by classical tidal theory. In this work, we present a novel closed-form solution for the thermotidal response of rocky planets. This general solution is derived from first principles, assuming either dry or moist adiabatic temperature profiles for the planet's atmosphere, and can be readily applied to study the long-term evolution of exoplanets in the habitable zones of their host stars. Despite relying on a small number of parameters, the model successfully captures the key features of the thermotidal torque predicted by General Circulation Models (GCMs). It also accurately predicts Earth's current semidiurnal thermotidal response and provides new insights into the evolution of the length of day during the Precambrian era.

[86] 2410.16241

Serendipitous detection of an intense X-ray flare in the weak-line T Tauri star KM Ori with SRG/eROSITA

Weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) exhibit X-ray flares, likely resulting from magnetic reconnection that heats the stellar plasma to very high temperatures. These flares are difficult to identify through targeted observations. Here, we report the serendipitous detection of the brightest X-ray flaring state of KM Ori in the eROSITA DR1 survey. Observations from SRG/eROSITA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and XMM-Newton are analysed to assess the X-ray properties of KM Ori, thereby establishing its flaring state at the eROSITA epoch. The long-term (1999-2020) X-ray light curve generated for the Chandra observations confirmed that eROSITA captured the source at its highest X-ray flaring state recorded to date. Multi-instrument observations support the X-ray flaring state of the source, with time-averaged X-ray luminosity ($L_{0.2-5keV}$) reaching $\sim 1.9\times10^{32}{erg~s^{-1}}$ at the eROSITA epoch, marking it the brightest and possibly the longest flare observed to date. Such intense X-ray flares have been detected only in a few WTTS. The X-ray spectral analysis unveils the presence of multiple thermal plasma components at all epochs. The notably high luminosity ($L_{0.5-8~keV}\sim10^{32}{erg~s}^{-1}$), energy ($E_{0.5-8~keV}\sim10^{37}$erg), and the elevated emission measures of the thermal components in the eROSITA epoch indicate a superflare/megaflare state of KM Ori. Additionally, the H$\alpha$ line equivalent width of $\sim$-5\AA from our optical spectral analysis, combined with the lack of infrared excess in the spectral energy distribution, were used to re-confirm the WTTS (thin disk/disk-less) classification of the source. The long-duration flare of KM Ori observed by eROSITA indicates the possibility of a slow-rise top-flat flare. The detection demonstrates the potential of eROSITA to uncover such rare, transient events, thereby providing new insights into the X-ray activity of WTTS.

[87] 2410.16273

The period-luminosity relation of long-period variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud observed with ATLAS

Period-luminosity relations of long period variables (LPVs) are a powerful tool to map the distances of stars in our galaxy, and are typically calibrated using stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Recent results demonstrated that these relations show a strong dependence on the amplitude of the variability, which can be used to greatly improve distance estimates. However, one of the only highly sampled catalogs of such variables in the LMC is based on OGLE photometry, which does not provide all-sky coverage. Here, we provide the first measurement of the period-luminosity relation of long-period variables in the LMC using photometry from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS). We derive conversions between ugriz, Gaia, and ATLAS c and o passbands with a precision of approximately 0.02 mag, which enable the measurement of reliable amplitudes with ATLAS for crowded fields. We successfully reproduce the known PL sequences A through E, and show evidence for sequence F using the ratios of amplitudes observed in both ATLAS pass-bands. Our work demonstrates that the ATLAS survey can recover variability in evolved red giants and lays the foundation for an all-sky distance map of the Milky Way using long-period variables.

[88] 2410.16274

Cosmic Shimmering: the Gravitational Wave Signal of Time-Resolved Cosmic Shear Observations

We introduce a novel approach for detecting gravitational waves through their influence on the shape of resolved astronomical objects. This method, complementary to pulsar timing arrays and astrometric techniques, explores the time-dependent distortions caused by gravitational waves on the shapes of celestial bodies, such as galaxies or any resolved extended object. By developing a formalism based on that adopted in the analysis of weak lensing effects, we derive the response functions for gravitational wave-induced distortions and compute their angular correlation functions. Our results highlight the sensitivity of these distortions to the lowest frequencies of the gravitational wave spectrum and demonstrate how they produce distinct angular correlation signatures, including null and polarisation-sensitive correlations. These findings pave the way for future high-resolution surveys to exploit this novel observable, potentially offering new insights into the stochastic gravitational wave background and cosmological models.

[89] 2410.16276

Origin of the metal-rich vs. metal-poor globular clusters dichotomies in the Milky Way: A sign of low black hole natal kicks

The bimodal metallicity distribution of globular clusters (GCs) in massive galaxies implies two distinct sub-populations: metal-poor and metal-rich. Using the recent data of \textit{Gaia} we highlighted three distinct dissimilarities between metal-poor and metal-rich GCs in the Milky Way (MW). Half-mass (light) radii of metal-poor GCs exhibit, on average, $\simeq 52 \pm$5 ($60 \pm$3) per cent more expansion than metal-rich ones. Furthermore, the lack of metal-poor GCs at low Galactocentric distances ($R_\mathrm{G}$) follows a triangular pattern in $R_\mathrm{G}$-[Fe/H] space, indicating that GCs with lower metallicities appear further away from the Galactic center. Metal-poor GCs are more susceptible to destruction by the tidal field in the inner part of the MW. We perform a series of \Nbody simulations of star clusters, to study the impact of the BHs' natal kicks on the long-term evolution of low- and high-metallicity GCs to explain these observational aspects. We found that the retention of BHs inside the cluster is crucial to reproducing the observed dissimilarities. The heavier and less expanded BH sub-system (BHSub) in metal-poor clusters leads to more intense few-body encounters, injecting more kinetic energy into the stellar population. Consequently, they experience larger expansion and higher evaporation rates rather than metal-rich clusters. The higher energy production within the BHSub of metal-poor GCs causes them to dissolve before a Hubble time near the Galactic center, leading to a triangular pattern in $R_\mathrm{G}$-[Fe/H] space.

[90] 2410.14734

An upper limit to the lifetime of stellar remnants from gravitational pair production

Black holes are assumed to decay via Hawking radiation. Recently we found evidence that spacetime curvature alone without the need for an event horizon leads to black hole evaporation. Here we investigate the evaporation rate and decay time of a non-rotating star of constant density due to spacetime curvature-induced pair production and apply this to compact stellar remnants such as neutron stars and white dwarfs. We calculate the creation of virtual pairs of massless scalar particles in spherically symmetric asymptotically flat curved spacetimes. This calculation is based on covariant perturbation theory with the quantum field representing, e.g.,\ gravitons or photons. We find that in this picture the evaporation timescale, $\tau$, of massive objects scales with the average mass density, $\rho$, as $\tau\propto\rho^{-3/2}$. The maximum age of neutron stars, $\tau\sim 10^{68}\,\text{yr}$, is comparable to that of low-mass stellar black holes. White dwarfs, supermassive black holes, and dark matter supercluster halos evaporate on longer, but also finite timescales. Neutron stars and white dwarfs decay similarly to black holes, ending in an explosive event when they become unstable. This sets a general upper limit for the lifetime of matter in the universe, which is much longer than the Hubble--Lema\^itre time. Primordial objects with densities above $\rho_\text{max} \approx 3\times 10^{53}\,\text{g/}\text{cm}^3$, however, should have dissolved by now. As a consequence, fossil remnants from a previous universe could be present in our current universe only if the recurrence time of star forming universes is smaller than about $\sim 10^{68}\,\text{years}$.

[91] 2410.14771

Photon conversion to axions and dark photons in magnetized plasmas: a finite-temperature field theory approach

Some of the most stringent constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) arise from considerations of particle emission from astrophysical plasmas. However, many studies assume that particle production occurs in an isotropic plasma environment. This condition is rarely (if ever) met in astrophysical settings, for instance due to the ubiquitous presence of magnetic fields. In anisotropic plasmas, the equations of motion are not diagonal in the usual polarization basis of transverse and longitudinal modes, causing a mixing of these modes and breaking the degeneracy in the dispersion relation of the two transverse modes. This behavior is captured by a $3\times3$ mixing matrix $\pi^{IJ}$, determined by projecting the response tensor of the plasma $\Pi^{\mu\nu}$ into mode space, whose eigenvectors and eigenvalues are related to the normal modes and their dispersion relations. In this work, we provide a general formalism for determining the normal modes of propagation that are coupled to axions and dark photons in an anisotropic plasma. As a key part of this formalism, we present detailed derivations of $\Pi^{\mu\nu}$ for magnetized plasmas in the long-wavelength limit using the real-time formalism of finite-temperature field theory. We provide analytic approximations for the normal modes and their dispersion relations assuming various plasma conditions that are relevant to astrophysical environments. These approximations will allow for a systematic exploration of the effects of plasma anisotropy on BSM particle production.

[92] 2410.14774

Experimental targets for dark photon dark matter

Ultralight dark photon dark matter features distinctive cosmological and astrophysical signatures and is also supported by a burgeoning direct-detection program searching for its kinetic mixing with the ordinary photon over a wide mass range. Dark photons, however, cannot necessarily constitute the dark matter in all of this parameter space. In minimal models where the dark photon mass arises from a dark Higgs mechanism, early Universe dynamics can easily breach the regime of validity of the low-energy effective theory for a massive vector field. In the process, the dark sector can collapse into a cosmic string network, precluding dark photons as viable dark matter. We establish the general conditions under which dark photon production avoids significant backreaction on the dark Higgs and identify regions of parameter space that naturally circumvent these constraints. After surveying implications for known dark photon production mechanisms, we propose novel models that set well-motivated experimental targets across much of the accessible parameter space. We also discuss complementary cosmological and astrophysical signatures that can probe the dark sector physics responsible for dark photon production.

[93] 2410.14776

Regulator-independent equations of state for neutron stars generated from first principles

We study the equation of state (EoS) of a neutron star (NS) accounting for new advances. In the low energy density, $n\leq 0.1 n_s$, with $n_s$ the saturation density, we use a new pure neutron matter EoS that is regulator independent and expressed directly in terms of experimental nucleon-nucleon scattering data. In the highest-density domain our EoS's are matched with pQCD to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$. First principles of causality, thermodynamic consistency and stability are invoked to transit between these two extreme density regimes. The EoS's are further constrained by the new measurements from PREX-II and CREX on the symmetry energy ($S_0$) and its slope ($L$). In addition, we also take into consideration the recent experimental measurements of masses and radii of different NSs and tidal deformabilities. A band of allowed EoS's is then obtained. Interestingly, the resulting values within the band for $S_0$ and $L$ are restricted with remarkably narrower intervals than the input values, with $32.9\leq S_0 \leq 39.5~\text{MeV}$ and $ 37.3 \leq L\leq 69.0~\text{MeV}$ at the 68\% CL. The band of EoS's constructed also allows possible phase transitions (PTs) for NS masses above 2.1~$M_\odot$ at 68\% CL for $n>2.5n_s$. We find both long and short coexistence regions during the PT, corresponding to first and second order PTs, respectively. We also generate the band of EoS's when excluding the astrophysical observables. This is of interest to test General Relativity and modified theories of gravity. Our band of EoS's for NSs can be also used to study other NS properties and dark matter capture in NS.

[94] 2410.14791

Axion effects on gamma-ray spectral irregularities. II: EBL absorption models

In this study, we explore how the extragalactic background light (EBL) absorption effect influences the photon to axionlike particle (ALP) conversions from the very-high-energy gamma-ray spectral irregularities. For our analysis, we select two well-known BL Lac blazars: Markarian 421 and Markarian 501 with their low and well-defined redshifts $z_0=0.031$ and 0.034, respectively. Their gamma-ray data are recently measured by Fermi-LAT and HAWC with the 1038 days of exposure from 2015 June to 2018 July. We first discuss the EBL absorption effect on the gamma-ray spectral energy distributions by using three common EBL spectral models: Franceschini-08, Finke-10, and Gilmore-12. Then we consider the photon-ALP conversions in the astrophysical magnetic fields. Under the ALP assumption with the parameter space of $\{m_a, g_{a\gamma}\}$, we calculate the best-fit chi-square distribution of the EBL models and define a new delta chi-square $\chi_d^2$ to quantify the chi-square difference. Our results show that the impact from these different EBL spectral models are non-dominated at the low-redshift gamma-ray axionscope.

[95] 2410.14806

Characterizing seismic isolation using convolutional neural networks and Wiener filters

We investigate seismic motion propagation through a passively isolated mechanical system, using Wiener filters and convolutional neural networks with time-dilation layers. The goal of this study was to explore the capabilities of neural networks and Wiener filters in characterizing a mechanical system from the measurements. The mechanical system used is a testbed facility for technology development for current and future gravitational wave detectors, "VATIGrav", currently being commissioned at University of Hamburg. It consists of a large vacuum chamber mounted on four active vibration isolators with an optical table inside, mounted on four passive vibration isolators. In this paper we have used seismic data recorded on the ground and on the optical table inside the chamber. The data were divided in 6 hours for training and another 6 hours for validation, focusing on inferring 150-second stretches of time series of table motion from the ground motion in the frequency range from $0.1~\mathrm{Hz}$ to about $50~\mathrm{Hz}$. We compare the performance of a neural network with FTT-based loss function and with Huber loss function to single-input, single-output (SISO) and multiple-input, single-output (MISO) Wiener filters. To be able to compute very large MISO Wiener filters (with 15,000 taps) we have optimized the calculations exploiting block-Toeplitz structure of the matrix in Wiener-Hopf equations. We find that for the given task SISO Wiener filters outperform MISO Wiener filters, mostly due to low coherence between different motion axes. Neural network trained with Huber loss performs slightly worse than Wiener filters. Neural network with FFT-based loss outperforms Wiener filters in some frequency regions, particularly with low amplitudes and reduced coherence, while it tends to slightly underestimate the peaks, where Wiener filters perform better.

[96] 2410.14834

Extracting Geodetic Data from GNSS-VLBI Co-Observation

We have been developing a novel interferometer formed directly between a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescope and a Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) antenna/receiver. This interferometer is enabled by the High Rate Tracking Receiver (HRTR), a high-performance GNSS software-defined receiver that records baseband data similar to a VLBI receiving system. Of particular interest is the potential of the technique to produce precise local tie vectors directly between the geodetic reference points of VLBI and GNSS antennas for use in the determination of combination terrestrial reference frames. In this paper, we will describe the unique setup of this interferometer before discussing current developmental work in estimating local tie vectors from experimental data collected using this technique. In particular, much recent work has been in exploring the possibility of direct comparison of the GNSS and VLBI processing techniques. A significant advantage of GNSS-VLBI co-observation of GNSS satellites comes from the ability to cross-check position and clock estimates derived from differential measurements in VLBI-style processing with differential GNSS processing and absolute GNSS positioning with Precise Point Positioning (PPP). We show a preliminary VLBI analysis of interferometric data including a differential positioning solution using phase delays.

[97] 2410.15192

Gravitational Wave Detector Sensitivity to Eccentric Black Hole Mergers

Orbital eccentricity in compact binary mergers carries crucial information about the binary's formation and environment. There are emerging signs that some of the mergers detected by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors could indeed be eccentric. Nevertheless, the identification of eccentricity via gravitational waves remains challenging, to a large extent because of the limited availability of eccentric gravitational waveforms. While multiple suites of eccentric waveforms have recently been developed, they each cover only a part of the binary parameter space. Here we evaluate the sensitivity of LIGO to eccentric waveforms from the SXS and RIT numerical relativity catalogs and the TEOBResumS-Dali waveform model using data from LIGO-Virgo-Kagra's third observing run. The obtained sensitivities, as functions of eccentricity, mass and mass ratio, are important inputs to understanding detection prospects and observational population constrains. In addition, our results enable the comparison of the waveforms to establish their compatibility and applicability for searches and parameter estimation.

[98] 2410.15542

Adapting a novel framework for rapid inference of massive black hole binaries for LISA

The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is designed to detect a variety of gravitational-wave events, including mergers of massive black hole binaries, stellar-mass black hole inspirals, and extreme mass-ratio inspirals. LISA's capability to observe signals with high signal-to-noise ratios raises concerns about waveform accuracy. Additionally, its ability to observe long-duration signals will raise the computational cost of Bayesian inference, making it challenging to use costly and novel models with standard stochastic sampling methods without incorporating likelihood and waveform acceleration techniques. In this work, we present our attempt to tackle these issues. We adapt ${\tt RIFT}$ for LISA to take advantage of its embarrassingly parallel architecture, enabling efficient analysis of large datasets with costly gravitational wave models without relying on likelihood or waveform acceleration. We demonstrate that we can accurately infer parameters of massive black hole binary signals by carrying out a zero-noise injection recovery using the numerical relativity surrogate model ${\tt NRHybSur3dq8}$. By utilizing all available $m\neq0$ modes in the inference, we study the impact of higher modes on LISA data analysis. We study the impact of multiple massive black hole binary signals in a dataset on the inference of a single signal, showing that the selected source's inference remains largely unaffected. Furthermore, we analyze the LDC-1A and blind LDC-2A datasets from the Radler and Sangria challenge of the LISA data challenges. When eschewing specialized hardware, we find ${\tt NRHybSur3dq8}$ injection-recovery takes approximately $20$ hours to complete, while the analysis of Sangria and Radler datasets takes about $10$ hours to complete.

[99] 2410.15675

Lyman-$α$ limit on axion-like cold dark matter

Using low redshift data on astrophysical reionization, we report new Lyman-$\alpha$ limit on axion-like particle (ALP) as cold dark matter in ALP mass range of $m_{a}\sim 30-1000$ eV. Compared to the Leo T and soft-X ray bound, this limit is so far the most stringent in the ALP mass range of $m_{a}\sim 375-425$ eV and complementary in the ALP mass range otherwise. Combing these limits, we show new exclusion limits on $m_a$ for the ALP DM from either misalignment or freeze-in mechanism.

[100] 2410.15904

Gravitational Collapse in Scale-Dependent Gravity

In this paper we study the Oppenheimer-Snyder (OS) gravitational collapse in the general framework of scale-dependent gravity. We explore the collapse in spherically symmetric solutions suggested both by asymptotically safe gravity (positive $\om$-parameter) and by scale-dependent gravity (negative $\om$-parameter), when a singularity at a finite positive radial coordinate is developed. The inner geometry of the collapsing star is described, as usual, by the spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, and matter is uniformly distributed without any assumptions about its equation of state. The outer asymptotically-safe/scale-dependent black hole metric is smoothly matched to the inner geometry, and this yields the equation of motion of the star surface, the energy density, pressure, and equation of state of the collapsing matter. We study in detail the proper-time evolution of the event and apparent horizons. Finally, the constraints of the energy conditions on the equation of state, and its properties, are considered and discussed.

[101] 2410.15933

Direct Measurements of Synchrotron-Emitting Electrons at Near-Sun Shocks

In this study, we present the first-ever direct measurements of synchrotron-emitting heliospheric traveling shocks, intercepted by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its close encounters. Given that much of our understanding of powerful astrophysical shocks is derived from synchrotron radiation, these observations by PSP provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore how shocks accelerate relativistic electrons and the conditions under which they emit radiation. The probe's unparalleled capabilities to measure both electromagnetic fields and energetic particles with high precision in the near-Sun environment has allowed us to directly correlate the distribution of relativistic electrons with the resulting photon emissions. Our findings reveal that strong quasi-parallel shocks emit radiation at significantly higher intensities than quasi-perpendicular shocks due to the efficient acceleration of ultra-relativistic electrons. These experimental results are consistent with theory and recent observations of supernova remnant shocks and advance our understanding of shock physics across diverse space environments.

[102] 2410.16035

Some generalizations of the convective model of jet generation

For analytical description of the initial stage of jet generation in nonequilibrium inhomogeneous plasma in the magnetohydrodynamic approximation, possible generalizations of solutions of the nonlinear equation for the stream function are analyzed. The jet generation model is based on the mechanism of convective instability and the frozen-in condition of magnetic field lines and is characterized by a number of free parameters. The equation for the radial part of the stream function is satisfied by first-order Bessel functions. To satisfy all the conditions near the jet axis and on its periphery, the found solutions are smoothly joined at the boundary. The final analytical solution for the velocity field is applicable to arbitrary values of dimensionless coordinates. The poloidal velocity increases approximately exponentially, and the azimuthal velocity - according to a superexponential law. In this paper, the velocity field of the jet, which consists of seven sections, is calculated. The rotation of the jet turns out to be differential, and to obtain a solution in quadratures for the azimuthal velocity, one can use not only linear but also power dependences on the altitude. For the exponent n < 1, a noticeable increase in the azimuthal velocity with radius is observed immediately from the jet axis, and for n > 1, a region of relative calm is observed near the axis. The jet model is generalized to the case of an arbitrary dependence of the Brunt-V\"ais\"al\"a frequency on the altitude. The corresponding solutions are found for the radial and vertical velocity components. For the initial stage of development, the vertical and azimuthal components of the generated magnetic field of the jet were also found in the work.

[103] 2410.16086

Enhanced $S$-factor for the $^{14}$N$(p,γ)^{15}$O reaction and its impact on the solar composition problem

The solar composition problem has puzzled astrophysicists for more than 20 years. Recent measurements of carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) neutrinos by the Borexino experiment show a $\sim2\sigma$ tension with the "low-metallicity" determinations. $^{14}$N$(p,\gamma)^{15}$O, the slowest reaction in the CNO cycle, plays a crucial role in the standard solar model (SSM) calculations of CNO neutrino fluxes. Here we report a direct measurement of the $^{14}$N$(p,\gamma)^{15}$O reaction, in which $S$-factors for all transitions were simultaneously determined in the energy range of $E_p=110-260$ keV for the first time. Our results resolve previous discrepancies in the ground-state transition, yielding a zero-energy $S$-factor $S_{114}(0) = 1.92\pm0.08$ keV b which is 14% higher than the $1.68\pm0.14$ keV b recommended in Solar Fusion III (SF-III). With our $S_{114}$ values, the SSM B23-GS98, and the latest global analysis of solar neutrino measurements, the C and N photospheric abundance determined by the Borexino experiment is updated to $N_{\mathrm{CN}}=({4.45}^{+0.69}_{-0.61})\times10^{-4}$. This new $N_{\mathrm{CN}}$ value agrees well with latest "high-metallicity" composition, however, is also consistent with the "low-metallicity" determination within $\sim 1\sigma$ C.L., indicating that the solar metallicity problem remains an open question. In addition, the significant reduction in the uncertainty of $S_{114}$ paves the way for the precise determination of the CN abundance in future large-volume solar neutrino measurements.